3 Tage Vorhersage. Wind, Temperatur, Bodendruck, Bedeckung, Konvektionswolken und Niederschlag. - 3 days forecast. Wind, temperature, pressure mean sea level, cloud cover, convective clouds and precipitation.
The SADL31 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SA): Aviation routine reports A1A2 (DL): Germany(The bulletin collects reports from stations: EDDF;FRANKFURT AM MAIN INT;EDDH;HAMBURG;EDDK;COLOGNE BONN;EDDL;DUESSELDORF INT;EDDM;MUNICH INT;EDDN;NUREMBERG;EDDS;STUTTGART;EDDV;HANNOVER;EDZO;)
The LADL31 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (L): Aviation Information in XML A1A2 (DL): Germany T1T2 (LA): Aviation routine reports ("METAR")(The bulletin collects reports from stations: EDDF;FRANKFURT AM MAIN INT;EDDH;HAMBURG;EDDK;COLOGNE BONN;EDDL;DUESSELDORF INT;EDDM;MUNICH INT;EDDN;NUREMBERG;EDDS;STUTTGART;EDDV;HANNOVER;EDZO;)
The LTDL33 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (L): Aviation Information in XML A1A2 (DL): Germany T1T2 (LT): Aerodrome Forecast ("TAF") (VT>=12 hours)(The bulletin collects reports from stations: EDDE;ERFURT;EDDG;MUENSTER OSNABRUECK;EDDR;SAARBRUECKEN;EDFH;FRANKFURT-HAHN;EDDN;NUREMBERG;EDDS;STUTTGART;EDZO;)
The Urban Atlas is providing pan-European comparable land use and land cover data for Large Urban Zones with more than 100.000 inhabitants as defined by the Urban Audit. Urban Atlas' mission is to provide high-resolution hotspot mapping of changes in urban spaces and indicators for users such as city governments, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and European Commission departments.