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Ölverschmutzung am Schwarzen Meer

Am 23. Dezember 2014 barst eine Pipeline infolge eines Erdrutsches in der Nähe der russischen Stadt Tuapse am Schwarzen Meer. Aufgrund schwerer Ölverschmutzungen rief die Regionalregierung von Krasnodar den Notstand aus. Nach Angaben der Betreiberfirma seien 8,4 Kubikmeter Öl in den Tuapse-Fluss gelaufen, der ins Schwarze Meer mündet.

Internationales Forscherteam geht auf Donau-Expedition

Die größte Flussexpedition der Welt des Jahres 2013 startete am 13. August. Ein internationales Forscherteam bereiste die Donau auf rund 2400 Kilometern bis ans Schwarze Meer, um Erkenntnisse über Wasserqualität, Tier- und Pflanzenwelt zu sammeln. Die Internationale Kommission zum Schutz der Donau (IKSD) veranstaltete nach 2001 und 2007 die dritte Internationale Donaumessfahrt. Den offiziellen Startschuss gab der Staatssekretär im Bundesumweltministerium zusammen mit dem Bayerischen Umweltminister am 14. August 2013 in Regensburg.

Rock magnetic data from sediments from the Arkhangelsky Ridge, SE Black Sea, II - cores from expedition MSM33, German RV Maria S. Merian, 2013


Rock magnetic data from sediments from the Arkhangelsky Ridge, SE Black Sea: I - cores from expedition M72/5, German RV Meteor, 2007


Paleo- and rock magnetic data from cores MSM33-53-1, M72-5-22GC4, M72-5-25GC1 from the southeastern Black Sea


Paleosecular variation data for marine isotope stage 6 from SE Black Sea sediments


Data from redeposition experiments of glacial Black Sea sediments


Geodata of paleochannels on dry continental shelves in Europe during the last glacial maximum


Marine Reporting Units used in Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) for the 2018 reporting - INTERNAL - version 3.0, Jun. 2023

The Marine Reporting Units (MRUs) are used within the reporting obligations of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in order to link the reported information for implementation of the different articles (e.g., Article 8 assessments, Article 13 measures) to specific areas of the Member State’s marine waters. Version 3.0 includes the MRUs used for the MSFD 2018 reporting on updates of Articles 8, 9 and 10. In addition to the twenty countries included in version 2.0 of the dataset (BE, CY, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, HR, IE, IT, LT, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI), this version includes three additional countries, namely BG, EL and UK, thereby providing MRUs for all 23 Member States which have marine waters. The MRUs can be of varying sizes, according to the appropriate scale for the different reports (e.g., Member State’s entire marine waters, WFD coastal water bodies), or subdivisions of an MSFD marine region or subregion. For the 2018 reporting, some Member States reported different (sets of) MRUs for Article 8 assessments for different MSFD Descriptors, while others used a single (set of) MRUs for all Descriptors. Further, some Member States reported MRUs which extended beyond their marine waters (e.g., as used for Regional Sea Convention and ICES assessments).

Population trend of bird species: datasets from Article 12, Birds Directive 2009/147/EC reporting (2013-2018) - INTERNAL VERSION - Oct. 2020

All EU Member States are requested to monitor birds listed in the Birds Directive (2009/147/EC) and send a report about the progress made with the implementation of the Directive every 6 years following an agreed format. The assessment of breeding population short-term trend at the level of country is here presented. The spatial dataset contains gridded birds distribution data (10 km grid cells) as reported by EU Member States for the 2013-2018 period. The dataset is aggregated by species code and country in the attribute CO_MS. By use of the aggregated attribute [CO_MS], the tabular data can be joined to the spatial data to obtain e.g. the EU population status and trend. This metadata refers to the INTERNAL dataset as it includes species flagged as sensitive by Member States. Therefore, its access is restricted to only internal use by EEA.

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