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Cosmic-ray Rover; MOSES test campaign

This dataset contains the RAW data of all Cosmic-ray rover measurements during the MOSES test campaign. In total 9 measurements were made.

Multi-year aboveground data of minirhizotron facilities in Selhausen - DATA

Minirhizotron(MR)-facilitities are used to investigate the processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. The unique setup of these facilities enables the recording of 4D information for multiple crop growing seasons under different field conditions and agricultural practices. The MR-facilities in Selhausen, Germany enable the performance of long-term studies of the soil-plant-continuum. The data include canpoy CO2 flux, canopy temperature, leaf gas, sap flow, crop growth and soil respiration data. The data in this repository correspond to the article "Multi-year aboveground data of minirhizotron facilities in Selhausen ".

Pyrometers temperature transects (F10, F11, and F46)

Manual pyrometers measurement transects of surface temperature at field F10, F11 (vegetated) and F46 (bare soil) (4.7.2018-5.7.2018). Data provided in shapefile format.

UAV RGB and surface temperature maps of F10, F11

RGB and surface temperature maps partially covering the test sites F10 (KIT tower) and F11 (ICOS site) (4.7.2018-5.7.2018).

Soil near surface temperature (F46)

Automated measurements of soil near surface temperature at field F46 that had bare soil conditions at the time of the filed campaign. 5 HOBO Pendant® Temperature loggers were used to take temperature [°C] measurements in a 5 minutes interval (3.7.2018-5.7.2018).

Model Output Statistics for Seehausen (10261)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

GTS Bulletin: ISND05 EDZW - Observational data (Binary coded) - BUFR (details are described in the abstract)

The ISND05 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (I): Observational data (Binary coded) - BUFR T1T2 (IS): Surface/sea level T1T2A1 (ISN): Synoptic observations from fixed land stations at non-standard time (i.e. 0100, 0200, 0400, 0500, ... UTC) A2 (D): 90°E - 0° northern hemisphere(The bulletin collects reports from stations: 10161;Boltenhagen;10168;Goldberg;10180;Barth;10193;Ueckermünde;10210;Friesoythe-Altenoythe;10235;Soltau;10249;Boizenburg;10261;Seehausen;10267;Kyritz;10281;Trollenhagen;10282;Feldberg/Mecklenburg;10289;Grünow;10305;Lingen;10309;Ahaus;10312;Belm;) (Remarks from Volume-C: SYNOP)

GTS Bulletin: CSDL05 EDZW - Climatic data (details are described in the abstract)

The CSDL05 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (C): Climatic data T1T2 (CS): Monthly means (surface) A1A2 (DL): Germany (The bulletin collects reports from stations: 10161;Boltenhagen;10168;Goldberg;10180;Barth;10193;Ueckermünde;10210;Friesoythe-Altenoythe;10235;Soltau;10249;Boizenburg;10253;Lüchow;10261;Seehausen;10267;Kyritz;10268;Waren;10282;Feldberg/Mecklenburg;10289;Grünow;10305;Lingen;10309;Ahaus;10312;Belm;)

GTS Bulletin: ISAD05 EDZW - Observational data (Binary coded) - BUFR (details are described in the abstract)

The ISAD05 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (I): Observational data (Binary coded) - BUFR T1T2 (IS): Surface/sea level T1T2A1 (ISA): Routinely scheduled observations for distribution from automatic (fixed or mobile) land stations (e.g. 0000, 0100, … or 0220, 0240, 0300, …, or 0715, 0745, ... UTC) A2 (D): 90°E - 0° northern hemisphere(The bulletin collects reports from stations: 10161;Boltenhagen;10168;Goldberg;10180;Barth;10193;Ueckermünde;10210;Friesoythe-Altenoythe;10235;Soltau;10249;Boizenburg;10261;Seehausen;10267;Kyritz;10281;Trollenhagen;10282;Feldberg/Mecklenburg;10289;Grünow;10305;Lingen;10309;Ahaus;10312;Belm;) (Remarks from Volume-C: SYNOP HALF HOURLY H+30)

GTS Bulletin: ISMD05 EDZW - Observational data (Binary coded) - BUFR (details are described in the abstract)

The ISMD05 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (I): Observational data (Binary coded) - BUFR T1T2 (IS): Surface/sea level T1T2A1 (ISM): Main synoptic observations from fixed land stations A2 (D): 90°E - 0° northern hemisphere(The bulletin collects reports from stations: 10161;Boltenhagen;10168;Goldberg;10180;Barth;10193;Ueckermünde;10210;Friesoythe-Altenoythe;10235;Soltau;10249;Boizenburg;10261;Seehausen;10267;Kyritz;10281;Trollenhagen;10282;Feldberg/Mecklenburg;10289;Grünow;10305;Lingen;10309;Ahaus;10312;Belm;) (Remarks from Volume-C: SYNOP)

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