In den letzten Jahren hat die Anzahl von auf Schiffen installierten Abgasreinigungssystemen (EGCS) stetig zugenommen. Diese Entwicklung ist auf internationale Bestimmungen zur Beschränkung des Schwefelgehalts in Schiffskraftstoffen zurückzuführen. EGCS reduzieren Schwefeloxidemissionen, indem die Abgase gereinigt werden, leiten aber stattdessen verunreinigtes saures Wasser in die Meeresumwelt ein. Der vorliegende Bericht gibt einen Gesamtüberblick über EGCS, mit besonderem Fokus auf die Abwasser-Problematik. Hierfür wurden umfassende Informationen aus der vorhandenen Literatur zusammengetragen. Der vorliegende Bericht beinhaltet technische Aspekte und eine Marktanalyse und behandelt rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und Forschungsaktivitäten zu diesem Thema. Die Marktanalyse zeigt, dass derzeit mehr als 3.000 Schiffe mit EGCS ausgerüstet sind, was über 16,8% der weltweiten Tragfähigkeit (DWT) entspricht. Die zukünftige Entwicklung des EGCS-Marktes kann durch Fluktuationen der Kraftstoffpreise, Ungewissheiten bei der Kraftstoffnachfrage und -verfügbarkeit, Änderungen der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und die Entwicklungen neuer Technologien beeinflusst werden. Mehrere Defizite wurden bei den in den EGCS-Richtlinien der Internationalen Seeschifffahrtsorganisation (IMO) festgelegten Qualitätskriterien für Abwässer festgestellt. Bisherige Untersuchungen zeigten einen sauren pH-Wert und das Vorkommen mehrerer Schadstoffe wie Schwermetalle, polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK), Ölrückstände und Nitrat in relevanten Konzentrationen im EGCS-Abwasser. Darüber hinaus wiesen ökotoxikologische Tests auf Toxizitätseffekte hin und dass der Single-Pollutant-Ansatz allein für die Umweltrisikobewertung von EGCS-Abwasser nicht geeignet ist. Daher bestehen trotz der derzeitigen Regelung weiterhin Bedenken hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen auf die Meeresumwelt durch diese Emissionen. In Anbetracht dessen sollten gegenwärtige und zukünftige Studien einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Prozess einer angemessenen Regulierung leisten. Quelle: Forschungsbericht
The SONNE cruise SO-49/1 from 6th April to 7th May 1987 was designed to investigate the Cotabato subduction zone off Mindanao and the geological structure of the eastern part of the Sulu Sea including the convergent continental margins off Zamboanga Peninsula, Negros, and Panay by a geophysical survey. On the 1st leg multichannel seismic reflection measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic, gravimetric, sea beam and 3.5 kHz subbottom profiler measurements on 16 lines with a total length of 2,700 km. The SONNE cruise SO-49/1 was financed by the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT). The geophysical survey in the Celebes Sea and in the Sulu Sea was carried out as a co-operative project by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), the Bureau of Mines and Geoscience (BMG) and the Bureau of Energy Development (BED). 16 German scientists and technicians and 4 Philippine scientists attended SONNE cruise SO-49/1. The seismic lines surveyed across the Cotabato Trench/Celebes Sea and the Sulu Trench/Sulu Sea illustrate the active deformation of the layered sediments of the Celebes Sea and the SE Sulu Basin along the trenches: The seismic data suggest an active development of imbricate thrust sheets at the toe of the accretionary wedges and a simultaneous duplex-kind shortening within the wedges above the downgoing oceanic crust of the Celebes Sea and the SE Sulu Basin. The surface of the downgoing oceanic crust forms a major detachment plane or sole thrust. By these processes mass is added to the accretionary wedges resulting in thickening and growing of the wedges. The sedimentary apron overlaying the wedge is only mildly affected by these processes because the surface of the accretionary wedges forms a roof thrust. The collected geophysical data suggest that the oceanic SE Sulu Basin previously extended northward into Panay Island. It was closed by eastward subduction of oceanic crust beneath the upthrusted/updomed Cagayan Ridge. The Negros Trench, a 4.000 to 5,000 m deep bathymetric depression, is thought to represent the collision suture of the opposed subduction systems. The Cagayan Ridge which divides the Sulu Sea into the NW Sulu Basin and the SE Sulu Basin continues into the Antique Ridge of Panay. Approximately 45 suitable and problem-oriented sampling locations have been defined and documented for the subsequent geological and geochemical program by on-board analysis and interpretation of the seismic near trace records and the recordings of the 3.5 kHz subbottom profiler and the sea beam system. On cruise SO49/2 from 10th May to 21st June 1987, the research vessel SONNE of the Federal Republic of Germany undertook geoscience cruises in the South China Sea. The multidisciplinary study of the tectonic and natural resources of the region was a cooperative project between the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and the Second Institute of Oceanography (SIO) in the frame of the Agreement between the State Oceanic Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology of the Federal Republic of Germany on Cooperation in Marine Science and Technology. The first part of cruise SO49/2 was primarily to acquire multichannel seismic data, together with gravity, magnetic, sea beam, and 3.5 kHz measurements, and consisted of 4,112 km of traverses across the deep eastern and western sub-basins of the South China Sea from the Dangerous Grounds to the Chinese continental margin. The observed complex crustal deformation in the Southwestern South China Sea basin and in particular deep intracrustal reflection suggest a large-scale simple-shear kinematic mechanism for the development of at least the western sub-basins. The second part of cruise SO49/2 had primarily geological, geochemical and geothermal objectives and 21 dredge stations, 17 geochemical stations and 6 heat flow stations were carried out. The aims of the sampling were firstly to determine the lithologies and ages of the seismic sequences, and secondly to collect unconsolidated sediments for geochemical study of sorbed hydrocarbon gases in combination with heat flow measurements. Late Oligocene shallow-water carbonates dredged from 700 m to 2700 m of water depth indicate a strong subsidence of the investigated area. The underlying basement consists of continental crust with basaltic intrusions. The hydrocarbon gases of the outer continental slope originated by thermogenic processes from source rocks with a predominantly high maturity of the organic substances.
The land-use sector plays a critical role for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. This report discusses key environmental integrity challenges for using carbon market mechanisms to implement mitigation activities in the land-use sector. The report evaluates how existing carbon market mechanisms address these challenges in practice and to what extent these approaches can mitigate environmental integrity risks. The analysis includes selected crediting mechanisms and two case studies of cap-and-trade systems, the EU LULUCF Regulation and the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 49/2022.
The interim report covers the status quo on the use of scrubbers (Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems, EGCS) for sulphur reduction in seagoing ships. Based on a literature study, it includes technical aspects, a market analysis, legal framework and the status of research activities. The focus is on discharge water. Prior research studies demonstrated an acidic pH and the presence of several pollutants such as heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, oil residues and nitrate in relevant concentrations. Ecotoxicological analyses demonstrated toxicity effects and that the single-pollutant approach alone is not sufficient for the environmental risk assessment of EGCS discharge water. Despite the current regulation, concerns regarding the impacts on the marine environment due to these emissions remain. Considering that, present and future studies should provide valuable input to the process of appropriate regulation. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 83/2021.
Electricity generation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in many countries. Most emissions trading systems (ETS) therefore address emissions from electricity generation. The de-sign of an ETS and the structure and regulation of the electricity sector have a large impact on the environmental effectiveness and the quality of the carbon price signal. This report analyses the interaction of carbon and electricity markets in two pilot systems in China: Hubei and Shenzhen. The two pilot systems have adopted very different design features due to the specific local circum-stances. Due to strong government regulation of China’s electricity sector, carbon pricing has played a very limited role in driving low carbon investments. A more market-oriented electricity trading market and deregulation of electricity pricing for certain end-users seems necessary for an effective ETS in China. However, this will depend on the political acceptability of electricity price increases resulting from a strong carbon price signal. This case study is part of the project “Influence of market structures and market regulation on the carbon market” that aims to identify the impact of market structures and regulations on carbon markets and to investigate the interdependencies between carbon and energy markets in Europe, California, China, South Korea, and Mexico. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 37/2021.
Systems analysis could be an essential approach to shape resource efficiency policy in a sustainable long term perspective. Various actors and stakeholders with partly opposing interests form part of a highly interconnected system. The integration of causal chains, feedback loops and delays within the system are therefore central to identify the right leverage point for resource efficiency policy. In the SimRess project a participatory approach helped designing the simulation model. The present report documents and summarizes the various results of the workshops and the systems analysis. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 49/2018.
Today's railway air-conditioning systems cool primarily with fluorinated refrigerants, which have had to be scaled back step by step since 2016 due to their climate-damaging effect. Air-assisted air-conditioning systems, so-called air-cycle systems, use compressed outside air for cooling, so they do not require any fluorinated refrigerants. It has now also been proven that these air conditioning systems, which have been operating in trains for some time, are an environmentally friendly and economical solution to the refrigerant problem. For this purpose, the data from a two-year field data measurement in an Intercity Express were evaluated with regard to energy consumption and the life cycle costs of these air conditioners were determined. Air-cycle systems have an average annual cooling energy requirement of up to 28% less than conventional R134a systems. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 120/2019.
The empirical study examines the identification of the risks of money laundering in the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The transaction patterns identified and suspicious cases perceived give sufficient grounds for suspected money laundering of at least 300 cases within a trading year. Six recommendations are made: (1) software-based analyses of the Union registry, (2) report suspicious cases, (3) reform the Union registry, (4) implementation of compliance management systems on the part of account holders, (5) web-based training measures by German Emissions Trading Authority DEHSt, and (6) international risk analyses. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 20/2020.
This discussion paper assesses how robust accounting could be implemented under the Paris Agreement in order to avoid double counting between nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation ( CORSIA ) implemented under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The paper focuses on how host countries of carbon-offset projects can account for the use of offset credits under CORSIA by reporting 'adjustments' in the 'structured summaries' of their biennial transparency reports prepared under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. The paper finds that several accounting approaches considered in the international negotiations on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement for international transfers of mitigation outcomes between countries cannot not be implemented in the specific context of CORSIA where the offset credits are used by airline operators or may not robustly avoid double counting. The paper identifies nine options for how the use of offset credits under CORSIA could be accounted for by host countries and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. The paper also evaluates options to account for single-year targets in the context of CORSIA, as well as options for consistent consideration of Global Warming Potentials used under CORSIA and nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement. The findings of the paper are important for the ongoing negotiations under the Paris Agreement on the rules for international transfers of mitigation outcomes under Article 6 and the implementation of 'structured summaries' under Article 13. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 35/2020.
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