Die Karte bildet den Bezirk Hamburg - Mitte mit den Inseln Neuwerk und Schahörn im Maßstab 1: 25 000 ab. Diese Stadtplan-, Übersichts- und Planungskarte ist als mehrfarbige Normalausgabe mit Wohn-, Industrie, Verkehrs- und Grünflächen, sowie als Verwaltungsausgabe mit unaufdringlichem Hintergrund erhältlich. Die Bezirkskarte hat das Papierformat 100 x 70 cm.
Das Projekt "PV power supply for a bird watching and weather station (north sea)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Telefunken Systemtechnik Hamburg durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate the use of a PV array (4.6 KWp) to provide a silent and non-polluting power supply for a remote bird sanctuary in a very harsh environment. General Information: This project employs a PV generator to provide power for equipment in a research station at the bird sanctuary on the island of Scharhoern, about 19 km from the shore in the Elbe estuary. The silent, non-polluting operation of the PV generator makes it well suited for operation near to the birds during the critical season from March to September when the birds mate, nest and nurture their young. The 4.6 kWp PV array consists of 240 AEG polycristalline modules of type PQ 10/20/0, connected in 8 parallel strings of 30 modules to give an operating voltage of 220 V. The modules are mounted on 10 racks of galvanized steel with special foundation, resisting to extreme storms (200 km/h.). The battery consists of 19 series connected ANKER lead/acid blocks, type 12V/4 OGi100, forming a 220 V battery of 100 Ah capacity (22 kWh). The kVA 220 Vdc/220 ac AEG -Transopuls' - G220E/23/2rtg-P5 inverter, self-commutated, single phase, with an efficiency of 93 per cent at full load allows all equipment to operate with conventional 50 Hz ac. The total investment cost of 92149 ECU (without the data acquisition system amounts to 20 ECU/kWp for this demonstration system and is estimated to about 6100 ECU (13 ECU/kWp) for repeated systems. A data acquisition system of SET, DAM 800, (total cost 38144 ECU) measures every 5 seconds the relevant data and stores them as hourly averages on MS-Dos diskettes in accordance with the JRC Guidelines. Achievements: The system produces 1200 kWh per year to the entire satisfaction of the user with a potential for higher production, to be exploited in the near future. The user appreciates especially the high availability and the low maintenance requirements and has converted nearly all its bird stations to solar power supply.