Die Erdölfirma Central European Petroleum GmbH (CEP) schließt ihre beiden Probebohrungen nach Erdöl auf der Insel Usedom. Eine langfristig wirtschaftliche Förderung von Erdöl sind nach Angaben des Unternehmens weder in Lütow noch in Pudagla gegeben. Die Bohrstelle in Lütow wurde bereits seit Januar 2016 vollständig zurückgebaut und die Bohrstelle in Pudagla soll bis Mai 2016 zurückgebaut und renaturiert werden. Seit 2011 hatte CEP mit den Probebohrungen auf Usedom nach förderfähigen Erdöllagerstätten gesucht.
The BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides the basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores) in Germany on a scale of 1:1,000,000. The BSK1000 is published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in cooperation with the State Geological Surveys of Germany. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the content of the map is stored in five INSPIRE-compliant GML files: BSK1000_Mine.gml contains important mines as points. BSK1000_EarthResource_point_Energy_resources_and_mineral_raw_materials.gml contains small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as points. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Distribution_of_salt.gml contains the distribution of salt as polygons. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Energy_resources.gml contains large-scale energy resources as polygons. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Mineral_raw_materials.gml contains large-scale mineral raw materials as polygons. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (BSK1000-INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.
The GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) shows deposits and mines of energy resources, metal resources, industrial minerals and salt on a greatly simplified geology within Germany on a scale of 1:2,000,000. According to the Data Specifications on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) and Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of the map is stored in three INSPIRE-compliant GML files: GK2000_Lagerstaetten_Mine.gml contains mines as points. GK2000_ Lagerstaetten _EarthResource_polygon_Energy_resources.gml contains energy resources as polygons. GK2000_ Lagerstaetten _GeologicUnit.gml contains the greatly simplified geology of Germany. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (GK2000_ Lagerstaetten -INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.
technologyComment of barite production (CA-QC, RER, RoW): Barite is mined both in open pit and underground mines. About 60 to 120 kg of Barite can be yielded from one cubic meter of ore. The ore is transported via lorry (usually less than 5km) to a washing installation. Subsequently, it is separated from the water and grinded wet or dry. Between 65% and 85% of barite contained in the ore can be extracted. This dataset includes resource extraction and processing of the material. technologyComment of niobium mine operation and beneficiation, from pyrochlore ore (BR, RoW): Open-pit mining is applied and hydraulic excavators are used to extract the ore with different grades, which is transported to stockpiles awaiting homogenization through earth-moving equipment in order to attain the same concentration. Conveyor belts (3.5 km) are utilized to transport the homogenized ore to the concentration unit. Initially, the ore passes through a jaw crusher and moves to the ball mills, where the pyrochlore grains (1 mm average diameter) are reduced to diameters less than 0.104 mm. In the ball mills, recycled water is added in order to i) granulate the concentrate and ii) remove the gas from the sintering unit. The granulated ore undergoes i) magnetic separation, where magnetite is removed and is sold as a coproduct and ii) desliming in order to remove fractions smaller than 5μm by utilizing cyclones. Then the ore enters the flotation process - last stage of the beneficiation process – where the pyrochlore particles come into contact with flotation chemicals (hydrochloric & fluorosilic acid, triethylamene and lime), thereby removing the solid fractions and producing pyrochlore concentrate and barite as a coproduct which is also sold. The produced concentrate contains 55% Nb2O5 and 11% water and moves to the sintering unit, via tubes or is transported in bags while the separated and unused minerals enter the tailings dam. In the sintering unit, the pyrochlore concentrate undergoes pelletizing, sintering, crushing and classification. These units not only accumulate the material but are also responsible for removing sulfur and water from the concentrate. Then the concentrate enters the dephosphorization unit, where phosphorus and lead are removed from the concentrate. The removal of sulphur and phosphorus have to be executed because of the local pyrochlore ore composition. Then the concentrate undergoes a carbothermic reduction by using charcoal and petroleum coke, producing a refined concentrate, 63% Nb2O5 and tailings with high lead content that are disposed in the tailings dam again.
The WMS BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores) in Germany on a scale of 1:1,000,000. The BSK1000 is published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in cooperation with the State Geological Surveys of Germany. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS BSK1000 (INSPIRE) contains five layers: MR.Mine displays important mines. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Point.EnergyResourcesAndMineralRawMaterials displays small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as points. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon.DistributionOfSalt displays the distribution of salt. MR.MineralOccurrence.Commodity.Polygon.EnergyResources displays large-scale energy resources as polygons. MR.MineralOccurrence.Commodity.Polygon.MineralRawMaterials displays large-scale mineral raw materials as polygons. The user obtains detailed information on the mineral raw materials, energy resources and mines via the getFeatureInfo request. Notes regarding the portrayal: The colouring of the large- and small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as well as of the mines corresponds largely to the colouring of the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE). In addition, the gas and oil polygons are coloured in green and red according to common international practice. The black coal polygons are displayed in their original colour grey. Also the colours of the mine symbols correspond largely to the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE) colouring. Only the salt and potash mine symbols have their original colour. All mine symbols are BGR symbols. The distribution areas of the Triassic and Zechstein salt show the corresponding geochronological INSPIRE colours (see Data Specification on Geology D2.8.II.4_v3.0). The distribution area of salt diapirism is displayed in a BGR colour.
The WMS GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) shows deposits and mines of energy resources, metal resources, industrial minerals and salt on a greatly simplified geology within Germany on a scale of 1:2,000,000. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) and Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) contains the following layers: MR.Mine displays mines. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon.EnergyResources displays energy resources as polygons. GE.GeologicUnits provides the greatly simplified geology of Germany. For different geochronologic minimum and maximum ages, e.g. Precambrian - Cenozoic, the portrayal is defined by the colour of the geochronologic minimum age (olderNamedAge). The user obtains detailed information on the deposits, mines and geology via the getFeatureInfo request. Notes regarding the portrayal: The gas and oil provinces as well as the corresponding mines are coloured in green and red according to common international practice. The black coal fields are displayed in their original colour grey. The colouring of the brown coal fields correspond to the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE) colouring. All mine symbols and commodity abbrevations are BGR symbols and abbrevations.
Die Punktdarstellung (WMS) zeigt Proben aus dem BGR-Erdölarchiv, die für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland an der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) vorliegen. Sie zeigt die Standorte und ausgewählte Informationen zur Bohrung, wie den Bohrungsnamen und den NIBIS-BohrIdentifier (NIBIS Kartenserver des Landesamtes für Bergbau und Geologie Niedersachsens). Die Erdöle liegen in unterschiedlichen Mengen vor und werden in der Regel gekühlt gelagert. Zu vielen Proben hält die BGR geochemische Daten vor, wie relative Anteile an aliphatischen und aromatischen Bestandteilen, die isotopische Zusammensetzung (delta13C) von Erdölfraktionen und Verhältnisse ausgewählter aliphatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe und Biomarker (speziell Sterane und Hopane). Proben sowie Daten sind nur nach rechtlicher Klärung durch den Bohrungsbesitzer möglich. Eine Kontaktherstellung durch die BGR ist möglich.
technologyComment of iron ore beneficiation (IN): Milling and mechanical sorting. Average iron yield is 65% . The process so developed basically involves crushing, classification, processing of lumps, fines and slimes separately to produce concentrate suitable as lump and sinter fines and for pellet making. The quality is essentially defined as Fe contents, Level of SiO2 and Al2O3 contamination. The process aims at maximizing Fe recovery by subjecting the rejects/tailings generated from coarser size processing to fine size reduction and subsequent processing to recover iron values. technologyComment of iron ore beneficiation (RoW): Milling and mechanical sorting. Average iron yield is 84%. technologyComment of iron ore mine operation and beneficiation (CA-QC): Milling and mechanical sorting. Average iron yield is 75%. Specific data were collected on one of the two production site in Quebec. According to the documentation available, the technologies of the 2 mines seems similar. Uncertainity has been adjusted accordingly. technologyComment of niobium mine operation and beneficiation, from pyrochlore ore (BR, RoW): Open-pit mining is applied and hydraulic excavators are used to extract the ore with different grades, which is transported to stockpiles awaiting homogenization through earth-moving equipment in order to attain the same concentration. Conveyor belts (3.5 km) are utilized to transport the homogenized ore to the concentration unit. Initially, the ore passes through a jaw crusher and moves to the ball mills, where the pyrochlore grains (1 mm average diameter) are reduced to diameters less than 0.104 mm. In the ball mills, recycled water is added in order to i) granulate the concentrate and ii) remove the gas from the sintering unit. The granulated ore undergoes i) magnetic separation, where magnetite is removed and is sold as a coproduct and ii) desliming in order to remove fractions smaller than 5μm by utilizing cyclones. Then the ore enters the flotation process - last stage of the beneficiation process – where the pyrochlore particles come into contact with flotation chemicals (hydrochloric & fluorosilic acid, triethylamene and lime), thereby removing the solid fractions and producing pyrochlore concentrate and barite as a coproduct which is also sold. The produced concentrate contains 55% Nb2O5 and 11% water and moves to the sintering unit, via tubes or is transported in bags while the separated and unused minerals enter the tailings dam. In the sintering unit, the pyrochlore concentrate undergoes pelletizing, sintering, crushing and classification. These units not only accumulate the material but are also responsible for removing sulfur and water from the concentrate. Then the concentrate enters the dephosphorization unit, where phosphorus and lead are removed from the concentrate. The removal of sulphur and phosphorus have to be executed because of the local pyrochlore ore composition. Then the concentrate undergoes a carbothermic reduction by using charcoal and petroleum coke, producing a refined concentrate, 63% Nb2O5 and tailings with high lead content that are disposed in the tailings dam again. technologyComment of rare earth element mine operation and beneficiation, bastnaesite and monazite ore (CN-NM): Firstly, open pit, mining (drilling and blasting) is performed in order to obtain the iron ore and a minor quantity of rare earth ores (5−6 % rare earth oxide equivalent). Then, a two-step beneficiation process is applied to produce the REO concentrate. In the first step, ball milling and magnetic separation is used for the isolation of the iron ore. In the second step, the resulting REO tailing (containing monazite and bastnasite), is processed to get a 50% REO equivalent concentrate via flotation. technologyComment of rare earth oxides production, from rare earth oxide concentrate, 70% REO (CN-SC): This dataset refers to the separation (hydrochloric acid leaching) and refining (metallothermic reduction) process used in order to produce high-purity rare earth oxides (REO) from REO concentrate, 70% beneficiated. ''The concentrate is calcined at temperatures up to 600ºC to oxidize carbonaceous material. Then HCl leaching, alkaline treatment, and second HCl leaching is performed to produce a relatively pure rare earth chloride (95% REO). Hydrochloric acid leaching in Sichuan is capable of separating and recovering the majority of cerium oxide (CeO) in a short process. For this dataset, the entire quantity of Ce (50% cerium dioxide [CeO2]/REO) is assumed to be produced here as CeO2 with a grade of 98% REO. Foreground carbon dioxide CO2 emissions were calculated from chemical reactions of calcining beneficiated ores. Then metallothermic reduction produces the purest rare earth metals (99.99%) and is most common for heavy rare earths. The metals volatilize, are collected, and then condensed at temperatures of 300 to 400°C (Chinese Ministryof Environmental Protection 2009).'' Source: Lee, J. C. K., & Wen, Z. (2017). Rare Earths from Mines to Metals: Comparing Environmental Impacts from China's Main Production Pathways. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(5), 1277-1290. doi:10.1111/jiec.12491 technologyComment of scandium oxide production, from rare earth tailings (CN-NM): See general comment. technologyComment of vanadium-titanomagnetite mine operation and beneficiation (CN): Natural rutile resources are scarce in China. For that reason, the production of titanium stems from high-grade titanium slag, the production of which includes 2 processes: i) ore mining & dressing process and ii) titanium slag smelting process. During the ore mining and dressing process, ilmenite concentrate (47.82% TiO2) is produced through high-intensity magnetic separation of the middling ore, which is previously produced as a byproduct during the magnetic separation sub-process of the vanadium titano-magnetite ore. During the titanium slag smelting process, the produced ilmenite concentrate from the ore mining & dressing process is mixed with petroleum coke as the reducing agent and pitch as the bonding agent. Afterwards it enters the electric arc furnace, where it is smelted, separating iron from the ilmenite concentrate and obtaining high-grade titanium slag.
Im Rahmen des PANORAMA Projekts wurden vier marin-geophysikalische und marin geologische Expeditionen durchgeführt. 2013: Panorama1 mit dem Forschungsschiff RV OGS Explora, nördliche Barentssee und Eurasisches Becken; 2015: Panorama2 mit RV OGS Explora, nördliche Barentssee, Olga Becken; 2017 SEGMENT mit RV Maria S. Merian, nordöstlicher Kontinentrand Grönland; 2018 GREENMATE mit RV Polarstern, nordöstlicher und nördlicher Kontinentrand Grönland. Die geowissenschaftlichen Daten umfassen für die genannten Expeditionen 2D reflexionsseismische Daten und refraktionsseismische Daten (mit OBS bzw. Sonarboje. Zusätzlich wurden hydroakustische Daten mit den bordeigenen Fächerecholoten bzw. Sedimentecholoten aufgezeichnet. Darüber hinaus wurden gravimetrische und magnetische Daten erfasst. Geologische und geochemische Daten wurden mit Schwereloten und Multicorern genommen. Im Rahmen der Expedition Greenmate (2018) wurde auch per Helikopter Proben an der Küste NO Grönlands genommen. Ergebnisse stehen bislang in den folgenden Veröffentlichungen zur Verfügung: Berglar Kai, Franke Dieter, Lutz Rüdiger, Schreckenberger Bernd, Damm Volkmar; Initial Opening of the Eurasian Basin, Arctic Ocean; Frontiers in Earth Science; 2016; DOI=10.3389/feart.2016.00091 Rüdiger Lutz, Dieter Franke, Kai Berglar, Ingo Heyde, Bernd Schreckenberger, Peter Klitzke, Wolfram H. Geissler; Evidence for mantle exhumation since the early evolution of the slow-spreading Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean; Journal of Geodynamics; 2018; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2018.01.014 Philipp Weniger, Martin Blumenberg, Kai Berglar, Axel Ehrhardt, Peter Klitzke, Martin Krüger, Rüdiger Lutz; Origin of near-surface hydrocarbon gases bound in northern Barents Sea sediments; Marine and Petroleum Geology; 2019 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.12.036 P. Klitzke, D. Franke, A. Ehrhardt, R. Lutz, L. Reinhardt, I. Heyde, J.I. Faleide; The paleozoic evolution of the Olga Basin region, northern Barents Sea – a link to the timanian orogeny; G-cubed, 20 (2) (2019); 10.1029/2018GC007814 Rüdiger Lutz, Peter Klitzke, Philipp Weniger, Martin Blumenberg, Dieter Franke, Lutz Reinhardt, Axel Ehrhardt, Kai Berglar; Basin and petroleum systems modelling in the northern Norwegian Barents Sea; Marine and Petroleum Geology; 2021; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105128. Franke, D., Klitzke, P., Barckhausen, U., Berglar, K., Berndt, C., Damm, V., Dannowski, A., Ehrhardt, A., Engels, M., Funck, T., Geissler, W., Schnabel, M., Thorwart, M. & Trinhammer, P. (2019): Polyphase Magmatism During the Formation of the Northern East Greenland Continental Margin. - Tectonics, 38, 8: 2961–2982, DOI: 10.1029/2019tc005552.
From 17th April to 6th June 2003 BGR conducted a marine geophysical cruise between 30°S and 38°S off the Atlantic coast of South Africa. The main research objective was to contribute to a better understanding of the initial breakup and the early opening of the South Atlantic. In continuation of our former work on the South Atlantic continental margins off Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Namibia marine geophysical research (multi-channel seismics, wide-angle refraction seismics, magnetics and gravity) was performed in cooperation with the Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA). Multi-channel lines with a total lenght of 3,260 km, and additional 1,365km, with the other geophysical methods were acquired. Combined onshore/offshore refraction seismic work in cooperation with GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (Germany) and the Council for Geoscience (South Africa) was also part of the program.
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