Das Projekt "Kartierung der Strahlendosis am Boden (natuerliche und kuenstliche Isotope, Hoehenstrahlung) der Schweiz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Geophysik durchgeführt. Karten der radioaktiven Strahlenbelastung (aus natuerlichen und kuenstlichen Quellen) werden fuer die Strahlenbiologie sowie als Referenzbasis bei Verstrahlungsunfaellen benoetigt. Erstmals wurden moderne Datensaetze (Aeroradiometrie, in situ-Gammaspektrometrie, Dosisleistungsmessungen) verarbeitet und fuer die ganze Schweiz kartographisch dargestellt. Die resultierenden Karten (kosmische Hoehenstrahlung, Bodenstrahlung von natuerlichen und kuenstlichen Isotopen, Summenkarte) geben die Ortsdosisleistung in nSv/h an. Die Variationsbreite der Summenkarte betraegt 40-450 nSv/h. Das Alpengebiet ist durch hoehere Werte (100-200 nSv/h) charakterisiert, waehrend Mittelland und Jura niedrigere Werte aufweisen (um 80 nSv/h).
Das Projekt "Bewertung von geostatistischen Methoden zur Beurteilung regionaler Bodenbelastungen mit Schwermetall" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH), Institut für Terrestrische Ökologie, Arbeitsgruppe Bodenschutz durchgeführt. The objective of this project was to investigate areal patterns of heavy metal distribution in soils, to evaluate the usefulness and applicability of geostatistical techniques for assessing such patterns and in designing appropriate sampling strategies for regional soil contamination surveys. Two test regions of comparable size (20-25 km2) were selected for the sampling of field data, one in the Swiss Jura close to the city of La Chaux-de-Fonds, the other in the flat valley of the Furtbach close to Zurich. Similar sampling strategies were used in both regions, combining a aregular grid with nested schemes at a subset of grid points. In the Furttal area, sampling was performed in two stages. The majority of grid points without nesting were sampled in a second stage and not included in the analysis performed within this project. For external reasons of time constraint, all points were sampled in one campaign in the La Chaux-de-Fonds area. Geostatistical as well as classical statistical analysis showed that the spatial distribution of heavy metals in the top soil to the two test regions were quite different. Bounded and well-structured semivariograms were obtained from the la Chaux-de-Fonds data, while the Furttal data of the first sampling campaign showed to much scatter at larger lag distances to allow a meaningful estimation of semivariograms. Geological substrate, land use and soil type explained some, but for none of the analyzed metals and none of the two regions more than one third of the total variance. Kriging was found to be applicable and useful to map the areal distribution of heavy metals in the topsoil of the La Chaux-de-Fonds area, while additional sampling was found to be required for the Furttal area nine order to adequately cover gaps of more than 250 m between support points.
Das Projekt "Typologie und pflanzenoekologische Systematisierung von Waldweiden im Schweizer Jura" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Botanique durchgeführt. Les paturages boises sont des ecosystemes originaux, integres traditionnellement au paysage du Jura suisse. Ils se definissent fonctionnellement par une utilisation productive mixte, pastorale et sylvicole. Ils sont souvent l'objet de conflits entre les interets agricoles, forestiers, touristiques et ecologiques. Menacee aujourd'hui d'une part par la sectorisation (consequences des amenagements sylvo-pastoraux) et autre part par l'intensification et la concentration de l'activite sylvo-pastorale, leur conservation necessite de nouveaux outils de gestion, bases sur une connaissance approfondie de leur organisation. Le present programme de recherche constitue une approche systematique de la vegetation des paturages boises jurassiens en relation avec les sols et les activites humaines. Cette approche utilise les nouveaux concepts de la phytosociologie synusiale integree et de la systemique phytosociologique. Elle suppose la definition et la comparaison de types de paturages boises comme des systemes autonomes dont les elements sont des synusies (communautes vegetales elementaires) unies par des relations spatio-temporelles, elles-memes determinees par un complexe de facteurs abiotiques (geomorphologie, sol, climat) et biotiques (taux de boisement, pression de paturage, etc.). Elle prevoit des etudes diachroniques (dendrochronologie, comparaison de photographies aeriennes) et une etude approfondie des processus pedologiques intervenant dans la dynamique des systemes de paturage boises (evolution de l'humus, origine de la matiere organique). (FRA)
Das Projekt "Mikrometeorologische Messung des Strahlungs- und Energiehaushaltes an ausgewaehlten Standorten der Nenzlinger Weide und die Integration von Daten von Fernerkundungsplattformen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Basel, Institut für Meteorologie, Klimatologie und Fernerkundung durchgeführt. The aims of the project: - Fundamental interrelations between boundary layer meteorolgy and biodiversity, - Extraction of ecologically relevant latent infomation from satellite data. The energy balance station (5m pole) at the Nenzlinger Weide was installed and works operationally. A high resoluted precipitation measurement network (24 stations) was built up. In summer 94 energy balance measurements, comparing different methods, were carried out. To have an idea about the spatial and the temporal differentiation of the NDVI, measurements at different meadows in the Swiss Jura were done. The solar radiation and the PAR as well as the radiation budget were calculated for the Nenzlinger Weide and a surrounding of 20km with the help of a radiation model and satellite data (LANDSAT-TM). The special position of the testsite, an optimal offer of shortwave radiation and PAR, could be shown. As well as the variability of the radiation budget, the key function for the heat flux, for several hundred W/m2 for small distances. Within an interdisciplinary biodiversity project the micrometeorological conditions at selected test sites in the Swiss Jura Mountains are studied. Standard micrometeorological measurements are combined with remote sensing techniques from satellite platforms (LANDSAT-TM, NOAA-AVHRR) and surface/airborne thermal camera (AGEMA) to investigate the spatio-temporal modification of the energetic conditions in the area.
Das Projekt "Vergleich der Bodenfauna zweier geooekologischer Elementarlandschaften im Tafel- und Faltenjura und ihre Beziehungen zum Stoffhaushalt der Geosysteme dieser Gebiete" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Basel, Departement Geographie, Geographisches Institut durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "Oekologische, genetische und phylogenetische Beziehungen zwischen geschlechtlichen und ungeschlechtlichen Taraxacumpflanzen der Gattungen Ruderalia und Alpestria in der Schweiz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Botanique durchgeführt. Both sexuals and asexuals individuals of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) generally coexist in single populations. Empirical, experimental and theoretical approaches are carried out in order to get a better understanding of the ecological and genetical interactions of sexuals and asexuals in respect to their phylogenetic origin. Distribution of reproductive types are analysed along three altitudinal transects in Jura, in Western Alps and in Central Alps and assess if any relationship between the reproductive types and the altitude exists. Plants of one transect with be analysed with microsatellites in order to study the genetic variability of sexuals and asexuals. Experiments will determine the respective importances of competition for resource and reproduction of reproductive types. Finally, theoretical aspects will consist in the effect of the reproductive types and of the relative fitness of the cytotypes by the simulation of one single population of subpopulations arranged linearly with different kinds of environmental variation.^Des individus sexues et asexues de Taraxacum officinale (pissenlit) coexistent generalement dans une population. Des approches empiriques, experimentales et theoriques sont conduites afin de mieux comprendre les interactions genetiques et ecologiques respectives des sexues et des asexues ainsi que leurs relations phylogenetiques. La distribution des types reproductifs est analysee le long de trois transects altitudinaux dans le Jura, dans les Alpes occidentales et dans les Alpes centrales. Elle determinera si il existe des relations entre les types reproductifs et l'altitude. Les plantes d'un transect seront analysees en detail a l'aide de microsatellites afin de determiner la variabilite genetique respective des sexues et des asexues. Des experimentations preciseront les importances respectives de la competition pour les ressources et de celle pour la reproduction des types reproductifs. Finalement, des approches theoriques analyseront l'effet du type reproductif et de la vigeur relative des cytotypes par la simulation d'une population unique ou de sous-populations arrangees lineairement caracterisees par differents environnements. (FRA)
Das Projekt "Quantitative Interpretation von Nachweistests mit Bakteriophagen im Vergleich zu klassischen kuenstlichen Nachweismitteln (Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe, Salz) in hydrogeologischen Anordnungen; Karst-/poroese Grundwasserleiter" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Geologie, Centre d'Hydrogeologie durchgeführt. The goal of the intended research is to experiment biological tracers - i.e. Bacteriophages - in hydrogeology in karstic and/or fractured environments as well as in interstice porous environments, and to quatitatively interpretate the breakthrough curves. This research follows the line of the preceding requests that allowed the successful development of bacteriophages as tracers. The quantitative interpretation of the tracing tests allows to determine either hydrodispersive parameters that are characteristics of an aquifer or of a portion of a porous aquifer, or to determine the transfer functions for the karstic aquifers, in the goal of simulating the pollution's effects. In a first time we realize and repeat multi-tracings in karstic environments, on various sites in Jura mountains, with simultaneously classic artificial tracers (fluorescents or salts) and bacteriophages. Thus it will be possible to study the time variability of the transfer functions fo repeated tracer tests in similar hydrodynamical conditions, as well as the spatial variability fo the functions for tests done on one or more aquifers, and most of all the obtained transfer functions from classic tracers will be compared with those obtained by the means of bacteriophages. In a second time th propagation of artificial tracers (fluorescents) will be compared to the bacteriophages in intersite porous environments (study site or experimental tank for the study of transfer processes) and the hydrodispersive parameters of the environment will be studied. Leading Questions: - Do the bacteriophages tracers interpretated quantitatively in the same way als fluorescent or salt tracers in karstic aquifers and in porous environment ? - What is the spatial and time variability of transfer functions resulting of tracers tests carried out in karstic aquifer?
Origin | Count |
Bund | 7 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 7 |
License | Count |
offen | 7 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 7 |
Englisch | 5 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 7 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 7 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 7 |
Luft | 2 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 7 |
Wasser | 2 |
Weitere | 7 |