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WFS Regionalstatistische Daten zur Metropolregion Hamburg

Web Map Service (WFS) zum Thema Regionalstatistische Daten zur Metropolregion Hamburg. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.

Mycorrhizal response and nutrient uptake of old, new and organically bred winter wheat cultivars in low input systems

Das Projekt "Mycorrhizal response and nutrient uptake of old, new and organically bred winter wheat cultivars in low input systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau durchgeführt. The testing of crop cultivars on organic and conventional farms is often confounded by site heterogeneity. We compared the performance of a set of old, conventionally and organically bred winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars within the DOK long term trial in CH-Therwil in 2007. In the DOK trial organic and conventional farming systems are compared since 1978 in a split-split plot design with four replicates on a haplic luvisol. Yield (dry matter yield, thousand kernel weight, harvest index and nitrogen harvest index) and quality parameters (grain protein content, Hagberg falling number, Zeleny value, wet gluten content and gluten index) of ten cultivars were assessed in four systems: unfertilized control (NOFERT), bio-dynamic (BIODYN 1 and 2) and one conventional farming system (CONMIN) with different levels of total nitrogen inputs (0, 33, 66 and 140 kg ha-1, respectively). Effects of cultivars and systems on yield and quality parameters were statistically significant, genotype x system interactions were generally not detected. Grain yield increased from 2.7 (NOFERT), 3.7 (BIODYN 1), 4.2 (BIODYN 2) up to 6.8 t ha-1 for the conventional system CONMIN with an average protein content of 10.8, 9.4, 9.0 and 11.7%, respectively. No significant differences between cultivars were detected for yield in the organic system BIODYN 2, whereas in the conventional system CONMIN, cultivars bred under conventional conditions yielded significantly more than old cultivars. However, the protein content of old cultivars was significantly higher than that of modern cultivars. The results imply that breeding for yield was successful during the last century but only under high input conditions (7.6 kg ha-1 yr-1 in the conventional system CONMIN), where the development was accompanied by rising inputs of external resources (e.g. mineral fertilizers). Under organic conditions, yield increase with the year of release of cultivars was only 1.8 kg ha-1 yr-1 (in the organic system BIODYN 2) and modern cultivars could not outperform the old cultivars, irrespective of their selection environment. A redundancy analysis showed that yield was mainly determined by systems or the input of fertilizers, while the influence of cultivars was only minor. The redundancy analysis for baking quality parameters in contrast revealed that the influence of cultivars was higher than the influence of the systems. It is suggested, that long term system comparisons can ideally serve to test crop cultivars under identical soil and climatic conditions. Root colonization with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was higher under organic than under conventional farming conditions but there was no evidence that breeding conditions were influencing AMF-root colonization of the different cultivars. We observed a positive correlation for AMF root colonization and shoot P at tillering and flowering under organic but not under conventional conditions. (abridged text)

Integrating Cloud Observations from Ground and Space - a Way to Combine Time and Space Information (ICOS)

Das Projekt "Integrating Cloud Observations from Ground and Space - a Way to Combine Time and Space Information (ICOS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Köln, Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Bereich Meteorologie, Arbeitsgruppe Integrierte Fernerkundung durchgeführt. Cloud processes remain one of the largest challenges in atmospheric research partly due to a gap in statistically significant observations of cloud macro- and microphysical properties. The most detailed and continuous observations available today come from the combination of state-of-the-art ground-based sensors at a few 'super sites' worldwide. The integrated profiling technique (IPT) developed by the proposers has been established to provide cloud liquid water (LWC) profiles with their error and the associated environmental conditions (temperature, humidity) from a combination of microwave radiometer, cloud radar and ceilometer. Here we propose to extend this method by incorporating satellite observations by Meteosat SEVIRI into the IPT optimal estimation framework for the additional retrieval of cloud microphysics (effective radius, optical thickness) and cloud radiation budget. In addition SEVIRI measurements will be exploited to provide auxiliary information on a) the history of the cloud observed at the super site (lifetime, microphysical development, environment) and b) the representativeness of the cloud for the cloud field around the site. The method will be developed on the basis of existing data sets from observation sites at Cabauw, Lindenberg and AMF/Murg Valley.

Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European Region (TRANSFER)

Das Projekt "Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European Region (TRANSFER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. The project main goal is to contribute to our understanding of tsunami processes in the Euro-Mediterranean region, to the tsunami hazard and risk assessment and to identifying the best strategies for reduction of tsunami risk. Focus will be posed on the gaps and needs for the implementation of an efficient tsunami early warning system (TEWS) in the Euro- Mediterranean area, which is a high-priority task in consideration that no tsunami early warning system is today in place in the Euro-Mediterranean countries. The main items addressed by the project may be summarised as follows. The present Europe tsunami catalogue will be improved and updated, and integrated into a world-wide catalogue (WP1). A systematic attempt will be made to identify and to characterise the tsunamigenic seismic (WP2) and non-seismic (WP3) sources throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region. An analysis of the present-day earth observing and monitoring (seismic, geodetic and marine) systems and data processing methods will be carried out in order to identify possible adjustments required for the development of a TEWS, with focus on new algorithms suited for real-time detection of tsunami sources and tsunamis (WP4). The numerical models currently used for tsunami simulations will be improved mainly to better handle the generation process and the tsunami impact at the coast (WP5). The project Consortium has selected ten test areas in different countries. Here innovative probabilistic and statistical approaches for tsunami hazard assessment (WP6), up-to-date and new methods to compute inundation maps (WP7) will be applied. Here tsunami scenario approaches will be envisaged; vulnerability and risk will be assessed; prevention and mitigation measures will be defined also by the advise of end users that are organised in an End User Group (WP8). Dissemination of data, techniques and products will be a priority of the project (WP9). Prime Contractor: Alma Mater Studiorum-Universita di Bologna; Bologna, Italy.

Sub project: Quantitative Reconstruction of the Neogene East and West Antarctic Ice Sheet History from Drift Sediments (ODP Leg 178 and Leg 188): A Synthesis

Das Projekt "Sub project: Quantitative Reconstruction of the Neogene East and West Antarctic Ice Sheet History from Drift Sediments (ODP Leg 178 and Leg 188): A Synthesis" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Zentrum für marine Umweltwissenschaften durchgeführt. The proposed synthesis project aims to quantify the Antarctic ice sheet history of the last 10 Ma. With new statistical tools we will isolate and quantify the 'ice factor' in fine-fraction grain-size distribution data from Antarctic deep-sea drift deposits. In our preparatory work we showed that the sedimentary Antarctic drift bodies are continuous ice archives with a direct link in their built-up history at the continental rise to ice advances to the shelf break. Quantification of the ice volume is therefore possible, since the relative ice-cover to - volume ratio is known from models. In a four step approach we will complete the existing sample collection of Site 1095, increase its time resolution and analyse the recovered data sets with the end-member modeling method. Second step is the validation of the local data set to a regional scale by incorporating samples of a control Site (Site 1101) on a nearby drift. Thirdly we will prepare and analyse samples from a E-Antarctic drift (Site 1165) for a in-depth E-W ice sheet history comparision. During the synthesis phase of the project the new proximal data set will be correlated to a new global isotope -Ca/Mg based ice volume record contributed by our cooperation partners. These are three important reasons to start with the proposed research now: High social relevance of the expected data..., free access to the samples since the one year ODP moratorium for both ODP legs has passed, and the availability of abundant ancillary data from other working groups.

Watershed sediment yield modelling for data scarce areas; a case study, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia

Das Projekt "Watershed sediment yield modelling for data scarce areas; a case study, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasserbau durchgeführt. The main goal of the research was to device an alternative solution for watershed sediment yield modelling for data scarce areas where the existing physically based models can not be applicable. Awash River Basin in Ethiopia was selected as case study area. GIS data on soil, land use, precipitation, temperature, stream flow and suspended sediment yield was collected from the Federal Ministry of Water Resources of Ethiopia (FMWRE) and from the National Metrology Service Agency (NMSA) offices. Soil data obtained from FMWRE and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) world soil 1974 database was used for derivation of the soil erodibility factor (ERFAC) estimation equation. The ratio of silt to sand and clay content was considered as the governing factor for soil erodibility in developing the ERFAC equation. The SWAT2005 model was selected for calibration and validation of stream flow and sediment yield. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to prioritize model calibration parameters. From the sensitivity analysis, curve number II (CN2), soilwater available to plants (SOL-AWC) and ground water base flow factor (ALPHA-BF) were selected as major stream flow calibration parameters. Similarly CN2, SURLAG (surface lag), slope and sediment routing factor (SPCON) were taken as the major sediment calibration parameters. Parameters related to the soil properties and river channel characteristics were given special attention during the model calibration. Eleven years (1990-2000) stream flow and sediment data were used for model calibration and six years data (2001-2006) were used for model validation. Calibration has been done at three gauging stations located in the Awash River basin. The statistical indicators, Coefficient of determination (R2), Nash-Sutclife efficiency (NSE), Root mean square error observations standard deviation (RSR were applied to evaluate the calibration and validation results. The values of these indicators were used to ratethe performance of the model. Watershed geomorphologic and topographic factors were extracted from the SWAT2005 watershed configuration, using a GIS tool and empirical equations. The relative importance of the factors was determined using Pearsons correlation coefficient based on the sediment yield output obtained from the SWAT2005 model calibration. The results show that, the sediment yield is highly correlated with stream flow, watershed area and watershed slope. Based on the identified parameters and the SWAT2005 model output, an alternative sediment yield estimation equation was derived and checked for its validity.

Entwicklung eines statistischen Designs für die zweite Bodenzustandserhebung Wald (BZE 2)

Das Projekt "Entwicklung eines statistischen Designs für die zweite Bodenzustandserhebung Wald (BZE 2)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Project objectives: Some fundamental statistical questions are existing in the end of implementation phase for the second soil condition survey (BZE 2) in Germany. These are described in a memorandum from the Referat 533 of BMVEL (533-7673-1/4) from 30.07.2004. This project is to be supposed to develop and implement a mathematical-statistical way for evaluation of the second soil condition survey. In a first Step possibilities and the potential for stratification to reduce the sampling error will be show. Existing Follow-up Inventory Concepts will be discussed under the special context of BZE. Soil parameters vary on a very small spatial scale. To estimate the error arising from the kind of sampling design on a sampling plot samples on a scale from 0 to 20 meters will be collected and completed by data sets suited for such questions. These data are the base for geo-statistical analysis. The error due to the sampling design can be quantified by various simulations. In the preface of BZE a set of soil samples are analysed from different laboratories and by different laboratory methods. The Varity of these results could be seen as a scope of bias. All these errors lead to an overall error budget, which shows the proportion between the individual error sources and the source for future research. Project results: This project is to be supposed to develop and implement a mathematical-statistical way for evaluation of the second soil condition survey under the scope, given by the memorandum from the Referat 533 of BMVEL (533-7673-1/4) from 30.07.2004. With the end of the project an objective scale for evaluating different versions for taking soil samples is available. First times, the relation of used resources and the realized sampling error for soil inventories can be evaluated. So there is the chance for a better estimation of error scope and for the decrease of costs in future inventories. Contribution of University of Hamburg: - developing and suggesting a mathematical statistical way for the evaluation of the second soil condition survey; - analyzing the potential of stratification to reduce the sampling error; - compiling an overall error budget estimated from errors of sampling design, local variability of soil parameters and different means of analyzing soil parameters in the laboratory.

E 2.3: Shelf life extension of fresh litchi, longan and mango fruits through integrated postharvest techniques

Das Projekt "E 2.3: Shelf life extension of fresh litchi, longan and mango fruits through integrated postharvest techniques" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Lebensmittelwissenschaft und Biotechnologie, Fachgebiet Lebensmittel pflanzlicher Herkunft (150d) durchgeführt. In Northern Thailand and Vietnam, fresh fruit marketing still plays the key role in utilisation of the highly perishable fruits studied. Increasing export rates aspired by local fruit producers are hindered by the present practice of shelf life extension based on sulphur fumigation and fungicide application, respectively, because of raising legal and consumer restriction. Alternative ways ensuring the demand for sound fruit of good eating quality are urgently required. Since picking, packing and marketing form the major costs of fruit production, E2.3 aims at improved productivity by optimisation of fresh fruit marketing through an integrated high-quality concept for shelf life extension to meet export qualities and standards and to facilitate the access to remote markets and processing factories. This approach relies on two pillars: (1) innovative postharvest processes and (2) plant-physiological preharvest factors affecting fruit quality and shelf life, chiefly the proper physiological maturity at harvest. Focus is on shelf life extension and color retention of litchis and longans by minimising enzymatic browning, microbial decay, and water loss through appropriate combinations of various techniques: (1) precooling on field until handover; (2) fruit disinfestation by thermal routines; (3) control of enzymatic browning by innovative inhibition strategies for polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase; (4) suitable shipping within a cool-chain with or without modified atmosphere packaging; (5) application of wetting agents or coatings. By analogy, integrated strategies for shelf life extension through deceleration of postharvest ripening in export of Thai mango cultivars are explored. To control enzymatic browning in Sapindaceae species, both inhibition experiments on isolated enzymes and application tests with shelf life studies simulating shipping conditions are used. Process optimisation is based on statistical experimental designs. Shelf life is monitored by established chemical methods for plant-physiological indicators of fruit quality, senescence and microbial decay, by the vital microbial count, and by microscopic studies of the peel structure. On-tree maturation is examined for each fruit species to specify physiological harvest maturity as to its impact on quality and shelf life, including studies with E1.2 on non-destructive maturity detection. Cultivation effects on fruit quality and shelf life are jointly investigated with D1.3 and B3.2.

Trophic interactions in the soil of rice-rice and rice-maize cropping systems

Das Projekt "Trophic interactions in the soil of rice-rice and rice-maize cropping systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Gießen, Institut für Allgemeine und Spezielle Zoologie, Bereich Tierökologie und Spezielle Biologie durchgeführt. Subproject 3 will investigate the effect of shifting from continuously flooded rice cropping to crop rotation (including non-flooded systems) and diversified crops on the soil fauna communities and associated ecosystem functions. In both flooded and non-flooded systems, functional groups with a major impact on soil functions will be identified and their response to changing management regimes as well as their re-colonization capability after crop rotation will be quantified. Soil functions corresponding to specific functional groups, i.e. biogenic structural damage of the puddle layer, water loss and nutrient leaching, will be determined by correlating soil fauna data with soil service data of SP4, SP5 and SP7 and with data collected within this subproject (SP3). In addition to the field data acquired directly at the IRRI, microcosm experiments covering the broader range of environmental conditions expected under future climate conditions will be set up to determine the compositional and functional robustness of major components of the local soil fauna. Food webs will be modeled based on the soil animal data available to gain a thorough understanding of i) the factors shaping biological communities in rice cropping systems, and ii) C- and N-flow mediated by soil communities in rice fields. Advanced statistical modeling for quantification of species - environment relationships integrating all data subsets will specify the impact of crop diversification in rice agro-ecosystems on soil biota and on the related ecosystem services.

Wissenschaftliches Mess- und Evaluierungsprogramm (WMEP) zum Breitentest '250' MW Wind': Phase IV - Forschungsbericht

Das Projekt "Wissenschaftliches Mess- und Evaluierungsprogramm (WMEP) zum Breitentest '250' MW Wind': Phase IV - Forschungsbericht" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kassel, Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik e.V, Standort Kassel durchgeführt. Das Bundesministerium Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) fördert mit dem Breitentest '250 MW Wind' die Einführung der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland. Zur Gewinnung statistisch relevanter Erfahrungswerte aus dem praktischen Einsatz von Windenergieanlagen (WEA) wurde das Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik e. V. (ISET), Kassel, mit der begleitenden Durchführung des 'Wissenschaftlichen Mess- und Evaluierungsprogramms' (WMEP) beauftragt. Im Rahmen dieses Programms werden von allen geförderten WEA für einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren ausgewählte Betriebsdaten und -ergebnisse erfasst und ausgewertet. Der vorliegende Abschlussbericht beschreibt die Ergebnisse der 4. Durchführungsphase (01.07.2000 -30.06.2004) des WMEP in vier Jahresberichten und einer Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Arbeitsschwerpunkte. Die regelmäßige Auswertung des WMEP zur Entwicklung der Windenergienutzung, der 'Windenergie Report Deutschland', ist eine der wichtigsten Publikationen zum Leistungsstand der Windenergietechnik in Deutschland, zumal verlässliche Betriebsdaten zum Langzeitverhalten von WEA anderweitig in vergleichbarer Form kaum bereitgestellt werden können. Überdies werden die Entwicklungstendenzen schnell und jederzeit aktuell im WMEP-Informationssystem REISI im Internet (http://reisi.iset.unikassel.de) präsentiert.

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