Das Projekt "E 1.2: Multi-layer drying models for optimising high value crop drying in small scale food industries" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrartechnik, Fachgebiet Agrartechnik in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. Fruit tree cultivation is a suitable option for erosion control in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. However, seasonal overproduction and insufficient access to markets can cause economic losses. The possibility of processing fruits locally could contribute considerably to increase and stabilize farm income. Currently, fruit drying methods in these areas are yielding products of inferior quality. Pre-treatments such as sulphurizing are commonly used, but can make the product undesirable for international markets. In addition, high energy requirements increase production costs significantly. Therefore, the objective of subproject E1.2 is to optimize the drying process of small-scale fruit processing industries in terms of dryer capacity, energy consumption and efficiency and end product quality. During SFB-phase II in E1.1, drying fundamentals for the key fruits mango, litchi and longan were established. In laboratory experiments, impacts of drying parameters on quality were investigated and numerical single-layer models for simulation of drying kinetics have been designed. In SFB-phase III this knowledge will be expanded with the aim of optimizing practical drying processes. Therefore, the single-layer models will be extended to multi-layer models for simulating bulk-drying conditions. The Finite Element Method (FEM) will be adapted to calculate heat and mass transfer processes. Thermodynamic behavior of batch and tray dryers will be simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Drying facilities will be optimized by systematic parameter variation. For reduction of energy costs, the potential of solar energy and biomass will be investigated in particular. Further research approaches are resulting from cooperation with other subprojects. A mechanic-enzymatic peeling method will be jointly used with E2.3 for studying the drying behavior of peeled litchi and longan fruits. Furthermore, a fruit maturity sensor based on Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (ARS) will be developed in cooperation with E2.3 and B3.2. Finally, an internet platform will be built for exchange of farmer-processor information about harvest time and quantities to increase utilization of the processing facilities.
Das Projekt "Fortschrittliche konzeptionelle Ansaetze des Bodenschutzes zur Reduzierung der Flaecheninanspruchnahme durch Siedlung und Verkehr - Ermittlung und Auswertung guter Beispiele aus der Praxis" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von IfS Institut für Stadtforschung und Strukturpolitik GmbH durchgeführt. Die Flaecheninanspruchnahme fuer Siedlungs- und Verkehrszwecke nimmt ununterbrochen zu. Eine Aufgabenstellung der raeumlichen Planung ist es, die Nutzungen des Bodens im Kontext konkurrierender Ansprueche zu ordnen und hierbei Umweltbelange zu beachten. Ziel dieses Vorhabens ist es, die Rolle der raeumlichen Planung fuer den Schutz des Bodens herauszuarbeiten und Ergebnisse in die Diskussion hinsichtlich des relativ neuen und noch nicht ausgereiften Bodenschutzgesetzes (BBodSchG vom 17.3.1998) einzubringen. Das Vorhaben soll vor diesem Hintergrund fortschrittliche Praxisbeispiele ermitteln. Anhand dieser Beispiele sollen innovative Ansaetze zum Bodenschutz in der raumbezogenen Planung analysiert und ausgewertet werden. Erwartet werden Vorschlaege fuer die raeumliche Planung zur Umsetzung von Handlungszielen zur Reduzierung des Flaechenverbrauchs und zum Schutz des Bodens. Zur Durchfuehrung des Vorhabens ist ein Fachgespraech vorzubereiten, durchzufuehren und nachzubereiten. Herangezogen werden soll der in der UBA-Texte-Reihe veroeffentlichte Bericht zum Thema 'Bodenschutz und Landschaftsverbrauch'. Die dort nicht vollstaendigen fachlichen und planerischen Empfehlungen (Checklisten) fuer die Ebenen von Regionalplanung, gesamtstaedtischer und teilraeumlicher Planung sollen ergaenzt werden. Die Ergebnisse des Fachgespraechs sollen in einen eigenstaendigen Abschlussbericht zusammenfassend aufbereitet und dargestellt werden.
Das Projekt "B 3.2: Irrigation and fertigation strategies for water saving and optimum nutrient supply in subtropical fruit orchards utilising stress responses" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340), Fachgebiet Düngung und Bodenstoffhaushalt (340i) durchgeführt. Irrigation and fertigation are main management tools in fruit tree production. Due to the scarcity of water and its susceptibility to contamination with agrochemicals, the objective of subproject B3.2 is to reduce water and fertilizer application without reducing farmers benefits. Results from SFB-phase II indicate, that moderate levels of water and nutrient stress can be used to improve orchard productivity (eustress). (A) Irrigation: Deficit irrigation techniques, namely Partial Rootzone Drying (PRD) and Regulated Deficit Irrigation (RDI) have a big potential for water saving without reducing fruit yield and quality. (B) Fertigation: Zn and B stress effect flower induction, which has to be considered for improved orchard management. (C) Participatory field application: An adapted irrigation control unit was developed and indigenous knowledge on deficit irrigation was identified. In SFB-phase III, drought and nutrient stress phenomena and their interactions will be further investigated to develop innovative Irrigation and Fertigation Strategies (IFS) by a close interaction of on-station and participatory on-farm experiments. One of the objectives is the increase of Water Use Efficiency (WUE) and improvement of fruit quality by applying controlled water and nutrient stress but preventing stress related long-term damage (Topic A). On-station fruit trees will be exposed to spatial and temporal varying water and nutrient supply regimes. Stress response such as sap-flow, xylem pH, stomatal conductance and leaf water potential will be monitored. Optimum combination of stress response signals will be identified using sensor fusion methodology. Threshold values for eustress will be determined and validated in on-farm applications. A coequal objective is the development of a controlled water and fertilizer saving fertigation management system, guaranteeing high yields with less alternating fruit set and an improved fruit quality (Topic B). Fruit trees will be cultured in nutrient solutions with different Zn and B supply and at different temperatures to determine the critical Zn and B nutritional status for flower induction and the underlying phytohormonal regulation. It will be determined during which phenological phases drought stress and nutrient deficiency can be beneficial for flower induction, yield formation and fruit quality. In a participatory approach, IFS-strategies will be applied in on-farm trials at various locations to develop adapted IFS-recommendations jointly with the involved farmers. Telecommunication will be used to disseminate results to practical farming (Topic C).
Das Projekt "D 2.3: Efficiency of smallholder animal husbandry depending on intensity of management and genetic potential of livestock - Community driven breeding programmes: Optimisation of planning procedures" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tierproduktion in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. In the mountainous regions of North Vietnam, smallholder farmers try to sustain and improve their livelihoods under conditions of growing population density and land pressure. Livestock husbandry appears as major development opportunity for them. Yet, 'mountainous regions' are heterogeneous, comprising areas near town with favourable access to markets and infrastructure but higher land pressure and remote areas, disadvantaged concerning market and infrastructure access but disposing of larger cropping and pasture areas. Low and unsteady resource availability in marginal areas limits the possibilities for intensification of livestock production. One solution is to increase production efficiency through improved resource utilisation. In animal production this can be realised through the development of sustainable livestock breeding and management programmes, using genotypes with high productive adaptability. Such programmes will have different structures depending on short- and medium-term resource availability, production objectives and production intensity of respective smallholder production systems.Based on the results of phase 1 and 2, D2.3 focuses on planning procedures for livestock breeding and management programmes for four combinations of production systems and species/genotypes, namely production of lean pork with exotic higher-yielding breeds in demand-driven systems, production of branded pork from local Ban pigs including remote, resource-driven pig producers, production of beef in farming systems of different scale, organisational set-up and remoteness, and production of goat meat as niche product in systems in transition. The four programmes will respond to the large heterogeneity of smallholder production systems in the project area. In fulfilment of its research objectives, D2.3 relies on cooperation with sub-projects E4.1 (Product marketing) concerning the design of a pork marketing and quality control system in the frame of village breeding and pork marketing programmes, G1.2 (Innovations and sustainability strategies) and C4.1 (Land use modelling) on integrated modelling concerning the identification of most sustainable development paths for farms of different production intensity, scale, organisational set-up and remoteness, F2.3 (Livelihood risks) for characterisation of smallholder farms using key indicator regarding adoption of technologies in livestock husbandry, A1.3 (Participatory research) on adoption of optimised breeding strategies by farmers, and D5.2 (Aquaculture) on conflicts and complementarities in the use of feed resources for investigated livestock species and fish/aquaculture.
Das Projekt "Fachlichen Grundlagen und Aufbereitung der empirischen Befunde fuer oekotoxikologosche Bewertungsmassstaebe zur Beurteilung von Altlasten und Boeden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie durchgeführt. Im Vorhaben sollen Bewertungsstrategien fuer das Schutzgut Boden einschliesslich der bodenlebenden Lebensgemeinschaften entwickelt werden. Biologische Tests sollen auf ihre prognostische Potenz ueberprueft werden. Es sollen Vorschlaege fuer Bewertungsmassstaebe, einschliesslich eines Konzeptes fuer die gestufte Untersuchung und Bewertung sowie die Ableitung quantitativer Bewertungsmassstaebe mit Angabe der Unsicherheitsbereiche (bodenbiologische Orientierungswerte und Wirkungsschwellen) erarbeitet werden.
Das Projekt "Advanced turbulence simulation for aerodynamic application challenges (ATAAC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) durchgeführt. The ATAAC project aims at improvements to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods for aerodynamic flows used in today's aeronautical industry. The accuracy of these is limited by insufficient capabilities of the turbulence modelling / simulation approaches available, especially at the high Reynolds numbers typical of real-life flows. As LES will not be affordable for such flows in the next 4 decades, ATAAC focuses on approaches below the LES level, namely Differential Reynolds Stress Models (DRSM), advanced Unsteady RANS models (URANS), including Scale-Adaptive Simulation (SAS), Wall-Modelled LES, and different hybrid RANS-LES coupling schemes, including the latest versions of DES and Embedded LES. The resources of the project will be concentrated exclusively on flows for which the current models fail to provide sufficient accuracy, e.g. in stalled flows, high lift applications, swirling flows (delta wings, trailing vortices), buffet etc. The assessment and improvement process will follow thoroughly conceived roadmaps linking practical goals with corresponding industrial application challenges and with modelling/simulation issues through stepping stones represented by appropriate generic test cases. The final goals of ATAAC are: - to recommend one or at most two best DRSM for conventional RANS and URANS- to provide a small set of hybrid RANS-LES and SAS methods that can be used as reference turbulence-resolving approaches in future CFD design tools - to formulate clear indications of areas of applicability and uncertainty of the proposed approaches for aerodynamic applications in industrial CFD - Contributing to reliable industrial CFD tools, ATAAC will have a direct impact on the predictive capabilities in design and optimisation, and directly contribute to the development of Greener Aircraft.
Das Projekt "Erhebung von Wirkungsdaten zur terrestrischen Oekotoxikologie und Dokumentation oekotoxikologisch begruendeter Qualitaetsziele fuer Boeden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Berlin, Institut für Biologie - Ökotoxikologie und Biochemie durchgeführt. Das Vorhaben dient dem Aufbau einer Datenbank zur terrestrischen Oekotoxizitaet von Stoffen im Rahmen einer OECD-Clearing-House-Aktivitaet. Es sollten aktuelle Daten zur terrestrischen Oekotoxikologie vergleichend ausgewertet werden und in Abstimmung mit der US-EPA und Environment Canada erfasst werden. Weiterhin sollen international vorhandene Qualitaetsziele fuer Boeden stoffbezogen dokumentiert und in die Datenbank integriert werden.
Das Projekt "Austrian Settlement and Alpine Environment Cluster for GMES" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (IPF) durchgeführt. The project aims to develop innovative, sustainable services in the settlement and alpine environment markets as well as in the supporting infrastructure. It contributes to the European Global Monitoring of Environment and Security (GMES) programme which was initiated to support Europe s goals regarding sustainable development and global governance by providing timely and quality data, information and knowledge. The project brings together Austrian commercial and research organizations with backgrounds in earth observation and geographic information systems. The Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) contributes in this project to the thematic area settlements which aims to produce novel products by combining high-resolution satellite imagery, airborne laser scanner data, street layers and census data. Foreseen products are urban land cover, urban structural maps, population density maps, and many more. TU Wien s role concerns mainly the processing of airborne laser scanner data and quality control of the synergistic products.
Das Projekt "European road transport research advisory council European road transport 2020: a vision and strategic research agenda (ERTRAC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von AVL List Gesellschaft für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Messtechnik durchgeführt. Objective: Introduction At the Lisbon European Council, a new strategic goal was set for the European Union 'to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010'. In line with this goal, ERTRAC - the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council - makes a crucial contribution to the establishment of the European Research Area (ERA) by involving all main stakeholders in the road transport sector and by fostering structured, optimised and integrated R&D efforts across European programmes. This is done via a system approach to road transport challenges in order to enhance the efficiency of research activities in Europe ERTRAC Mission & Impacts In order to support the development of a truly sustainable road transport system, the primary mission of ERTRAC is to: Provide a strategic vision of European road transport in 2020, particularly with respect to R&D focused on breakthrough technologies; Set out strategies and roadmaps to realise this vision through the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and other associated documents. ERTRAC will address the key economic, technological, environmental and societal challenges of the 21st century for the road transport system, for instance:. Meeting the future demand for road transport and mobility,. Further improving road safety;. Promoting sustainable development;. Contributing to European security of energy supply;. Enhancing the EU competitiveness;. Developing a fully integrated European transport system. Coordination Action Objectives The ERTRAC Coordination Action will provide a platform to all relevant stakeholders for establishing consensus on future road transport research directions. The objective is to provide the management and organisational together with technical support, required to facilitate ERTRAC achieving its mission. Finally, ERTRAC results need an extensive promotion and dissemination towards a large audience of research partners.
Das Projekt "Zusammenstellung, Auswertung, und Bewertung des vorhandenen Datenmaterials ueber die stoffliche Belastung der Gewaesserguete der Mittelelbe nach einheitlichen, gemeinsamen Kriterien (Vorstudie)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Gesellschaft für Kernenergieverwertung in Schiffbau und Schiffahrt-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, Institut für Gewässerforschung durchgeführt. Fuer den Aufbau eines einheitlichen Messprogrammes Elbe ist es erforderlich, die bisher erhobenen Daten der ehemaligen DDR zu sichten, einer weitergehenden Datenauswertung zu unterziehen und sie einheitlich zu bewerten. Dazu sollen Daten u.a. nach den gaengigen Methoden zur Bestimmung des Saprobienindex in den anderen Bundeslaendern ausgewertet werden. Die physikalisch-chemische Gewaesserbeschaffenheit soll u.a. in perzentilen Angaben von Jahreswerten mit Angabe ueber die Anzahl der Messwerte, Bestimmungsgrenzen u.a. mit erfolgen. Darueber hinaus ist eine Ueberpruefung der nach dem BLAK QZ (Bund-Laender-Arbeitskreis 'Qualitaetsziele') abgeleiteten Qualitaetsziele vorzunehmen.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 11 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 11 |
License | Count |
offen | 11 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 11 |
Englisch | 6 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 5 |
Webseite | 6 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 10 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 11 |
Luft | 7 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 11 |
Wasser | 7 |
Weitere | 11 |