Der INSPIRE Dienst Lebensräume und Biotope in Deutschland - Lebensraumtypen Moore, Sümpfe, Quellen - Vorkommen stellt bundesweite Vorkommensdatensätze gemäß den Vorgaben der INSPIRE Richtline Annex III Thema bereit. Die Vorkommensdaten wurden vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz aus Daten der Bundesländer und des Bundes zum Zweck der Erstellung des nationalen Berichts nach Art. 17 der FFH-Richtlinie zusammengeführt. Die Ursprungsdaten wurden von den Bundesländern nach den Anforderungen der EU für den nationalen FFH-Bericht nach Art. 17 der FFH-Richtlinie bereitgestellt. Die Informationen beziehen sich in der Regel auf den Zeitraum von 2000 bis 2012. Für einzelne Lebensraumtypen können abweichende Zeiträume berücksichtigt worden sein. Konkrete Informationen hierzu sind den sachlichen Berichtsdaten unter Ziffer 1.1.3 zu entnehmen (
Der INSPIRE Dienst Lebensräume und Biotope in Deutschland - Lebensraumtypen Moore, Sümpfe, Quellen - Verbreitung stellt bundesweite Verbreitungsdatensätze gemäß den Vorgaben der INSPIRE Richtline Annex III Thema bereit. Die Verbreitungsdaten wurden vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz aus Daten der Bundesländer und des Bundes zum Zweck der Erstellung des nationalen Berichts nach Art. 17 der FFH-Richtlinie zusammengeführt. Die Ursprungsdaten wurden von den Bundesländern nach den Anforderungen der EU für den nationalen FFH-Bericht nach Art. 17 der FFH-Richtlinie bereitgestellt. Die Informationen beziehen sich in der Regel auf den Zeitraum von 2000 bis 2012. Für einzelne Lebensraumtypen können abweichende Zeiträume berücksichtigt worden sein. Konkrete Informationen hierzu sind den sachlichen Berichtsdaten unter Ziffer 1.1.3 zu entnehmen (
Das Projekt "Clean Sky Technology Eco Design (Clean Sky ECO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH durchgeführt. The Eco-Design ITD (ED-ITD) gathers and structures from one side activities concerned specifically with development of new material and process technologies and demonstration on airframe and rotorcraft related parts stressing the ecolonomic aspects of such new technologies; from the other side, activities related to the All Electrical Aircraft concept related to small aircraft. ED-ITD is directly focused on the last ACARE goal: 'To make substantial progress in reducing the environmental impact of the manufacture, maintenance and disposal of aircraft and related products'. Reduction of environmental impacts during out of operation phases of the aircraft lifecycle can be estimated to around 20 % reduction of the total amount of the CO2 emitted by all the processes (direct emissions and indirect emissions i.e. produced when producing the energy) and 15 % of the total amount of the energy used by all the processes. In addition, expected benefit brought by the All Electric Aircraft concept to be highlighted through the conceptual aircraft defined in the vehicle ITDs is estimated to around 2% fuel consumption reduction due to mass benefits and better energy management. The status of the global fleet in the year 2000 constitutes the baseline against which achievements will be assessed. Progress toward these goals will result not only from ED internal activities but also from the collaboration with the relevant cross-cutting activities in GRA , GRC, SFWA (business jet platform) and SGO (electrical systems).
Das Projekt "TRansitions to the Urban Water Services of Tomorrow (TRUST)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wasserforschung gemeinnützige GmbH durchgeführt. The European project initiative TRUST will produce knowledge and guidance to support TRansitions to Urban Water Services of Tomorrow, enabling communities to achieve sustainable, low-carbon water futures without compromising service quality. We deliver this ambition through close collaboration with problem owners in ten participating pilot city regions under changing and challenging conditions in Europe and Africa. Our work provides research driven innovations in governance, modelling concepts, technologies, decision support tools, and novel approaches to integrated water, energy, and infrastructure asset management. An extended understanding of the performance of contemporary urban water services will allow detailed exploration of transition pathways. Urban water cycle analysis will include use of an innovative systems metabolism model, derivation of key performance indicators, risk assessment, as well as broad stakeholder involvement and an analysis of public perceptions and governance modes. A number of emerging technologies in water supply, waste and storm water treatment and disposal, in water demand management and in the exploitation of alternative water sources will be analysed in terms of their cost-effectiveness, performance, safety and sustainability. Cross-cutting issues include innovations in urban asset management and water-energy nexus strengthening. The most promising interventions will be demonstrated and legitimised in the urban water systems of the ten participating pilot city regions. TRUST outcomes will be incorporated into planning guidelines and decision support tools, will be subject to life-cycle assessment, and be shaped by regulatory considerations as well as potential environmental, economic and social impacts. Outputs from the project will catalyse transformation change in both the form and management of urban water services and give utilities increased confidence to specify innovative solutions to a range of pressing challenges.
Das Projekt "'CADY' Central Asian Climate Dynamics" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Berlin, Institut für Meteorologie WE03, Fachrichtung Wechselwirkung im Klimasystem der Erde, Arbeitsgruppe Modellierung des Klimasystems durchgeführt. Global climate change is one of the key concerns of the 21st century, with serious implications for economies, societies and the environment. Central Asia, though rich in mineral resources, suffers from water scarcity. Since all the Central Asian countries rely heavily on irrigated agriculture, future climate change will strongly impact water availability, energy security, and sustainable development in the region. This issue needs to be urgently addressed, because any changes in the factors governing regional hydrology, or the magnitude of their impact (e.g. severity of droughts and floods) would be critical for infrastructural planning and securing food supplies in a global warming scenario. The project CADY (Central Asian Climate Dynamics) aims to reconstruct the Holocene climate variability and regional hydrology in the Central Asia along two W-E transects sandwiching the Tibetan Plateau and one N-S transect cutting across the Plateau. We will use a multiarchive, multiproxy approach and additionally focus on selected time slices (e.g. early Holocene warm period, the Medieval Warm Period, the Little ice age etc). Palaeoclimate simulations of different duration and on selected time slices will be carried out using the generated data. The combination of proxy data and model simulations will lead to an improved understanding of the physical mechanisms controlling the monsoon dynamics.
Das Projekt "Establishment and exploration of a gas ion source for micro-scale radiocarbon dating of glaciers and groundwater" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. Recent progress in the operation of CO2 gas ion sources for accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) 14C analysis on microgram-size samples opens a wide range of new applications in dating studies, e.g. for environmental and archeological applications. This proposal aims at implementing a gas ion source at the AMS system MICADAS at the Klaus-Tschira Laboratory of the Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum für Archäometrie (CEZA) in Mannheim and to use this new capability for cutting-edge applications in environmental studies, namely the dating of small amounts of organic carbon contained in glacier ice and of specific organic compounds in ground water. Cold glaciers hold unique records on past climate and atmospheric composition. Mid-latitude ice cores furthermore enable reconstructions of recent ice chemistry changes, but cannot be dated by stratigraphic methods. For such ice bodies, only radiometric dating based on 14C analysis of organic matter contained in the ice matrix presently offers a reasonable dating potential in the late Holocene and beyond. The challenge of this approach lies in the very restricted availability of this matter, but the ability to analyse microgram samples of organic carbon from ice via a gas ion source should now enable reliable 14C dating of ice. Ground water constitutes an important water resource worldwide, especially in semi-arid regions, and in addition constitutes a useful climate archive. Dating of ground water by 14C in the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is standard but problematic due to the complex carbonate geochemistry. Dating of ground water based on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has been attempted with mixed success, but now the new analytical developments enable compound-specific 14C analyses of the various DOC components, offering the chance to identify compounds suitable for dating. This project is based on the extensive experience of the collaborating scientists in 14C analytics and applications as well as in the use of glacier ice and ground water as archives, including the development and application of 14C dating methods for these systems. It will establish 14C-measurements at the MICADAS AMS of the CEZA via a gas ion source on a routine base to analyse CO2-samples in the range of 5 to 40 microgram C at a precision down to 0,5 Prozent. By improving existing sample preparation techniques for glacier ice samples, reliable 14C values of the particulate and dissolved organic fractions from small (some 100 g) ice samples shall be obtained. This capability will be applied to constrain ages of cold, sedimentary glaciers as well as of small scale, cold Alpine congelation ice bodies. The project will further develop and test the tools required for micro-scale, compound-specific radiocarbon dating of ground water via its organic fraction. For this purpose, ground water samples from the Upper Rhine Graben area will be analysed, where extensive isotopic data, including DIC 14C values, are available for comparison.
Das Projekt "Untersuchungen zur Vegetationsgeschichte der Rheinebene anhand von Pollen, Grossresten und Geochemie am Profil 'Walldorf'" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe durchgeführt. Die Vegetationsgeschichte der noerdlichen Rheinebene wird untersucht. Das Profil zeigt ausser den letzten 2000 Jahren sehr gut den Verlauf der Vegetation.
Das Projekt "Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System - JI Forest-Climate-Projects in North-West Russia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The QUEST project builds capacity through the development of new REDD+ like methodologies for Joint Implementation forest. This includes the development of the first methodology for Improved Forest Management based on 'Forest Management' under Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol. These methodologies may be applied by other JI project developers. The QUEST project will, therefore, strenghten project activities in Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry sector. QUEST also involves the application on four demonstrator forestry projects in Russia and Romania allowing for the investigation of the projects impact with respect to energy use, policy, verification and methodological issues and social, environmental and hydrological concerns with Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) in a 'hands on', 'learning by doing' approach. It is the projects intention to contribute to the conservation of the Dvinsky, one of intact forest as well as to generate emission reductions. A successful implementation of the Dvinsky Climate Action Project might serve as a lighthouse example for the JIs potential to conserve Russias endangered HCV forests. The project activity will improve existing forest practices aiming at an increment of biomass volume in forests under concession. Carbon finance will enable logging firms to switch from the traditional clear cutting to a group felling system, thereby reducing the negative impact of forest management on the ecological system. Concluding, JIFor explores the LULUCF framework, develops baseline and monitoring methodologies, facilitates forest climate projects based on 'Forest Management', Art. 3.4. This provides important lessons learnt for a future REDD+ policy scheme under a follow up agreement to the Kyoto Protocol. GFA ENVEST contributes to: Assessment of the policy context of LULUCF and JI in Europe including permanence, issuance of AAUs for LULUCF projects, issuance of RMUs for LULUCF projects (considering the design of the IET) and evaluation of annual- vs- five year accounting on a national level; Baseline and monitoring methodologies for JI; development of methodologies for Improved Forest Management and Forest Conservation; JI Project Design Document development - Dvinsky Forest Conservation in Russia; JI Project Design Document development - Svetloserskles Improved Forest Management in Russia; Development of tools, Transferability, Scalability, and Identification of Future Projects and Research Needs; Assessment of carbon rights ownership for forestry projects in Russia.
Das Projekt "Regeneration of the Robinson Crusoe's island original Forest (Juan Fernandez Archipelago, Chile)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Waldbau-Institut durchgeführt. The Juan Fernandez Archipelago National Park, and World Biosphere Reserve, is composed of three oceanic islands located 680 km west of continental Chile at 33 degree S. Its biota and in particular the flora is characterised by its diversity and high degree of endemism (63,9 percent), resulting from a long process of local evolution without anthropic influence. The Robinson Crusoe Island (RCI) is the only permanently inhabited of the archipelago, presenting human influence since 1574 (629 inhabitants). From this moment on, fires, selective cuttings and the introduction of exotic species of flora and fauna have affected enormously the forest communities. Currently 75 percent of the endemic vascular flora is considered in verge of extinction, being urgent its conservation. The original forest communities of the RCI constitute an important part of the endangered species habitat. Unfortunately there is still unclear the natural ecology of the dominant tree species. This evidence is crucial to consider in any conservation and restoration proposal. The objective of this study is to analyse where occurs the regeneration of the main tree species of the RCI original forest (Myrceugenia fernandeziana (Hook. & Arn.) Johow, Fagara mayu (Bertero ex Colla) Engl., and Drimys confertifolia Phil.). Using a forest area as case study (Plazoleta el Yunque sector) it will be assesed i) if the regeneration follows a light gradient, ii) if the species demand certain characteristics on its regeneration habitat (e.g substrate, rocks, coverage) and iii) how the main weeds (Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz, Rubus ulmifolius Schott) affect the natural regeneration in gaps. As expected outcomes is considered the understanding of regeneration niche characters for the main tree species, and the identification of key site aspects (indicators) for the original forest self replacement. This knowledge might contribute basic information, to propose further conservation and restoration activities for this ecosystem.
Das Projekt "Coordiation project - cross-cutting activities of DFG-priority programme SPP 1313" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Duisburg-Essen, Zentrum für Wasser- und Umweltforschung durchgeführt. Das Ziel des Schwerpunktprogramms ist die Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der elementaren physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Prozesse, durch die synthetische Nanopartikel die Phasengrenzen von biologischen Systemen überschreiten sowie mit Biomolekülen, Zellen und Zellkonstituenten in Wechselwirkung treten und deren biologische Funktionen beeinflussen. Aus Gründen der Organisation und des Managements ist das übergeordnete Ziel in drei verschiedene Forschungsfelder aufgeteilt: (1) Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln; (2) Transport von Nanopartikeln in der biologischen Umgebung und die Wechselwirkung mit dem biologischen System; (3) Auswirkungen von Nanopartikeln auf fundamentale biologische Funktionen. Das Schwerpunktprogramm ist sehr interdisziplinär und enthält Beiträge der Materialwissenschaften, der Nanophysik, der Physikalischen Chemie, der Anorganischen Chemie, der Oberflächenanalytik, der Biophysik, der Zellbiologie und der Partikeltoxikologie. Es befasst sich ausschließlich mit synthetischen Nanopartikeln und deren Verhalten in der biologischen Umgebung im Sinne der Grundlagentoxikologie von Nanopartikeln. Die Materialien der hier verwendeten Partikel umfassen kohlenstoffhaltige Komponenten, Metalle (Au, Ag, Pd, Pt), Oxide von Fe, Ti, Zn als auch Halbleiter-Quantenpunkte. Natürlich vorkommende biologische Nanopartikel und ultrafeine Umweltaerosole sind nicht Gegenstand des Programms. Die wesentliche Innovation, die im Schwerpunktprogramm angestrebt wird, ist die Verzahnung von Nanotechnologie und Biologie, die u. a. durch folgende Aspekte zum Ausdruck kommt: (1) Die Methoden der Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln konzentrieren sich auf Eigenschaften, von denen eine biologische Wirkung erwartet wird. (2) Die verwendeten Nanopartikel werden bezüglich des Materials, ihrer Größe, Form und Oberfläche systematisch variiert, um die Auswirkung dieser Eigenschaften auf die Wechselwirkungen mit Zellen und subzellularen Systemen sowie deren biologische Funktionen zu untersuchen. Das Programm unterscheidet sich daher von einer Reihe anderer Forschungsprojekte, die sich mit der gezielt induzierten biologischen Wirkung in beabsichtigten Applikationen befassen wie in der Nanomedizin oder der Nanopharmakologie.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 39 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 37 |
unbekannt | 2 |
License | Count |
offen | 39 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 39 |
Englisch | 24 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 25 |
Webdienst | 2 |
Webseite | 14 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 34 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 38 |
Luft | 30 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 39 |
Wasser | 29 |
Weitere | 39 |