Das Projekt "T 7: Transfer of a community-based breeding programme incorporating local breeds into sustainable practice in Son La province, northwest Vietnam - initiated by the SFB subproject D2" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tierproduktion in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. Background: The improved local pig breed Mon Cai. Ban pork as a speciality for urban consumers. Pig production incorporating local breeds is an important part of livelihood of small farmers in northern Vietnam. The market competitiveness of their small-scale enterprises is however reduced due to a missing integration into vertical networks. The present pilot project plans to transfer a community-based breeding programme (CBP) into a sustainably operating breeding and marketing programme for pork produced with local pig breeds in cooperation between a farmers cooperative, a business partner and research institutions. Objectives: Based on 10 years research of D2 project in the SFB 564 (The Uplands Program), a community-based breeding and research programme is planned to be transferred into a sustainably operating breeding and marketing programme for pork produced with local pig breeds in cooperation with a producers association (FBASL), a private breeding institution (NEBA., JSC), the public extension and veterinary service and two research institutions in Germany and Vietnam. By means of a stratified breeding scheme, building on existing organisational structures and links, a horizontal and vertical network is sought to tighten the currently weak links of small-scale pig production to other breeding institutions and conserve local pig breeds in remote regions by profitable utilisation. The indigenous Ban pig will be incorporated in the breeding programme despite its lower production performance, because of its favourable adaptation to the harsh production conditions in remote areas and its considerable marketing potential due to its special quality meat. FBASL will be linked to NEBA, that will supply Mong Cai breeding pigs, assist in access to supply markets, and provide the construction of a regional slaughterhouse for the assurance of quality-controlled local pork products. The programmes orientation is matched with a multi-pronged demand and supply system in Northern Vietnam, intending to serve three currently existing pork supply chains, each one accounting for a different price segment. Expected outcome: It is hypothesised that a sustainable, beneficial and profitable CBP with pigs in Son La province, Northern Vietnam, can be realised on basis of a strong organisational backbone and by the development of a systematic regional marketing of quality-controlled pork exploiting the special characteristics of the local breeds, thus contributing to their conservation. (abridged text)
Das Projekt "Kulturelle Konstruktionen von Vulnerabilität und Resilienz. Wahrnehmungen zu Gefährdungen durch aquatische Phänomene an der Oder in Deutschland und Polen (CultCon)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Das Ziel des Projekts ist es zu untersuchen, inwiefern Umgangsweisen mit aquatischen Phänomenen wie zum Beispiel Fluten in Flussregionen von kulturspezifischem Wissen beeinflusst werden. Dabei liegt der Untersuchungsschwerpunkt auf Wahrnehmungen potenzieller Verwundbarkeit (Vulnerabilitätskonstruktionen) und lokalen Praktiken zur Minderung von Risiken (Resilienzkonstruktionen). Damit möchte das Projekt eine bestehende Forschungslücke der Vulnerabilitäts- und Resilienzforschung adressieren. Dort geht man bislang vielfach davon aus, dass 'Vulnerabilität' und 'Resilienz', Begriffe die in hohem Maße von der Humanökologie und der Naturgefahrenforschung geprägt sind, jeweils als objektive Tatsachen angesehen werden müssen. Auch wenn dies eine legitime Perspektive ist, ignoriert diese doch, dass Gesellschaften - auf der Grundlage von vergangenen und gegenwärtigen, kulturell geprägten Erfahrungen mit Naturphänomenen - eigene Vorstellungen in Bezug auf ihre Verwundbarkeit und Bewältigungsfähigkeit entwickeln können. Diese Vorstellungen können Folgen für die Wahl von Handlungsstrategien haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund lautet die Fragestellung des Projekts: Wie sind Vulnerabilitäts- und Resilienzkonstruktionen lokal strukturiert? Welche Rolle spielt das bestehende kulturelle Wissen einer jeweiligen Gruppe oder Gesellschaft (z.B. Sprache, Literatur, Medien) bei deren Genese? Am Beispiel von Oderregionen um Eisenhüttenstadt, Frankfurt/Oder, S?ubice and Breslau soll im Detail rekonstruiert werden, wie in öffentlichen und literarischen Mediendiskursen welche kulturellen Wissensordnungen hergestellt werden und wie sie sich ggf. unterscheiden. In methodisch aufwändiger Weise (mittels Bevölkerungsumfragen und Experteninterviews) soll dann geprüft werden, inwieweit sich entsprechende kulturelle Muster auch in den Wahrnehmungen von Bürgern und Experten in den untersuchten Oderregionen vor Ort nachweisen lassen können und welche Folgen sie für das Handeln, beispielsweise im Hochwasserschutz, haben. Das Forschungsprojekt leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Grundlagenforschung, weil hier diskurstheoretische Annahmen empirisch geprüft werden sollen, die bislang eher unhinterfragt geblieben sind. Gleichzeitig werden aber auch Aussagen darüber getroffen werden können, in welcher Weise kulturelle Wissensordnungen Folgen für konkrete lokale Handlungsstrategien haben können. In dem Projekt arbeitet ein deutsch-polnisches Forschungsteam aus Soziologen, Kultur- und Literaturwissenschaftlern eng zusammen.
Das Projekt "F 3: Development intervention, state administration and local responses of ethnic minorities in upland Northern Thailand: role and dynamics of local, rural organizations and networks" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften des Agrarbereichs durchgeführt. Thailand is probably the only country that succeeded in fighting poppy production and trade, by implementing a 'stick and carrot' policy allowed by the economic take-off the country experienced from the 1960s onward and the 'anti-Communist rent' provided by the USA. This development was mainly launched by special bilateral projects and by the King (later Royal Foundation) and bypassed to a certain extent the existing state institutions. However, almost all these projects covering large areas in the highlands ended in the first half of the 1990s. What we observe, is the come-back of state institutions on the foreground. The holistic approach of these projects could nowadays give way to the come-back of a sectoral approach, bringing back all the contradictions State institutions carry along (among themselves and within each of them). Such an hypothesis is taken seriously by local populations and the emergence of networks of villages constitutes at least partly a response to this concern. These associations, which go across ethnic boundaries, aim at being a partner acknowledged by state agencies especially in the fields of social and economic development, land use and resource management. Furthermore, the degree of uncertainty is very high among villagers and their strategies is, at least partly guided by the lack of transparency of the process. Access to information thus becomes a crucial stake and actors able to monopolise it are in a better position to deal with this new context. The objective of the research is to analyse the social interface between development projects, state institutions and 'local society' in a specific context, from a socio-anthropological point of view, that is by applying anthropological concepts and methods to a traditionally non-ethnological object. This approach will be combined with a historical perspective aiming at analysing the different phases of highlands development policies, in order to grasp the roots of the current politics of development policy. A basic knowledge on local social structuration will be required, too. A first step will thus consist in assessing the development and extension approaches of the development projects that have been working (sometimes for quite a long time) in the area, as well as the roles and strategies of state agencies involved in the highlands development policy. The different points of view of the actors involved are to be explored, in terms of practices and logics as well as of perception and evaluation: discrepancies between objectives and implementation of a project, seen as failures by project workers or decision-makers, can result from active strategies of target groups, and thus epitomise the dynamics of the local society and not its so-called resistance or archaism. Furthermore, the triangle development project-state-local population is not made of three homogenous blocks. (abridged text)
Das Projekt "Themenbereich: Wasserbezogene Vulnerabilitäten und Risiken im südlichen Afrika (Wassernutzung)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung (ISOE) GmbH durchgeführt. The current processes of global change are an enormous challenge for societies worldwide. The SASSCAL is a joint initiative of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Germany, responding to the challenges of global change. Aim and Scope: SASSCAL will improve the capacities to provide sound science-based solutions for current problems and future risks in the region, in particular regarding climate change and the associated demands concerning land management practices of local players. To this end, the centre will contribute to strengthening existing and developing new capacities for application-oriented scientific research and science-policy consultations on climate change, adapted land-use and sustainable development in the region. SASSCAL will support national, regional and local institutions and service providers to develop relevant advisory and implementation skills. It will have a regional scope and the work of the Centre will be defined in partnership with the respective scientific communities, the users of science products, policy-makers, and decision-makers. Research: SASSCAL intends to cover a variety of research issues in state-of-the-art climate change and land management research, responding to the regional definition of needs and demands. The task of the ISOE project team is to analyse to what extent water-related vulnerabilities and risks for the population and ecosystems are developing within the context of global change and how these might conceivably be reduced. Research approach: Many natural and social processes mutually influence water resources in the southern part of Africa. Climate change and changes in land use, as well as population and economic growth act as localised forms of global change on the current and future state of the resource and as such influence peoples living conditions. The project team is developing a vulnerability and risk analysis for the catchment area of the Cuvelai-Basin in northern Namibia and southern Angola. First the 'status quo and expected trends in patterns of water demand are being studied, differentiated according to spatial and social characteristics and with the help of social-empirical surveys, consultations with experts and mapping. Using this as a starting point, researchers calculate water demand and availability in order to discover the water supplys vulnerabilities and risks for the population and ecosystems. The aim is to identify areas of relevance for decision-makers which are particularly threatened by supply gaps and their consequences (hot spot areas). Next the researchers will be developing supportive measures for an adapted and integrated management of water resources. usw.
Das Projekt "Governing the Common Sea (GOVCOM)? Changing modes of governance in the Baltic Sea Region" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Greifswald, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Regierungslehre durchgeführt. The pattern of environmental governance is changing as national governments are under stress from new political agents. In addition to the traditional nation state centered policy-making system, including international cooperation, political power is also exercised on the trans-national and local levels of society. A simultaneous movement of political power is also exercised on the trans-national and local levels of government and downward to local communities. Sub national units such as local governments, civic organisations and even loosely constructed networks introduce their own environmental policies. Global sustainability problems are created by the interaction of all societal levels, and a new politics of sustainability involving local, national, regional as well as global efforts must be implemented to solve these problems. National governments have responsed to this situation by introducing programs promoting ecological modernisation as well as new policy instruments that involve communities and other actors. The Baltic Sea Region (BSR) is an area of special concern both from an environmental point-of-view as well as from a governance point-of-view. The sea itself is highly vulnerable to pollution. At the same time the region is an ideal setting for the research because it has introduced several new fora for sustainable decision making, while showing considerable strength in existing administrative and political structures. The main objectives for this project are: Module 1. to deepen understanding of the origins, development and operation of traditional environmental governance in the BSR
Das Projekt "Processing Lines and Operational Services Combining Sentinel and in-situ Data for Terrestrial Cryosphere and Boreal Forest Zone (SEN3APP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ilmatieteen Laitos durchgeführt. The Sentinel- satellite series aims at frequent global coverage of the Earth surface in full spectrum of remote sensing. This enables the use of well-established satellite products, built up with earlier more research oriented satellites, to be used for the benefit of people in six core areas of Copernicus/GMES: security, land monitoring, climate change, atmosphere monitoring, emergency management and marine environment monitoring. The SEN3APP- project addresses three of these, namely climate change, land monitoring and security. SEN3APP is concerned with the development, implementation, operationalization and validation of Sentinel data processing lines for cryospheric (terrestrial) and land cover/phenology applications. Both global and regional applications are included, focusing to high latitudes of the Earth and other parts of the cryosphere.The processing lines will utilize SAR and medium/high resolution optical/IR-range data from Sentinels 1, 2 and 3. An essential aspect of the project is the development and harmonization of data processing modules/routines in order to facilitate new European satellite data processing capabilities for the European and global user community. For selected applications/products, the processing lines will also provide the automated validation tools. The processing lines to be designed and implemented contain distributed systems with contributions of the project partners. Operational capabilities of FMI Sodankylä satellite data center are applied to host part of the infrastructure and also complete processing lines. The overall objective of the proposed project is to provide end-users with products and services relevant to: - Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP): land surface processes and albedo - Local/regional scale climate change studies and planning of adaptation strategies - Ecosystem studies & assessment of ecosystem services - Evaluation of nutrient leaching caused by different land use and management practices for implementation of Water Framework directive objectives - Hydrological forecasting and monitoring including hydro-power industry, flood prevention and water resources assessment - Carbon balance monitoring and assessment - Environmental monitoring including disasters, forest diseases and crop yield - Construction and logistics as to soil frost and permafrost (roads, buildings, timber collection).
Das Projekt "de-FLuoridation technologies for imprOving quality of WatEr and agRo-animal products along the East African Rift Valley in the context of aDaptation to climate change (FLOWERED)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universita Cagliari durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "Africa at a meso-scale: Adaptive and integrated tools and strategies for natural resources management (AFROMAISON)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Soresma NV durchgeführt. Threats to the environment and natural resources, coupled with poor management, have serious implications for both poverty reduction and sustainable economic development. Degrading natural resources in Africa therefore result in an inreased vulnerability of the poor as a result of ecosystem stress, competition for space, soaring food and energy prices, climate change and demographic growth. Nowadays, it is widely accepted that reversing these trends asks for integrated management frameworks. Despite the availability of many tools, expertise, strategies, local practices and indigenous knowledge, the concept of INRM has hardly been brought into practice and the building blocks of INRM (see description acronym) in many cases still need to be integrated. AFROMAISON will make use of what is available regarding INRM and will contribute to a better integration of the components of INRM. In view of the decentralization policy in Africa, we aim to focus on the operational requirements of INRM for sub-national (or meso-scale) authorities and communities. The main outputs of AFROMAISON are a toolbox, short-term to long-term strategies, quick wins (much gains with little effort) and operational strategies for adaptation to global change. In order to enhance the potential impact, we will put strong efforts in integrated capacity building and a solid dissemination strategy. In order to do so, we will integrate tools, frameworks, strategies and processes for landscape functioning, livelihood & socio-economic development (incl. vulnerability to global change), local knowledge, institutional strenghtening and improved interaction between sectors, scales and communities. For the development of concrete operational strategies for adaptation to global change, AFROMAISON will focus on the three groups of tools: strategies for restoration and adaptation (including sustainable landscape intensification), economic tools and incentives for INRM and tools for spatial planning.
Das Projekt "REDD+ Pilot Preparation - Advancing REDD+ in Ghana: Preparation of REDD+ Pilot Schemes in Off-Reserve Forests and Agroforests (REDDES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Berner Fachhochschule, Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften durchgeführt. The present REDDES project is a preparatory step for a support component for the implementation of Ghanas R-PP and is mainly concerned with developing a number of analytical work and the definition of REDD+ pilots in off-reserve areas. The proposed project supports Ghana in the preparation of its low-carbon development strategy and its efforts to reduce GHG-emissions through reducing deforestation and forest degradation and enhancing of carbon stocks. Specifically, the project aims at providing Ghana with proposals for the enhancement of sustainable off-reserve production systems under REDD+ schemes with a focus on local livelihood improvement. project goal: The activities allow Ghana to take stock of existing initiatives with REDD+ - potential, and to analyze corresponding activities. The information produced prepares the further implementation of climate smart practices in local systems.
Das Projekt "constRuctive mEtabolic processes For materiaL flOWs in urban and peri-urban environments across Europe (REFLOW)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Copenhagen Business School durchgeführt.
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Bund | 11 |
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Förderprogramm | 11 |
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offen | 11 |
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Deutsch | 11 |
Englisch | 8 |
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Boden | 9 |
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