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Found 11 results.

Strategic Partnership on Testing of REACH

Das Projekt "Strategic Partnership on Testing of REACH" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Öko-Institut. Institut für angewandte Ökologie e.V. durchgeführt.

Workshop: Conservation Study of Settlement Areas along the banks of Ciliwung and Cipinang River

Das Projekt "Workshop: Conservation Study of Settlement Areas along the banks of Ciliwung and Cipinang River" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Institut Entwerfen von Stadt und Landschaft, Lehrstuhl für Stadtquartiersplanung und Entwerfen durchgeführt. Als Ziel des Workshops galt es, nachhaltige Konzepte für informelle Siedlungen entlang der Flüsse Ciliwung und Cipinang zu entwickeln, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf dem Hochwasserschutz. Die Zusammenarbeit deutscher und indonesischer Lehrbeauftragter und Studenten war Kern des Workshops. Der Workshop ist Teil des Programms der 'Fachbezogenen Partnerschaft mit Hochschulen in Entwicklungsländern. Er fand während eines Arbeitsbesuches Karlsruher Professoren, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Studenten statt. Beteiligt waren neben 35 Studenten der UKI vier Studenten aus Karlsruhe.

Co-ordination Action to define new research lines on Life- Cycle Analysis for sustainability (CALCAS)

Das Projekt "Co-ordination Action to define new research lines on Life- Cycle Analysis for sustainability (CALCAS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. LCA approaches are part of the broader field of sustainability assessment often connected to different disciplines. To increase the efficacy of sustainability decision making, LCA is to take into account broader externalities, broader interrelations and different application/user needs with often conflicting requirements (dynamic models; integration of environmental, economic, and social aspects; accessibility and user friendliness, etc). Roughly, development should be oriented to: - 'deepening', to improve reliability and usability by more adequately incorporating empirical mechanisms - 'broadening', to improve the significance, by expanding the scope of sustainability impacts and better linking to neighbouring models - 'leaping forward' by a revision/enrichment of foundations, through the crossing with other disciplines for sustainability evaluation. CALCAS develops analysis and development along two lines: 1 science framework; 2 user needs (Industry, Research organisations, Government, Consumers, NGOs); the results, are crossed to draw up mid- long-term research lines and road maps, including measures for implementation. Advanced results will often not be in line with the current ISO14040 series definitions and requirements on LCA, creating a need for reformulation. Partnership combines LCA 'producers' and 'users' and involves, with different responsibilities, a significant and highly qualified part of European scientists. Thus, the project promotes the networking both 'cross', among the scientific sectors, and 'vertical' between them and users. Expert working groups, cross-fertilisation workshops, and an open consultation of all scientific sectors and users, based on a Blue Paper combining intermediate proposals are inputs to the final results, both as described models and tools and as research tasks to be accomplished. They also promote dissemination and joint actions for training, knowledge exchanges and common projects. Prime Contractor: Ente per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia elL'Ambiente; Roma; Italy.

Stoffflüsse und Ressourceneffizienzen der urbanen und peri-urbanen Landwirtschaft in der Hauptstadt Khartum, Sudan

Das Projekt "Stoffflüsse und Ressourceneffizienzen der urbanen und peri-urbanen Landwirtschaft in der Hauptstadt Khartum, Sudan" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kassel, Fachgruppe Boden- und Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Institut für Nutzpflanzenkunde, Fachgebiet Ökologischer Pflanzenbau und Agrarökosystemforschung in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. Die urbane und peri-urbane Landwirtschaft (UPL) gewinnt insbesondere in den Großstädten Afrikas zunehmend an Bedeutung. Sie stellt Nahrungsmittel und andere Güter für die oft doppelt so rasch wie die Gesamtbevölkerung des Landes wachsende Stadtbevölkerung zur Verfügung. Ein hoher Input von Düngemitteln, Agrarchemikalien, die Verwendung von städtischen Abfällen und Abwasser zur Erzeugung pflanzlicher und tierischer Produkte birgt jedoch standortspezifisch unterschiedliche Risiken der Belastung von Erzeugnissen und Umwelt. Die beantragte Institutspartnerschaft beabsichtigt über eine zielgerichtete Kombination von Ausbildungs- und Forschungskomponenten (Nähr- )Stoffflüsse in der UPL und ihre negativen Nebenwirkungen am Beispiel der sudanesischen Hauptstadt Khartum zu erfassen. Darüber hinaus sollen diese Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung von Vorschlägen zur Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz und zur Abschätzung der Belastungen von Böden und gärtnerischen Erzeugnissen mit Pestiziden, Schwermetallen und Fäkalkeimen beitragen. Zu diesem Zweck werden in einem ersten Schritt vier repräsentative Betriebe ausgewählt. Im zweiten Schritt werden in den ausgewählten Beispielbetrieben die horizontalen Ein- und Austräge von Stickstoff (N), Phosphor (P) und Kalium (K) an der Schnittstelle Boden-Pflanze-Tier im Jahresverlauf erfasst. Zu repräsentativen Zeitpunkten sollen atmosphärische Emissionen (Denitrifikations- und Ammoniakverlust) mit einem mobilen photoakustischen Multigasmonitor ermittelt und sickerungsbedingte Nährstoffverluste (N, P und K) durch den Einbau von Si-Carbid-Saugplatten gemessen werden. Darüber hinaus werden ausgewählte gärtnerische Erzeugnisse auf ihre Belastung mit Pestiziden, Schwermetallen und Fäkalkeimen untersucht.

Partnering to enhance civil society organisations contribution to research in sustainable consumption & production (CSOCONTRIBUTION2SCP)

Das Projekt "Partnering to enhance civil society organisations contribution to research in sustainable consumption & production (CSOCONTRIBUTION2SCP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production gGmbH durchgeführt. Objective: Some relative decoupling of economic growth from materials and energy consumption has been achieved in many EU countries during the past decade. However, this did not lead to an absolute decrease in environmental pressures, because absolute resource use has been generally remained steady over the past two decades. Moreover, due to the rebound effect , it is unlikely that resource use can be reduced by technological improvements alone. This leads us to the conclusion that sustainability of current lifestyles and consumption patterns may have to be critically reviewed. In order to reach the goal of shifting towards less environmentally damaging consumption patterns without reductions in the quality of life , contributions from and agreement among a variety of economic and societal actors are required. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have the unique position to bring a variety of actors together and convince them to take action for more transformational type of change beyond resource productivity measures. They can encourage concrete set of goals to drive away from currently unsustainable patterns of consumption. This project looks into how CSOs can provide new insights for research in sustainable consumption and production with the goal of reaching absolute decoupling of economic growth from resource use. Incorporating all major priorities of the call, specific objectives of the project are as follows: - Identify gaps (1) in the knowledge of CSO s how to shape consumption and production patterns in a sustainable way, and (2) in the research agenda for sustainable consumption and production policy strategies, assessment tools and indicators; - Providing new insights for increasing efficiency of policy strategies, assessment tools and indicators for sustainable consumption and production through small-scale exploratory actions; - Create partnerships between CSOs and research organisations to increase involvement of CSOs in research.

Förderung der Umwelttechnologien im internationalen Vergleich

Das Projekt "Förderung der Umwelttechnologien im internationalen Vergleich" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von IZT - Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung gemeinnütziger GmbH durchgeführt. The project examines funding of environmental technology development and commercialisation. The objectives are to: measure the performance of existing funding schemes (emphasising commercial-type funding); determine how environmental aspects are dealt with; identify obstacles; and suggest evolution of new schemes. Eight project work packages address these objectives, and also include development of environmental technology typologies, analysis of funding gaps, and comparison to Japan and the USA. The project supports SSP 5A by connecting policy and practice, linking researchers from across the EU, and using wide consultation to disseminate knowledge and maximise exploitation of research results. Consortium partners are drawn from five EU states, and have expertise and networks in private and public environmental technology funding and technology development processes. Stakeholder consultation with private and public funders, developers, academics, policy makers and NGOs will support research and knowledge dissemination. Consultation will include major public conferences and forums, sector-specific focus groups, and workshops to test analysis and geographic variations. Consultation and publication and dissemination of the final report will spur innovation by private and public funders, supporting knowledge exploitation after project completion. Research will emphasise private sector solutions, but will also include public-private partnerships, which are innovative measures that can assist in closing the funding gap. The varying applicability of such partnerships across different EU states will also be considered. The two project deliverables will be a database containing research and contact information, and a widely published final report that will integrate all research and recommendations. Prime Contractor: Partenaires Europeens pour l'Environnement; Bruxelles; Belgium.

Methoden für die Nachhaltigkeitsprüfug multifunktionaler Landnutzung in Europäischen Regionen Erweiterung auf Nicht-Europäische Drittländer (SENSOR TTC)

Das Projekt "Methoden für die Nachhaltigkeitsprüfug multifunktionaler Landnutzung in Europäischen Regionen Erweiterung auf Nicht-Europäische Drittländer (SENSOR TTC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V., Institut für Landnutzungssysteme und Landschaftsökologie durchgeführt. Decision makers face significant difficulties in anticipating the complex interlinkages of driving forces of land use as well as the possible future impacts of land use policies on sustainable development options. The design of policies aiming at supporting sustainable land use requires robust tools for the ex-ante assessment of different scenarios impacts on the environmental and socio-economic sustainability. The Integrated Project SENSOR develops ex-ante Sustainability Impact Assessment Tools (SIAT) to support decision making on policies related to multifunctional land use in European regions. SENSOR TTC aims at international cooperation to adapt the European approach on ex-ante sustainability impact assessment to extra European conditions in Targeted Third Countries (TTC). With China, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, SENSOR TTC focuses on those countries, whose land use sectors are highly dynamic and of particular importance for the worlds sustainable development. SENSOR TTC will benefit from scientific knowledge and expertise of its third country partners to develop a transferability analysis framework for the tools developed in SENSOR for adaptation to third countries. Respective conditions of European and third country policy options will be considered in the light of multifunctional land use. The SENSOR TTC approach comprises the adaptation of the three SENSOR assessment streams: (a) driving force analysis on the basis of various land use and policy scenarios, (b) problem identification and risk analysis, (c) case study based sensitive area studies. SENSOR TTC presents an innovative concept for the identification of policy scenarios among completely different circumstances at extra-European level and therefore significantly augment the relevance of knowledge rule based tools for sustainability impact assessment. SENSOR TTC will deliver a) a methodological framework for the adaptation of sustainability impact assessment to important countries Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and China and b) a functional demonstration SIAT. SENSOR TTC is based on equitable partnership and will integrated researchers from different disciplines and countries to find novel solutions for integrated modelling, spatial and temporal scaling and aggregation of data, selection of indicators, database management, analysis and prediction of trends, education and implementation.

Integration of Associated Candidate Countries and New EU Member States in European Research Area by Environmental approaches (ERA-ENV)

Das Projekt "Integration of Associated Candidate Countries and New EU Member States in European Research Area by Environmental approaches (ERA-ENV)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V. durchgeführt. The aim of this Specific Support Action (SSA) is to enhance the participation of research organizations and SMEs from new Members States and Candidate Countries in FP6 and 6.3. Thematic Priority. The proposed activities will: - actively promote the research competencies on environment in ACC (at least 200 research organisations from ACC will be promoted); - train research and SMEs representative on issues related to FP6 and 'Global Changes and Ecosystems' (11 training sessions organized and up to 240 researchers trained); - allow to promote FP6/Global Changes and Ecosystems to research community and SMEs (2,750 brochures, 5,000 leaflets, 2,750 CDs, one web page, monthly E- newsletters, one European Conference); - allow to support researchers/SMEs in proposals elaboration and submission (up to 20 proposals with ACC partners); - allow to establish partnerships between organizations from Member States and ACC (one big Brokerage Event will be organized in Romania). ERA-ENV mobilises the skills and competencies of relevant organisations from 7 European Countries, of which 2 are Member States (Austriaand Germany), 2 are new Member States (Hungary and Slovakia) and 3 are Candidates Countries (Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey). Prime Contractor: Fiman Development Services S.A.a; Bucurestii 2; Romania.

GRAND GOOS: Regional Alliances Network Development

Das Projekt "GRAND GOOS: Regional Alliances Network Development" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von University Msida durchgeführt. Large-scale operational ocean monitoring and forecasting networks, defined in the international programme Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), are needed to implement many global conventions and agreements signed by the EU and its Member states, including the Convention on the Law of the Sea, International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, Convention on Biodiversity, Framework Convention on Climate Change, Programme of Action for Sustainable Development. GOOS Regional Alliances co-ordinate the efforts of states around the world to implement GOOS. They have different capacities, resources and level of activity, but all seek to establish a global sustained system of observations to predict the state of the marine environment, to fulfil their duties in international agreements and to gain practical benefits for a variety of end-users and for public good. Europe (EuroGOOS, MedGOOS) has world leadership. EC RTD projects such as MAMA, PAPA and ARENA support international co-operation for GOOS, and participate in the initial phase of the Global Monitoring of Environment and Security, the European contribution to global monitoring systems. GRAND brings together all the GOOS Regional Alliances (GRAs) and is supported by the major international organisations related to GOOS (IOC, JCOMM, I-GOOS). The partnership covers all the oceans on Earth to provide a forum, led by Europe, to harmonise the diverse regional systems within GOOS, while advancing the European contribution to the global system. GRAND will facilitate the dissemination of best practice, technology transfer, development of international co-operation, establishment of observing systems in developing countries, application of results of EU projects to the broader international community active in the GRAs. This will help to strengthen the role of the EU on the international stage while contributing to the integration and strengthening of the ERA.

Priorities and strategies to support Cultural Heritage Research Activities within ECTP and future FP7 activities (CHRAF)

Das Projekt "Priorities and strategies to support Cultural Heritage Research Activities within ECTP and future FP7 activities (CHRAF)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fundacion Labein durchgeführt. The Focus Area Cultural Heritage (FACH) is one of the 7 Focus Areas (FAs) of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP). So far, a first version of the FACH Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) has been launched in Dec 2005 and integrated into the ECTP and its SRA through the ECTP Support Group (SG). An Action Plan for its sound integration into the ECTP and FP7 is starting now. The overall objective of CHRAF is to support the FACH activities regarding Cultural Heritage (CH) research, its dissemination, coordination and integration into the ECTP and FP7. Partial objectives: - To help identify priorities and develop strategies regarding CH Research as input to the ECTP and its SRA as well as to future FP7, - To support the organisation and co-ordination of the FACH of the ECTP and its Working Groups (WGs) in relation to the other ECTP FAs and its WGs, - To promote the exchange of information and dissemination of results of FP5-FP6 projects in CH research. Main measurable results: - 3 updated & upgraded versions of FACH SRA implemented within the ECTP, - Synthesis of clear research priorities recommendations for FACH s SRA implementation in FP7 work programme for 2007, 2008 and 2009, - A secretariat for the FACH, set up and recommendations for future structure of the FACH within the ECTP and relations with other Fora and European Platforms CH related, - Mapping FP5-FP6 projects in CH and information exchange activities, - Assessment of results regarding FP5-FP6 projects in CH & recommendations for further exploitation, - Dissemination and exploitation plans & deployment. The consortium is formed by 4 partners from 3 member states: VINCI and UL FGG, as FACH co-ordinators and members of the ECTP s SG, CSTB as ECTP secretariat and Labein, as a relevant FACH and ECTP member. FACH s relevant members will participate in the project as subcontractors. In total it will represent 10 research institutes, 7 universities and 6 industries or SMEs. 1017903 The PICTURE project aims at providing a substantial contribution to the fight against illegal trade and theft of coins which appears to be a major part of the illegal antiques market. For this goal, state-of-art Information Technology will be used. The project will develop standardized inventories by defining a domain ontology based on CIDOC-CRM, the standard ontology for Cultural Heritage, and a multilingual thesaurus. Data management tools will be created as well, and a specialized web search tool. The recognition of coins will be based on new algorithms of pattern recognition and image processing, in a field (classification and identification of ancient coins) as yet unexplored. The project will disseminate its results also by means of a demonstrator freely accessible on the Internet. Substantial contribution to the project will come from stakeholders, some of which are present in the partnership, which includes the Italian law enforcement organisation Carabinieri and three major national museums wit

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