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The Impact of Human Activities on Soil Organisms of the Maritime Antarctic and the Introduction of Non-Native Species in Antarctica

The present study aimed at determining the influence of human activities on Antarctic soil-organisms communities as well as the potential introduction of non-native species into Antarctic habitats. In the Antarctic summers of the years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, soil organisms (plants and the soil fauna of the groups Nematoda, Tardigrada, Collembola, Actinedida, Oribatida and Gamasina) were collected from anthropogenically influenced and non-influenced areas of the total of 13 localities and compared Veröffentlicht in Texte | 22/2013.


EDC is produced industrially by the chlorination of ethylene, either directly with chlorine or by using hydrogen chloride (HCl). In practice, both routes are carried out together, the HCl stems from the cracking of EDC to vinyl chloride. HCl from other processes can also be used. The major outlet is for the production of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM). There are both integrated EDC / VCM plants as well as stand-alone EDC plants. In 1997, European production of EDC was 9.4 million tons, according to (IPPC Chemicals, 2002). This makes it Europe’s most produced halogenated product. Global demand is expected to grow at roughly 6% per year in the short run, while future growth depends on the global demand for PVC. Major plants with capacities greater than 600’000 tons per year are located in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, the US, Canada, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Taiwan. Available data from production sites often refer to the entire EDC/VCM chain and do not differentiate between the production lines. There is some information on stand-alone sites, however, and this data forms the basis for part of the inventory developed in this report. EDC can be produced by two routes, both involving the chlorination of ethylene. One route involves direct chlorination, the other is carried out with hydrochloric acid (HCl) and oxygen. In practice, both routes are carried out together. This study includes an average of the available literature data from both routes. EDC by direct chlorination of ethylene: C2H4 + Cl2  C2H4Cl2 Yield on ethylene 96-98% / on chlorine 98% Liquid chlorine and pure ethylene are reacted in the presence of a catalyst (ferric chloride). The chlorination reaction can be carried out at low or high temperature. In the low-temperature process takes place at 20 ºC – 70 ºC. The reaction is exothermic and heat exchangers are needed. The advantage of this process is that there are few by-products. The high-temperature process takes place at 100 ºC – 150 ºC. The heat generated is used to distill the EDC, which conserves energy. the reaction product consists of more than 99% EDC, the rest being chlorinated hydrocarbons that are removed with the light ends and then combusted or sold. EDC by direct chlorination of ethylene: C2H4 + Cl2  C2H4Cl2 Yield on ethylene 96-98% / on chlorine 98% Liquid chlorine and pure ethylene are reacted in the presence of a catalyst (ferric chloride). The chlorination reaction can be carried out at low or high temperature. In the low-temperature process takes place at 20 ºC – 70 ºC. The reaction is exothermic and heat exchangers are needed. The advantage of this process is that there are few by-products. The high-temperature process takes place at 100 ºC – 150 ºC. The heat generated is used to distill the EDC, which conserves energy. Tthe reaction product consists of more than 99% EDC, the rest being chlorinated hydrocarbons that are removed with the light ends and then combusted or sold. EDC by chlorination and oxychlorination: C2H4 + Cl2  C2H4Cl2 (1) C2H4 + 1/2 O2 + 2HCl  C2H4Cl2 + H2O (2) Yield on ethylene 93-97% / on HCl 96-99% Pure ethylene and hydrogen chloride are heated and mixed with oxygen. The reaction occurs at 200 ºC – 300 ºC at 4-6 bar in the presence of a catalyst (cupric chloride). After reaction the gases are quenched with water. The acid and water are removed, the gases are cooled and the organic layer is washed and dried. If air is used instead of oxygen, the reaction is easier to control. However, oxygen-based processes operate at lower temperatures, reducing vent gas volume. By-products are ethyl chloride, 1,1,2-trichloromethane and chloral (trichloroacetaldehyde). Thermal cracking of EDC: Thermal cracking of dry, pure EDC produces VCM and HCl. Often all the HCl generated in the cracking section is reused in producing EDC by oxychlorination. Plants that exhibit this characteristic and also do not export EDC are called “balanced”. The balanced process is the common process used as a Best Available Technology benchmark. C2H4 + Cl2  C2H4Cl2 (Chlorination of ethylene to EDC) C2H4Cl  CH2CHCl + HCl (Cracking of EDC to form VCM) C2H4 + 1/2 O2 + 2HCl  C2H4Cl2 + H2O (Oxychlorination route to EDC) Reference: IPPC Chemicals, 2002 European Commission, Directorate General, Joint Research Center, “Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Large Volume Organic Chemical Industry”, February 2002 Wells, 1999 G. Margaret Wells, “Handbook of Petrochemicals and Processes”, 2nd edition, Ashgate, 1999

Natur des Jahres

Ein Lernangebot für Kinder. Brauner Bär, Schmetterling des Jahres 2021. Vom Baum des Jahres oder dem Vogel des Jahres hast du bestimmt schon gehört. Jedes Jahr wird neu darüber entschieden, wer Tier oder Pflanze des Jahres sein soll. Dann wird darüber berichtet und manchmal sprecht ihr auch in der Schule darüber. Doch wer bestimmt über die Natur des Jahres? Und vor allem: Was soll das Ganze überhaupt? Das erfährst du hier!

The nuclear phase-out in Germany

The nuclear phase-out in Germany The Bundestag resolution on 30 June 2011 laid the foundation for the new search for a final repository The decision of the German Bundestag on 30 June 2011 to phase out nuclear power paved the way for an orderly end to the commercial use of nuclear energy for electricity generation in Germany. This Bundestag decision was based on a broad, cross-party majority. Shutdown following limited stretch-out operation Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine caused a new debate about energy supply and a possible lifetime extension for the last three nuclear power plants in Germany. On 11 November 2022, the Bundestag passed an amendment to the Atomic Energy Act, according to which the three German nuclear power plants still in operation (Isar 2, Neckarwestheim 2 and Emsland) were to be kept in a so-called stretch-out operation for a limited period, until they were shut down on 15 April 2023. The most important questions and answers on the debate about extending the operating lives of German nuclear power plants. 10 years of nuclear phase-out: great success, but still a lot to do The lifetimes of the remaining nuclear power plants All German nuclear power plants that had gone into operation up to and including 1980 were shut down immediately after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. These were: Biblis A and B, Brunsbüttel, Isar 1, Neckarwestheim 1, Unterweser and Philippsburg 1. The Krümmel nuclear power plant was already off the grid at the time. The Grohnde, Gundremmingen C and Brokdorf nuclear power plants were shut down on 31 December 2021. The last three nuclear power plants in Germany were shut down on 15 April 2023: Isar 2, Emsland and Neckarwestheim 2. Their shutdown had been planned for 31 December 2022. Due to the energy crisis, the three nuclear power plants continued operation in stretch-out mode until 15 April 2023 at the latest. The use of new fuel elements was not permitted. The decision of the German Bundestag on 30 June 2011 to phase out nuclear energy has paved the way for an orderly withdrawal from this high-risk technology in Germany. At the same time, the phase-out allowed a recommencement of the search for a final repository for high-level radioactive waste. The nuclear disaster in Fukushima on 11 March 2011 was the cause for the vote in the German Bundestag - and the subsequent decision to phase out nuclear power. The events in Japan triggered a socio-political debate on the continued use of nuclear energy. Following the catastrophic accident in March 2011, the German government immediately initiated the so-called "nuclear moratorium": The safety of German nuclear power plants was to be re-evaluated within a fixed period of three months. Knowledge gained from the Fukushima accident equence was used to consider various scenarios. Further details on the German nuclear phase-out can be found in BASE’s technical report "10 years after Fukushima – thinking ahead about safety" . The milestones of the German nuclear phase-out: from 2002 to 2023 © pa/dpa | Wolfgang Kumm Germany had already decided to phase out nuclear power about 10 years before the reactor accident in Fukushima. 2002: Amendment of the Atomic Energy Act © pa/ blickwinkel/C. Kaiser | C. Kaiser Following a wide public debate, the Atomic Energy Act was amended accordingly on April 22, 2002. The aim was to phase out nuclear energy for the commercial generation of electricity in an orderly manner. To this end, each nuclear power plant was assigned a residual electricity volume such that the total output of the respective plant corresponded to an average 32-year lifetime. The construction of new nuclear power plants was banned altogether. In the following years, the first plants were soon shut down for good, as their output had reached the assigned electricity volume. The Stade nuclear power plant, for example, was shut down on November 14, 2003, and the Obrigheim nuclear power plant was finally decommissioned on May 11, 2005. 2010: New energy concept – lifetime extension © pa/ dpa | Armin Weigel At the time, however, the 2002 decision to gradually phase out nuclear power was not based on a sustainable political consensus. A few years later, in September 2010, a new German government presented a new energy concept. Although this new concept remained, in principle, committed to the 2002 nuclear phase-out, it now classified nuclear power a necessary ‘bridging technology’ toward a renewables-based energy system. As a result, in December 2010, a further amendment to the Atomic Energy Act extended the lifespans of Germany's nuclear power plants and expanded the electricity volumes specified in 2002. All other stipulations from the 2002 Atomic Energy Act - such as the ban on the new construction of nuclear power plants - remained in place. March 2011: The U-turn after Fukushima © digital globe Germany saw another U-turn immediately after the Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011. Just three days after the catastrophic accident - on March 14, 2011 - the German government made a series of political decisions that became known as the "nuclear moratorium." All nuclear power plants (and eventually all other types of nuclear facilities) had to undergo an extensive safety and robustness screening - the so-called stress test . The risks of nuclear energy dominated the public debate at this time. Nuclear power plants taken off-grid following the Fukushima accident Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the German government decided to shut down all German nuclear power plants that had gone into operation up to and including 1980 immediately. The following plants were shut down: Biblis A and Biblis B, Brunsbüttel, Isar 1, Neckarwestheim 1, Unterweser und Philippsburg 1. August 2011: Renewed amendment of the Atomic Energy Act and limitation of operating times © pa/ dpa | Michael Kappeler The German government convened an ethics commission to advise on the future of nuclear energy in Germany. The ethics commission concluded that it was possible to phase out nuclear energy completely within a decade. Based on this assessment, another amendment to the Atomic Energy Act was made on August 6, 2011: The December 2010 lifetime extension was cancelled, and the electricity volumes originally assigned in 2002 were reinstated. Eight nuclear power plants were not granted authorization for further power operation when the new Atomic Energy Act came into force on August 6, 2011. This concerned the nuclear power plants Biblis A, Biblis B, Neckarwestheim 1, Brunsbüttel, Isar 1, Unterweser, Philippsburg 1, Krümmel. The nuclear power plants Grafenrheinfeld, Gundremmingen B, Philippsburg 2 were also shut down permanently in 2015, 2017 and 2019 respectively. April 2023: The last three nuclear power plants in Germany have been taken off the grid Nuclear power plant Isar © picture alliance / Peter Kneffel | Peter Kneffel By the end of 2021 the nuclear power plants Grohnde Gundremmingen C and Brokdorf were shut down for good. On 15 April 2023, the three remaining nuclear power plants were finally shut down: Isar 2, Emsland and Neckarwestheim 2. These three nuclear power plants continued a temporary stretch-out operation beyond the planned shutdown date at the end of 2022, and until mid-April 2023 at the latest. The use of new fuel elements was not permitted. Safety issues as drivers for nuclear phase-out Safety was a paramount concern in the decision to phase out nuclear power: the use of nuclear energy causes highly dangerous radioactive radiation for humans and the environment, and leaves behind highly toxic waste. High safety precautions must be taken throughout the entire life cycle - from the extraction of the raw material uranium to the production of the fuel, the operation of nuclear power plants and final disposal. This is the only way to reduce risks to humans and the environment, and to prevent misuse. Yet, in the past, there have been several serious accidents that had catastrophic consequences for society and the environment affected. This is why the German society concluded that the risks of this technology exceeded the benefits, and subsequently decided to phase-out the use of nuclear energy. The question of final storage of high-level radioactive waste, which remains unresolved worldwide to this day, was a second important reason for phasing out the use of nuclear energy in Germany. For final storage encompasses more than just the end of reactor operations, it also covers the safe storage of the highly dangerous waste. So, what is going to happen to the high-level radioactive waste? The law stipulates that a site for a final repository is to be found within Germany in an open-ended, transparent procedure that involves the public. 2022 - War in Ukraine raises new safety concerns With Russia's attack on Ukraine, which is illegal under international law, nuclear facilities have become the target of armed conflict for the first time. The central argument for the nuclear phase-out - the risk of catastrophic accidents - has thus intensified in Germany and other countries. Nuclear phase-out: central prerequisite for the search for a final repository © pa//dpa | Mohssen Assanimoghaddam Phasing out nuclear energy does not only mean ending the operation of the reactors, it also entails the safe disposal of their highly dangerous legacies. But what will happen to the high-level radioactive waste? It must be stored safely. The law stipulates that a site for a final repository is to be found within Germany by 2031 – in an open-ended, transparent procedure involving the public . Regulated by law: The search for a repository In 2013, the Bundestag passed a law on the search for a final repository for high-level radioactive waste in Germany , also by a broad majority. The aim is to find a site where the waste can be permanently disposed of in a layer of rock deep below the earth's surface, without any pre-determinations and with public participation from the onset. Prerequisites for the search for a repository Phasing out the use of nuclear energy is a central prerequisite for the successful search for a final repository . The Ethics Commission appointed by the Federal Government wrote in its final report: "Achieving a social consensus on final storage is closely linked to determining a definite phase-out date for nuclear power plants. The prospect of having to safeguard high-level radioactive waste over several millennia is a heavy burden for future generations." Quantity of high-level radioactive waste established for the first time The phase-out will substantiate the amount of waste to be disposed of. The requirements regarding the size of the repository will become definable - an essential basis for the credibility of the process and the associated social consensus. For the search for a final repository will no longer be linked to the continued operation or new construction of nuclear power plants and thus to a permanent socio-political conflict. www.endlagersuche-infoplatform.de The Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) oversees the search for a final repository for high-level radioactive waste. The aim is to ensure permanent protection against the highly hazardous materials. All information on the search for a final repository can be found on the BASE information platform . New technologies as alternatives to final disposal? © picture alliance / dpa | Uli Deck BASE expert report evaluates SMR concepts Small modular reactors (SMRs) have been the subject of repeated discussion in recent times. They promise cheap energy, safety, and little waste. BASE had commissioned an expert report (in German) to evaluate these concepts and the risks associated with them. The report provides a scientific assessment of possible areas of application and the associated safety issues. It concludes that the construction of SMRs is only economically viable for a very large number of units and poses significant risks if widely deployed. Expert report answers questions on partitioning and transmutation (P&T) BASE also commissioned another expert report on questions of partitioning and transmutation . Such concepts have been discussed worldwide for decades as a way to separate long-lived radioactive waste (partitioning) and convert it to short-lived waste (transmutation). However, none of those concepts have proven feasible on an industrial scale yet. In addition, it can be assumed that partitioning and transmutation will not be applicable to all long-lived components of the waste. A repository that must be isolated from the environment for a million years will therefore remain a necessity. 2002: Amendment of the Atomic Energy Act © pa/ blickwinkel/C. Kaiser | C. Kaiser Following a wide public debate, the Atomic Energy Act was amended accordingly on April 22, 2002. The aim was to phase out nuclear energy for the commercial generation of electricity in an orderly manner. To this end, each nuclear power plant was assigned a residual electricity volume such that the total output of the respective plant corresponded to an average 32-year lifetime. The construction of new nuclear power plants was banned altogether. In the following years, the first plants were soon shut down for good, as their output had reached the assigned electricity volume. The Stade nuclear power plant, for example, was shut down on November 14, 2003, and the Obrigheim nuclear power plant was finally decommissioned on May 11, 2005. 2010: New energy concept – lifetime extension © pa/ dpa | Armin Weigel At the time, however, the 2002 decision to gradually phase out nuclear power was not based on a sustainable political consensus. A few years later, in September 2010, a new German government presented a new energy concept. Although this new concept remained, in principle, committed to the 2002 nuclear phase-out, it now classified nuclear power a necessary ‘bridging technology’ toward a renewables-based energy system. As a result, in December 2010, a further amendment to the Atomic Energy Act extended the lifespans of Germany's nuclear power plants and expanded the electricity volumes specified in 2002. All other stipulations from the 2002 Atomic Energy Act - such as the ban on the new construction of nuclear power plants - remained in place. March 2011: The U-turn after Fukushima © digital globe Germany saw another U-turn immediately after the Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011. Just three days after the catastrophic accident - on March 14, 2011 - the German government made a series of political decisions that became known as the "nuclear moratorium." All nuclear power plants (and eventually all other types of nuclear facilities) had to undergo an extensive safety and robustness screening - the so-called stress test . The risks of nuclear energy dominated the public debate at this time. Nuclear power plants taken off-grid following the Fukushima accident Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the German government decided to shut down all German nuclear power plants that had gone into operation up to and including 1980 immediately. The following plants were shut down: Biblis A and Biblis B, Brunsbüttel, Isar 1, Neckarwestheim 1, Unterweser und Philippsburg 1. August 2011: Renewed amendment of the Atomic Energy Act and limitation of operating times © pa/ dpa | Michael Kappeler The German government convened an ethics commission to advise on the future of nuclear energy in Germany. The ethics commission concluded that it was possible to phase out nuclear energy completely within a decade. Based on this assessment, another amendment to the Atomic Energy Act was made on August 6, 2011: The December 2010 lifetime extension was cancelled, and the electricity volumes originally assigned in 2002 were reinstated. Eight nuclear power plants were not granted authorization for further power operation when the new Atomic Energy Act came into force on August 6, 2011. This concerned the nuclear power plants Biblis A, Biblis B, Neckarwestheim 1, Brunsbüttel, Isar 1, Unterweser, Philippsburg 1, Krümmel. The nuclear power plants Grafenrheinfeld, Gundremmingen B, Philippsburg 2 were also shut down permanently in 2015, 2017 and 2019 respectively. April 2023: The last three nuclear power plants in Germany have been taken off the grid Nuclear power plant Isar © picture alliance / Peter Kneffel | Peter Kneffel By the end of 2021 the nuclear power plants Grohnde Gundremmingen C and Brokdorf were shut down for good. On 15 April 2023, the three remaining nuclear power plants were finally shut down: Isar 2, Emsland and Neckarwestheim 2. These three nuclear power plants continued a temporary stretch-out operation beyond the planned shutdown date at the end of 2022, and until mid-April 2023 at the latest. The use of new fuel elements was not permitted. Regulated by law: The search for a repository In 2013, the Bundestag passed a law on the search for a final repository for high-level radioactive waste in Germany , also by a broad majority. The aim is to find a site where the waste can be permanently disposed of in a layer of rock deep below the earth's surface, without any pre-determinations and with public participation from the onset. Prerequisites for the search for a repository Phasing out the use of nuclear energy is a central prerequisite for the successful search for a final repository . The Ethics Commission appointed by the Federal Government wrote in its final report: "Achieving a social consensus on final storage is closely linked to determining a definite phase-out date for nuclear power plants. The prospect of having to safeguard high-level radioactive waste over several millennia is a heavy burden for future generations." Quantity of high-level radioactive waste established for the first time The phase-out will substantiate the amount of waste to be disposed of. The requirements regarding the size of the repository will become definable - an essential basis for the credibility of the process and the associated social consensus. For the search for a final repository will no longer be linked to the continued operation or new construction of nuclear power plants and thus to a permanent socio-political conflict.

An eco-innovative planting and survival support system for urban trees (TREEPAD)

Das Projekt "An eco-innovative planting and survival support system for urban trees (TREEPAD)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von H. Lorberg Baumschulerzeugnisse GmbH & Co.KG durchgeführt.

Energy savings by improvement of combustion air preheating by means of an upstream heat exchanger

Das Projekt "Energy savings by improvement of combustion air preheating by means of an upstream heat exchanger" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG durchgeführt. Objective: Use of low temperature waste heat for additional preheating of the combustion air and for prevention of low temperature corrosion. This technique yields an increase of the plant availability and a longer life of the recuperator by preventing the temperature from falling below the dew point to prevent corrosion. Innovative aspects: concept first realization. Long testing and measurement period to assess energy saving and efficiency and payback time. General Information: In industrial furnaces a part of the heat from the flue gas is used to pre-heat the combustion air. When intensive use is made of the heat from the flue gas, there is frequently a great drop in temperature to below the dew point. When the fuel gases are loaded with aggressive materials, the passing of the dew point causes low temperature corrosion on heat exchanger components. As a result of this, the heat exchanger is increasingly destroyed which entails constant worsening of efficiency very rare (once to twice per year) with some plants, i.e. reheating furnaces in the steel industry, so that more fuel is consumed over a long period because of defective air pre-heating insulation and the environment is thus burdened more than is required with an intact installation. A heat exchanger for a thermal capacity of 1.0 MW is to be erected upstream of the reheating furnace of a rolling mill fired by sulphur bearing coke oven gas. The energy for a pre-heating is taken from the skid rail cooling circuit which has a temperature level of maximum 90 deg. C

D 7: Research for improved fish nutrition and fish health in upland aquaculture systems in Yen Chau, Son La Province, Northern Vietnam

Das Projekt "D 7: Research for improved fish nutrition and fish health in upland aquaculture systems in Yen Chau, Son La Province, Northern Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tierproduktion in den Tropen und Subtropen (480), Fachgebiet Aquakultur-Systeme und Tierernährung in den Tropen und Subtropen (490i) durchgeführt. Background: Aquaculture significantly contributes to protein supply and cash income of Black Thai farmers in Yen Chau, Son La province, Northern Vietnam. Fish is produced for cash income (2/3rd) and subsistence (1/3rd) while self recruiting species (small fish, crustaceans and molluscs) provide additional protein for home consumption. The current aquaculture system is a polyculture of the macroherbivorous grass carp as main species together with 3-5 other non-herbivorous fish species like Common Carp, Silver Carp, Bighead Carp, Mud Carp, Silver Barb and Nile Tilapia. With a rearing period of 21 months, the productivity of the aquaculture system amounts to 1.54 +- 0.33 t ha-1 a-1 and can be characterized as low. Nearly each household has at least one pond, which serves multiple purposes and is operated as a flow-through-system. The steady water flow is advantageous for the culture of grass carp, but causes a continuous loss of nutrients and high turbidity and thereby limits the development of phytoplankton and zooplankton which are natural food for non-herbivorous species. The farmers are using mainly green leaves (banana, bamboo, cassava, maize and grass) and crop residues (rice bran, rice husk, cassava root peel, distillery residue) as feed input, which is available to Grass Carp while non-herbivorous fish species are not fed specifically. Manure is used as fertilizer. The uneaten parts of fed plants are sometimes accumulating in the pond over several years, resulting in heavy loads of organic matter causing oxygen depletion. Anaerobic sediment and water layers limit the development of zoobenthos and may provide a habitat for anaerobe disease agents. Since 2003 an unknown disease condition has been threatening Grass Carp production and is having a major economic impact on the earnings from fish farming in Yen Chau region. Other fish in the same ponds are not affected. Especially in March-April and in September-October the disease is causing high morbidity and mortalities of Grass Carp in affected ponds and is thereby decreasing the dietary protein supply and income generation of Black Thai farmers. Little is known about the definition or aetiology of the disease condition.

3,5-MW-Waermepumpensystem fuer die Rueckgewinnung von Abwaerme aus Malzdarrprozessen

Das Projekt "3,5-MW-Waermepumpensystem fuer die Rueckgewinnung von Abwaerme aus Malzdarrprozessen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Malzfabrik Weißheimer durchgeführt. Objective: The project was intended to reduce the energy input for malt drying at the Friedrich Weissheimer Malzfabrik plant at Gelsenkirchen from 67000 MWh a year to 44 000 MWh a year. General Information: The proposal was to install two heat pumps with inputs of 330 kw and 420 kw. These would draw water from the harbour next to the plant through the evaporator system and heat would be transferred via r22 and r12 refrigerant circuits operated by five sabroe smc 16l compressors. The system was planned to operate as a bivalent system, the temperature being boosted through the existing boiler heating plant. Water heat was exchanged in an air heater and this circuit was used to dry the malt in the malt kilns. The plant output was approximately 90 000 tonnes of malt a year which required about 92 000 mwh a year for drying. About 25000 Mwh were available via the existing heat recovery system. The heat pump installation was planned to contribute a further 23000 Mwh a year for the use of approximately 5 500 Mwh a year of electricity. The system was the result of considerable investigation and planning by messes. Weissheimer in association with Dr.-Ing. Harald Steinhaus of Att Energietechnik. The project, which was a refinement of previous suggestions to use an electricity powered heat pump system, was particularly attractive because harbour water at a relatively high temperature designed for 18 deg.C was available. The Gelsenkirchen site was near other industrial premises, particulary a refinery. Emission from these premises raised the water temperature locally. The system was built and installed during the latter half of 1981 and the beginning of 1982. The main heat pump installation was the responsibility of Sabroe Kältetechnik GmbH of Flensburg. The targets were to integrate the system during the first half of 1982 and operate the demonstration programme between June-July 1982 and June-July 1983. In the event a series of problems meant that the plant was not judged to be properly integrated into the malt production process until July 1983. Achievements: At the beginning of August 1983, the heat pump system had to be taken out of operation owing to an evaporator fault which turned out to be irreparable. The cause of the corrosion damage to the evaporator could not to be fully ascertained, although it soon became evident that replacement in the original (copper) material was not to be considered. Since it was not possible to recommission the plant in its original form (due to the high cost) it was decided to convert the heat pump system to use waste heat from the refrigeration systems. By optimising the integration of the heat pump system into the production process it was possible to increase the number of hours of its operation from +/- 18 h/d in 1982 to +/- 22 h/d in mid-1983. As a result of restrictions in the available power supply (+/- 2500 kW) useful heat pump output was around 2 to 3 MW on simultaneous operation of the refrigeration ...

Schmelzen von radioaktivem Altmetall aus kerntechnischen Anlagen

Das Projekt "Schmelzen von radioaktivem Altmetall aus kerntechnischen Anlagen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siempelkamp Nuklear- und Umwelttechnik durchgeführt. Objective: This research is based on the results and experience of work carried out at Siempelkamp in the framework of the first five-year (1979-83) programme (ref.: eur 10021). The preceding research work proved that it is possible to melt down contaminated scrap by means of a modified industrial furnace device in compliance with the legal limits and regulations. This research work, therefore, aims mainly at the behaviour of radionuclides during the melting procedure, with regard to various material qualities and the harmless recycling of melted-down metal parts coming from refurbishing and decommissioning of nuclear installations. General information: b.1. Planning and design of the melt device taking into account an existing furnace. B.2. Construction of the needed melt device components. B.3. Melt work using as scrap contaminated carbon steel, stainless steel and its mixture. B.4. Evaluation of melt results. B.5. Technical, economical and radiological consequences. B.6. Extrapolation economical and radiological consequences. To large nuclear power plant and comparison with alternative modes with a view to the economical and environmental aspects. B.7. Melting of contaminated galvanised sheet material. B.8. Melting of non-ferrous metal (e.g. copper and brass) to investigate the behaviour of relevant radionuclides (e.g. co-60, cs-137) during the melting process. B.9. Investigation on adding radioactive carbon to the steel melt process to obtain cast iron of suitable quality for e.g. disposal containers. B.10. Investigation on the long-term behaviour of the furnace liner, the charging device and the filter system after melting of about 500 t of contamined steel waste (over two years) with particular view to activity concentration in the different parts of the melting plant. Achievements: To date, approximately 3500 tonnes of very low level contaminated steel components from the refurbishing and dismantling of various nuclear installations in Germany have been treated by melting. 95 per cent of the radioactivity was due to cobalt-60 and caesium-137 with an average ratio of 60:40. After melting, caesium was found in the slag and filter dust, whereas cobalt-60 mainly remained in the ingot (90-99 per cent). A special melting facility has been constructed to treat components which have been contaminated up to a level of 200 Bq/g in a controlled area. Approximately 2000 tonnes of steel components have been melted, so far, in this facility and to a large extent it has been recycled for nuclear purposes such as for transport and disposal containers and biological shieldings. One of the most important problems was to quantify the amount of secondary waste produced during melting (e.g. slag, filter dust). Melting of radioactive waste metal from the dismantling or refurbishing of nuclear installations has been assessed with respect to recycling (e.g. type A and type B containers for transport and/or final disposal, and shieldings). Long term tests ...

Lust auf Naturerfahrung wecken - Freude am Leben entdecken. Naturerfahrung für benachteiligte Kinder und Jugendliche

Das Projekt "Lust auf Naturerfahrung wecken - Freude am Leben entdecken. Naturerfahrung für benachteiligte Kinder und Jugendliche" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Trägerverbund des Zentrums für Umwelt und Kultur Benediktbeuern e.V. durchgeführt. Zielsetzung und Anlass des Vorhabens: Das Hafenlohrtal gilt als schönstes Tal des Spessarts. Im Talgrund bieten die Hafenlohr und deren Aue vielfältige Lebensräume für zahlreiche gefährdete Pflanzen und Tiere. Das Tal ist zudem ein regional bedeutender Austausch- und Wanderkorridor für Arten und besitzt daher eine sehr hohe natur-schutzfachliche Wertigkeit. Diese wird jedoch in Teilabschnitten durch flächige Fichtenaufforstungen in der Talaue massiv beeinträchtigt. Die Bestände sind dicht, weisen nur einen geringen Unterwuchs auf und reichen meist bis an die Ufer der Hafenlohr heran. Die betroffenen Gewässerufer sind überwiegend gewässeratypisch ausgeprägt, gewässertypische Uferstrukturen fehlen weitgehend. Die Flächen bieten eine nur geringe Habitatqualität und wirken im Tal als Wanderbarriere für Auwald-, Feuchtgrünland-, Ufer- und Gewässerarten. Ziel ist daher die Entnahme der naturfern ausgeprägten Fichtenforste, die Entwicklung von naturnahen Au- und Bruchwäldern sowie Feuchtwiesen und die Entwicklung gewässertypischer Strukturen. Im vorliegenden Projekt sollten 12,6 ha Fichtenforste in der Aue entfernt und naturnah entwickelt werden. Zudem sollen 7 ha Feuchtgrünland durch extensive Beweidung offen gehalten werden. Fazit: Trotz vereinzelter Rückschläge und Verzögerungen in der Durchführung ist das Auenrevitalisierungsprojekt des Naturparks ein großer Erfolg. In den nächsten Jahren wird sich entlang der Hafenlohr ein Mosaik neuer Lebensräume für zum Teil stark gefährdete Tiere und Pflanzen entwickeln können. Hiervon profitieren zum Beispiel verschiedene Arten von Schmetterlingen, Libellen, Amphibien, Heuschrecken und der Biber. Mit den dichten und dunklen Fichtenforsten konnten zudem einige Wanderungshindernisse im Talraum entfernt und neue Trittsteinbiotope geschaffen werden. Auch den Menschen kommt die Auenrevitalisierung zu Gute, da das Hafenlohrtal als Erholungs- und Naturerlebnisraum deutlich aufgewertet wird - auch dank der Weidetiere, welche die Landschaft bereichern.(Text gekürzt)

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