Das Projekt "HIPERMAG - Nano- and micro-scale engineering of higher-performance MgB2 composite superconductors for macro-scale applications" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden e.V. durchgeführt. HIPERMAG aims to develop the recently discovered super conducting material Mob into a technical superconductor. This new material has the potential to become the conductor of choice in various existing applications, as well as to play a pivotal role in the breakthrough of super conducting technology in the energy domain. A key advantage of Mob over low temperature superconductors is its higher operating temperature, reachable with liquid-cryogen free coolers. This lowers cooling cost, simplifies system design and increases safety. Within a decade, Mob will replace Bit in all applications involving medium-range magnetic fields. The most significant of these is medical MRI, a substantial market in which European companies have a dominant position. Maintaining this competitiveness calls for European research to be at the fore of these developments. Compared to high temperature superconductors, Mob conductors will be a factor 10 less expensive. Presently, the cost of HTS wires slows down the penetration of super conducting technology in the energy domain, where superconductors offer substantial savings in monetary and ecological terms as well as additional functionality. The availability of a suitable low-cost conductor will greatly accelerate this evolution. However, before it can realise this double potential, the performance of Mob has to be enhanced in two respects. Firstly, the maximum magnetic field at which it can operate needs to be increased by modifying the structure-structure of the Mob crystallites inside the super conducting filaments. The effectiveness of such composites-composites has been demonstrated on a lab-scale, but now needs to be obtained with scaleable, low-cost processes. Secondly, the maximum current that Mob conductors carry is presently limited by thermal instabilities. These can be reduced through careful design of the conductor's composite microstructure. Prime Contractor: University Twente, Faculty of Science and Technology; Enschede; Niederlande.
Das Projekt "Neue Version des Moskauer Modells der Globalen Biosphaere (MGBM)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. The Russian school of global biosphere modelling has ample experience and knowledge which should be preserved and utilized for further scientific progress. The idea is to develop a new up-to-date version of the Moscow global biosphere model in the framework of newly established European scientific co-operation, based on 1) the previous experience, 2) more detailed data bases of biosphere processes, 3) improved climatic models, 4) more powerful data processing tools and computers. The main objective of the study is the development of a hierarchy of integrated biosphere models, which would incorporate the main elements of the Earth system (atmosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere and biota), linked with each other and with the anthroposphere by the fluxes of heat, momentum, water and the global biogeochemical cycles. The first priority in the study will be given to the problem of boundaries of the stability domain for the biosphere at the regional and global scales. The methodology to be used in the study is the analytical and simulation modelling of the Earth system, based on the hierarchical model structure. The project will be realized through the development of a hierarchy of integrated biosphere models, including the 3-dimensional (geographically explicit) integrated biosphere model, and a set of simplified conceptual models. The basic 3-dimensional integrated biosphere model will be represented by coupled climate, global (oceanic and terrestrial vegetation) biogeochemical cycles and vegetation dynamics models. The further development of this model pursues the aim of investigating not only the global-scale, but also the regional-scale processes.