Das Projekt "Aussagen zur Vermeidung von Schimmelpilzbefall an Anstrichflächen (F-2001/17)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung durchgeführt. Alle organischen und fast alle organisch-chemischen Substanzen können Schimmelpilzen als Nahrungsgrundlage dienen, also z.B. Holz, Papier, Leime, Lacke und Kunststoffe. Nicht immer ist es das Material selbst, das die Nahrungsgrundlage für die Pilze bildet. Häufig sind es geringste Schmutzablagerungen mit organischen Bestandteilen (Staub, Fette, Öle usw.) die die Pilzentwicklung ermöglichen. Schimmelpilze sind stets ein Indikator für erhöhte Feuchte auf den Oberflächen bzw. im Inneren der Bauteile. Wesentliche Voraussetzung für das Auskeimen der Sporen und die weitere Entwicklung der Pilze, also auch der Schimmelpilze, ist eine je nach Gruppe der Pilze erforderliche Mindestfeuchte an den Bauteiloberflächen und/oder im Inneren der Bauteile. Diese Mindestfeuchte muss über einen ausreichend langen Zeitraum oder aber in kurzen, mehr oder weniger regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Intervallen gegeben sein (z.B. durch Abspritzen mit Wasser). Das Merkblatt behandelt zunächst die Ursachen für den in den letzten Jahren vermehrt auftretenden Befall von außenliegenden Holzoberflächen. In weiteren Abschnitten werden Maßnahmen zum vorbeugende Schutz vor Befall mit Schimmelpilzen sowie zur Abhilfe bei aufgetretenem Bewuchs erläutert.
Das Projekt "Ueberarbeitung des Merkblattes fuer den Unterhaltungs- und Betriebsdienst an Strassen - Teil: Gruenpflege" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt) durchgeführt. Das Merkblatt fuer den Unterhaltungs- und Betriebsdienst an Strassen, Teil Gruenpflege enthaelt Hinweise und Regelungen, wie das Strassenbegleitgruen zu behandeln ist. Seit seiner Ueberarbeitung und Neuausgabe im Jahr 1988 ist eine Reihe weitergehender Regelungen zur Gruenpflege erarbeitet worden. Im Rahmen des Projektes 94652 'Erarbeitung der Grundlagen zur Fortschreibung der Richtlinien fuer die Gruenpflege an Strassen' hat die BASt die Festlegungen des Merkblattes diesen Regelungen und den Ergebnissen neuerer Forschungen gegenuebergestellt und Ansatzpunkte fuer eine Ueberarbeitung des Merkblattes aufgezeigt. Der zustaendige Arbeitskreis der Forschungsgesellschaft fuer Strassen- und Verkehrswesen hat eine Bearbeitungsgruppe mit der Ueberarbeitung beauftragt. Die Neufassung des Merkblattes soll unter Beruecksichtigung der genannten Forschungen und Regelungen auf eine insgesamt kostenguenstigere Gruenpflege ausgerichtet werden.
Das Projekt "Sub project: Quantitative Reconstruction of the Neogene East and West Antarctic Ice Sheet History from Drift Sediments (ODP Leg 178 and Leg 188): A Synthesis" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Zentrum für marine Umweltwissenschaften durchgeführt. The proposed synthesis project aims to quantify the Antarctic ice sheet history of the last 10 Ma. With new statistical tools we will isolate and quantify the 'ice factor' in fine-fraction grain-size distribution data from Antarctic deep-sea drift deposits. In our preparatory work we showed that the sedimentary Antarctic drift bodies are continuous ice archives with a direct link in their built-up history at the continental rise to ice advances to the shelf break. Quantification of the ice volume is therefore possible, since the relative ice-cover to - volume ratio is known from models. In a four step approach we will complete the existing sample collection of Site 1095, increase its time resolution and analyse the recovered data sets with the end-member modeling method. Second step is the validation of the local data set to a regional scale by incorporating samples of a control Site (Site 1101) on a nearby drift. Thirdly we will prepare and analyse samples from a E-Antarctic drift (Site 1165) for a in-depth E-W ice sheet history comparision. During the synthesis phase of the project the new proximal data set will be correlated to a new global isotope -Ca/Mg based ice volume record contributed by our cooperation partners. These are three important reasons to start with the proposed research now: High social relevance of the expected data..., free access to the samples since the one year ODP moratorium for both ODP legs has passed, and the availability of abundant ancillary data from other working groups.
Das Projekt "Merkblatt: Leitlinie Bodenproben" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung durchgeführt. Die Leitlinie gibt Unternehmen bei Verdacht auf Boden- und Grundwasserbelastungen eine erste Hilfestellung und zeigt unter Beachtung der Verhaeltnismaessigkeit der Mittel den notwendigen und realisierbaren Handlungsbedarf auf. Durch Einleitung der richtigen Handlungsschritte und Beteiligung erfahrener Fachleute sollen moeglicherweise vorliegende Schaeden begrenzt werden.
Das Projekt "Emergency Data Sheets für verschiedene Chemikalien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungs- und Beratungsinstitut Gefahrstoffe GmbH (FoBiG) durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "Safety and quality assurance measures along the pellets supply chain (SAFEPELLETS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bioenergy 2020+ GmbH, Firmensitz Graz durchgeführt. Isolated incidents due to increased, toxic emissions in pellet storages have aroused great relevance and urgency on operational and customer safety in wood pellet supply chains. Reportedly two cases of death have occurred in large size vessels for ocean transportation and in harbour facilities. Another three incidents were reported in end-users storage rooms, the last of which resulted in the death of a German engineer. Furthermore, measurements in pellet storages show significantly increased CO concentrations for a relevant number of storages. Until now a definitive cause for increased CO concentration could not be found. Within this project the different approaches and results on safety in pellet supply chains are linked with each other and integrated to a supranational scope. This is of great importance as pellet markets are no longer isolated, but increasingly grow to international resource flows. In this regard, decisive parameters like the amount of off-gasses and the potential for self-heating related to the time from pellet production to end use as well as the raw material composition of pellets resulting from their origin have to be investigated within international scope. The proposed project aims to answer the question, where and under which conditions off-gassing and self-heating from biomass pellets occurs and what measures can be undertaken to reduce these risks. In turn, this project will end out into a draft for setting an international standard on safety measures and inspection methods along the whole pellets supply chain (e.g. by developing Material Safety Data Sheets for wood pellets). This safety issue is decisive for the further extension of pellets markets and thereby reflects high relevance for all enterprises in the pellet utilisation chain.
Das Projekt "Evolution of plant morphological diversity in plant-insect mutualisms" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Institut für Pflanzenbiologie durchgeführt. Most plants rely on insects for their pollination, protection (e.g., from herbivores) and/or seed dispersal, and have formed a mutually beneficial interaction, or mutualism. The current research investigates the evolution of plant traits involved in plant-insect mutualisms. In particular, it focuses on the evolution of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs): secretory structures on plant parts outside the flower, which offer carbohydrate-rich, water-based secretions (=nectar) to ants in return for their protection from herbivores (i.e. protective mutualisms). EFNs occur in some ferns and over hundred families of flowering plants, especially the legume family. However, their phylogenetic distribution within families, morphological diversity and evolution, and evolutionary role are poorly understood. Also EFN plant-ant interactions are known to shape entire tropical and savannah-like ecosystems, but their unexpected occurrence in deserts - where plants need to manage water carefully - has been studied only in a few cacti. This study investigated the diversity and evolution of EFNs at three different levels: (1) in the Leguminosae, the third largest and second economically most important angiosperm family, which also dominates many kinds of vegetation worldwide; (2) in the legume genus Senna, a case study where EFNs represent a key innovation (see past SNF project by B. Marazzi); and (3) in Sonoran Desert plants. Current results show that EFNs occur in species of over 130 legume genera (over twice as many as in the last published account of EFNs in this family). They are particularly abundant in the subfamily Mimosoideae, and may have evolved independently at least 30 times in the family. This incredible number of origins suggests the action of some evolutionary (perhaps genetic) precursor that allowed some clades to evolve EFNs more 'easily' given ceartin selective regimes. Most legume EFNs occur on the (typically pinnate) leaves, less often on stipules and different parts of inflorescences. In Senna, ancestral leaf EFNs appear to have evolved first between the proximal pair of leaflets only (some 40 Million years ago), and later also between the other pairs of leaflets (several times) or only at the base of the leaf stalk (once). In the Sonoran Desert area (including also mountain habitats), EFNs may occur in species from up to 32 families, in several cacti and in particular Leguminosae, dominant in this vegetation. EFNs have apparently been reduced but have been retained in a functional state (i.e., secreting nectar) in most desert legumes, and are thus capable of participating in protective mutualisms with desert ants. This research shows that EFNs are more widespread in plants than previously thought, suggesting that we may have underestimated the role of protective ant-plant interactions in shaping ecosystem ecology and evolution
Das Projekt "Land care in desertification affected areas: from science towards application" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universidade Nova Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas durchgeführt. During recent decades great progress has been made by the scientific community in understanding the nature and complex causes of land degradation and desertification in Europe. Despite efforts (particularly in FP5) to assemble and present the results for practical application, there is still a wealth of research results that have not been fully exploited nor made accessible to those who can benefit from them. The objectives of LUCINDA are to: 1) provide a concise and comprehensive information pack containing guidelines for sustainable land management in desertification-affected areas derived from the scientific results of past and on-going EU research projects; 2) make this information available to regional and local authorities who, through national participation in the UNCCD, have a specific mandate to combat desertification.In the information pack 20 key issues will be addressed including: desertification processes and characteristics of affected Mediterranean landscapes; indicators, monitoring, public awareness, NAPs and effects of policies. For each issue there will be a booklet describing current scientific knowledge and guidelines for its application; a summary leaflet for use by less specialised readers; and a PowerPoint presentation. All the products, plus photos and film clips of affected areas will be made available on a website and on DVD. To write the scientific contents, 22 expert authors will draw on the results of some 28 past and on-going research projects. A communication specialist will design the layout and appearance of the pack and web site.The information pack will be disseminated both within and outside Europe through the UNCCD, National Focal Points and existing established and extensive networks of stakeholders. The complete pack will be available in five languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Greek and English.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 8 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 8 |
License | Count |
offen | 8 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 8 |
Englisch | 4 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 7 |
Webseite | 1 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 6 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 6 |
Luft | 5 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 8 |
Wasser | 7 |
Weitere | 8 |