Das Projekt "Creation of a Sentinel-1 Soil Water Index for data assimilation in a convection-permitting weather model (CRESSIDA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Wien, Department für Geodäsie und Geoinformation (E120) durchgeführt. Sentinel-1 satellites with their Synthetic Aperture Radar sensors will make it possible to measure soil moisture in hitherto unreached spatial resolution an requires new approaches in efficient dealing with Big Data. This new data source will be used to create soil moisture products like the Soil Water Index (SWI), whereas the innovative combination with already established satellite sensors (e.g. ASCAT, ERS, SMOS) will result in a product being the new benchmark with regard to spatio-temporal resolution and accuracy. Due to the high resolution of the SWI product based on Sentinel-1 data, it will be feasibly for the first time to meaningful run the weather forecast model AROME with explicit convection in combination with soil moisture data assimilation. The expected positive impact on precipitation forecast quality will be verified within several case studies. At the end of the project, two main outcomes are expected: i) a high-quality soil moisture data set and an ii) improved severe weather forecast.
Das Projekt "GlobWetland Africa - Implementing Sustainable Earth Observation Based Wetland Monitoring Capacity in Africa and Beyond" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Geodäsie und Geophysik (E128) durchgeführt. The current proposal will demonstrate our extensive track record in competencies and technological capabilities, which are required for achieving the ambitious objectives of GlobWetland Africa. In particular, we would like to highlight the following important features which we believe conduce towards the successful outcome of GlobWetland Africa: - Develop and implement an open source wetland monitoring and management software toolbox (GlobWetland Toolbox) that is operable and maintainable within the local human resources and financial framework prevailing at the partner organizations- Limit risk by using a proven and accepted engineering approach from the TIGER-NET WOIS that we have developed - integrating well renowned open source software components into a common user interface- Deliver proof-of-concept, i.e. demonstrate the suitability and 'fitness for purpose' of the GW-A Toolbox over selected demonstration sites based on our profound experience mapping wetlands and water resources in Africa- Establish an appropriate and efficient approach to data collection, data management and data exchange- Leverage our documented track record for creating sustainability and building ownership of the toolbox through user workshops; training courses as well as contracting and capacity building of a GlobWetland African Supervisor, which will be enabled to act as a focal point and driver for sustainability- Foster an environment that promotes the realization of common goals and objectives, while acknowledging differences and institutional organisation.