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Demmin, Germany (2015) - a (hyperspectral) dataset for active participation in the HYPERedu MOOC on soil applications


Development of ceramic oxide fuel cell (SOFC) for power

Das Projekt "Development of ceramic oxide fuel cell (SOFC) for power" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siemens AG durchgeführt. Objective: Design concept and development of a large surfaced sofc consisting of a yttria stabilized zirconia electrolyte with electrodes on both sides and a corrugated structured bipolar plate. Because of using a metallic bipolar plate (which has to ensure besides the cells connection also the transport and distribution of gases) the cell operating temperature should be 900-950 celsius degree. The electrode material will also be suited to this temperature range. General information: within the contract en3e-0180-uk managed by imperial college and entitled 'fabrication and evaluation of small (100w) sofc reactors', sofc stocks will be built up and tested. The main differences (cell construction operating temperature, material of bipolar plate, test conditions) between the Siemens and the IC. Contracts are well defined. This work programme includes the development of a new corrugated structured sofc from the concept up to the test of one single or several cells. Main points are the preparation of thin, solid and mechanic stable electrolyte foils, the optimization of electrodes with respect to conductivity and pore structure (adaptation to the relative low temperature range of 900 - 950 celsius degrees) and the development of a bipolar plate, which ensures the mechanical stability of the electrolyte and the gas distribution. A wide-spread technical knowledge in the field of electro ceramics, bonding technique and electrochemics is available at Siemens. In addition all essential equipment and tools for preparation of defined porous structures etc. And for the analysis and characterization of materials are existing. Achievements: Siemens is proposing a new planar concept with metal separator plate for the ceramic oxide fuel cell (SOFC) reactor. Main goal of the preparation phase was the development of single SOFC cells with internationally comparable power data. The development of the ceramic compounds and the metal separator plate for the planar Siemens SOFC concept can be summarized as follows: manufacture of electrolyte bulk material by the mixed oxide process as well as from chemically prepared YSZ materials (FSZ and PSZ); physicochemical characterization of these electrolyte specimens; sintering studies with various tape casted electrolyte materials; development of a sintering process for a flat plate electrolyte with dimensions 100 x 100 x 0.15 mm(3); manufacture of cathode bulk material in the system La(1-u)Sr(u)Mn(1-x)Co(x)Mn03 by the mixed oxide process; physicochemical characterization of these cathode specimens; manufacture of anode bulk material of 10 to 100 per cent nickel content by the mixed oxide process; physicochemical characterization of these anode specimens; development of a screen printing technique for electrodes; manufacture of ceramic trilayers by tape casting screen printing; design and construction of a bench cell testing facility; bench cell testing of ceramic trilayers with various anode compositions; selection of ...

Modelling of the mass and energy balances of SOFC modules

Das Projekt "Modelling of the mass and energy balances of SOFC modules" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dornier Luftfahrt durchgeführt. Objective: Mass and energy balance, especially with respect to the transport of waste heat out of the system, represent a central question for the development of advanced sofc module concepts. The theoretical-numerical tools which will be developed within the project allow the assessment of the feasibility of different designs with respect to these problems of thermal controllability and of eventual limitations for scale-up. Additionally a basis for further more complex and detailed investigations of complete sofc plants will be established. General information: the generation of electrical energy by ceramic sofc modules is accompanied by the production of considerable amounts of heat which has to be taken out of the modules (mainly by the air flow acting as a coolant) in order to prevent superheating of the units. This seems to be of great importance, especially for highly integrated high power concepts discussed meanwhile for sofc application. By means of a theoretical-numerical modelling the mass and energy balance of typical module configurations will be determined. As far as possible values which were already realized in the laboratory, they will be used as input parameters (e g for electrical conductivities or polarization properties). Special emphasis will be laid upon the investigation of the mechanisms of heat transfer from the module constituents to each other and to the gases involved in the process by conduction abd especially radiation which is important due to the high temperature. Parameter variations will yield indications for preferable configurations and for adequate solutions for the cooling of the sofc-modules. Achievements: Modelling was performed in the following stages: the establishment of the analytical mass and energy balances for a local element in a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) (micromodel); the enlargement and adaption of the balance equations (macromodel) according to the cell and module geometry under consideration (both cross flow monolithic design and tubular design); the writing of a computer code and optimisation of the code with respect to convergence. Calculations were carried out for the following cases: cross flow monolithic design with hydrogen as a fuel; cross flow monolithic design with internally reformed methane; tubular design with hydrogen as a fuel. The main conclusions which can be drawn from the results are: the temperatures of the gases involved coincide to within a few degrees with the temperatures of the cell components; reasonable fuel utilisations and efficiencies can be achieved with both designs; in the tubular design investigated (Westinghouse type) there are inherently large temperature gradients; temperature distributions of cross flow monolithic designs are significantly flatter than those of tubes; the kinetics of the steam reforming reaction occurring in cell operation with internal reforming of methane (natural gas) strongly affects the temperature distribution within a module.

Global mass balance of persistent semi-volatile organic compounds: an approach with PCB as an indicator

Das Projekt "Global mass balance of persistent semi-volatile organic compounds: an approach with PCB as an indicator" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Meereskunde, Abteilung für Meereschemie durchgeführt. General Information: Several studies show that a large number of semi-volatile organic compounds (SOCs), and among them polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), are global pollutants. Atmospheric concentrations of PCBs in remote locations have not decreased or decreased very little since the 1970s, despite regulations that have drastically decreased the production of PCBs. This is a cause of concern since some PCB congeners are likely to cause toxicological effects at the present levels. Are PCB concentrations maintained by continuos diffuse emissions or are old emissions of PCBs being recycled? What is the rate of decrease in remote areas of the globe for different PCB congeners? The proposed project aims to address and quantify the major global loss rates which will also help answer to the question: where will the PCBs end up? In deep-sea water? Coastal sediments? Soil? Or chemically transformed to other substances? Preliminary global mass balance calculations point to the fact that all of these processes may be of significance for the environments capacity to remove pollutants on global scale. The proposed project will therefore be divided into sub-projects focusing on these different processes. Additional sub-projects will be modelling and compilation of data from other sub-projects, emission estimates for the completion of the global mass balance, and a quality assurance program to ensure the quality of all data generated within the project. GLOBAL-SOC involves several aspects of method development and innovative approaches to the assessment of SOCs fate in a global perspective. These issues are of fundamental concern for the environmental policy of the European Union and its individual member states. SOCs are typical transboundary pollutants which must be addressed in international collaborations. This project is focused on PCBs because they are well studied in many aspects, readily analysed in any matrix even at remote locations and since most of the emissions have probably been reduced, the part recycled in the environment can be studied. PCBs in this study shall be seen as a 'model compound group' to give us information about SOCs in general, in particular those SOCs that are in use today or in use until recently, in Europe and in other parts of the world e.g. polybrominated flame retardants, polychlorinated naphtalenes, chloroparaffins, DDT and other chlorinated pesticides. Prime Contractor: Stockholms Universitet, Department of Zoology, Institut foer Tillaempad Miljoeforskning; Stockholm; Sweden.

Fuel cell power trains and clustering in heavy-duty transports (FELICITAS)

Das Projekt "Fuel cell power trains and clustering in heavy-duty transports (FELICITAS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme IVI durchgeführt. Objective: The FELICITAS consortium proposes an Integrated Project to develop fuel cell (FC) drive trains fuelled with both hydrocarbons and hydrogen. The proposed development work focuses on producing FC systems capable of meeting the exacting demands of heavy-dut y transport for road, rail and marine applications. These systems will be: - Highly efficient, above 60Prozent - Power dense, - Powerful units of 200kW plus, - Durable, robust and reliable. Two of the FC technologies most suitable for heavy-duty transport applic ations are Polymer Electrolyte FuelCells (PEFC) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). Currently neither technology is capable of meeting the wideranging needs of heavy-duty transport either because of low efficiencies, PEFC, or poor transient performance,SO FC. FELICITAS proposes the development of high power Fuel Cell Clusters (FCC) that group FC systems with other technologies, including batteries, thermal energy and energy recuperation.The FELICITAS consortium will first undertake the definition of the requirements on FC power trains for the different heavy-duty transport modes. This will lead to the development of FC power train concepts, which through the use of advanced multiple simulations, will undertake evaluations of technical parameters, reliab ility and life cycle costs. Alongside the development of appropriate FC power trains the consortium will undertake fundamental research to adapt and improve existing FC and other technologies, including gas turbines, diesel reforming and sensor systems f or their successful deployment in the demanding heavy-duty transport modes. This research work will combine with the FC power trains design and simulation work to provide improved components and systems, together with prototypes and field testing where ap propriate.The FELICITAS consortium approach will substantially improve European FC and associated technology knowledae and know-how in the field of heavv-duty transport.

Reformer für Brennstoffzellenanwendung in der Luftfahrt

Das Projekt "Reformer für Brennstoffzellenanwendung in der Luftfahrt" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Werkstoffe und Verfahren der Energietechnik, Energieverfahrenstechnik durchgeführt. Das Vorhaben ist Teil des Vorhabens APAWAGS. Als Energieträger wird der Brennstoffzelle idealerweise Wasserstoff oder ein wasserstoffreiches Gas aus einer Reformierungsstufe zur Verfügung gestellt. Für das Verbundprojekt APAWAGS wird ein Prototyp zur Kerosinreformierung fertiggestellt. Der Kerosinreformer im Leistungsbereich im Bereich von 100 kW liefert den Wasserstoff für eine mögliche, verwendbare Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzelle, die SOFC. Das im Reformer produzierte Gas muss soweit aufbereitet werden, dass es die SOFC nicht schädigt. Die SOFC wandelt die chemische Energie des Wasserstoffs in Elektrizität und Wärme, sowie in Produktwasser um. Die entwickelte Reformertechnologie muss für die Anwendung von Kerosin grundlegend untersucht und optimiert werden. Es sind die Inhaltsstoffe wie Schwefelverbindungen, Aromate und Additive zu berücksichtigen. Notwendige Ingenieurarbeiten und die Fertigung des Prototypen werden vom Partner AKG durchgeführt. Durch die Einbindung eines industriellen Partners ist eine marktnahe Entwicklung und eine entsprechende Ergebnisverwertung in Form einer ersten Kleinserie gewährleistet.

Entwicklung einer Mehrschichtanode fuer die SOFC

Das Projekt "Entwicklung einer Mehrschichtanode fuer die SOFC" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Institut für Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik durchgeführt. Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzellen mit keramischem Festelektrolyt (SOFC: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) sind aufgrund ihres hohen Wirkungsgrades und ihrer Umweltvertraeglichkeit eine zukunftsweisende Alternative gegenueber konventioneller Energieerzeugung. Die Leistungsfaehigkeit und Lebensdauer der Einzelzellen sind dabei entscheidende Kriterien fuer die wirtschaftliche Nutzung von Brennstoffzellen. Bisherige Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass es bei Langzeitbetrieb zu irreversiblen Veraenderungen in der Mikrostruktur der Anode kommt, die zu einer Senkung der Leistungsfaehigkeit fuehren. Je nach Belastung der Einzelzellen treten unterschiedliche Degradationsmechanismen auf. Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Entwicklung einer Anode, die aus mehreren Funktionsschichten besteht, um so die noetige Leistungsfaehigkeit und Langzeitstabilitaet zu liefern. Es soll ein Gradient in der Korngroesse, dem Nickelanteil und somit der Porositaet und der elektrischen Leitfaehigkeit erreicht werden, da die einzelnen Bereiche der Anodenstruktur unterschiedlichen Anforderungen genuegen muessen. So sind an der Grenzschicht Elektrolyt/Anode kleine Koerner erwuenscht, um eine moeglichst grosse Reaktionsflaeche zu erhalten. Wohingegen an der Grenzflaeche Anode/Interkonnektor ein hoher Anteil an grossen Nickelkoernern erforderlich ist, um einen guten elektrischen Kontakt und hohe Porositaet zu gewaehrleisten. Die optimale Zusammensetzung und Mikrostruktur der einzelnen Funktionsschichten soll durch systematische Belastungstests (elektrisch, chemisch, thermomechanisch) an verschiedenen homogenen Modellstrukturen, das sind Cermetproben aus Nickel- und YSZ-Teilchen mit definierter, homogener Zusammensetzung und Mikrostruktur, und durch die elektrochemische Charakterisierung von Einzelzellen mit entsprechenden homogenen Anodenstrukturen ermittelt werden. Vor und nach Durchfuehrung der Belastungstests ist eine umfassende Analyse der Zusammensetzung und Mikrostruktur der Modell- und Anodenstrukturen mittels Elektronenmikroskopie (REM, TEM, EDX, WDX) vorgesehen. Anhand der gewonnenen Ergebnisse soll ein Modell fuer die verschiedenen Verlust- und Degradationsmechanismen in der Anode entwickelt werden.

Analyse und Schicksal von Betonzuschlagstoffen im Abwasser

Das Projekt "Analyse und Schicksal von Betonzuschlagstoffen im Abwasser" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von DVGW Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V. - Technisch-wissenschaftlicher Verein - Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW) durchgeführt. General Information: Through construction activities, large quantities of polymeric organic compounds used as concrete admixtures are potentially introduced into the environment. The majority of these chemicals are xeniobiotic sulfonated compounds such as sulfonated naphthalene-formaldehyde-condensates (SNFC), sulfonated melamine-formaldehyde-condensates (SMFC) and ligninsulfonates (LS). The proposed project aims to provide new and innovative analytical procedures for the determination of SNFC, SMFC, LS, related monomers and degradation products. As sensitive and specific analytical procedures for highly polar organic mircropollutants are still scarce, the procedures developed in the course of this project will have applications beyond the scope of the proposed study. The newly developed analytical tools will be applied to determine the occurrence of the above compounds in different wastewater streams, in receiving waters and in drinking water. Behaviour and fate of SNFC, SMFC, LS, related monomers and degradation products during wastewater treatment will be studied aiming at the identification of the relevant chemo dynamic processes. The project is organised into four interrelated work packages addressing the following areas: (i) Development of state-of-the art trace enrichment, separation and detection techniques using solid-phase extraction, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE) and HPLC/mass spectrometry. (ii) Occurrence of SNFC, SMFC, LS, related monomers and degradation products primarily in wastewaters from different industrial and municipal sources as well as in receiving waters, concrete leachates, ground waters and drinking water. (iii) Mass balance of SNFC, SMFC, LS, related monomers and degradation products in different wastewater treatment plants, identification of processes relevant for their environmental fate and identification of possible wastewater disinfection by-products. (iv) Synthesis of the above results in a mass-flux and exposure analysis, leading to a basis for the assessment of environmental and human risks, identification of possible product liabilities and recommendations concerning the establishment of environmental and industrial standards. This project will contribute to the urgently needed scientifically sound basis for the environmental impact assessment of the most important concrete admixtures which are applied worldwide in vast and steadily increasing amounts. Prime Contractor: Universita Ca Foscari di Venezia, Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali Environmental Chemistry Section; Venezia/Italy.

Realising Reliable, Durable, Energy Efficient and Cost Effective SOFC Systems (REAL-SOFC)

Das Projekt "Realising Reliable, Durable, Energy Efficient and Cost Effective SOFC Systems (REAL-SOFC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Projekt Brennstoffzelle PBZ durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the proposed Integrated Project is to solve the persisting generic problems with planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) in a concerted action of the European fuel cell industry and research institutions. Main topics addressed include decreased ageing, cost effective materials, low cost components and manufacturing processes, highest electricity generation efficiency in pressurised operation and waste heat utilisation. In close co-operation between industry and research institutions the following steps are accomplished: *improved understanding of ageing in planar SOFC stacks considering all modes of operation, including pressurised, long-term testing over 10.000 hrs., thermal cycling up to 100 cycles, and the influences of fuel composition; these results will flow into *adaptation of materials and protective coatings in order to reduce ageing to well below 0,5Prozent/1000 hrs., introduction of requirements from pressurised operation to materials and cell development; the modified materials then are used in *manufacturing of improved components under commercial conditions and subsequent characterisation in long- term and cycling tests. Two proofs-of-concept including laboratory equipment tests will address * the pressurised operation of stacks coupled with gas turbines (including pressurised stack development in the 5 and 50 kW range) and *the utilisation of the high-value waste heat for industrial processes , namely sorption cooling. The project addresses the topics of Life Cycle Analysis as an essential tool for assessing the environmental impact and recycling of the materials used, industrial standardisation as a means of lowering costs, and training and dissemination as a tool of human resource management and gender equality. The structure of the project is similar to the U.S. American SECA programme targeted at decisive cost reductions in SOFC systems.

Einsatz von Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzellen in der Energietechnik. Versuche und Untersuchungen zur Stackentwicklung. Untersuchungen zu Kraftwerkssystemen

Das Projekt "Einsatz von Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzellen in der Energietechnik. Versuche und Untersuchungen zur Stackentwicklung. Untersuchungen zu Kraftwerkssystemen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachhochschule Hamburg, Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Produktion durchgeführt. Vorliegende Konzepte von kombinierten Kraftwerken mit Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzellen SOFC (Solide Oxide Fuel Cell) fuehrten im Jahre 1991 zu Gesamtwirkungsgraden deutlich unter 70 Prozent. Dies ist nur relativ wenig mehr, als bei heute konzipierten GuD-Kraftwerken mit 58 Prozent erreicht werden kann. Dies war der Ausloeser fuer die eigenen Untersuchungen. Es zeigte sich, dass das bisher verfolgte Konzept einer adiabat betriebenen Brennstoffzelle mit Verbrennungsluftkuehlung fuer diese Begrenzungen verantwortlich ist. Ein neu entwickeltes Kraftwerkskonzept mit der Annaeherung an eine isotherm betriebene Brennstoffzelle fuehrte zu rechnerischen Wirkungsgraden bis 78 Prozent. Eine Planungsstudie zeigt die generelle Machbarkeit des Konzepts. Dabei sind noch nicht alle Moeglichkeiten der Prozessverbesserung ausgeschoepft. Es wird aber schon jetzt deutlich, dass die Weiterentwicklung von kombinierten SOFC-Kraftwerken eine wesentliche Grundlage zur Senkung der CO2-Emission ist. Ein neu entwickelter, nicht vollstaendig reversibler Vergleichsprozess zur Potentialabschaetzung laesst Wirkungsgrade um 80 Prozent erwarten. Ein in der Folge entwickelter vollstaendig reversibler Vergleichsprozess zeigt, dass nur der Zustand der Umgebung und die Art der Verbrennungsreaktion die reversible Arbeit eines Brennstoffzellenkombikraftwerkes bestimmen. Aufbauend auf diesen Untersuchungen wurde ein Vergleichsprozess entwickelt, der die Brennstoffaufbereitung einschliesst. Auch hierbei erweisen sich Wirkungsgrade bis 80 Prozent bei erdgasbefeuerten Anlagen als moeglich. Ein theoretisches Modell zur Beurteilung der Scale-up Effekte zeigt, dass bei Leistungsgroessen ueber 1 MW hocheffiziente Kombikraftwerke baubar sind. Eine Umsetzung der Theorie bei kombinierten SOFC-Gasturbinenkraftwerken ist in den USA ab 2000 zu erwarten, eine ersten Versuchsanlage soll 1999 in Kalifornien gebaut werden. Die laufenden eigenen Arbeiten beziehen sich jetzt auf die wirtschaftliche Verbesserung der Kreislaeufe. Bisher wurden Versuche mit planaren Zellen durchgefuehrt. Basierend auf diesen Versuchsergebnissen zeigten eigene Analysen deutliche Vorteile eines roehrenfoermigen Konzeptes gegenueber den bisher betrachteten planaren SOFC. Dies fuehrte zu einem eigenen neuen roehrenfoermigen Konzept. Ein Grundgedanke des neuen Konzeptes ist es, dass technologisch eine Parallelschaltung einzelner roehrenfoermiger Zellelemente zu einer Spannungsebene nur moeglich ist, wenn eine elektrisch leitende weiche Bettung aus Nickelfilz oder aehnlichem Material nicht durch die Verbrennungsluft oxidiert werden kann. Deshalb muss die Aussenseite der Zellen mit Brenngas beaufschlagt werden. Zur Kaskadierung werden die einzelnen Spannungsebenen in Stroemungsrichtung des Brenngases seriell verschaltet.(gekuerzt)

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