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Die landesweite Waldzustandserhebung wird jährlich im bundesweiten Stichprobennetz (16x16 km) und nach einer abgestimmten Methodik durchgeführt. In Thüringen wurde das Stichprobennetz  auf 4x4 km verdichtet, um flächenrepräsentative Aussagen für die Hauptbaumarten zu erhalten. Ziel der Waldzustandserhebung ist die langfristige Überwachung des Waldzustandes unter dem Einfluss abiotischer Einflüsse (z.B. Klima/Witterung, Luftschadstoffe) und biotischer Faktoren (z.B. Insektenkalamitäten). Der jährliche Waldzustandsbericht  für Thüringen ist unter www.tmil.info zu finden.

Melde-Michel - Portal Hamburg

Der Melde-Michel stellt in der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg einen Mängelmeldedienst für Bürger und Unternehmen im Rahmen einer Webanwendung zur Verfügung. Die Meldung von Mängeln ist ebenfalls telefonisch über den Telefonischen HamburgService (Telefonnummer 115) möglich. Hierbei werden Infrastruktur-Mängel z. B. Schlaglöcher, beschädigte Verkehrslichter, Schäden beim städtischen Grün und mehr auf einfache Weise an die jeweils zuständige Dienststelle oder das jeweils beauftragte Unternehmen übermittelt. Bei der Nutzung via Smartphone kann die Lokalisierung mittels Standortermittlung erfolgen. Zusätzlich zur auszuwählenden Schaden-Kategorie können optional weitere Informationen, z.B. Beschreibung, Kontaktdaten und Fotos mitgegeben werden.

Bebauungsplaene Blieskastel/Mimbach - Auf Scharlen 9.Änderung

Bebauungsplaene und Umringe der Stadt Blieskastel (Saarland), Stadtteil Mimbach:Bebauungsplan "Auf Scharlen 9.Änderung" der Stadt Blieskastel, Stadtteil Mimbach

Bebauungsplaene Blieskastel/Mimbach - Auf Scharlen 5.Aenderung

Bebauungsplaene und Umringe der Stadt Blieskastel (Saarland), Stadtteil Mimbach:Bebauungsplan "Auf Scharlen 5.Aenderung" der Stadt Blieskastel, Stadtteil Mimbach

Bebauungsplaene Blieskastel/Mimbach - Auf Scharlen 6.Aenderung

Bebauungsplaene und Umringe der Stadt Blieskastel (Saarland), Stadtteil Mimbach:Bebauungsplan "Auf Scharlen 6.Aenderung" der Stadt Blieskastel, Stadtteil Mimbach

Bebauungsplaene Blieskastel/Mimbach - Auf Scharlen 7.Änderung

Bebauungsplaene und Umringe der Stadt Blieskastel (Saarland), Stadtteil Mimbach:Bebauungsplan "Auf Scharlen 7.Änderung" der Stadt Blieskastel, Stadtteil Mimbach

Online-Anliegen - extern

Die Mängelmeldungen der Bürger und Unternehmen wie z.B. Schlaglöcher oder beschädigte Verkehrszeichen werden in einer Datenbank gespeichert und bereitgestellt und im Melde-Michel sichtbar dargestellt.

WFS Melde-Michel extern

Der WebFeatureService (WFS) stellt die gemeldeten "Online-Anliegen" der Bürger und Unternehmen, wie z.B. Schlaglöcher oder beschädigte Verkehrslichter, im Melde-Michel dar. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.

SP 1.1 A combined BaPS-13C stable isotope technique to study the interaction between C and N turnover in alkaline agricultural soils of the North China Plain

Das Projekt "SP 1.1 A combined BaPS-13C stable isotope technique to study the interaction between C and N turnover in alkaline agricultural soils of the North China Plain" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre, Fachgebiet Biogeophysik durchgeführt. In the intensively managed double-cropping production system of the North China Plain, the excessive use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer has resulted in adverse environmental impacts such as leaching of nitrate to shallow groundwater or gaseous losses of the greenhouse gas N2O. An understanding of N cycling in soil is essential for deriving sustainable fertilization strategies. Nitrogen transformations in soil are closely linked to the carbon (C) cycle. All heterotrophic decomposing micro organism simultaneously assimilate C and N during decomposing plant residues or soil organic matter. An understanding of this linkage is important, for example, for assessing the feedback of a changed N fertilization practice on the soil organic matter pool. To study and quantify the C and N fluxes in soil, we need a set of reliable and accurate methods. During the last decade a novel method, the Barometric Process Separation, has been used to measure gross nitrification rates in soil. Recently, it has been shown that the use of the BaPS method becomes problematic at soil pH greater than 6. At pH values above 6 the BaPS calculation is strongly affected by the CO2,aq term, i.e. the dissolution of gaseous CO2 during incubation. So far, no methods are available to accurately quantifying this term. In our study, we aim at developing a novel combined Barometric Process Separation (BaPS)-13C stable isotope technique, which allows an accurate quantification of the CO2,aq term. In parallel, we will study to which extent the incorporation of plant residues of different quality immobilises surplus soil nitrate and its potential to reduce nitrate leaching in soils with a nitrate-dominated mineral N pool. Moreover, we will study the mid- and short term interaction of C and N turnover at the process-level to get a better understanding on the feedback mechanism between both matter cycles.

T 2: Development of energy-efficient systems for high-quality fruit drying - initiated by the SFB subproject E1

Das Projekt "T 2: Development of energy-efficient systems for high-quality fruit drying - initiated by the SFB subproject E1" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrartechnik, Fachgebiet Agrartechnik in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. Background: Thailand is an agriculture-based economy with production of high value fruits as one of the main sources of crop revenue. Among them, longan and litchi have significant importance for the economy. Those fruits are produced mainly in the northern region. Litchi is grown primarily by smallholders in the mountainous areas. However, the orchards are being substituted by seasonal field crops because the profitability of litchi growers has been jeopardized by unstable prices and insufficient access to markets. Consequently, this substitution have resulted on increasing levels of erosion, pesticide use and water demands. Local production of dried fruits by small-scale industries or farmer cooperatives is a promising solution for the upland growers. Such practice keeps the value adding process in the rural area, allows decoupling producer from the unstable fresh market and eliminates the middle man from the value chain. However, with the rising fuel cost the profitability of this operation may be reduced. Particularly because the current drying technology used in small-scale food processing industries has low energy efficiency and yield heterogeneous product, not allowing them to achieve the standards of the international market. Therefore small-scale fruit drying equipment has to be optimized to increase energy efficiency and to meet export quality standards. Additionally, renewable sources like biomass or biogas produced from fruit processing wastes, such as pruning wood, seeds, and peels, can provide energy for drying and replace fossil fuels. Therefore, biogas and biomass combustion should be integrated in the drying systems. Results until now: A survey of litchi drying facilities in Northern Thailand was conducted. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied to evaluate the facilities in terms of age, equipment, operational procedures, energy, labor and costs. Various types of cabinet tray dryers heated either with LPG or firewood were found and it was observed that in general producers face difficulties in achieving uniform batches. An additional survey was carried at the sites where the LPG-fueled tray dryer from the Likhitchewan company are used. Users mentioned its convenient operation, good temperature control and cost-capacity ratio as its main advantages. The high fuel consumption and non-uniformity of the drying batch were consistently regarded as drawbacks. The quality and energy performance of the Likhitchewan tray dryer was experimentally analyzed for litchi drying in a farmers cooperative. Non-uniform temperature distribution in the drying chamber was observed resulting on heterogeneous batch. Regarding the energy performance, about 15 kg of LPG was required per batch which yielded approximately 15 kg of dry litchi. Losses via exhaust air and convective losses were the main heat sinks identified. (abridged text)

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