Das Projekt "SP 1.2 Optimisation of soil organic matter management under intensive cropping in the North China Plain" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340), Fachgebiet Düngung und Bodenstoffhaushalt (340i) durchgeführt. Intensive maize-wheat double cropping is a common plant production system at the North China Plains. More than 600 kg N/ha as mineral N fertiliser are applied annually while only 300 to 350 kg N/ha are removed with plant products. Despite of this extraordinarily high level of N-fertilisation, the yield potential in the common wheat-maize cropping system is by far not fully taped yet. Beside low N utilization efficiencies (partly less than 30 percent), frequent lodging and environmental pollution including leaching and gaseous losses of N are the results of the excessive use of fertiliser-N. Within this study, different N-fertilisation, tillage and cropping strategies shall be investigated with their potential to maintain high levels of SOM and to guaranty high and stable yields in the long term in the North China Plain. Future developments like climate change and increasing demand for energy production from plant residues shall be considered. Special emphasis will be put on the fate of (fertilised) N which preferably should be available for plant uptake and built up of organic matter but may also disappear by leaching and gaseous losses. A combination of lab experiments, existing and newly established long term field experiments combined with computer modelling shall be used to extrapolate short and medium term findings into the future and up to a regional scale.
Das Projekt "B 2.3: Transport of agrochemicals in a watershed in Northern Thailand - Phase 3" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre, Fachgebiet Biogeophysik durchgeführt. Land use changes of the last decades in the mountainous regions of Northern Thailand have been accompanied by an increased input of agrochemicals, which might be transferred to rivers by surface and/or subsurface flow. Where the river water is used for household consumption, irrigation and other purposes, agrochemical losses pose a serious risk to the environment and food safety. In the first and the second phase, subproject B2 collected data on and gained knowledge of the vertical and lateral transport processes that govern the environmental fate of selected agrochemicals at the plot and the hillslope scale (Ciglasch et al., 2005; Kahl et al., 2006). In the third phase, B2.3 will turn from the hillslope to the watershed scale. For simulation of water flow and pesticide transport the SWAT model (Neitsch et al., 2002b) will be adapted and used. The study area will be the Mae Sa watershed (138 km2), which includes the Mae Sa Noi subcatchment where B2 carried out detailed investigations during the last two phases. The specific focus of the subproject will be the parameterization and calibration of the SWAT model and its integration into the model network of the SFB. The SFB database has been established and can be used for model parameterization. In addition, high-quality geo-data are available from the Geoinformatic and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) in Chiang Mai. For model calibration, discharge measurements are available for the Mae Sa Noi subcatchment (12 km2) and for the neighboring Mae Nai subcatchment (18 km2). To collect data on the Mae Sa watershed discharge, at the very beginning of the third phase gauging stations will be established in a midstream position and at the outlet of the watershed. Pesticide fluxes will be measured at each gauging station as well as in the Mae Sa Noi subcatchment, where B2.2 has operated two flumes equipped with automatic discharge-proportional water samplers since 2004. Rainfall distribution and intensity will be monitored with a net of automatic rain gauges. Hydrograph separation will be performed using soil and river temperatures (Kobayashi et al., 1999). Within the watershed temperature loggers will be installed at different soil depths to measure the temperature of the different discharge components. Already at the beginning of the second year of the third phase we will start to couple the SWAT model with land use and farm household models of the SFB and to use the model to assess the effect of land use and land management changes on the loss of pesticides to surface waters.
Das Projekt "B 2: Lateral water flow and transport of agrochemicals - Phase 1" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre durchgeführt. The project aims at developing a model of the dynamics of agrochemicals (fertilisers, pesticides) and selected heavy metals on a regional scale as a function of cropping intensity in the highland areas of Northern Thailand. The model shall predict the effects of cropping intensity on mobility and leaching of agrochemicals in the agriculturally used system itself but also on the chemical status of neighbouring ecosystems including downstream areas. The methods for measuring and estimating the fluxes of agrochemicals in soils will be adapted to the conditions of the soils and sites in Northern Thailand. Fluxes of agrochemicals will be measured in fruit tree orchards on the experimental sites established together with projects B1, C1 and D1. Also, processes governing the dynamics of agrochemicals will be studied. The objectives for the first phase are as follows: - To identify suitable study sites - To establish the methods for measuring the fluxes of agrochemicals in the study sites - To adopt the analytical procedures for pesticides - To identify and parametrise the processes governing the mobility of agrochemicals - To identify the major chemical transformation processes for agrochemicals in the soils of the project area - To establish models of the fate of agrochemicals an the plot scale. Dynamics of agrochemicals include processes of mobilisation/immobilisation, degradation and transport. Both, experiments and field inventories are needed to elucidate the complex interaction of the various processes. Field measurements of the fluxes of nutrient elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu), pesticides and some heavy metals will be conducted at different regional scales (plot, agricultural system, small catchment, region). Laboratory and field experiments consider chemical, physicochemical and biological processes. Biological processes and degradation of pesticides will not be considered in the first phase of the project, however, they should be included later on. The project as a whole is broken down into three essential parts, which consecutively follow each other. The subproject is methods- and processes-orientated. Methods, which were developed in Hohenheim to quantify the fluxes of chemicals in soils have to be adapted to meet the requirements of the specific conditions in the study area. Recently, these methods are already under development in tropical environments (Vietnam, Costa Rica). After adaptation the methods will be used to yield flux data on the plot scale. These data are needed to help deciding which of the hypothesised processes are of major importance for modelling the dynamics of agrochemicals. The final outcome of this project phase are models of the fate of agrochemicals as a function of management intensity on the plot scale.
Das Projekt "D 6.1: Improving fruit set and quality standards of mango in the mountainous area of Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Ertragsphysiologie der Sonderkulturen (340f) durchgeführt. A major problem in mango production in Northern Vietnam is a premature fruit drop. However, the underlying plant processes in response to environmental and/or crop management factors are not understood. There is a general belief that this phenomenon is caused by different combinations of stressing factors which may vary between different regions and sites. In the mountainous area of northern Vietnam (Son La Province), fruit drop in mango may be caused by relatively hot, dry prevailing winds which typically occur in February/March. Consequently, it has to be determined which plant process responds sensitively to specific environmental conditions and subsequently causes, through its alteration, premature fruit drop. The identification of the physiological basis of premature fruit drop not only is of scientific interest but also of commercial significance, allowing the development of effective, fruit drop reducing crop management strategies and thus ensuring a economically sustainable cultivation of mango in this region. The research project has two main parts; environmental crop physiology and fruit quality. The environmental crop physiology part investigates whether premature fruit drop is caused by high temperature/vapour pressure deficit (VPD) conditions and related to: 1. temperature dependence of pollen tube growth and flower quality; 2. altered carbon fixation and carbon partitioning between sources (leaves) and sinks (fruit), thus possible limitations of carbon supply to developing mango fruit; 3. altered basipetal auxin export from fruit and fruit ethylene concentration. The fruit quality part will primarily carry out sensory fruit analyses and establish harvest quality criteria with the aim to improve the economic returns and thereby the economic situation of the fruit growers in the long-term.
Das Projekt "B 1.2: Efficient water use in limestone areas - Phase 2" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre durchgeführt. The elevated areas of Northern Thailand highlands are inhabited by ethnic minorities. On the other hand, the Thai majority prefers the valley bottoms. Population growth of all groups, reforestation and commercialisation of agriculture lead to an increasing pressure on land and water resources. Therefore, intensified land and water use systems are desired which are resource conserving at the same time. Here, special problem areas are the karstic limestone catchments due to the limited of surface waters.Own pre-investigations together with subproject A1 have shown, that land use systems there are subsistence oriented and local farmers do not use irrigation. But they would like to develop such technology, especially in order to increase staple crop production (highland rice, maize). But lack of irrigation possibilities is also responsible for the lack of diversification of land use systems with respect to orchards. One possibility to increase staple crop yields is to prolong the vegetation period by use of water harvesting technologies. Aim of this project is to develop such low cost water harvesting technologies (together with subproject B3.1) based on a participatory approach and to model the effect of these on the water balance at the catchments scale. This will be done on the basis of the previous variability studies and should lead to model tools, which allow to evaluate ex ante SFB innovation effects on the water balance. The project area is the Bor Krai catchments. Here, weirs will be installed to quantify surface water availability. An investigation plot will be situated near the village of Bor Krai which serves for water balance measurements (TDR/densitometry) and at the same time as demonstration plot for the local community. Here water harvesting by means of filling the soils field capacity at the end of the rainy season by gravity irrigation in order to prolong the vegetation period will be researched. Through cropping of participatory evaluated varieties the crop yield should be increased. The water consumption of traditionally managed and dominant crops (including orchards) will be measured at three further sites in the catchment (TDR, tensiometer). The water balance of the soil cover in the karst catchment will be based on the coupling of a SOTER map with a water transport model. The data base will be completed by soil type mapping, spatially randomised collection of soil physical properties (texture, bulk density, infiltration, water retention curve) and determination of the ku-function at two representative sites. As project results the available water amount for irrigation purposes will be quantified. The effective use of this water reserve will lead to increased productivity of the dominant crops and limitations to orchard productivity will be reduced. (abridged text)
Das Projekt "D 7: Research for improved fish nutrition and fish health in upland aquaculture systems in Yen Chau, Son La Province, Northern Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tierproduktion in den Tropen und Subtropen (480), Fachgebiet Aquakultur-Systeme und Tierernährung in den Tropen und Subtropen (490i) durchgeführt. Background: Aquaculture significantly contributes to protein supply and cash income of Black Thai farmers in Yen Chau, Son La province, Northern Vietnam. Fish is produced for cash income (2/3rd) and subsistence (1/3rd) while self recruiting species (small fish, crustaceans and molluscs) provide additional protein for home consumption. The current aquaculture system is a polyculture of the macroherbivorous grass carp as main species together with 3-5 other non-herbivorous fish species like Common Carp, Silver Carp, Bighead Carp, Mud Carp, Silver Barb and Nile Tilapia. With a rearing period of 21 months, the productivity of the aquaculture system amounts to 1.54 +- 0.33 t ha-1 a-1 and can be characterized as low. Nearly each household has at least one pond, which serves multiple purposes and is operated as a flow-through-system. The steady water flow is advantageous for the culture of grass carp, but causes a continuous loss of nutrients and high turbidity and thereby limits the development of phytoplankton and zooplankton which are natural food for non-herbivorous species. The farmers are using mainly green leaves (banana, bamboo, cassava, maize and grass) and crop residues (rice bran, rice husk, cassava root peel, distillery residue) as feed input, which is available to Grass Carp while non-herbivorous fish species are not fed specifically. Manure is used as fertilizer. The uneaten parts of fed plants are sometimes accumulating in the pond over several years, resulting in heavy loads of organic matter causing oxygen depletion. Anaerobic sediment and water layers limit the development of zoobenthos and may provide a habitat for anaerobe disease agents. Since 2003 an unknown disease condition has been threatening Grass Carp production and is having a major economic impact on the earnings from fish farming in Yen Chau region. Other fish in the same ponds are not affected. Especially in March-April and in September-October the disease is causing high morbidity and mortalities of Grass Carp in affected ponds and is thereby decreasing the dietary protein supply and income generation of Black Thai farmers. Little is known about the definition or aetiology of the disease condition.
Das Projekt "B 4.1: Land vulnerability and land suitability analysis in Northern Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre durchgeführt. As populations are steadily increasing in VN, farming land becomes scarce and new areas are opened up for cultivation, mainly in mountainous regions. On the fragile steep slopes deforestation and soil erosion are the well-known consequences. Land use in Yen Chau District, the study area in Son La, has significantly changed in the last decades. Until now, mainly soil degradation is reported on upland fields, but also soil erosion is increasing, both decreasing crop yields. In this project a database for topography, land use and soil properties within two subcatchments in Yen Chau will be created. The main goal of the project will be to carry out land suitability analysis and land vulnerability analysis, based on the data stored in the database, to provide tools for future sustainable land use planning. For this, a broad approach is intended by assessing land suitability for various crops, fruit trees and livestock production as well as to work out land vulnerability of the research area based on soil characteristics and topographic situation. The land suitability and vulnerability analysis will be carried out with the adopted SOTER (Soil and Terrain) approach. Normally used for a 1:500000 scale the SOTER technology will be developed for a 1:50.000 scale for two subcatchments. This is especially necessary because the closely cooperating projects C4.1 (Land use modelling), B5.1 (Water quality analysis) and G1.2 (Sustainability strategies) will rely on the spatial data of this scale. A totally new objective will be attempted by breaking down the SOTER technology to a scale of 1:5.000 for a village area in one of the selected subcatchments to regard the typical small-scale land use mosaic of a village area. Only with this scale the typical small scale land use mosaic of a village area can relatively precisely be mapped taking settlement areas, fish ponds, homegardens, fields, pastures, forests and scrubland as well as streams and creeks into account. With this approach it will be the first time possible to evaluate agricultural production on a village level using the SOTER technology. The SOTER database will be used with algorithms and soil transfer functions in order to derive soil suitability and soil vulnerability of certain areas. For the suitability analysis of different crops mainly the static approach for water regime, nutrient regime and potential root zone will be generated. As an important tool for decision making the erosion hazards due to water and especially gravity has to be visualized. As participatory soil mapping provides valuable additional information for land use evaluation and potential planning, this approach will be integrated on both the subcatchment and the village level in joint cooperation with A1.3 (Participatory Research). Finally, land use scenarios regarding different factors, e.g. change of cropping patterns, introduction of fruit trees, intensification of fish production or changes in market access, will be modelled.
Das Projekt "Fuel-Switch Project in the North-West of Russia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The objective of the JI project was to replace the outdated and inefficient municipal heating installations running on coal by modern wood-fired boilers. Replacement has been done for the 43 MW capacity required for the heat supply to a town. As the wood fuel comes from sustainably managed forests GHG emissions from coal firing are avoided. Additionally, methane emissions from landfills are prevented. GFA ENVEST developed the Joint Implementation Project according to the UNFCCC modalities, covering the renewable energy component and the methane emission reduction component.The Onega JI project was the second Russian JI project that passed the JI validation process. Services provided: Identification of Project Location. Biomass Supply Assessment: Location analysis/forest resource analysis; Standing forest stock; Review of available waste wood stocks in the region; Economic and Financial Feasibility: Analysis of carbon and biomass benefits; Analysis of switching fuel systems in the identified location. Baseline Study Package for the Fuel-Switch Project: Environmental Assessment; Social Assessment; Review of the legislation to facilitate the switching of fuel source for heating purposes; Review current legislation and regulation of the energy, forestry, and environmental sectors as well as all regulations and laws affecting budgetary process and use by government of additional revenues; Intergrated stakeholder consultations. Baseline Study (BLS): Monitoring plan; Emission Reduction and Sequestration Study (ERSS); projections of the ERs that can reasonably be expected to be generated by the Project; Support for permissions, approvals and registration of the Joint Implementation project by relevant national and international authorities; Support to the project investor on monitoring and verification of emission reductions; accompanying Designated Operational Entity during the verification process; Marketing of Emission Reduction Units and Voluntary Emission Reductions on behalf of project investor; Assistance to the project investor during Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement negotiations.
Das Projekt "Ground-based remote sensing measurements of CO2 and CH4 using the moon as light source during the polar night" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. Throughout the last years measurement techniques have been developed to measure total columns of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 with sufficient precision using the ground-based solar absorption remote sensing spectrometry in the near-infrared spectral region. These observations are internationally organized in the Total Column Carbon Observing Network (TCCON). These observations have been initiated for the satellite validation, because they sample the atmosphere in a similar way as satellites. However, the measurements itself have been found extremely valuable to investigate the sources and sinks of the trace gases, because the interpretation of the ground-based total column data depend to a less extent on assumptions on the vertical mixing in the atmosphere compared to surface in-situ data. We perform such observations at our site in the high Arctic on Spitsbergen (79°N). However, during the polar night from October until mid-March no observations can be performed, because the sun is below the horizon. Since the seasonal cycle of CO2 is largest in the high northern latitudes the lack of total column data for the winter period limits our understanding of the carbon budget. Within this project we plan to modify the measurement and analysis technique to measure the total columns of CO2 and CH4 in the near-infrared using the moon as light source during the polar night. This will allow us to perform observations on +-3 days around full moon, and thus, obtain data throughout the polar night for about three full moon periods. This allows measuring the complete seasonal cycle of total column measurements of CO2 and CH4 in the high Arctic, which is not known so far. Finally, the whole set of data will be compared to the existing in-situ surface data at that site and both data sets, in-situ and total column, will be compared with appropriate models.
Das Projekt "B 3.1: Efficient water use of mixed cropping systems in watersheds of Northern Thailand highlands" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340), Fachgebiet Düngung und Bodenstoffhaushalt (340i) durchgeführt. Worldwide an important part of agricultural added value is produced under irrigation. By irrigation unproductive areas can be cultivated, additional harvests can be obtained or different crops can be planted. Since its introduction into Northern Thailand lychee has developed as one of the dominating cash crops. Lychee is produced in the hillside areas and has to be irrigated during the dry season, which is the main yield-forming period. Water therefore is mainly taken from sources or streams in the mountain forests. As nowadays all the available resources are being used do to increased production, a further increase in production can only be achieved by increasing the water use efficiency. In recent years, partial root-zone drying has become a well-established irrigation technique in wine growing areas. In a ten to fifteen days rhythm one part of the root system is irrigated while the other dries out and produces abscisic acid (ABA) a drought stress hormone. While the vegetative growth and thus labor for pruning is reduced, the generative growth remains widely unaffected. Thereby water-use efficiency can be increased by more than 40Prozent. In this sub-project the PRD-technique as well as other deficit irrigation strategies shall be applied in lychee and mango orchards and its effects on plant growth and yield shall be analyzed. Especially effects of this water-saving technology on the nutrient balance shall be considered, in order to develop an optimized fertigation strategy with respect to yield and fruit quality. As shown in preliminary studies, the nutrient supply is low in soils and fruit trees in Northern Thailand (e.g. phosphate) and even deficient for both micronutrients boron (B) and zinc (Zn). Additionally, non-adapted supply of nitrogen (mineralization, fertilization) can induce uneven flowering and fruit set. Therefore, improvement is necessary. For a better understanding of possible influence of low B and Zn supply on flowering and fruit set, mobility and retranslocation of both micronutrients shall be investigated for mango and lychee. Finally, the intended system of partial root-zone fertigation (PRF) shall guarantee an even flowering and a better yield formation under improved use of the limited resource water. As this modern technique, which requires a higher level of irrigation-technology, cannot be immediately spread among the farmers in the region, in a parallel approach potential users shall be integrated in a participative process for adaptation and development. Water transport and irrigation shall be considered, as both factors offer a tremendous potential for water saving. Local knowledge shall be integrated in the participatory process (supported by subproject A1.2, Participatory Research) in order to finally offer adapted technologies for application within PRF systems for the different conditions of farmers in the hillsides of Northern Thailand.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 118 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 118 |
License | Count |
offen | 118 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 118 |
Englisch | 113 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 76 |
Webseite | 42 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 110 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 113 |
Luft | 90 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 118 |
Wasser | 95 |
Weitere | 118 |