Das Projekt "Kostenschaetzung fuer Umweltschaeden durch Luftverschmutzung an Objekten des kulturellen Erbes und die Durchfuehrung einer Fallstudie: Richtlinien fuer eine 'SEA' im Bereich der Lincoln-Kathedrale in GB" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Trier, European Association for Environmental Management Education - Focal Point Trier -, Europäisches Diplom in Umweltwissenschaften durchgeführt. Air Pollution represents a real problem of historical heritage. As a result, decisions have to be made about whether pollution controls are warranted. This thesis studies the economic methods to evaluate damage by air pollution on historical heritage. It supports the decision-makers in following useful abatement pollution strategies and in applying cost-effectiveness policies towards the sustainable development issues driven by the European Union. The work outlines the principal guidelines of one procedure: the 'Strategic Environmental Assessment' on a particular area of Central East England, not forgetting to consider the European dimension and the importance of the multidisciplinarity approach. The project is aimed at forming part of a case study on Lincoln Cathedral area emphasising the principal steps to apply the aforementioned 'SEA'.