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STopP-Synthese-Gebiet im Schleswig-Holsteinischen Wattenmeer, UTM

Begrenzung des STopP-Synthese-Gebiets. Polygon Feature | Prüfung: Lagegenauigkeit | Prüfungsbeschreibung: Anhand Kartenabgleich | Dateninhalt (Bild): Lagegenauigkeit

STopP-Gebiet Schleswig-Holsteinischen Watternmeer, UTM

Begrenzung der STopP-Gebiet. Polygon Feature

MERIS - Water Parameters - Lake Constance, 10-Day

The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on Board ESA’s ENVISAT provides spectral high resolution image data in the visible-near infrared spectral region (412-900 nm) at a spatial resolution of 300 m. For more details on ENVISAT and MERIS see http://envisat.esa.int/ This product developed in the frame of the MAPP project (MERIS Application and Regional Products Projects) represents the chlorophyll concentration of Lake Constance derived from MERIS data. The product is a cooperative effort of DLR-DFD and the Institute for Coastal Research at the GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht. DFD pre-processed up to the value added level whenever MERIS data for the North Sea region was received and positively checked for a water area large enough for a suitable interpretation. For more details the reader is referred to http://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/meris/ and http://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/meris/documents/Mapp_ATBD_final_i3r0dez2001.pdf This product provides 10-days maps.

MERIS - Water Parameters - Lake Constance, Daily

The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on Board ESA’s ENVISAT provides spectral high resolution image data in the visible-near infrared spectral region (412-900 nm) at a spatial resolution of 300 m. For more details on ENVISAT and MERIS see http://envisat.esa.int/ This product developed in the frame of the MAPP project (MERIS Application and Regional Products Projects) represents the chlorophyll concentration of Lake Constance derived from MERIS data. The product is a cooperative effort of DLR-DFD and the Institute for Coastal Research at the GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht. DFD pre-processed up to the value added level whenever MERIS data for the North Sea region was received and positively checked for a water area large enough for a suitable interpretation. For more details the reader is referred to http://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/meris/ and http://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/meris/documents/Mapp_ATBD_final_i3r0dez2001.pdf This product provides daily maps.

MERIS - Water Parameters - Lake Constance, Monthly

The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on Board ESA’s ENVISAT provides spectral high resolution image data in the visible-near infrared spectral region (412-900 nm) at a spatial resolution of 300 m. For more details on ENVISAT and MERIS see http://envisat.esa.int/ This product developed in the frame of the MAPP project (MERIS Application and Regional Products Projects) represents the chlorophyll concentration of Lake Constance derived from MERIS data. The product is a cooperative effort of DLR-DFD and the Institute for Coastal Research at the GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht. DFD pre-processed up to the value added level whenever MERIS data for the North Sea region was received and positively checked for a water area large enough for a suitable interpretation. For more details the reader is referred to http://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/meris/ and http://wdc.dlr.de/sensors/meris/documents/Mapp_ATBD_final_i3r0dez2001.pdf This product provides monthly maps.