Das Projekt "Green Active Management of Energy in IT Service centres (GAMES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum durchgeführt. Objective: The vision of the GAMES project is for a new generation of energy efficient IT Service Centres. With the unprecedented digitisation of business and government processes across Europe, energy efficiency of IT Systems and IT Service Centres is dramatically emerging as one of the most critical environmental challenges to be dealt with. A first yet partial answer to the energy challenges is offered by the emerging IT Service Centre paradigm, in which the available computing resources are shared by several different users. However, current tools and methods for assessing and managing energy efficiency at the IT Service Centre level were designed to operate in isolation, not taking into account all the interrelations between the different layers (business/applications, infrastructure, facility) and the effect of these interrelations on energy consumption. The GAMES project aims at developing a set of innovative methodologies and Open Source ICT tools for designing and managing energy efficiency in IT Service Centres, by combining all the three above layers. This will be done by: - delivering a methodology and a web toolset for the holistic design of green IT service centres, trading-off Quality of Service, performance, virtual and physical resource allocation and overall energy efficiency - enriching the GAMES toolset by implementing advanced algorithms for closely aligning applications' demands for power with the resource availability, and combining these algorithms with data mining technologies - complementing these tools and methodology with a run-time environment for integrated sensing, monitoring and adaptive control, capable of assessing in real time to a what extent the implemented course of actions will improve energy efficiency. The main expected outcome will be to increase energy efficiency in IT Service Centres by up to 25Prozent. The effectiveness of the proposed solutions will be validated through extensive real life testbeds located in Italy and Germany. Prime Contractor: Engineering - Ingegneria Informatica SPA, R&D Department; Roma; Italien.
Das Projekt "WEB to Energy (W2E)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von HEAG Südhessische Energie AG durchgeführt. Die Entflechtung des Energiemarktes erfordert neue Geschäftsmodelle und neue integrative Methoden zur Optimierung der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette. Die Realisierung des europaweiten elektrischen Netzes der Zukunft macht die Umsetzung einer offenen, allgemein zugänglichen und genormten IKT-Infrastruktur erforderlich, so dass alle beteiligten Marktteilnehmer diskriminierungsfrei mit den notwendigen Informationen versorgt werden. Das Projekt WEB to Energy (W2E) hat das Ziel, diese offene, allgemein zugängliche und genormte IKT-Infrastruktur zu entwickeln. Der Grundgedanke hierbei ist die konsistente, gleichartige und einheitliche Anwendung von weltweit anerkannten IEC-Standards, insbesondere für Kommunikationsprotokolle (IEC 61850), IKT-Sicherheit (IEC TS 62351) und Datenverwaltung mittels CIM (IEC 61970). Im Projekt W2E werden Schnittstellen zwischen allen drei Ebenen entwickelt und auf diese Art und Weise plug and play-Fähigkeiten und Kompatibilität realisiert. Somit wird im Projekt W2E ein nahtloser Ansatz für die Standardisierung von der Prozessebene, über die IKT-Infrastruktur bis zur Steuerungsebene gewährleistet. Im Rahmen von Feldtests werden folgende Schlüsselelemente umgesetzt und demonstriert: 1. Integration der Nutzer: verbesserte Effizienz der Energieerzeugung, um Energieeinsparungen zu erzielen und Spitzenlasten abzufedern und somit niedrigere Systemkosten und eine verbesserte Integration von erneuerbaren Energien zu erreichen. 2. Aktive Verteilungsnetze: Flexible und rekonfigurierbare Zusammenfassung und Verwaltung dezentraler, sicherer und unsicherer (fluktuierender) Einspeiser, Speicher und steuerbarer Lasten in virtuellen Kraftwerken, um ein Optimum an ökologischem und ökonomischen Betrieb zu erreichen. 3. Selbstheilungs-Fähigkeiten für die Verteilungsnetze, basierend auf den Möglichkeiten der IKT-Infrastruktur und einer automatisierten Fehlerklärung in Mittelspannungsanlagen und somit die Erhöhung der Versorgungssicherheit
Das Projekt "Car multi propulsion integrated power train (CASTOR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Infineon Technologies AG durchgeführt. Objective: The main objective of CASTOR is to integrate an innovative distributed propulsion system on fully electrical vehicles. Future electrical propulsion concepts demand more efficiency and less complexity with great functionality, high robustness and light weight and need to run in a wide ambient temperature range. CASTOR is aimed at: -Energy saving of 10 - 20Prozent in respect to present propulsion systems -Cost reduction of about 25Prozent (TBD) respect to present propulsion systems -Increasing the safety due to traction properties and improved integration into drive applications -Mileage improvement of 15 -20Prozent due to higher efficiency and less weight. How these goals will be achieved: -Advancements in efficiency and safety by implementing a multi propulsion power train enabling novel driving functionalities based on the holistic understanding of propulsion and related energy conversion needs. -Integration of the energy storage with the propulsion unit advancing the current state-of-the-art. -Novel conversion topologies like direct power conversion and battery to motor phase alignments reducing the amount of active switching elements -Application of high efficiency control structures and modules in automotive technology ensuring robustness, reliability, drastically reduced maintenance and architectural simplicity -Distribution and delocalization of distributed propulsion systems in order to minimize energy consumption assuring the maximum safety of the vehicle -Development of smart electric system controls in order to improve propulsion and energy management and create an intelligent network on-board vehicle -Simplification of production chain for distributed propulsion systems through a drastic simplification of system architecture. The research need is not only based on the integration of the component functionalities but also considering a holistic approach for the thermal management especially related to the restricted operation temp. of Li-Ion batteries.
Das Projekt "Energy-Aware Sustainable Computing on Future\nTechnology - Paving the Road to Exascale Computing (EXA2GREEN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung, Dezernat für Forschung und Projektmanagement durchgeführt. The EXA2GREEN project aims at developing a radically new energy aware computing paradigm and programming methodology for exascale computing. The key aspect of the proposed approach is that the issue of energy consumption and the resulting trade-off with the performance and the accuracy of the overall simulation process will be taken into account in all simulation levels: from the kernel, numerical/combinatorial building blocks to the application level by means of the considered mathematical models. The proposed approach of Energy-Aware Numerics goes beyond the standard hardware level or operating software stack usually considered for energy issues and puts the application in the centre of the scene for all aspects related to energy efficiency. The EXA2GREEN project takes up this multidisciplinary challenge by bringing together HPC experts, computer scientists, mathematicians, physicists and engineers. The project team is part of an emerging, multidisciplinary European research community and covers all essential fields of expertise, which allow opening absolutely new perspectives in the area of energy-aware numerics in the exascale era. The overall goal of this project is to develop unconventional ideas in order to cope with the issue of power consumption. Reducing the power requirement by a factor of at least 100 is the challenge which needs to be addressed in order to be able to use this technology in a meaningful way. This is one of the reason why making the transition to exascale computing requests radical transformation in the current perception of numerical simulation in high performance computing. The viability of the proposed approach will be investigated considering a proof of concept where the energy footprint of a large and operational meteorological model for atmospheric and aerosol simulation (COSMO-ART) will be analysed.
Das Projekt "ELectric Vehicle communication to Infrastructure, Road services and Electricity supply (ELVIRE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Continental Automotive GmbH durchgeführt. Taking into account that to date, in Europe, 73Prozent of all oil is consumed by transport, the introduction of Electric Vehicles is considered being of high urgency. However, in order to be ready to embark E-driving, customers need to be free from concerns to get stranded because of lack of power. This project focuses on the development of an effective communication and service platform that helps drivers to manage the charge of their Electric Vehicle and enables efficient use of sustainable energy. The projects purpose is to develop an effective system which is able to neutralize the drivers 'range anxiety', i.e. the fear to break down due to the vehicles power range limitation. In order to ease and optimize energy management of Electric Vehicles (EV) and to cope with the sparse distribution of electrical supply points during the ramp-up phase, innovative Information and Communications Technologies and service concepts will be developed.
Das Projekt "STandard Analysis supporting smart eneRgy GRID development (STARGRID)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergie und Energiesystemtechnik (IWES) - Institutsteil Kassel durchgeführt. With the advent of Smart Grids the development and adoption of standards ensuring interoperability and security become of utmost importance in the field of electricity networks. The STARGRID project has been initiated by the European Commission in 2012 to provide a clear overview of the current Smart Grid standardisation activities, to lay down requirements and evaluation criteria for Smart Grid standards, and to work out recommendations on the future strategy of the Commission on this topic. A particular focus of the project is on industry requirements. The STARGRID project aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of Smart Grid standardisation procedures and to critically assess the large and complex standardisation landscape on Smart Grids at international level, including the industry new developments and initiatives in this field. - The standards analysis to be accomplished during the project will consider the available results of the Smart Grid Coordination Group (SGCG) and other groups. Despite this, the STARGRID Consortium will provide a view independent from interest of those stakeholders (utilities, large manufacturers,...) participating in the standardisation committees or coordination groups. STARGRID will incorporate the view and opinion of the industry about the smart grid standards, extending the scope beyond the EU 'Smart Grid Mandate' M490. - Many experts are convinced that the main obstacle for turning the Smart Grid into reality will not be the lack of applicable and mature standards but the adoption and implementation across the broad range of technologies concerned. With many projects already underway and a wide range of technical and business scenarios discussed, there seems to be a lack of standards awareness. STARGRID interaction with industry aims to mitigate this barrier for smart grids effective deployment. - The described concept of the STARGRID proposal is implemented through the following specific objectives of the project: - Compile, organise and distil both existing standardisation documents and industry initiatives information on smart grids at international level, to establish the State of the Art in this field. - Analysis of the gathered material according to a defined methodology and criteria. - Incorporation to the assessment process of the view of the industry of both power and ICT sectors by means of interviews, workshops, fair visits, etc. - Dissemination of the analysis results, conclusions and recommendations to the industry, standardisation organisation and to the European Commission.
Das Projekt "Future INternEt Smart Utility ServiCEs (Finesce)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ericsson GmbH durchgeführt. FINESCE war ein Projekt im Rahmen des Future-Internet-PPP der EU und nutzte die IKT-Infrastruktur des Future-Internet für intelligente Anwendungen im Bereich der Smart Energy. Ziel war die informationstechnische Anbindung von Geräten und Systemen im industriellen (Fabriken, Kraftwerke) und privaten (Elektrofahrzeuge, Haushalte) Bereich. Für diese stellte FINESCE dann eine offene Schnittstelle in Form einer API bereit, die als Innovationsenabler für europäische KMU dient. Die Energiebranche ist im Umbruch! Der Wandel zu Nachhaltigkeit ist überall erkennbar. Auf europäischer Ebene gilt somit als Priorität, erneuerbare Energien und effiziente Energienutzung zu einem Smart-Energy-System auf Basis von Future-Internet-Technologien zu kombinieren. Gleichzeitig müssen Innovationen in Unternehmen unterstützt werden, um sicherzustellen, dass kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) in der neuen weiterentwickelten energiewirtschaftlichen Umgebung gedeihen und Arbeitsplätze schaffen. Aufbauend auf einer Investition in Milliardenhöhe, hat FINESCE in sieben europäischen Ländern Testläufe durchgeführt. Betrachtet wurden dabei Energieeffizienz in Wohn- und Industriegebäuden, die Entwicklung eines neuen Prosumenten-Energiemarktes, der Aufbau eines grenzüberschreitenden, privat geführten, virtuellen Kraftwerks sowie die Möglichkeit, elektrische Fahrzeuge als Lastmanagementelement zu nutzen. Durch die Bereitstellung der Future-Internet-IKT und der damit verbundenen Möglichkeit, volatile Einspeisung von Solar- und Windenergie besser mit dem Verbrauch abzustimmen, wird den Energieversorgern der Wechsel von reaktivem zu proaktivem Netzmanagement ermöglicht. Die FINESCE-Probeläufe haben die praktische Anwendbarkeit von Future-Internet-Technologien und den FIWARE-Generic-Enablern unter Berücksichtigung der Herausforderungen der Energiebranche belegt. Des Weiteren wurde eine aktive Community entwickelt, die das Ziel verfolgte, beteiligte innovative KMU auf die Erschließung aufkommender Geschäftschancen in der Energiebranche vorzubereiten. Somit werden Arbeitsplätze geschaffen und soziale Einflüsse sowie wirtschaftliches Wachstum sichergestellt. FINESCE baute dabei auf die Ergebnisse des FI-PPP-FINSENY-Projekts auf und entwickelte jene weiter, um nachhaltige echtzeitfähige Smart-Energy-Services zu realisieren. Das Konsortium beinhaltete global führende Energie- und IKT-Betreiber, -Hersteller und -Dienstleister sowie herausragende Forschungsorganisationen und KMU aus 12 Ländern, die direkt an eng fokussierten Testläufen und Geschäftsinnovationen teilnahmen. Aufgrund des großen Ausmaßes und Umfangs stellen die FINESCE-Ergebnisse auf internationaler Ebene FI-WARE- und Future-Internet-Erfolg auf lange Zeit sicher.
Das Projekt "Platform for optimising the design and operation of modular configurable IT infrastructures and facilities with resource-efficient cooling (COOLEMALL): Green Active Management of Energy in IT Service centres (GAMES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum durchgeführt. Objective: An increasingly important factor in the construction of data centres is the use of modular building blocks as opposed to bespoke facilities. This modular approach is becoming popular due to lower costs, shorter building times, and flexibility of design. However, as this flexibility gives a broad spectrum of configurations, there is significant scope for analysing the energy efficiency aspects of the modular approach. In order to have a deep insight into the total energy consumption of both large data centres and smaller facilities more research is needed to determine how intrinsically efficient the approach is. Thus the main goal of CoolEmAll is to provide advanced planning and optimisation tools for modular data centre environments. Once developed, these tools should help to minimise the energy consumption, and consequently the CO2 emissions of the IT infrastructure with related facilities. This will be achieved by: (i) Design of diverse types of computing building blocks (ComputeBox Blueprints) precisely defined by energy efficiency metrics; (ii) Development of simulation, visualization and decision support toolkit (SVD Toolkit) that will enable analysis and optimisation of IT infrastructures built of these building blocks; Both activities will include three important aspects when considering the energy efficiency of modular data centres: cooling techniques, applications properties, and management policies. To achieve these goals CoolEmAll will follow the interdisciplinary approach using project partners expertise and technologies in relevant areas. Validation of results will be done by both real-life and simulation studies. The former will be possible thanks to the small scale real prototype of ComputeBox with fine-grained monitoring. Simulation studies will allow analysing and optimising energy efficiency in specific scenarios and designing ComputeBox Blueprints leading to potential energy savings of 10-50% depending on a specific case. Prime Contractor: Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej Pan, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center; Poznan; Polen (Polska).
Das Projekt "Logistics Industry Coalition for Long-term, ICT-based Freight Transport Efficiency (LOGISTICS FOR LIFE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BLG Logistics Group AG & Co. KG durchgeführt. Logistics for LIFE brings together leading logistic companies, technology providers and research organizations working on innovative ICT solutions to ensure long-term sustainability of the logistic industry by increasing its operational efficiency. The project is motivated by freight transport heavy reliance on fossil fuel, its contribution to CO2 emissions and by its impact on the environment and quality of life. These issues are counterbalanced by considerations specific to the logistics industry, where attempts to direct cargo towards environment friendly transport modes are failing to meet expectations and firms face problems of volatile fuel prices, infrastructures saturation and low margins typical of a commoditized sector. Logistics for LIFE will drive European ICT for Transport research in the direction of making logistic operations more efficient, and thus more environmentally friendly, financially and socially sustainable on the long term. The following results will be achieved: 1) a multi-disciplinary network pursuing efficiency-related initiatives within EU, international or industrial programs, and attracting key stakeholders through a dedicated Forum; 2) a reference framework linking the stakeholders efficiency requirements to sustainability strategic objectives and to relevant ICT solutions; 3) a strategic roadmap including concrete actions and strategies for ICT solutions implementation; 4) coordinated dissemination activities and 5) a common working platform aimed at the community of users and researchers pursuing ICT-based logistics sustainability. The Logistics for LIFE Consortium is formed by 19 partners including global leaders in logistics, vehicle and technology manufacturing, ICT companies and research organizations representing some of the major initiatives and research projects in the field. International Cooperation partners from China, US and Eastern Europe are part of the Consortium or expressed their interest in Forum participation. Prime Contractor: INSIEL - Informatica per il Sistema Degli Enti Locali S.P.A.; Bologna; Italia.
Das Projekt "Developing Hardware and Design Methodologies for Heterogeneous Low Power Field Programmable Servers (FiPS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von OFFIS e.V., FuE-Bereich Verkehr durchgeführt. Goals: Many of today's technical blessings, e.g. weather forecast, fuel efficient car-shapes, medical tomography analysis or even a simple Google query depend on massive computer programs that are executed on super-computing centers with thousands of computers, which consume a lot of electrical energy. With increasing super-computing demand severe economic and ecological problems arise. Already 15% of the world-wide electrical energy is used to power all the computers in use today, and this number is quickly increasing. There are alternative kinds of computing devices such as smart-phone processors, 3D graphic chips and reconfigurable FPGA hardware (as used in DSL modems and network switches), which can provide much higher energy efficiency than traditional processors. Today, a typical super-computing program consists of a huge number of small jobs. Some of them can be run on these alternative architectures, reducing the demand and therefore the required number of traditional high-energy, high performance processors. Motivation: The FiPS project thus proposes to build a new heterogeneous super-computer class. It combines traditional high performance processors for complex tasks with many of the efficient alternative processors for simple tasks. As the total number of processors increases, these new super-computers will be slightly faster, but will at the same time substantially reduce the energy demand. FiPS will not only have an ecological impact by reducing energy demand (and thus carbon dioxide emission), but also an economic impact by cutting one of the major costs of running a super-computing center, its energy costs. Supercomputing will become cheaper and thus affordable for many other applications. Promotion: This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609757. Technology: The drawback of building super-computers from a heterogeneous network of processors rather than a regular grid of identical processors is that heterogeneous systems are much harder to program, as the individual properties of many different components have to be considered. For instance, different processors require different programming languages, and it has to be decided, which processor type will finally run a computation job, either to get the result as fast as possible or with the lowest energy costs. And finally, all processors working on different parts of the same problem have to synchronize on their intermediate results. This is up to now only possible in a regular grid of homogeneous processors. To solve these issues, FiPS will setup a programming methodology, in which just a single programming language is used to write the super-computing program. The final software is then analyzed and splitted into chunks by the FiPS methodology. (abridged text)
Origin | Count |
Bund | 35 |
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Förderprogramm | 35 |
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offen | 35 |
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Deutsch | 35 |
Englisch | 34 |
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Keine | 17 |
Webseite | 18 |
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Boden | 32 |
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