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Messergebnisse zur Radioaktivität in: Einzelfuttermittel Peanuts Split (04.06.2018)

Messdaten zur Überwachung der Radioaktivität in der Umwelt, in Lebens- und Futtermitteln


Veredlung von Baumwollmaschenwaren in China konventionelle Baumwolle aus den USA Veredlungsschritte sind Bleichen, Färben, Waschen und Trocknen Wasserverbrauch [l/kg] 120 (durchschnittlich) Schmidt, 1999 56 (T-Shirt) Pulli, 1997 80-200 (durschschnittlich) Cognis, 1995 114 (Bsp. 1 ) Schönberger, 1998 258 (Bsp. 2 ) Schönberger, 1998 138 Mittelwert Mit dem Wasserbedarf hängt der Energieverbrauch eng zusammen(Heizen der Textilbäder) Ein weiterer Posten beim Energieverbrauch in der Veredlung ist das anschließende Trocknen der Ware. Gesamtenergieverbrauch Veredlung Energieverbrauch [MJ/kg] 18-43 Schmidt, 1999 27,84 Pulli, 1997 20-110 Cognis, 1995 35,64 Schönberger, 1998 25 Altenfelder, 1996 39,93 Mittelwert Der Großteil der Energie ist Prozesswärme, der kleinere elektrische Energie für die Bewegungen der Maschinen. Split zwischen direkt eingesetzter Wärme und elektrischer Energie von Baumwollmaschenware: Wärme elektrische Energie 95 % 5 % Pulli, 1997 85 % 15 % Midtjydsk, 1998 90 % 10 % Mittelwert Einsatz von Textilhilfsmitteln und Salz [SSI, 1994]: 547 g/kg Steinsalz 165 g/kg Textilhilfsmittel, über die jedoch keine detaillierten und verallgemeinerbaren Informationen vorliegen. Auslastung: 1500h/a Brenn-/Einsatzstoff: Textilien gesicherte Leistung: 100% Jahr: 2000 Lebensdauer: 15a Leistung: 1t/h Nutzungsgrad: 100% Produkt: Textilien


Veredlung von Baumwollmaschenwaren in China konventionelle Baumwolle aus China Veredlungsschritte sind Bleichen, Färben, Waschen und Trocknen Wasserverbrauch [l/kg] 120 (durchschnittlich) Schmidt, 1999 56 (T-Shirt) Pulli, 1997 80-200 (durschschnittlich) Cognis, 1995 114 (Bsp. 1 ) Schönberger, 1998 258 (Bsp. 2 ) Schönberger, 1998 138 Mittelwert Mit dem Wasserbedarf hängt der Energieverbrauch eng zusammen(Heizen der Textilbäder) Ein weiterer Posten beim Energieverbrauch in der Veredlung ist das anschließende Trocknen der Ware. Gesamtenergieverbrauch Veredlung Energieverbrauch [MJ/kg] 18-43 Schmidt, 1999 27,84 Pulli, 1997 20-110 Cognis, 1995 35,64 Schönberger, 1998 25 Altenfelder, 1996 39,93 Mittelwert Der Großteil der Energie ist Prozesswärme, der kleinere elektrische Energie für die Bewegungen der Maschinen. Split zwischen direkt eingesetzter Wärme und elektrischer Energie von Baumwollmaschenware: Wärme elektrische Energie 95 % 5 % Pulli, 1997 85 % 15 % Midtjydsk, 1998 90 % 10 % Mittelwert Einsatz von Textilhilfsmitteln und Salz [SSI, 1994]: 547 g/kg Steinsalz 165 g/kg Textilhilfsmittel, über die jedoch keine detaillierten und verallgemeinerbaren Informationen vorliegen. Auslastung: 1500h/a Brenn-/Einsatzstoff: Textilien gesicherte Leistung: 100% Jahr: 2000 Lebensdauer: 15a Leistung: 1t/h Nutzungsgrad: 100% Produkt: Textilien

MIN4EU LGRB-BW: near-surface mineral raw material occurrences - harmonized dataset

Since 1999, the Geologic Survey of Baden-Württemberg publishes a statewide geological map series 1 : 50 000 "Karte der mineralischen Rohstoffe 1 : 50 000 (KMR 50)". On it, the distribution of near-surface mineral raw material prospects and occurrences (mainly) and deposits (subordinate) is shown. This continuously completed and updated map currently covers around 60% of the federal state. It is the base for the regional associations in the task of mineral planning. The prospects and occurrences are classified according to different raw material groups (e.g. raw material for crushed stone (limestone, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, sand and gravel), raw materials for cement, dimension stone, high purity limestone, gypsum ...). Their spatial delineation is based on various group-specific criteria such as minimum workable thickness, minimum resources, ratio overburden/workable thickness, and so on. It is assumed that they contain deposits as a whole or in parts. In the vast majority of cases, the data is not sufficient for the immediate planning of mining projects, but it does facilitate the selection of exploration areas. The name of each area (e.g. L 6926-3) consists of three parts. L = roman rnumeral fo 50, 6926 = sheet number of the topographic map 1 : 50 000, 3 = number of the area/mineral occurrence shown on this sheet. Co-occurring land-use conflicts, e.g. water protection areas and nature conservation areas, forestry and agriculture, are not taken into account in the processing of KMR 50. Their assessment is the task of land use planning, the licensing authorities and the companies interested in mining. The data is stored in the statewide raw material area database "olan-db" of the LGRB.

INSPIRE SN Mineralische Bodenschätze

Der Datensatz beinhaltet Informationen zu Mineralischen Bodenschätzen im Freistaat Sachsen. Der Datensatz bildet die flächenhafte Verbreitung und weitere Attribute (u. a. Erkundungsgrad, Petrographie, Stratigraphie sowie Vorratsklassen) für folgende Bodenschätze - sofern durch das Sächsische Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie festgelegte Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind - ab. Dies sind Kies, Kiessand, Sand, Festgestein für Schotter und Splitt, Festgestein für Werksteine, Kalkstein, Dolomitstein, Marmor, Ton, Kaolin, Lehm und Ziegelton. Darüber hinaus enthält er Geoinformationen des Sächsischen Oberbergamtes (OBA) zu bergbaulichen Vorhaben der Bergbaubetriebe in Sachsen, von der Planung, Errichtung und Führung eines Betriebes bis zur Wiedernutzbarmachung und Einstellung aller bergbaulichen Arbeiten.

BESTMAP CZ 2019 Biodiversity single species results (part 2/3)

Habitat suitability maps of 22 farmland bird species, modelled under two agri-environmental practices' adoption scenarios (no AEP and current AEP) for South Moravia (Czech Republic), which serves as the Czech case study area within BESTMAP. Note that, due to data size, the files are split in three different GeoNetwork records.

MIN4EU LGRB-BW: near-surface mineral raw material occurrences - harmonized dataset

Since 1999, the Geologic Survey of Baden-Württemberg publishes a statewide geological map series 1 : 50 000 "Karte der mineralischen Rohstoffe 1 : 50 000 (KMR 50)". On it, the distribution of near-surface mineral raw material prospects and occurrences (mainly) and deposits (subordinate) is shown. This continuously completed and updated map currently covers around 60% of the federal state. It is the base for the regional associations in the task of mineral planning. The prospects and occurrences are classified according to different raw material groups (e.g. raw material for crushed stone (limestone, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, sand and gravel), raw materials for cement, dimension stone, high purity limestone, gypsum ...). Their spatial delineation is based on various group-specific criteria such as minimum workable thickness, minimum resources, ratio overburden/workable thickness, and so on. It is assumed that they contain deposits as a whole or in parts. In the vast majority of cases, the data is not sufficient for the immediate planning of mining projects, but it does facilitate the selection of exploration areas. The name of each area (e.g. L 6926-3) consists of three parts. L = roman rnumeral fo 50, 6926 = sheet number of the topographic map 1 : 50 000, 3 = number of the area/mineral occurrence shown on this sheet. Co-occurring land-use conflicts, e.g. water protection areas and nature conservation areas, forestry and agriculture, are not taken into account in the processing of KMR 50. Their assessment is the task of land use planning, the licensing authorities and the companies interested in mining. The data is stored in the statewide raw material area database "olan-db" of the LGRB.

BESTMAP DE 2019 Biodiversity single species results (part 1/3: current AEP scenario)

Habitat suitability maps of 15 farmland bird species, modelled under three agri-environmental practices' adoption scenarios (no AEP, current AEP and increased AEP) for the Mulde River Basin (Germany), which serves as the German case study area within BESTMAP. Note that, due to data size, the files are split in three different GeoNetwork records.

BESTMAP DE 2019 Biodiversity single species results (part 1/3: current AEP scenario)

Habitat suitability maps of 15 farmland bird species, modelled under three agri-environmental practices' adoption scenarios (no AEP, current AEP and increased AEP) for the Mulde River Basin (Germany), which serves as the German case study area within BESTMAP. Note that, due to data size, the files are split in three different GeoNetwork records.

Digital elevation model (DEM 1) of the River Elbe floodplain between Schmilka and Geesthacht, Germany

This digital elevation model (DEM) describes the topography of the active floodplain of the middle reaches of River Elbe between the Czech-German border near Schmilka and the weir in Geesthacht with 1 m spatial resolution in coordinate reference system "ETRS 1989 UTM Zone 33 N" and 0.01 m resolution in the German height reference system "Deutsches Haupthöhennetz 1992 (DHHN92)". The dataset was generated through aerial laser scanning (ALS) for terrestrial parts of the floodplain between April 2003 and December 2006 and echo sounding for aquatic parts of the central water course by the local waterway and navigation authorities (WSV) throughout the year 2006. Parts not covered by any of the two data collection methods were filled through linear interpolation. A comparison between DEM and 7476 height reference points confirmed a high accuracy with a mean deviation of elevations of ± 5 cm. Depending on the data source 95% of all checked points show a vertical deviation of less than 15 cm to 50 cm. A small section of the model was updated later to incorporate the dike relocation area Lenzen which became connected to the floodplain in 2011 so that the dataset describes the state of 2011. Since the dataset has a large volume it was split into 49 tiles.

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