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Solar process heat generation plant of 1 ton steam/h at 6 bars

Das Projekt "Solar process heat generation plant of 1 ton steam/h at 6 bars" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von MAN Technologie GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The project involved the design, construction and operation of a solar plant at Pisticci to produce process steam at a temperature of 180 degree C. and at a pressure of 6 bar with a nominal output of 1 t/h. The aim of the project was: - to demonstrate the operation of a solar process heat generation plant for industrial purposes under realistic operating conditions and - to obtain improved data relating to costs, production, maintenance and reliability of this technology for future commercial applications. General Information: The project is a German-Italian venture executed by Agip Nucleare and M.A.N. and deals with the construction of a solar process steam generation installation. The plant is located at Anic Fibre's chemical factory in Pisticci, Italy. It is equipped with 54 concentrating solar collectors of the type Helioman 3, a double axis tracking collector with concentrating parabolic troughs. The solar field is arranged in 9 loops with 6 collectors each. The production will be 1 ton/hour steam of 180 deg C at 6 bars with a direct solar irradiation of 920w/m2. Effective mirror surface is 32 m2 per collector giving a total of 1,728 m2. Oil, 'Marlotherms', was used as the heating medium reaching average temperatures of 200 degree C. The plant operates on the basis of 'a fuel saving mode' whereby a maximum of available solar energy is utilised. The produced steam is fed without buffer or storage via a pressure regulating valve into the steam header of the conventional system. The collector field is operated with a nearly constant normal thermal oil mass flow of 16 200 kg/h employing a minimum of controls and instrumentation. A drum-type steam generator with super heater and live steam bypass control are installed in the system for steam generation. It is possible to preheat the thermal oil in the expansion vessel and steam generator with the steam obtained from the main line. Achievements: Official acceptance and transfer for test operation of the plant took place on 16.04.84. Apart from slight difficulties with regard to the control of the feed water supply, commissioning which was completed prior to this date presented no serious problems. With regard to the absolute output of the collector field and the tendency towards higher radiation values, the measured results obtained at Pisticci indicate close agreement with theory. Beginning at 350 W/m2 a field output of 200 kW is achieved which increases to 700-800 kW at 850 W/m2. The MAN collector field performance was in accordance with original expectations. Field temperatures: 235 - 240 C. Steam production: 790 kg/h (175 C and 6 bar). (The steam is slightly superheated). Insolation: 760-880 W/m2. Efficiency: approx. 55 per cent. Thus on expiry of a 4 months' extended operation period the project was terminated as a technical success. The biaxial tracking technology used for the HELIOMAN 3/32 collectors has been proved to such an extent that the main parts could be retained on ...

Solar waermegewinnungsanlage 1 Tonne Dampf/pro Stunde bei 190 Grad c (M.A.N.-Agip-Nucleare)

Das Projekt "Solar waermegewinnungsanlage 1 Tonne Dampf/pro Stunde bei 190 Grad c (M.A.N.-Agip-Nucleare)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg, Bereich Neue Technologie durchgeführt. Im Rahmen der Ausschreibung 'Demonstrationsvorhaben im Bereich der Sonnenenergie' der Kommission der Europaeischen Gemeinschaften wird von ACIP-Nucleare (Italien) und M.A.N. - neue Technologie eine Solar-Farm-Anlage zur Erzeugung von 1 Tonne Dampf/h von 190 Grad Celsius in Pisticci/Sueditalien errichtet werden. Die solare Prozesswaermeanlage wird parallel zu vorhandenen leichtoelbefeuerten Dampferzeugern zur Brennstoffeinsparung betrieben. 54 Kollektoren vom Typ Helioman 3/32 erhitzen Thermooel, das ueber einen Waermetauscher Frischdampf von 190 Grad Celsius erzeugt. Der Dampf wird in einer petrochemischen Fabrik der ENI-Gruppe als Prozessdampf verwendet, die den Grund fuer die Anlage zur Verfuegung stellt und dieselbe nach Inbetriebnahme betreibt. Die Arbeiten werden zu ca. 50 v.H. von M.A.N. bzw. ACIP-Nucleare uebernommen.