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Regionaler Entwicklungsplan 2018

Regionaler Entwicklungsplan für die Planungsregion Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg mit den Planinhalten „Raumstruktur, Standortpotenziale, technische Infrastruktur und Freiraumstruktur“ Die oberste Landesentwicklungsbehörde hat am 21.12.2018 die Genehmigung unter einer Maßgabe erteilt. Am 29.03.2019 trat die Regionalversammlung mit Beschluss Nr. 03/2019 der Maßgabe bei. Mit Bekanntmachung der Genehmigung trat der Regionale Entwicklungsplan am 27.04.2019 in Kraft.

Regionaler Entwicklungsplan 2018

Regionaler Entwicklungsplan für die Planungsregion Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg mit den Planinhalten „Raumstruktur, Standortpotenziale, technische Infrastruktur und Freiraumstruktur“ Die oberste Landesentwicklungsbehörde hat am 21.12.2018 die Genehmigung unter einer Maßgabe erteilt. Am 29.03.2019 trat die Regionalversammlung mit Beschluss Nr. 03/2019 der Maßgabe bei. Mit Bekanntmachung der Genehmigung trat der Regionale Entwicklungsplan am 27.04.2019 in Kraft.

INSPIRE Geology / Hydrogeologische Raumgliederung BB

Der interoperable INSPIRE-Datensatz beinhaltet Daten vom LBGR über die Hydrogeologische Raumgliederung Brandenburg, transformiert in das INSPIRE-Zielschema Geologie. Der Datensatz wird über je einen interoperablen Darstellungs- und Downloaddienst bereitgestellt. --- The compliant INSPIRE data set contains data about the hydrogeological spatial classification in the State of Brandenburg from the LBGR, transformed into the INSPIRE annex schema Geology. The data set is provided via compliant view and download services.

INSPIRE: Information system salt structures: planning basis, selection criteria and estimation of the potential for the construction of salt caverns for the storage of renewable energies (hydrogen and compressed air) (InSpEE)

InSpEE (INSPIRE) provides information about the areal distribution of salt structures (salt domes and salt pillows) in Northern Germany. Contours of the salt structures can be displayed at horizontal cross-sections at four different depths up to a maximum depth of 2000 m below NN. The geodata have resulted from a BMWi-funded research project “InSpEE” running from the year 2012 to 2015. The acronym stands for "Information system salt structures: planning basis, selection criteria and estimation of the potential for the construction of salt caverns for the storage of renewable energies (hydrogen and compressed air)”. Additionally four horizontal cross-section maps display the stratigraphical situation at a given depth. In concurrence of maps at different depths areal bedding conditions can be determined, e.g. to generally assess and interpret the spread of different stratigraphic units. Clearly visible are extent and shape of the salt structures within their regional context at the different depths, with extent and boundary of the salt structures having been the main focus of the project. Four horizontal cross-section maps covering the whole onshore area of Northern Germany have been developed at a scale of 1:500.000. The maps cover the depths of -500, -1000, -1500, -2000 m below NN. The four depths are based on typical depth requirements of existing salt caverns in Northern Germany, mainly related to hydrocarbon storage. The shapes of the structures show rudimentary information of their geometry and their change with depths. In addition they form the starting point for rock mechanical calculations necessary for the planning and construction of salt caverns for storage as well as for assessing storage potentials. The maps can be used as a pre-selection tool for subsurface uses. It can also be used to assess coverage and extension of salt structures. Offshore areas were not treated within the project. All horizontal cross-section maps were adjusted with the respective state geological survey organisations. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of InSpEE (INSPIRE) is stored in 15 INSPIRE-compliant GML files: InSpEE_GeologicUnit_Salt_structure_types.gml contains the salt structure types (salt domes and salt pillows), InSpEE_GeologicUnit_Salt_pillow_remnants.gml comprises the salt pillow remnants, InSpEE_GeologicUnit_Structure_building_salinar.gml represents the structural salinar(s), the four files InSpEE_Structural_outlines_500.gml, InSpEE_Structural_outlines_1000.gml, InSpEE_Structural_outlines_1500.gml and InSpEE_Structural_outlines_2000.gml represent the structural outlines in the corresponding horizontal cross-sections, the four files InSpEE_GeologicUnit_Cross_Section_500, InSpEE_GeologicUnit_Cross_Section_1000, InSpEE_GeologicUnit_Cross_Section_1500 and InSpEE_GeologicUnit_Cross_Section_2000 display the stratigraphical situation in the corresponding horizontal cross-sections and the four files InSpEE_GeologicStructure_500.gml, InSpEE_GeologicStructure_1000.gml, InSpEE_GeologicStructure_1500.gml and InSpEE_GeologicStructure_2000.gml comprise the relevant fault traces in the corresponding horizontal cross-sections. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (InSpEE-INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.

Ökologische Raumgliederung

Während bei der naturräumlichen Gliederung größere Bereiche zusammengefasst werden, unterscheidet die ökologische Raumgliederung kleinere Einheiten mit ähnlichen Standortbedingungen, wie Relief, Geologie, Boden und Vegetation.

CO2 storage potential of the Jurassic within the German Central Graben

Within the framework of the GEOSTOR Project, the CO2 storage potential of the Jurassic succession in the German Central Graben was analysed. Twelve potential trap structures were initially mapped along the base of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation, which serves as the primary seal for potential reservoir sandstones within the Central Graben Subgroup. The Kimmeridge Clay Formation is generally continuously distributed across the German Central Graben, with only localized penetrations by rising salt diapirs. In contrast, the Central Graben Subgroup, serving as a potential reservoir unit, exhibits an uneven distribution across the area, limiting the presence and continuity of reservoir rocks within each trap structure. To further delineate the spatial extent of the mapped reservoir structures, the base of the Central Graben Subgroup was used as an additional reference layer. Due to the intermittent nature of Jurassic sandstones within the Central Graben Subgroup, a subsequent analysis classified each structure based on borehole data to confirm the presence of reservoir sands. Structures were categorized as ‘proven,’ ‘not present,’ or ‘uncertain’ depending on sandstone availability and continuity within the trap. All mapped reservoir structures are buried at depths ranging from 2225 to 3043 meters (apex depth) and are considered closed systems, situated within a complex structural network of salt diapirs, faults, and pinch-outs. Capacity calculations were conducted following the method outlined by Fuhrmann et al. (2024), and the horizons used for mapping are based on the work of Müller et al. (2023) and Thöle et al. (2021). Fuhrmann, A., Knopf, S., Thöle, H., Kästner, F., Ahlrichs, N., Stück, H.L., Schlieder-Kowitz, A., Kuhlmann, G., (2024). CO2 storage potential of the Middle Buntsandstein Subgroup-German sector of the North Sea. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 136. Müller, S.M., Jähne-Klingberg, F., Thöle, H., Jakobsen, F.C., Bense, F., Winsemann, J. & Gaedicke, C. (2023). Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous tectonostratigraphy of the German Central Graben, southern North Sea. – Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 102: e4. DOI:10.1017/njg.2023.4 Thöle, H., Jähne-Klingberg, F., Doornenbal, H., den Dulk, M., Britze, P. & Jakobsen F. (2021). Deliverable 3.8 – Harmonized depth models and structural framework of the NL-GER-DK North Sea. GEOERA 3DGEO-EU; 3D Geomodeling for Europe; project number GeoE.171.005. Report.

INSPIRE: Information system salt structures: planning basis, selection criteria and estimation of the potential for the construction of salt caverns for the storage of renewable energies (hydrogen and compressed air) (InSpEE) (WMS)

The WMS InSpEE (INSPIRE) provides information about the areal distribution of salt structures (salt domes and salt pillows) in Northern Germany. Contours of the salt structures can be displayed at horizontal cross-sections at four different depths up to a maximum depth of 2000 m below NN. The geodata have resulted from a BMWi-funded research project “InSpEE” running from the year 2012 to 2015. The acronym stands for "Information system salt structures: planning basis, selection criteria and estimation of the potential for the construction of salt caverns for the storage of renewable energies (hydrogen and compressed air)”. Taking into account the fact that this work was undertaken at a scale for providing an overview and not for investigation of single structures, the scale of display is limited to a minimum of 1:300.000. Additionally four horizontal cross-section maps display the stratigraphical situation at a given depth. In concurrence of maps at different depths areal bedding conditions can be determined, e.g. to generally assess and interpret the spread of different stratigraphic units. Clearly visible are extent and shape of the salt structures within their regional context at the different depths, with extent and boundary of the salt structures having been the main focus of the project. Four horizontal cross-section maps covering the whole onshore area of Northern Germany have been developed at a scale of 1:500.000. The maps cover the depths of -500, -1000, -1500, -2000 m below NN. The four depths are based on typical depth requirements of existing salt caverns in Northern Germany, mainly related to hydrocarbon storage. The shapes of the structures show rudimentary information of their geometry and their change with depths. In addition they form the starting point for rock mechanical calculations necessary for the planning and construction of salt caverns for storage as well as for assessing storage potentials. The maps can be used as a pre-selection tool for subsurface uses. It can also be used to assess coverage and extension of salt structures. Offshore areas were not treated within the project. All horizontal cross-section maps were adjusted with the respective state geological survey organisations. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the WMS InSpEE (INSPIRE) provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS InSpEE (INSPIRE) contains two group layers: The first group layer “INSPIRE: Salt structures in Northern Germany“ comprises the layers GE.Geologic.Unit.Salt structure types, GE.GeologicUnit.Salt pillow remnants, GE.GeologicUnit.Structure-building salinar and GE.GeologicUnit.Structural outlines. The layer GE.GeologicUnit.Structural outlines contains according to the four depths four sublayers, e.g. GE.GeologiUnit.Structural outlines 500 m below NN. The second group layer „INSPIRE: Horizontal cross-section maps of Northern Germany“ comprises according to the four depths four layers, e.g. Horizontal cross-section map – 500 m below NN. This layer, in turns, contains two sublayers: GE.GeologicFault.Relevant fault traces and GE.GeologicUnit.Stratigraphic Units. Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains additional information on the different geometries. In case of the GE.Geologic.Unit.Salt structure types the user gets access to a data sheet with additional information and further reading in German for the respective salt structure via the getFeatureInfo request.

Hydrogeologische Raumgliederung von Deutschland (HYRAUM) (WMS)

Die hydrogeologische Raumgliederung liefert eine Abgrenzung von Gebieten mit gleichen oder sehr ähnlichen hydrogeologischen Eigenschaften, wobei diese Gebiete mit abnehmendem Detaillierungsgrad Hydrogeologische Teilräume, Hydrogeologische Räume und Hydrogeologische Großräume umfassen. Dabei setzt sich die jeweils übergeordnete Ebene vollständig aus einer oder mehreren Einheiten der darunter liegenden Ebene zusammen. Für die bundesweite Kartendarstellung der hydrogeologischen Großräume, Räume und Teilräume wurden die überwiegend im Maßstab 1 : 500.000 erarbeiteten Entwürfe und Einzelbearbeitungen der Länder in eine einheitliche Nomenklatur überführt und zu einer digitalen Karte zusammengefasst. Insgesamt wurde das Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in 10 hydrogeologische Großräume, 36 hydrogeologische Räume und 247 hydrogeologische Teilräume untergliedert. Die der Systematik der hydrogeologischen Raumgliederung zugrunde liegenden Begriffe wurden durch die Unterarbeitsgruppe EU-WRRL der Ad-hoc-AG Hydrogeologie ausgearbeitet: Hydrogeologische Großräume sind große Bereiche der Erdkruste mit ähnlichen hydrogeologischen Eigenschaften und ähnlichen Grundwasserverhältnissen, die auf derselben geologischen Entstehungsgeschichte und einem einheitlichen tektonischen Baumuster beruhen. Hydrogeologische Räume sind Bereiche der Erdkruste, deren hydrogeologische Eigenschaften aufgrund ähnlichen Schichtenaufbaues, ähnlicher geologischer Struktur, ähnlicher Morphologie und ähnlicher Grundwasserbeschaffenheit im Rahmen einer festgelegten Bandbreite einheitlich sind. Die Grenzziehung berücksichtigt, wo hydrogeologisch sinnvoll, die naturräumliche Gliederung der Physischen Geographie. Hydrogeologische Teilräume sind einzelne oder mehrere hydrogeologische Einheiten, die einen regional einheitlichen Bau aufweisen. Die Grenzziehung berücksichtigt, wo hydrogeologisch sinnvoll, die naturräumliche Gliederung der Physischen Geographie.

Processed seismic data of Cruise SO137 GINCO I 1998

During RV SONNE cruise 137 from 21st November to 28th December 1998 Geoscientific Investigations on the active Convergence Zone between the east Eurasian and Indo-Australian Plate (GINCO I) were carried out along the Sunda Arc, off Sumatra, Java and the Sunda Strait. The studies were headed by the BGR in close cooperation with German and Indonesian research institutions. A total amount of 5,500 km of magnetic, gravity and swath bathymetric profiles were recorded of which multi-channel seismic data exceeded 4,100 km. The scientific objectives were: (1) investigation of the structure and age of the accretionary wedges, outer arc highs and fore-arc basins off Sumatra and Java with special emphasis on the evolution of the Sunda Strait and the Krakatau area (2) differences in tectonic deformation between oblique (Sumatra) versus frontal (Java) subduction (3) search for oceanic crustal splinters in the accretionary wedges (4) definition of seismic sequences, thicknesses and ages of the fore-arc basin sediments as a pre-requisite for later on hydrocarbon assessments (5) identification and regional occurrence of bottom simulating reflectors (BSR) indicating gas hydrates. From the GINCO I project there is evidence for the existence of two accretionary wedges along the Sunda Arc: wedge I is of assumed Paleogene age and wedge II of Neogene to Recent age. The first inner wedge I is composed of tectonic flakes which are correlated from SE Sumatra across the southern Sunda Strait to NW Java. This implies a very similar plate tectonic regime at the time of the flake development during the Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene and without marked differences in plate convergence direction from Java to Sumatra. Wedge I shows backthrusting along the northern transition toward the fore-arc basin. Today, wedge I forms the outer arc high and the backstop for the younger, outer wedge II. Magnetic, gravity and seismic results show, that within both wedges, there are no indications for an oceanic crustal splinter as hitherto postulated. Both wedges are underlain by oceanic crust of the subducting Indo-Australian slab which could be correlated from the trench off Sumatra up to 135 km to the northeast and up to 65 km from the trench off Java. Since the top of the oceanic crust differs considerably in reflectivity and surface relief we distinguished two types in the seismic records. One type is characterized by strong top reflections and a smooth surface and underlies accretionary wedge II and the southwest part of the wedge I (outer arc high) off Sumatra and Java. The second type has a low reflectivity and a rougher relief and underlies the tectonic flakes of accretionary wedge I (outer arc high) between the southwestern tip of Sumatra, the SundaStrait and NW Java. The missing outer arc high off the southern entrance of the Sunda Strait is explained by Neogene transtension in combination with arc-parallel strike-slip movements. The NW-SE running, transpressional Mentawai strike-slip fault zone (MFZ) was correlated from the SE Sumatra fore-arc basin to the NW Java fore-arc basin. Off the Sunda Strait northward bending branches of the MFZ are connected with the Sumatra Fault zone (SFZ). It is speculated that the SFZ originally was attached to the Cimandiri-Pelabuhan-Ratu strike-slip faults and shifted from the volcanic arc position into the fore-arc basin area due to clockwise rotation of Sumatra with respect to Java as well as due to increasingly oblique plate convergence since the late Lower Miocene. We explain the transtension of the western Sunda Strait (Semangka graben) and the transpression with inversion of the eastern Sunda Strait, along the newly detected Krakatau Basin, by this rotation. Seismostratigraphic interpretation revealed 5 main sequences (A - E), tentatively dated as Paleogene to Recent in age. The oldest seismic sequence A of assumed Eocene to Oligocene age is bounded at the top by a major erosional unconformity that was identified on all GINCO seismic profiles. The seaward diverging seismic pattern of sequence A is interpreted as a correlative sequence to the prograding Paleogene deltaic sediments encountered by wells offshore central and northern Sumatra. This is opposed to previous interpretation which assumed seaward dipping reflector sequences of basaltic origin erupted along the former Mesozoic passive margin of Sumatra. According to constructed time structure maps, the main NW-SE running depocentres of the post-Paleogene sediments are arc-parallel off Sumatra and Java with thicknesses of 3 s (TWT) and 5 s (TWT), respectively. The main depocentres of the Semangka graben and of the Krakatau Basin of the Sunda Strait strike north-south and have infills of 2 s - 5 s (TWT). Bottom simulating reflectors (BSR) occur within the upper sequences C - D along the flanks of the fore-arc basins and along doming structures but could not be detected in basin centres. Empiric relations of heat flow values and depths of BSR were determined indicating that with increasing waterdepth and decreasing heat flow the depths of the BSR increase.

Hydrogeologische Raumgliederung von Deutschland (HYRAUM)

Die hydrogeologische Raumgliederung liefert eine Abgrenzung von Gebieten mit gleichen oder sehr ähnlichen hydrogeologischen Eigenschaften, wobei diese Gebiete mit abnehmendem Detaillierungsgrad Hydrogeologische Teilräume, Hydrogeologische Räume und Hydrogeologische Großräume umfassen. Dabei setzt sich die jeweils übergeordnete Ebene vollständig aus einer oder mehreren Einheiten der darunter liegenden Ebene zusammen. Für die bundesweite Kartendarstellung der hydrogeologischen Großräume, Räume und Teilräume wurden die überwiegend im Maßstab 1 : 500.000 erarbeiteten Entwürfe und Einzelbearbeitungen der Länder in eine einheitliche Nomenklatur überführt und zu einer digitalen Karte zusammengefasst. Insgesamt wurde das Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in 10 hydrogeologische Großräume, 36 hydrogeologische Räume und 247 hydrogeologische Teilräume untergliedert. Die der Systematik der hydrogeologischen Raumgliederung zugrunde liegenden Begriffe wurden durch die Unterarbeitsgruppe EU-WRRL der Ad-hoc-AG Hydrogeologie ausgearbeitet: Hydrogeologische Großräume sind große Bereiche der Erdkruste mit ähnlichen hydrogeologischen Eigenschaften und ähnlichen Grundwasserverhältnissen, die auf derselben geologischen Entstehungsgeschichte und einem einheitlichen tektonischen Baumuster beruhen. Hydrogeologische Räume sind Bereiche der Erdkruste, deren hydrogeologische Eigenschaften aufgrund ähnlichen Schichtenaufbaues, ähnlicher geologischer Struktur, ähnlicher Morphologie und ähnlicher Grundwasserbeschaffenheit im Rahmen einer festgelegten Bandbreite einheitlich sind. Die Grenzziehung berücksichtigt, wo hydrogeologisch sinnvoll, die naturräumliche Gliederung der Physischen Geographie. Hydrogeologische Teilräume sind einzelne oder mehrere hydrogeologische Einheiten, die einen regional einheitlichen Bau aufweisen. Die Grenzziehung berücksichtigt, wo hydrogeologisch sinnvoll, die naturräumliche Gliederung der Physischen Geographie.

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