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Sea Surface Topography and Mass Transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (GEOTOP)

Das Projekt "Sea Surface Topography and Mass Transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (GEOTOP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität München, Institut für Astronomische und Physikalische Geodäsie durchgeführt. GeoTop3 is the third phase of a DFG project and belongs to the DFG priority progamme 1257 Mass Transport and Mass Distribution in the Earth System . It aims at the determination of the absolute, but temporally changing ocean circulation flow field and of associated mass and heat transports. It is based on a state-ofthe-art circulation model assimilating geodetic data of the dynamic ocean topography (DOT) and oceanographic in-situ data. The ocean model is focused on the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and the Weddell Sea. This is one of the most dynamic ocean areas and one of the most critical regions for global climate, due to the impact of circumpolar bottom water production on global deep sea circulation. The regional model is embedded into a coarser global model to avoid systematic distortions. The expected results of this project extension are: 1. A stationary DOT with highest achievable spatial resolution from GRACE and in particular GOCE geoid models and multi-mission altimeter data with error propagation for both, geoid and sea surface. 2. The geoid models will be combined with regional Antarctic gravity data for higher resolution. ICESat data will be used to deal with seasonal sea ice concentrations. 3. A time-variable DOT, sufficiently smoothed to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio and to match the spectral and spatial resolution characteristics of the numerical model. 4. A calculation of the sensitivity of major ocean features such as strength of the Weddell Gyre on the accuracy and resolution of the geoid (and dynamical height) determination in view of the high resolution GOCE geoid model and improved geoid estimates in Weddell Sea area. 5. Model runs, in particular for the mass and heat transport in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the Weddell Gyre, the mean oceanographic DOT and its variability as well as their interpretation and quality assessment.

Local Beer Production in Urban Burkina Faso - Impacts of Improved Brewing Processes on Firewood Consumption

Das Projekt "Local Beer Production in Urban Burkina Faso - Impacts of Improved Brewing Processes on Firewood Consumption" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung e.V. RWI, Kompetenzbereich Umwelt und Ressourcen durchgeführt. Small-scale production of local sorghum beer has a long tradition in Sahelian countries. In Burkina Faso the beer called 'Dolo' is deeply embedded in the local culture and consumed with moderation by the Burkinabè population. The craft of Dolo production is exclusively reserved to women, the so-called 'Dolotières', of which a few hundred are active in Ougadougou, Burkina Faso's capital. The production process in the dry country is very firewood intensive: In fact, according to the Ministry of Environment, firewood consumed by the Dolotières accounts for 50Prozent of total firewood consumption in Ouagadougou. The firewood usage in Ouagadougou, in turn, imposes substantial pressures on firewood markets and wood stands in surrounding rural areas, which has tremendous implications for large parts of the country's population that rely on this fuel for their day-to-day cooking purposes. Against this background, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has incorporated one component in its Improved Cooking Stoves program 'Foyers Améliorés Au Burkina Faso' (FAFASO) that aims at introducing improved brewing devices among the brewers through promotion and subsidization activities. Like the mobile improved cooking stoves for households, these stationary stoves are designed to reduce fuel consumption per stove application and to curb smoke emissions. The purpose of this research project is to assess the impacts of this intervention on the firewood consumption in the beer brewing sector. In September 2010, a baseline survey was conducted by a local institute. Together with the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), RWI will implement a follow-up survey in September 2012 in order to assess the extent to which the Dolotières have adopted the improved brewing devices and in how far this has actually brought down firewood consumption. If possible, a difference-in-difference approach will be applied. Depending on the penetration rate of the brewing devices and the take-up rate among the baseline sample, a further cross-sectional dimension will be added to the identification approach. This research effort will thus show whether focussing on commercial firewood users is an effective way to relieve pressures on the firewood market.

A coordination action to prepare European Hydrogen and fuel cell demonstration projects (HYLIGHTS)

Das Projekt "A coordination action to prepare European Hydrogen and fuel cell demonstration projects (HYLIGHTS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: HyLights is a CA facilitating the planning of HyCOM. Focus is an assessment of concluded/ongoing H2/FC demonstration projects and recommendations for the preparation of HyCOM/Lighthouse Projects LP. Although HyLights's assessment focuses on transport stationary and portable H2 applications will be considered if synergies become apparent. HyLights will comprise 3 phases of 12 months each. Phase I includes a methodology definition and assessment, Phase II gaps analysis and development of recommendations and Phase III continuous monitoring. HyLights will need to draw from a network of relevant experts. For this purpose a European Partnership for Hydrogen in Transport EPHT will be established to extend the reach of the European Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Platform HFP. An asset of EPHT will be to include the member states/regions view through a moderation process. Dissemination of the project results will supplement the activity, coherently presenting the European demonstration projects.

E 1.1: Mathematical modelling of the drying process of tropical fruits including the kinetics of quality decisive attributes

Das Projekt "E 1.1: Mathematical modelling of the drying process of tropical fruits including the kinetics of quality decisive attributes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Lebensmittelwissenschaft und Biotechnologie, Fachgebiet Lebensmittel pflanzlicher Herkunft (150d) durchgeführt. The cultivation of fruit trees is a priority option for a sustainable agriculture in tropical mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. However, seasonal overproduction and insufficient access to fresh fruit markets causes high losses. Local processing of dried fruits could have a significant contribution to provide farmers with regular income and is an essential means to improve the micro-nutrient supply. However, local fruit drying methods including pre-treatments with sulphur and boiling in sugar solution cannot retain the typical fruit aroma, colour and micro-nutrients and prevent access to international markets. In addition, high energy consumption and the lack of knowledge of optimum drying parameters increase production costs significantly. To optimise the drying process for tropical fruits in general there is an urgent need to investigate into the impact of drying parameters and drying methods on the kinetics of quality decisive attributes. The development of drying simulation models including the reaction kinetics are therefore an important tool to produce high quality dried fruits at minimum costs and less energy consumption. To meet pre-requisites according to the shape of fruits, mangoes, lychees and unpeeled longans have been chosen for this project as model for cut slices and spheres, respectively. Within a preliminary project (DFG Mu582/3-1/2) the influence of the drying parameters on the quality of sliced mangoes was investigated at stationary conditions. The research work included the determination of drying curves and the quality evaluation of fresh and dried fruits but did not include the kinetics of the quality decisive parameters. In the following, the drying fundamentals of the fruits will be determined or completed. First, based on the drying curves, the physical properties of fruit flesh (diffusion coefficient, heat and mass transfer coefficient) and secondly density, specific heat capacity, thermal and temperature conductivity as well as equilibrium moisture content will be determined using either standard procedures or new methodologies to be developed. For quality analysis, experiments on the functional interaction between drying conditions (temperature, humidity, air velocity), of relevant index enzymes activities (peroxidase POD, polyphenoloxidase, PPO; lipoxygenase, LOX) and the quality determining criterions (flavour, aroma, texture, colour, vitamin content) will be followed by quality evaluation and optimising the drying conditions. Using adequate simulation programmes, the mathematical modelling of the drying process including the enzyme kinetics and the temporal changes of quality attributes will lead first to simulate the drying process for a single fruit and further on to simulations of stationary high-temperature drying processes as well as solar drying processes at unsteady conditions. The development and validation of the simulation model based on the results of the drying tests including an economical analysis

EU-IP-StorHy: Wasserstoffspeicherung in automobilen Anwendungen

Das Projekt "EU-IP-StorHy: Wasserstoffspeicherung in automobilen Anwendungen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von MAGNA STEYR Fahrzeugtechnik AG & Co KG durchgeführt. Objective: Hydrogen storage is a key enabling technology for the extensive use of H2 as energy carrier. In fact, one of the greatest technological barriers to the widespread introduction of hydrogen in vehicles is an efficient and safe storage method. Providing economically and environmentally attractive solutions for these three storage options for transport applications and reinforcing the competitiveness of the European car industry are indeed the main STORHY objectives. This IP is a European initiative on automobile H2 storage driven by major European car manufacturers and covering the full spectrum of currently qualified technologies. Although the primary target of STORHY is the automobile industry, the preparation of spin-offs for stationary systems is also considered. In the three vertical SPs, viable solutions will be developed based on the defined requirements. SP Pressure Vessel concentrates on developing a 700 bar storage technology including production technologies for composite vessels. SP Cryogenic Storage will develop free form lightweight tanks manufactured from composites as well as adequate production technologies. SP Solid Storage assesses current progress in the storage of solid materials and will focus its primary research activities on alienates. Furthermore, up scaling of the material production process will be considered resulting in the construction and testing of prototype tanks. These developments are accompanied by safety studies and pre-normative research within SP SAR. The three storage technologies will be evaluated applying technical, economic, social and environmental criteria in SP Evaluation. The final outcome of the project is to identify the most promising storage solution for different vehicle applications. Such results should illuminate the future perspectives of H2 storage for transport and stationary applications and assist decision makers and stakeholders on the road to an H2 economy.