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Hamburgisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt (Teil I)

Nach hamburgischem Landesrecht werden Veröffentlichungen durch Abdruck im Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt vorgenommen. Rechtsverbindlich ist deshalb ausschließlich die gedruckte Ausgabe des Hamburgischen Gesetz- und Verordnungsblattes. Eine Inhaltssuche kann nur über die Internetseite der <a href="http://www.luewu.de/gvbl/">Firma Lütcke & Wulff</a> erfolgen.

Landesrecht online Hamburg

Die Seite "Landesrecht online" bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, online in den Hamburger Rechtsvorschriften (Gesetze, Verordnungen etc.), den Entscheidungen der Hamburger Gerichte sowie in den schulrechtlichen Verwaltungsvorschriften zu recherchieren.

Novel innovative competitive effective tilt rotor integrated project (NICE-TRIP)

Das Projekt "Novel innovative competitive effective tilt rotor integrated project (NICE-TRIP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von VERTAIR durchgeführt. Objective: This proposal has been prepared in the framework of a research and development roadmap defined by the European rotorcraft community that aims to develop a civil tilt-rotor aircraft. A key target of the road map is a flying demonstrator in the 2010 decade. NICETRIP specifically addresses the acquisition of new knowledge and technology validation concerning tilt-rotor. The main project objectives are: - To validate the European civil tilt-rotor concept based on the ERICA architecture; - To validate critical technologies and systems through the development, integration and testing of components of a tilt-rotor aircraft on full-scale dedicated rigs; - To acquire new knowledge on tilt-rotor through the development and testing of several wind tunnel models, including a large-scale full-span powered model; - To investigate and evaluate the introduction of tilt-rotors in the European Air Traffic Management System; - To assess the sustainability of the tilt-rotor product with respect to social and environmental issue s and to define the path towards a future tilt-rotor flying demonstrator. Project NICETRIP is fully relevant to the strategic objective - Integration of technologies towards the future tilt-rotor aircraft, of the work programme of call 3 of the Thematic Priority Aeronautics and Space. The organisation and resources proposed to achieve the project objectives include a 54-month work plan made of 7 work packages and a consortium of 31 participants, fully representing the span of needed capabilities.

Fuel-Switch Project in the North-West of Russia

Das Projekt "Fuel-Switch Project in the North-West of Russia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The objective of the JI project was to replace the outdated and inefficient municipal heating installations running on coal by modern wood-fired boilers. Replacement has been done for the 43 MW capacity required for the heat supply to a town. As the wood fuel comes from sustainably managed forests GHG emissions from coal firing are avoided. Additionally, methane emissions from landfills are prevented. GFA ENVEST developed the Joint Implementation Project according to the UNFCCC modalities, covering the renewable energy component and the methane emission reduction component.The Onega JI project was the second Russian JI project that passed the JI validation process. Services provided: Identification of Project Location. Biomass Supply Assessment: Location analysis/forest resource analysis; Standing forest stock; Review of available waste wood stocks in the region; Economic and Financial Feasibility: Analysis of carbon and biomass benefits; Analysis of switching fuel systems in the identified location. Baseline Study Package for the Fuel-Switch Project: Environmental Assessment; Social Assessment; Review of the legislation to facilitate the switching of fuel source for heating purposes; Review current legislation and regulation of the energy, forestry, and environmental sectors as well as all regulations and laws affecting budgetary process and use by government of additional revenues; Intergrated stakeholder consultations. Baseline Study (BLS): Monitoring plan; Emission Reduction and Sequestration Study (ERSS); projections of the ERs that can reasonably be expected to be generated by the Project; Support for permissions, approvals and registration of the Joint Implementation project by relevant national and international authorities; Support to the project investor on monitoring and verification of emission reductions; accompanying Designated Operational Entity during the verification process; Marketing of Emission Reduction Units and Voluntary Emission Reductions on behalf of project investor; Assistance to the project investor during Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement negotiations.

Ground-based remote sensing measurements of CO2 and CH4 using the moon as light source during the polar night

Das Projekt "Ground-based remote sensing measurements of CO2 and CH4 using the moon as light source during the polar night" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. Throughout the last years measurement techniques have been developed to measure total columns of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 with sufficient precision using the ground-based solar absorption remote sensing spectrometry in the near-infrared spectral region. These observations are internationally organized in the Total Column Carbon Observing Network (TCCON). These observations have been initiated for the satellite validation, because they sample the atmosphere in a similar way as satellites. However, the measurements itself have been found extremely valuable to investigate the sources and sinks of the trace gases, because the interpretation of the ground-based total column data depend to a less extent on assumptions on the vertical mixing in the atmosphere compared to surface in-situ data. We perform such observations at our site in the high Arctic on Spitsbergen (79°N). However, during the polar night from October until mid-March no observations can be performed, because the sun is below the horizon. Since the seasonal cycle of CO2 is largest in the high northern latitudes the lack of total column data for the winter period limits our understanding of the carbon budget. Within this project we plan to modify the measurement and analysis technique to measure the total columns of CO2 and CH4 in the near-infrared using the moon as light source during the polar night. This will allow us to perform observations on +-3 days around full moon, and thus, obtain data throughout the polar night for about three full moon periods. This allows measuring the complete seasonal cycle of total column measurements of CO2 and CH4 in the high Arctic, which is not known so far. Finally, the whole set of data will be compared to the existing in-situ surface data at that site and both data sets, in-situ and total column, will be compared with appropriate models.

Remote sensing of aerosols, clouds and trace gases using synergy of AATSR, MERIS, and SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT

Das Projekt "Remote sensing of aerosols, clouds and trace gases using synergy of AATSR, MERIS, and SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. Accurate satellite retrieval algorithms are needed to study long-term trends in trace gas abundances related to climate change. The main aim of this project is to develop improved aerosol and cloud retrieval algorithms in order to get more accurate SCIAMACHY trace gas retrievals. The results will contribute to a better understanding of aerosol and cloud properties and their changes on a global scale. This will be achieved by utilising the synergetic data from the optical instruments onboard ENVIronmental SATellite (ENVISAT), launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) on March 1st, 2002. The data of Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR), Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), and SCIAMACHY, all of which measure the same ground scene, will be used. The three instruments continue to have excellent performance and have already generated more than five years of data. Compared to just one single instrument, combined data from these optical instruments having different spatial resolutions, observation modes, spectral resolutions and spectral bands characterize aerosol, cloud, and trace gas properties to a much better degree. In this project, a new validation and testing strategy based on extended realistic simulated satellite scenes will be followed.

DE-LIGHT Transport

Das Projekt "DE-LIGHT Transport" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Center of Maritime Technologies e.V. durchgeführt. DE-LIGHT Transport is a multi-national initiative supported by the European Commission's Framework 6 programme that is investigating the design and manufacturing of lightweight sandwich structures in the marine, rail and freight container industries. Sandwich materials, consisting of two thin facings separated by a low density core, can be used to produce structures that are both light and stiff. They also offer opportunities for parts reduction through design integration, improved surface finish and lower assembly and outfitting costs. DE-LIGHT Transport aims to further promote the use of sandwich materials by developing key technologies that will support the practical realisation of robust sandwich designs. Specifically, this will include: - A multi-material sandwich design tool. Previous work has often focussed on a particular type of sandwich construction (e.g. laser-welded steel or composite). This has tended to yield niche results with limited applicability. DE-LIGHT Transport will implement a more generic design approach that will allow the evaluation and optimisation of a wide range of material and structural mixes according to the requirements of a given application. - Strategies for joining, assembly and outfitting ? the bringing together and integration of separate sandwich panels and/or sub-components to produce finished structures. In particular, modular approaches for the off-line production of sandwich assemblies to exploit economies of scale will be developed. Testing and validation procedures ? to provide accurate and reliable methods of determining fitness for purpose. The above technologies will be demonstrated within the project through the design and manufacturing of six prototype structures. These will include deck and deckhouse structures for ships, a rail vehicle cab, and a freight container. Risk-based design principals will be applied throughout to ensure that the new designs comply with existing regulatory frameworks. It is anticipated that DE-LIGHT Transport will provide designers of vehicles and vessels with practical approaches to the implementation of sandwich solutions as an alternative to traditional stiffened-plate designs. In this way, the benefits of sandwich construction will be unlocked for a wider range of applications.

Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions (MAGPI)

Das Projekt "Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions (MAGPI)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. In a modern aero engine, up to 20Prozent of the main annulus flow is bled off to perform cooling and sealing functions. The vicinity of these bleed ports and flow sinks is characterised by complex unsteady swirling flows, which are not fully understood. Even the most up-to-date numerical tools have difficulties predicting the behaviour of the secondary flow system when interacting with the main annulus. The project addresses interactions between main gas path and secondary flow systems in commercial gas turbines in response to Research Activity AERO-2005- Concepts and technologies for improving engine thermal efficiency and reducing secondary air losses. Experiments are planned on turbine disc rim and compressor manifold cavity heat transfer, hot gas ingestion, and spoiling effects of cooling air flow and their impact on turbine and compressor performance, as well as a reduction of secondary air losses. The experimental data will be used for better understanding of the complex flow phenomena and improvements of platform and cavity design. Furthermore, the industrial partners will validate their design tools with these test data and improve their prediction capability of secondary flow systems when interacting with the main gas path. The expected results are a reduction of cooling and sealing airflow rates, improvements of the turbine and compressor efficiency and increase of the safety margin of the engine components by better cooling. Expected technical results are: - Knowledge of the interaction phenomena and its effect on cavity heat transfer, spoiling and performance, - Experimental results for validation of improved numerical tools for secondary flow systems, - Optimised design methods and CFD best practice guidelines. The targeted outcome will contribute to the ACARE goal of reduced CO2 emissions via reduced fuel burn of 2Prozent to improve the environment and strengthening the competitiveness of European gas turbine manufacturers.

Einflüsse von Schnee auf Antarktisches Meereis - Fernerkundung (SCASI-RS)

Das Projekt "Einflüsse von Schnee auf Antarktisches Meereis - Fernerkundung (SCASI-RS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Institut für Meereskunde durchgeführt. Antarktisches Meereis ist üblicherweise mit Schnee bedeckt, folglich bestimmen die Eigenschaften von Schnee die Oberflächeneigenschaften vom Eis und beeinflussen die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Atmosphäre und Ozean. Die Bildung von Schnee-Eis ist ein weitverbreitetes Phänomen in der Antarktis und trägt maßgeblich zur Eismassenbilanz bei, weit häufiger als in der Arktis. Wissen über die Schneedicke und -dichte wird auch für die Eisdickenbestimmung aus Altimetermessungen benötigt. Bisher stützt sich unser Wissen über Schnee auf antarktischem Meereis hauptsächlich auf einzelne Feldmessungen und Schiffsbeobachtungen. Schneedicke kann aber auch mithilfe von passiven Mikrowellensatelliten (bei Frequenzen von 19 und 37GHz) bestimmt werden, wobei die Validierung und Fehlerquellenbestimmung noch Gegenstand aktueller Forschung sind.In dem Projekt zum Einfluss von Schnee auf antarktisches Meereis (SCASI) versuchen wir den Schnee und seine Verteilung zu quantifizieren sowie die Eigenschaften und die zeitliche Entwicklung darzustellen. Das übergeordnete Ziel ist die Erstellung eines neuen und konsistenten Schneedatensatzes, der unterschiedliche räumliche und zeitliche Skalen umfasst. Um dies zu erreichen und die verschiedenen Skalen von Punkt- bis hin zu Satellitenmessungen zu überbrücken, verbinden wir Feldmessungen und Satellitenfernerkundung mit numerischen Modellen. Ein weitverbreitetes und bewährtes Schneemodel zur Modellierung von alpinem Schnee ist das eindimensionale SNOWPACK Model. Das SCASI Projekt bringt Partner aus der Schweiz und aus Deutschland zusammen um eine Meereis-Version von SNOWPACK weiterzuentwickeln und mit Feld- und Bojenmessungen sowie mit Satellitenbeobachtungen von passiven Mikrowellen zu kombinieren. Das hier vorgestellte Vorhaben (SCASI-RS) bezieht sich auf den Fernerkundungsteil des SCASI Projekts. Durch den Vergleich von SNOWPACK Simulationen mit Feldmessungen können wir für die Satellitenvalidation gut geeignete Fälle identifizieren. Indem wir SNOWPACK mit Emissionsmodellen zusammenbringen, können wir zudem Mikrowellenstrahlung modellieren und den Einfluss von Schnee-Eigenschaften auf die Schneedickenbestimmung untersuchen. Im SCASI-RS Projekt werden wir dies nicht nur für die 19 und 37GHz Frequenzen tun, die bisher zur Schneedickenbestimmung verwendet wurden, sondern auch für eine niedrigere Frequenz (1.4GHz). Globale Messungen bei 1.4GHz gibt es seit 2009 und diese sind zur Schneedickenbestimmung in der Arktis vorgeschlagen worden. Auf Grund der unterschiedlichen Bedingungen können die Ergebnisse aber evtl. nicht einfach auf Antarktische Gebiete übertragen werden.Das resultierende Produkt wird nicht nur für Meereis- und Strahlungsmodelle nützlich sein, sondern auch für die altimeter-basierte Eisdickenbestimmung und andere Forschungsgebiete, die Informationen über Schnee auf Meereis benötigen, zum Beispiel hinsichtlich der biologischen Produktion oder geo-chemischer Prozesse.

Processes of Vertical Exchange in Shelf Seas (PROVESS)

Das Projekt "Processes of Vertical Exchange in Shelf Seas (PROVESS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Institut für Meereskunde (IfM) durchgeführt. PROVESS is a joint European funded project for an interdisciplinary study of the vertical fluxes of properties through the water column and the surface and bottom boundaries based on the integrated application of new measuring techniques, new advances in turbulence theory and new models. IfM Hamburg is responsible for six tasks concerning numerical simulations of mean flow properties, turbulence and suspended matter transport. IfM's tasks in PROVESS are in detail: Physical modelling: Model development and code verification, cooperation with MUMM Management Unit of Mathemetical Models of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary), Brussels, Belgium. For this task, the existing public domain water column model GOTM (General Ocean Turbulence Model) will be extended. Model validation against existing data sets, cooperation with MUMM, Brussels, Belgium. Here some historical data sets will be simulated. These are the FLEX 1976 and the UWB Irish Sea FLY data set, both are scenarios already included into GOTM. Furthermore, the POL 1991 and North Sea data from NERC have to be simulated. Synthesis of PROVESS data with models, cooperation with close to all PROVESS partners. The northern and the southern North Sea experiments carried out during PROVESS will be simulated in detail by the numerical water column model. Modelling sediment damping of turbulence: Model development and code verification, cooperation with LHF (Laboratoire d'Hydraulique de France SA), Grenoble, France. Model validation against existing data sets, cooperation with LHF (Laboratoire d'Hydraulique de France SA), Grenoble, France. Synthesis of PROVESS data with models, cooperation with close to all PROVESS partners.

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