Das Projekt "Energy Aware Radio and neTwork tecHnologies (EARTH)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG - Bell Labs Germany durchgeführt. Telecommunication networks and in particular mobile communications are increasingly contributing to global energy consumption. The EARTH proposal tackles the important issue of energy saving by enhancing the energy efficiency of mobile broadband systems thereby reducing CO2 emissions. It is a highly ambitious and unique proposal, applying an integrated approach to investigate the energy efficiency of mobile systems. EARTH has mobilized a consortium of all major stakeholders with serious efforts committed to the development of a new generation of energy efficient products, components, deployment strategies and energy-aware network management solutions. The target of EARTH is to enhance the energy efficiency of mobile systems by a factor of at least 50Prozent compared with the current ones. It will investigate the energy efficiency limit that is theoretically and practically achievable whilst providing high capacity and uncompromised QoS. The proposal is primarily focused on mobile cellular systems, LTE and its evolution LTE-A, where potential impact on standardization is envisaged but it will also consider 3G (UMTS/HSPA) technology for immediate impact. The tangible results of the EARTH project are: 1) Energy efficient deployment strategies, 2) Energy efficient network architectures, 3) New network management mechanisms, adaptive to load variations with time 4) Innovative component designs with energy efficient adaptive operating points, 5) New radio and network resource management protocols for multi-cell cooperative networking. The new techniques will be validated using sophisticated simulation tools and in a mobile network test plant. Technologies developed by EARTH will enable wireless communications systems with unprecedented energy efficiency, significant reduction in environment pollution and operating cost. EARTH plans to provide valuable and timely contributions to standardization, regulations processes and place Europe in a strong IPR position.
Das Projekt "Enhanced plant productivity through control of lifespan (CROPLIFE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Zentrale Verwaltung, Referat Forschung durchgeführt. The world-wide demand for primary plant products to be used for food, feed and fuel is increasing dramatically. The foreseen climate changes are expected to have a negative impact on plant productivity in addition. Future agriculture urgently needs new crop plant varieties with enhanced and sustainable productivity. To meet this challenge, CropLife focuses on leaf lifespan as a major determinant of plant productivity and aims to develop new breeding strategies for prolonging leaf photosynthesis and delaying senescence processes. The network focuses on barley and perennial ryegrass, which are excellent models for research and crop development in Europe. The CropLife primary objectives will be addressed in the four work packages. These are: the identification of key factors initiating senescence (1), and proteins regulating leaf lifespan (2), the elucidation of molecular mechanisms of senescence-associated protein degradation and nitrogen remobilization (3), and the analysis of lifespan and exploitation of genetic variation in lifespan in order to breed new varieties with increased productivity (4). CropLife provides cross-sector experience by integrating partners from the public and private sectors. The training programme includes state-of the-art local training activities and network-wide courses, summer schools and workshops. Young researchers will be trained in a range of cutting edge research skills, as well as in complementary skills that will enhance their career prospects. Further benefits will arise from secondments in partner laboratories and cross-sector visits to associated partners from the private sector. To guarantee training at the most advanced level, outstanding scientists in the field will be integrated as visiting researchers. Workshops and a final network conference will provide a platform for dissemination of the network s achievements which are expected to increase the competitiveness of European plant research and agriculture.
Das Projekt "Developing a Knowledge Network for EUropean expertise on biodiversity and ecosystem services to inform policy making economic sector (KNEU)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ, Department Naturschutzforschung durchgeführt. Knowledge about biodiversity and ecosystem services is well advanced in the European scientific community, as demonstrated by many excellent projects and their scientific impact. However, on the global as well as the European scale, there is a failure to communicate the knowledge gained into the policy-making process and society as a whole. Such communication efforts, must ensure that all relevant knowledge is accessible and that all existing biodiversity research communities and other knowledge holders are involved in a network structure that is linked to decision making bodies. The overall objective of the project is thus to develop a recommended design for a scientific biodiversity Network of Knowledge (NoK) to inform policy-makers and other societal actors. This network shall be open, transparent, flexible, equally accessible to all, independent, be scientifically- and evidence-based and have a robust structure. It will develop links to relevant clients to support the science-society interface in Europe and beyond. To achieve this, the project brings together expertise from all major biodiversity research fields (in the consortium and beyond). Beginning with mapping the biodiversity knowledge landscape in Europe (WP1), the project will develop a prototype NoK, involving a wide number of institutions and networks in biodiversity research and policy (WP2). This prototype will then be used as a vehicle to carry out case studies in relevant policy fields (agriculture, biodiversity conservation, marine issues) in order to test and trial its functioning and effectiveness (WP3). The experience gained will be evaluated by an additional expert group within the project (WP4) in order to provide input for developing a recommended design for a potential future Network of Knowledge (WP5). WP6 takes care of project management, and will ensure international cooperation and the proper communication with potential clients of the network and the research community.
Das Projekt "Energy savings from smart operation of electrical, process and mechanical equipment (ENERGY-SMARTOPS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BASF SE durchgeführt. The drive across the world towards energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions is leading to new industrial processes and new ways of operating existing processes. In particular, the control and operation of processes, rotating machinery and electrical equipment is becoming radically more integrated giving new opportunities for energy saving through equipment management, automation, and optimization. In the light of these challenges, there is a need for new training and research action to address technology gaps at the interfaces between the process, mechanical and electrical domains, and to realize energy savings from integrated operation. The ENERGY-SMARTOPS consortium has detailed plans for cross-disciplinary training of a cohort of Early Stage engineering researchers through personalized programmes which will provide experience of research as an exciting and rewarding career, in-depth training in research projects at the host site and on intersectorial secondments, local and network-wide courses on technical topics, complementary skills training, and participation in workshops and symposia. The research programme is organized into three themes: (i) Equipment and process monitoring integrating multiple measurements from the process, mechanical and electrical sub-systems, (ii) Integrated automation capturing information from all three subsystems, and devising new algorithms that explicitly manage the interfaces and interactions between them, (iii) Optimization to provide energy savings by better integration of operations across the process-mechanical-electrical interfaces. The consortium involves universities and the R and D groups of end-user companies and an industrial technology supplier. Its investigators are experts in electrical machinery and power electronics, compressors and pumps, modeling and optimization, instrumentation, signal analysis, equipment condition monitoring, and automation of oil and gas, steel and chemical processes. Prime Contractor: University London, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; London; United Kingdom.
Das Projekt "Isotope forensics meets biogeochemistry - linking sources and sinks of organic contaminants by compound specific isotope investigation (CSI:ENVIRONMENT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ, Department Isotopenbiogeochemie durchgeführt. The initial training network CSI: ENVIRONMENT aims at training 16 young scientists in the discipline of compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) for environmental and forensic investigations. Linking sources and sinks of organic contaminants is a major challenge in contemporary environmental science. Chemicals can be released to the environment when leaving their field of application, intended or accidentally. It is a challenge to relate the origin of spills, transport and subsequent distribution in the environment and to analyse potential sinks and elimination pathways at a local, regional and global scale. This network brings together international experts in the field of isotope chemistry and related fields for training the next generation of young scientists in the field of environmental forensics using stable isotope techniques. Isotope analysis offers a unique opportunity to obtain information of sources, transport, degradation pathways and sinks of contaminants in the environment which will be urgently needed in the future. Multi-element isotope fingerprinting of chemically complex substances can be used to elucidate transformation pathways making use of isotope fractionation processes altering the reactive position and to analyse the isotope composition of an organic molecule to track sources. Concepts and applications are available for the more simple organic contaminants such as BTEX, chlorinated ethenes and MTBE but not for more complex organic contaminants such as pesticides or brominated flame retardants. Thus, the aim of this ITN is to train young scientist in development of concepts for the application of isotope tools to assess the fate of organic chemicals in the environment. Young scientists will be educated in the field of isotope forensics, pushing forward the frontiers of current isotope techniques to develop new areas of isotope applications in both fundamental and applied environmental sciences.
Das Projekt "PAH Anaerobic Biodegradation Assessment by Stable Isotope Technologies (BASIS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ, Department Isotopenbiogeochemie durchgeführt. Hydrocarbon pollution has been recognized to be a major environmental and human health problem that require accurate exposure assessment and remediation. Oil and oily products are extremely complex mixtures, containing hundreds (even thousands) of different compounds, among which polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of greatest regulatory concern due to their potential toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. 2- and 3-ring PAHs are water soluble and can be transported over significant distances. Natural attenuation is a low-cost bioremediation option widely accepted for the clean-up of hydrocarbon polluted sites. Many efforts have been made to study and enhance aerobic biodegradation of hydrocarbons. However, anaerobic degradation of oily products is practically unknown, although in many environments, such as aquifers, marshes or intertidal zones oxigen is often a limiting factor. Some studies have proven the ability of microorganisms to degrade aromatic hydrocarbons in different conditions, but there is a significant gap of knowledge regarding in situ anaerobic biodegradation of these compounds (metabolism, key microorganisms involved, etc.). Stable isotope techniques (compound specific stable isotope analysis, CSIA, and stable isotope probing, SIP) are novel techniques which can help overcoming this situation, providing valuable information on biodegradation and coping suitably with linking biodegradation processes to microbial taxa. Despite their clear advantatges these techniques have seldom been applied to field studies. In the light of this situation, the main goals of this proposed project are to assess in situ biodegradation of PAHs under anaerobic environments in marine and fresh water systems, to describe microbial activities and to identify microbial key players. The project will be carried out in the Isotope Biogeochemistry Department at the UFZ (Leipzig), which provide outstanding facilities for the achievement of these objectives.
Das Projekt "Safe Implementation of Innovative Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SIINN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH - Geschäftsbereich Technologie-Transfer (T) durchgeführt. Objective: The primary aim of the SIINN ERA-NET is to promote the rapid transfer of the results of nano-science and nanotechnology (N&N) research into industrial application by helping to create reliable conditions. In order to strengthen the European Research Area and to coordinate N&N-related R&D work, the project has the aim of bringing together a broad network of ministries, funding agencies, academic and industrial institutions to create a sustainable transnational programme of joint R&D in N&N. The commercial application of nano-materials (NMs) products is increasing rapidly, but one important question, the safety of NMs, still represents a barrier to their wide innovative use. Therefore the first priority of SIINN is to focus on developing a consolidated framework to address nano-related risks and the management of these risks for humans and the environment by investigating the toxicological behaviour of NMs. European R&D activities in N&N remain largely uncoordinated and fragmented, resulting in the sub-optimal use of available resources, such as human resources, research equipment and funding. Since available data on their toxicological behaviour is often scant, unreliable or contradictory, the SIINN Project will focus on ways of remedying this situation. After defining the criteria important for NM toxicology, the environmental health and safety (EHS) information currently available to Europe will be examined. Liaisons will strategically be established and maintained. They will network with organisations looking into the EHS of NMs within Europe and abroad with the aim of continually exchanging information with these. Available information will be examined for their reliability in respect of the assessment of the risks of NMs towards human health and to the environment and major knowledge gaps identified. At least two joint, transnational calls will be organised during the initial lifetime of SIINN in order to fill these gaps.
Das Projekt "Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks (ZeroWIN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Österreichische Gesellschaft für System- und Automatisierungstechnik durchgeführt. Das EU-Projekt 'ZeroWIN - Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks' mit 31 Partner aus 10 Ländern Europas sowie Taiwan unter Leitung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für System- und Automatisierungstechnik erprobt Strategien zur Emissionsvermeidung durch Unternehmensnetzwerke und den Ansatz des 'Zero Waste Entrepreneurship'. Basierend auf der Industriellen Symbiose werden in einem Zeitraum von 5 Jahren neue und innovative Wege zur Abfallvermeidung und Ressourceneffizienzsteigerung in der Industrie erforscht. Ziel ist es Koppel- und Nebenprodukte aus industriellen Prozessen als Sekundärrohstoffe oder Energie für weitere industrielle Tätigkeiten nutzbar zu machen. In 9 praktischen Fallstudien werden mehr als 60Prozent des Budgets in die praktische Erprobung in den Branchen Elektronik- und Automobilindustrie, den erneuerbaren Energien (Photovoltaik) sowie dem Bausektor investiert. Folgende Vorzeigeprojekte werden innerhalb ZeroWINs entwickelt: - Ökologischer Laptop - Nachhaltiges Photovoltaiksystem - Re-Use Netzwerk für gebrauchte IKT-Geräte (Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie) - Nachhaltige Renovierung der Unternehmenszentrale der Deutschen Bank in Frankfurt/Main - Abriss und Neubau weiterer 4 Gebäude (Wohnbau, Industriebau, ...) in Großbritannien und Portugal - Produktion eines Bauteils einer PKW-Bremse aus Recyclingkunststoffen (mit Rückführnetzwerk des Werkstoffs). In allen Vorzeigeprojekten müssen nachweislich mindestens zwei der nachfolgenden Ziele erreicht werden: - Reduktion der Treibhausgasemissionen um 30 Prozent, - 70-prozentige Wiederverwendung und Recycling der anfallenden Abfälle, - Reduktion des Frischwasserverbrauchs um zumindest 75 Prozent. Unter der Leitung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für System- und Automatisierungstechnik wird ein innovatives Produktionsmodell zur Optimierung des Ressourceneinsatzes und der Abfallvermeidung entwickelt werden, welches Abfälle als sekundäre Rohstoffe entwickelt.
Das Projekt "Strengthening and development of Earth Observation activities for the environment in the Balkan area (OBSERVE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von University Thessaloniki durchgeführt. Objective: Balkan countries do not have a coherent and continuous approach towards the challenge of implementing integrated Earth Observation (EO) applications in environmental monitoring and management. It should be mentioned that the Balkan countries, except Greece, are not ESA members. Besides, Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, FYROM, Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina are also not members of the GEO. The defect in the implementation of EO applications and their use in the environmental decision making are manifested through the limited synergies among national and regional institutions, ineffective technological means and discontinuous record of participation to international organizations and committees. On the other hand, the increasing importance of a common approach towards effective environmental monitoring practices, for the benefit of the societal web of the broader Balkan region, calls for immediate action, setting as a starting point the built up of regional institutional capacity and spillage of technology transfer. The aim of the OBSERVE project is to collect and compile all the necessary information for delivering an integrated analysis on the current status of EO activities and networks in the Balkans regarding environmental monitoring, the potential benefit from the full exploitation of an integrated capacity building strategy and the prospect of creating a relevant permanent EO Community in the broader region. OBSERVE project has the ultimate goal to raise awareness and establish firm links with the regional decision making bodies on the importance of a mutual and enhanced EO application network on environmental monitoring according to the principles of the GEO. The OBSERVE project consortium consists of 15 institutions from 13 different countries, 8 of which belong to the Balkan region. 10 of the partners are Universities/Research Organizations while the other 5 are from private sector.
Das Projekt "Balkan GEO Network - Towards Inclusion of Balkan Countries into Global Earth Observation Initiatives (BALKANGEONET)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Univerzitet u Movom Sadu durchgeführt. Objective: Inclusion of all Balkan countries into GEO and their contribution to GEOSS is of great importance, since only a comprehensive EO framework can lead to better understanding and more intelligent utilization of the environmental resources, increased quality of life and faster economic development. The importance and benefits from participation in global EO initiatives have already been recognized by several Balkan countries. However, a great number of Balkan countries are still not members of GEO. This project aims to identify existing EO-data providers and users in the wider Balkan region, to determine their status, potentials and needs, and to coordinate EO players by establishing proper interfaces and networking between them. A broad analysis of gaps and complementarities of EO activities within the region will be performed, with the emphasis on user needs in the specific context of the Balkan region. The consortium has been carefully constituted to include key players both from EO-data provider and EO-data user communities, from all Balkan countries. Participants from other EU countries are also included to allow straightforward identification of mechanisms for leveraging, developing and coordinating EO capacity building initiatives in the region, and to ensure that the Project outcomes will be in line with the currently designed Shared Environmental Information System and with Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe. Main outcomes of the Project will be the creation of a permanent web-based networking facility, and the design of roadmaps and recommendations for an active, coordinated and sustained participation of all Balkan countries in global EO initiatives. These outcomes will also present a contribution to GEO task CB-09-03 'Building Institutional Capacity to Use EO' and specifically to subtask CB-09-03b 'Establishing Regional Capacity Building Networks'.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 13 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 13 |
License | Count |
offen | 13 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 13 |
Englisch | 13 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 11 |
Webseite | 2 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 11 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 12 |
Luft | 8 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 13 |
Wasser | 9 |
Weitere | 13 |