Das Projekt "Progress - Promotion and Growth of Renewable Energy Sources and Systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung durchgeführt. The objectives of PROGRESS are to provide the European Commission with: - an updated analysis and assessment of the deployment of RES for electricity production and the progress achieved following the adoption of the RES-E directive. - An updated analysis and assessment of the deployment of RES for heat production and transport purposes and of the progress towards achieving the overall 12Prozent target. - Analysis and assessment of policy developments and how policies affect the development of RES, hereby an overview of administrative, grid and other relevant barriers. The analyses of the barriers will cover national, regional and local level. - Analysis of the status of guarantee of origin in Member States and a proposal of common rules. Project leader: Ecofys ( Netherland).
Das Projekt "Feasibility study on means of combating forest dieback in the European Union" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. All EU Member States face economic and ecological losses due to forest damages. Thus, combating forest dieback, as for example caused by climate change, is a contribution to human safety and well-being and the sustainable development of Europe. The Feasibility Study on means of combating forest dieback in the European Union was initiated by the European Parliament demanding the European Commission to develop a concrete proposal for preventing, mitigating and control forest dieback in the EU. The study was carried out by the Institute for World Forestry and the European Forest Institute (EFI) in 2007. The main objectives of the study were to: - review the different factors affecting forest dieback in the EU and their related causes, - analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of available EU legislations and instruments to combat forest dieback in the EU and - examine the possibilities for establishing a specialised entity for forest protection. In the scope of the feasibility study a survey was conducted in the EU Member States on the importance of damaging agents in EU27 forests. The results of the survey show that the importance of individual threats to forest ecosystem health and vitality varies within European regions. Insects, storm/windfall, and fire were regarded as the most serious threats in Central Europe, Western Europe and Southern Europe respectively. Regional differences exist in relation to damage types and intensity, which thus reflect the importance for particular instruments to prevent, mitigate and control various causes of forest dieback. The feasibility study showed that at the EU level several efficient and well established measures have been implemented which contribute to the prevention, mitigation and control of forest dieback. The study showed also that as a consequence of the current state and the predicted development of environmental pressures, such as climate change, future activities on the EU level to combat forest dieback are urgently needed. Existing measures have to be further developed in order to (a) increase synergy effects between individual instruments, (b) make the instruments more transparent to the entire range of potential stakeholders and beneficiaries, and (c) improve the communication between the different actors involved. A major challenge will be to incorporate future patterns of forest dieback, into existing, amended or new measures. Only the triad of prevention, mitigation and control will put the EU into a position to maintain and enhance the multiple, beneficial functions of forests and their contribution to the quality of life.
Das Projekt "Erarbeitung von Anforderungen zur Einhaltung der Ziele der Altautorichtlinie 2000/53/EC" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ökopol Institut für Ökologie und Politik GmbH durchgeführt. On behalf of the European Commission DG Environment Ökopol is performing a study to develop a basis for a decision about detailed rules on compliance with the targets of Article 7 of End of Life Vehicle Directive (2000/53/EC). Background and Objectives of the study Article 7 (2) of Directive 2000/53 on end-of-life vehicles (ELV) establishes that, no later than 1 January 2006, for all end-of-life vehicles, the re-use and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 85 percent by an average weight per vehicle and year. Within the same time limit the re-use and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 80 percent by an average weight per vehicle and year. For all end-of-life vehicles no later than 1 January 2015 the re-use and recovery shall be increased to a minimum of 95 percent by an average weight per vehicle and year. Within the same time limit, the re-use and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 85 percent by an average weight per vehicle and year (Art. 7 (2) b)). Article 7.2 of Directive 2000/53/EC requests the Commission to establish the detailed rules necessary to control compliance of Member States with the mentioned targets, taking into account all relevant factors, including the availability of data and the issue of exports and imports of end-of-life vehicles. It is the objective of this study to elaborate a basis for a decision on how recovery rates according to Article 7 of the end of live vehicle directive shall be calculated. Central tasks are: Detailed explanation of how the re-use, recycling and recovery rates are calculated at present in the existing schemes at national level. Presentation and explanation of elements which distinguish different calculation methods, including an assessment of their advantages and disadvantages. Assessment of the comparability of the methods of calculation of re-use, recycling and recovery targets at national level. Collection of data on the number of vehicles that are deregistered in Member States but exported to third countries before treatment. Collection of data on cross-border shipments of end-of-life vehicles between the European Union and third countries.
Das Projekt "A coordination action to prepare European Hydrogen and fuel cell demonstration projects (HYLIGHTS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: HyLights is a CA facilitating the planning of HyCOM. Focus is an assessment of concluded/ongoing H2/FC demonstration projects and recommendations for the preparation of HyCOM/Lighthouse Projects LP. Although HyLights's assessment focuses on transport stationary and portable H2 applications will be considered if synergies become apparent. HyLights will comprise 3 phases of 12 months each. Phase I includes a methodology definition and assessment, Phase II gaps analysis and development of recommendations and Phase III continuous monitoring. HyLights will need to draw from a network of relevant experts. For this purpose a European Partnership for Hydrogen in Transport EPHT will be established to extend the reach of the European Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Platform HFP. An asset of EPHT will be to include the member states/regions view through a moderation process. Dissemination of the project results will supplement the activity, coherently presenting the European demonstration projects.
Das Projekt "Support to Member States in improving waste management based on assessment of Member States' performance" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BIPRO Beratungsgesellschaft für integrierte Problemlösungen GmbH durchgeführt. Implementation of EU waste legislation shows large differences in the EU Member States especially with regard to municipal waste management. Major discrepancies prevail particularly in the implementation and application of the Waste Framework Directive and proper transposition of EU requirements into national legislation. The waste management performance of all EU Member States was subject to screening to identify those Member States with the largest implementation gaps, in particular in relation to municipal waste management. For screening the main elements and legal requirements stemming from EU waste directives (mainly from the Waste Framework and the Landfill Directive) were considered for the design of suitable criteria. These core elements comprise the practical implementation of the waste management hierarchy, application of economic and legal instruments to move up the waste hierarchy, sufficiency of treatment infrastructure and quality of waste management planning, the fulfilment of targets and infringement procedures. These elements were assessed by 18 criteria for each Member State taking into account information sources at EU, national or regional level. Latest available statistical data and data of former years for comparison of development within a country were extracted from the EUROSTAT database. References comprised reports published by the European Commission, the European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, internal working documents of EUROSTAT and the EU Commission as well as national/regional Waste Management Plans. Where available also Waste Prevention Programmes were screened. The screening results confirmed the assumption of large differences within the EU-27 with regard to treatment of municipal waste, compliance with the WFD and Landfill Directives and application of legal or economic instruments as well as planning quality. For each criterion two, one or zero points could be achieved, leading to maximum points of 42 for all criteria. The methodology includes weighting of results for three selected criteria related to the application of the treatment options recycling, energy recovery and disposal of municipal waste.
Das Projekt "HARMONISED,accurate and reliable prediction methods for the eu directive on the assessment and management of environmental noise (HARMONOISE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre Oberpfaffenhofen durchgeführt. Objective: The European commission has recently published the Draft Directive on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise. The commission announces, e.g. in article 1 that intelligent, common, harmonised computation methods with ensured accuracy need to be developed. None of the many existing methods in the Member States satisfies these requirements. The HARMONOISE project intends to develop and validate such methods for the Assessment and Management of Noise from Road and Rail Traffic. The project will build on the most recent scientific achievements in all Member States and will also provide consensus amongst future users throughout the EC. For this purpose the Consortium has a wide international and scientific background. The methods to be provided will be implemented as obligatory under the Directive and will thus find a wide use for purposes of noise planning, mapping, zoning, noise abatement measures and strategies and for compliance checks. Objectives: 1. To develop methods by which the sound power output and the directivity of sources of road and rail traffic can be described and assessed as an accurate physical quantity which is independent of short distance sound propagation; 2. To establish a better correlation with future legislation on limiting the noise generation; 3. To define the format of databases by which source dependent data and location dependent data can be collected and stored; 4. To define the minimum set of meteorological conditions which are to be distinguished in order to derive the long term average noise indicator Lden for 3 different periods of the day (day, evening, night) with sufficient accuracy; 5. To apply advanced scientific tools to model and describe the sound propagation under these conditions;6. To validate the models against empirical data of the highest level of definition; 7. To integrate the above steps into one system of methods to be applied by users anywhere in the EC. Work description: Prediction methods for environmental noise from road and rail traffic and from industrial sources are available in various EU member states. These methods show many lacunae: some of them cannot produce the harmonised noise indicator Lden; others show insufficiencies in e.g. the separation of source power output and propagation (usually leading to different propagation models for different sources, which can not be justified from a scientific point of view). Complicated propagation conditions (e.g. multiple reflections in built up areas) show low accuracy. The Harmonoise project will collect the empirical data on which the existing methods were based as well as the models themselves and use these as a starting point for improvement and harmonisation. The source description will be based on true physical quantities (sound power level, directivity), independent of the propagation conditions. Prime Contractor: AEA Technology Rail BV; Utrecht; Nederland.
Das Projekt "Background Criteria for the Identification of Groundwater Thresholds (BRIDGE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institut für Energieforschung, Systemforschung und Technologische Entwicklung (IEF-STE) GmbH durchgeführt. The Commission proposal of Groundwater Directive COM(2003)550 developed under Article 17 of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) sets out criteria for the assessment of the chemical status of groundwater, which is based on existing Community quality standards (nitrates, pesticides and biocides) and on the requirement for Member States to identify pollutants and threshold values that are representative of groundwater bodies found as being at risk, in accordance with the analysis of pressures and impacts carried out under the WFD. In the light of the above, the objectives of BRIDGE are: i) to study and gather scientific outputs which could be used to set out criteria for the assessment of the chemical status of groundwater, ii) to derive a plausible general approach, how to structure relevant criteria appropriately with the aim to set representative groundwater threshold values scientifically sound and defined at national river basin district or groundwater body level, iii) to check the applicability and validity by means of case studies at European scale, iv) to undertake additional research studies to complete the available data, v) and to carry out an environmental impact assessment taking into account the economic and social impacts. The project shall be carried out at European level, involving a range of stakeholders and efficiently linking the scientific and policy-making communities. Considering the requirement of the diary of the Groundwater Daughter Directive proposal, which implies that groundwater pollutants and related threshold values should be identified before December 2005 and listed by June 2006, the duration of the project should be 24 months. In that way the proposed research will contribute to provide research elements that will be indispensable for preparing discussions on further steps of the future Groundwater Directive. Prime Contractor: Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Service Analyse et Caracterisation Minerale, Paris FR
Das Projekt "Enhanced co-operation between EU member states and associated candidate states in maritime research on transport (ENCOMAR - TRANSPORT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Center of Maritime Technologies e.V. durchgeführt. Objective: ENCOMAR-TRANSPORT aims to improve co-operation between the new member states, applicant countries as well as Russia, Ukraine and Turkey in the maritime fields. ENCOMAR-TRANSPORT has two general strategic objectives:- to support the integration of the new member states, applicant countries, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey into the European Maritime Research Area, thus supporting EU policies and the formation of ERA- to support the goals defined in the maritime part of the Sustainable Surface Priority of the 6 th Framework Programme. To support integration, ENCOMAR-TRANSPORT will help to jointly use R&D potentials and resources.ENCOMAR-TRANSPORT will promote a culture of innovation and fertilize participation of SMEs in European research. Technically, enhan ced exchange of information, technology transfer and research cooperation initiated by the project will help to meet demands of European transport policy and to the objectives of the sustainable surface transportpriority. Particular focus will be on:- S hipbuilding and -repair, including ship equipment manufacturers and maritime service providers,- Waterborne (long-haul, short sea and inland waters) transport in Europe.- Maritime Transport safety will especially focus on transport of dangerous goods to a void environmental- hazards in European waters, the Baltic and Mediterranean and Black Sea.- Efficient transport of marine natural resources is in the focus as well. The following activities will be undertaken:- Creation of a Network of Maritime R&D N ational Contact Points.- Inform about potentials and activities of European research in the new member states and neighbours of the EU by workshops in those countries. Inform research community and industry about the potential of countries not yet integra ted in European research.
Das Projekt "Trends and Indicators for Monitoring the EU Thematic Strategy on Sustainable Development of Urban Environment (TISSUE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ICLEI - Local Goverments for Sustainability, Europasekretariat GmbH durchgeführt. Within the 6th Environment Action Programme, the Commission will develop a Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment. The work will include the development of appropriate indicators and other monitoring tools to assess the effectiveness of the strategy. This task is taken as a premise for the project. TISSUE will evaluate whether the information that can be received with help of existing indicators will be adequate to monitor the Strategy or whether further indicators should be developed. In order to successfully fulfil the task, the project will co-operate with other ongoing actions; in particular the work of the Expert Group on the Urban Environment and their Thematic Working Groups. The overall goal of the project is deployed in specific objectives as follows: - analyse demand and define appropriate trends (in consultation with the Commission) which should be measured to properly determine progress towards sustainable development of the urban environment at local level; - carry out comparative research on existing sets of indicators to determine whether they: i) are able to provide the information needed to monitor developments at the different local levels on the trends identified in the first step; ii) can be used to assess trends at the EU level; iii) their implementation is viable; - define the set-up needed for a harmonised set of indicators and for effectively utilising the information from existing indicators and make recommendations for further research; analyse the conditions how to increase the acceptance of harmonised sets of indicators through Europe and motivate the cities to use them. - collect indicators and structure the indicators into a database. The indicators to be considered are urban environment indicators in use or being developed at EU level, national level in the member states and at regional and/or local level in use across EU. TISSUE will make recommendations about the usability of different sets of indicators.
Das Projekt "Berichtspflichten zur EU-Umgebungslärmrichtlinie: Nationale Umsetzung von CNOSSOS-EU" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt) durchgeführt. To improve the noise situation in Europe, the EU issued the Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC) in 2002. It was transposed into German law in 2005. The aim is to reduce environmental noise and prevent an increase in noise in previously quiet areas. To this end, noise pollution is to be recorded in noise maps by means of uniform assessment methods for noise indices in Europe and then reduced by means of concrete measures. In recent years, the EU has developed these methods under the acronym CNOSSOS-EU (Common Noise Assessment Methods in Europe) with the participation of the Member States. These calculation methods were introduced by an amendment to Annex II of the EU Environmental Noise Directive 2015 as Directive (EU) 2015/996 (1) for subsequent national implementation ((2) to (6)) and are to be applied by all Member States as of 1 January 2019. In this documentation, the methods for the determination of sound emissions, the calculation of sound propagation and the assessment of noise exposure are applied to exemplary scenarios. A distinction is made between noise from sources close to the ground (road, rail, industry) and sources from air traffic (aircraft noise). In accordance with the calculation regulations (2) to (6), model calculations (creating scenarios and test cases) are documented in detail. This way, a quality assurance of noise calculations in accordance with DIN 45687 (11) is made possible and a uniform and comprehensible application of the methods is ensured throughout Germany.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 28 |
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Förderprogramm | 28 |
License | Count |
offen | 28 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 28 |
Englisch | 26 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 16 |
Webseite | 12 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 19 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 26 |
Luft | 18 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 28 |
Wasser | 17 |
Weitere | 28 |