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Phase 1: Earth and Space Based Power Generation Systems

Das Projekt "Phase 1: Earth and Space Based Power Generation Systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Systemanalyse und Technikbewertung durchgeführt. This study has to be understood in the frame of the global Energy Policy. A great part of world energy production is currently based on non-renewable sources: oil, gas and coal. Global warming and restricted fossil energy sources force a strong demand for another climate compatible energy supply. Therefore, fossil energy sources will nearly disappear until the end of this century. The question is to find a viable replacement. By using viable' it is meant a low-cost and environmental friendly energy. In other words, the question is to find an alternative to nuclear energy among all proposed but still not mature renewable energies. One of the solutions proposed is solar energy. Yet, two major concerns slow down its development as an alternative: first, it lacks of technological maturity and secondly it suffers from alternating supply during days and nights, winters and summers. The idea proposed by Glaser in the sixties to bypass this inconvenient is to take the energy at the source (or at least, as near as possible): in other words, to put a solar station on orbit that captures the energy without problems of climatic conditions and to redirect it through a beam to the ground. That is the concept of Solar Power Satellites. Its principal feasibility was shown by DOE / NASA in 1970 years studies (5 GW SPS in GEO). Project objectives: This phase 1 study activity is to be seen as the initial step of a series of investigations on the viability of power generation in space facing towards an European strategy on renewable, CO2 free energy generation, including a technology development roadmap pacing the way to establish in a step-wise approach on energy generation capabilities in space. The entire activity has to be embedded in an international network of competent, experienced partners. As part of this, an interrelationship to and incorporation of activities targeting the aims of the EU 6th FP ESSPERANS should be maintained. In particular, the activities related to following objectives are described: The generation of scientifically sound and objective results on terrestrial CO2 emission free power generation solutions in comparison with state-of-the-art space based solar power solutions The detailed comparison and trades between the terrestrial and the space based solutions in terms of cost, reliability and risk The identification of possible synergies between ground and space based power generation solutions The assessment on terrestrial energy storage needs by combining ground based with space based energy generation solutions The investigation of the viability of concepts in terms of energy balance of the complete systems and payback times.

Workshop: Conservation Study of Settlement Areas along the banks of Ciliwung and Cipinang River

Das Projekt "Workshop: Conservation Study of Settlement Areas along the banks of Ciliwung and Cipinang River" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Institut Entwerfen von Stadt und Landschaft, Lehrstuhl für Stadtquartiersplanung und Entwerfen durchgeführt. Als Ziel des Workshops galt es, nachhaltige Konzepte für informelle Siedlungen entlang der Flüsse Ciliwung und Cipinang zu entwickeln, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf dem Hochwasserschutz. Die Zusammenarbeit deutscher und indonesischer Lehrbeauftragter und Studenten war Kern des Workshops. Der Workshop ist Teil des Programms der 'Fachbezogenen Partnerschaft mit Hochschulen in Entwicklungsländern. Er fand während eines Arbeitsbesuches Karlsruher Professoren, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Studenten statt. Beteiligt waren neben 35 Studenten der UKI vier Studenten aus Karlsruhe.

Assessment of satellite constellations for monitoring the variations in earth s gravity field

Das Projekt "Assessment of satellite constellations for monitoring the variations in earth s gravity field" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Geodätisches Institut durchgeführt. More than a decade has passed since the launch of the GRACE satellite mission. Although designed for a nominal mission lifetime of 5 years, it still provides valuable science data. An eventual systems failure and, thus, mission termination is expected any time soon, though. Despite a relative low spatial and temporal resolution, the monthly gravity fields have proved an invaluable and novel parameter set in several geoscience disciplines, allowing new research venues in the study of Global Change phenomena. The hydrological cycle is now subject to quantification at continental scales; the state of the cryosphere, particularly ice sheet melting over Greenland and Antarctica, can be monitored; and steric effects of sea-level change have become separable from non-steric ones. The enormous success of the mission has driven the need for continuation of monitoring mass changes in the Earth system. Indeed, a GRACE Follow-On (GFO) mission has been approved for launch in August 2017. Like its predecessor it will consist of two satellites flying en echelon with intersatellite K-Band ranging as the main gravitational sensor. Despite a number of planned technological improvements, including a laser link as demonstrator, GFO will mostly be based on GRACE heritage. Given a similar orbit configuration and a similar systems setup, the quality of eventual gravity field products can be expected to be in the same range as the current GRACE products. To guarantee the continuation of such successful gravity field time series ESA has embarked several years ago on a long term strategy for future gravity field satellite missions, both in terms of technology development and in terms of consolidating the user community. Scientists from academia and industry held a workshop on The Future of Satellite Gravimetry at ESTEC premises, 12-13 April 2007, (RD-9). Similar workshops have been organized by other organizations, e.g. the joint GGOS/IGCP565 workshop Towards a Roadmap for Future Satellite Gravity Missions in Graz, September 30 - October 2, 2009. ESA furthermore played a key role in consolidating the international user community by funding a series of study projects, cf. (RD-1) to (RD-5). Similar projects have been funded and conducted at national level, e.g. the German BMBF-funded Geotechnologies III project Concepts for future gravity field satellite missions (PI: N. Sneeuw). These studies, together with GRACE experience, have provided a clear understanding of the current limitations of a GRACE-type mission. In particular the limitations in sampling and sensitivity of a single pair of satellites with in-orbit in-line sensitivity are well documented. At the same time, these studies have shown the design options and a roadmap towards a next generation gravity field mission.

Sustainable Water management Improves Tomorrow's Cities'Health (SWITCH)

Das Projekt "Sustainable Water management Improves Tomorrow's Cities'Health (SWITCH)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Dr. Sieker mbH durchgeführt. Context: With increasing global change pressures, and due to existing limitations, and un-sustainability factors and risks of conventional urban water management (UWM), cities experience difficulties in efficiently managing the ever scarcer water resources, their uses/services, and their after-use disposal, without creating environmental, social and/or economic damage. In order to meet these challenges, SWITCH calls for a paradigm shift in UWM. There is a need to convert adhoc actions (problem/incident driven) into a coherent and consolidated approach (sustainability driven). This calls for an IP Approach. Research conceptSWITCH therefore proposes an action research project which has as a main objective: The development, application and demonstration of a range of tested scientific, technological and socio-economic solutions and approaches that contribute to the achievement of sustainable and effective UWM schemes in 'The City of the future'.The project will be implemented by different combinations of consortium partners, along the lines of seven complementary and interactive themes. The research approach is innovative for the combination of: action research: address problems through innovation based upon involvement of users.learning alliances: to link up stakeholders to interact productively and to create win-win solutions along the water chain; multiple-way learning: European cities learn from each other and from developing countries, and vice versa.multiple-level or integrated approach: to consider the urban water system and its components (city level) in relation to its impacts on, and dependency of, the natural environment in the river basin (river basin level), and in relation to Global Change pressures (global level).Instruments and scopeAn IP with 30 partners, their resources, and a total budget of 25,191,396 EURO including budget for demonstration activities in 9 Cities in Europe and developing countries. Prime Contractor: UNESCO - Institute for Water Education, Delf, Netherlands.

WTZ-Indonesia: An Investigation of General Circulation in the Malacca Strait and the Andaman Sea

Das Projekt "WTZ-Indonesia: An Investigation of General Circulation in the Malacca Strait and the Andaman Sea" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Institut für Meereskunde (IfM) durchgeführt. A bilateral scientific-technological cooperation (WTZ) with the Universitas Syiah Kuala, Darussalam - Banda Aceh, Sumatra / Indonesia. The focus of the project is the description and analysis of the physical aspects of the system Malacca Strait / Andaman Sea, namely the circulation, the mass transport and the interaction between both regions. In this project the well-established approach of numerical modelling will be employed. For initializing and for providing the models with boundary values, data sets will be used which are already available. The German partner will contribute to this task with personnel and instrumentation. The modelling will be performed on two scales. The larger scale will investigate the general circulation (summer and winter monsoon, long-term variability and flushing times of mass transport). The smaller scale will study fronts (tidal induced, density induced, variations of fronts in time and space).

INFRES:Innovative and Effective Technology and Logistics for Forest Residual Biomass Supply in the EU

Das Projekt "INFRES:Innovative and Effective Technology and Logistics for Forest Residual Biomass Supply in the EU" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Forst- und Umweltpolitik durchgeführt. INFRES is a three year EU FP7 funded study focused on developing innovative technology and logistics for the forest residual biomass supply chain. The goal is to improve the overall competitiveness of forest residue biomass throughout the EU by accelerating technological (equipment and software) development and demonstrations. Following the directive for renewable energy targets in the EU, forest residue will continue to play an leading role in the renewable energy sector. This overall study focuses on the efficient collection, processing and delivery of woody feed stock for heating, power and emerging bio-refining uses. This research and demonstration project involves 23 partners, including nine research universities and organizations and 14 SMEs FELIS: FELIS will be leading Work Package 3, titled 'Business innovations and adaptations of forestry practices to bioenergy supply'. This research effort first evaluates the future customers and markets of forest biomass to 2050 and then focuses on how existing forestry practices may be modified in order to enhance and improve biomass recovery. Partnering with both software companies and regional bioenergy firms, this work task develops business and service innovations in order to improve organization efficiency, lowering cost and improving service.

Wissenschaftliches Mess- und Evaluierungsprogramm (WMEP) zum Breitentest '250' MW Wind': Phase IV - Forschungsbericht

Das Projekt "Wissenschaftliches Mess- und Evaluierungsprogramm (WMEP) zum Breitentest '250' MW Wind': Phase IV - Forschungsbericht" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kassel, Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik e.V, Standort Kassel durchgeführt. Das Bundesministerium Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) fördert mit dem Breitentest '250 MW Wind' die Einführung der Windenergienutzung in Deutschland. Zur Gewinnung statistisch relevanter Erfahrungswerte aus dem praktischen Einsatz von Windenergieanlagen (WEA) wurde das Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik e. V. (ISET), Kassel, mit der begleitenden Durchführung des 'Wissenschaftlichen Mess- und Evaluierungsprogramms' (WMEP) beauftragt. Im Rahmen dieses Programms werden von allen geförderten WEA für einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren ausgewählte Betriebsdaten und -ergebnisse erfasst und ausgewertet. Der vorliegende Abschlussbericht beschreibt die Ergebnisse der 4. Durchführungsphase (01.07.2000 -30.06.2004) des WMEP in vier Jahresberichten und einer Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Arbeitsschwerpunkte. Die regelmäßige Auswertung des WMEP zur Entwicklung der Windenergienutzung, der 'Windenergie Report Deutschland', ist eine der wichtigsten Publikationen zum Leistungsstand der Windenergietechnik in Deutschland, zumal verlässliche Betriebsdaten zum Langzeitverhalten von WEA anderweitig in vergleichbarer Form kaum bereitgestellt werden können. Überdies werden die Entwicklungstendenzen schnell und jederzeit aktuell im WMEP-Informationssystem REISI im Internet (http://reisi.iset.unikassel.de) präsentiert.

Monitoring und Sensorik von rauschbehafteten Signalen für die Umwelt-, Bio- und Medizintechnologie im industriellen Umfeld

Das Projekt "Monitoring und Sensorik von rauschbehafteten Signalen für die Umwelt-, Bio- und Medizintechnologie im industriellen Umfeld" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme, Institutsteil Dresden-Klotzsche durchgeführt. Das Fraunhofer IKTS als industrienahes Forschungsinstitut möchte mit der beantragten Travel Conference (MoSiUm) gezielt die bestehenden Kontakte nach Südkorea (Yonsei University, Wonju Medical Industry Technovalley) und Singapur (Nanyang Technological University) intensivieren und über das bestehende Netzwerk deutschen KMU den Zugang zum asiatischen Markt öffnen. MoSiUm zielt auf die Vernetzung von deutschen und asiatischen wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und KMU für die Entwicklung neuer Monitoring- und Sensortechnologie ab. Die entsprechenden Technologien sollen speziell in den Bereichen Umwelt-, Bio- und Medizintechnik genutzt werden und decken die thematischen Schwerpunkte der Ausschreibung: Umwelttechnologien und Ressourceneffizienz, antimikrobielle Resistenzen und Meeres- und Küstenforschung ab. Im Umweltbereich wird der Fokus in der komplexen Strukturüberwachung von Anlagen wie z.B. Offshore-Windanlagen im Meer- bzw. Küstenbereich und von Anlagen zur Abwasseraufbereitung zur Überwachung flüssiger Medien liegen. Im Bereich der antimikrobiellen Resistenzen fokussiert sich MoSiUm auf die sensorielle Detektion von mikrobiell kontaminierten Oberflächen und der Vermeidung von antimikrobiellen Resistenzen durch Oberflächenmodifikation und deren Nachweis- und Prüftechnologie. Zusätzlich wird in den adressierten Themen die additive Fertigung betrachtet. Dieses Verfahren zeichnet sich durch einen ressourcenschonenden Umgang mit den Rohmaterialien aus, erfordert allerdings auch eine besondere Betrachtung der Qualitätssicherung und Prozessüberwachung mittels Sensorik. Im Vergleich zur Fertigung hinkt das zerstörungsfreie Prozessmonitoring (in-line) bei der additiven Fertigung hinterher und wirkt innovationhemmend. Monitoring- und Sensorsysteme für die In-line Prozessüberwachung müssen entwickelt und mit speziellen Algorithmen (maschinelles Lernen) verknüpft werden. In den genannten Bereichen besteht die Notwendigkeit von entsprechenden strukturintegrierten Sensoren.

Intercropping of cereals and grain legumes for increased production, weed control, improved product quality and prevention of N-losses in European organic farming systems (INTERCROP)

Das Projekt "Intercropping of cereals and grain legumes for increased production, weed control, improved product quality and prevention of N-losses in European organic farming systems (INTERCROP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kassel, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Boden- und Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau durchgeführt. INTERCROP aims at developing the European level of the scientific and operational understanding of intercropping (IC). INTERCROP takes an uniquely multidisciplinary and integrated European approach to evaluate the potential and to be able to make recommendations for using intercropping as an environmental-friendly plant production mana­gement method in organic farming systems for different regional conditions. Intercropping can increase organic cereal and grain legume protein production in Europe and will safeguard the organic farmers earnings and intercropping contributes to a substantial increase of biodiversity in European farming systems. Mains aims are: Identify benefits and obstacles for the far more extensive and flexible use of intercropping of arable crops in the EU in order to resolve both the technical and socio-economic aspects. Increase the knowledge on the multifunctional role of intercropping: production level and stability, resource use, environmental impacts, and product quality of intercrops. Design and test new methods for intercropping. To carry out on-farm demonstration activities. Scientific and technological objectives: To increase the knowledge and awareness of the multifunctional role of intercropping systems in organic farming with special emphasis on arable cropping systems. To quantify yield advantage and stability of selected intercrops compared to sole crops in organic farming systems under different agro-ecological conditions in Europe. To determine the effect of intercropping on weed suppression, pest and diseases in organic arable crops. To determine crop nitrogen dynamics in intercrops compared to sole crops and the potential of intercrops for minimizing the risk of N-leaching in organic farming systems. To determine the effects of and potential for manipulating grain quality parameters by intercropping. To develop and test new methods of intercropping for multifunctional purposes.

Indicators and tools for restoration and sustainable management of closed-deciduous forests in East Africa

Das Projekt "Indicators and tools for restoration and sustainable management of closed-deciduous forests in East Africa" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Waldbau-Institut durchgeführt. Objectives: The study links East African and European re-searchers into strategic alliances so as to contribute to resolving conflicts prevailing between the needs of different forest stakeholders and the need to sustain the remaining forest and its biodiversity. The project will develop a scientific basis and directly applicable tools for forest ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. The particular objectives are to: - Establish and validate ecological & socio-economic criteria against which status and pro-cesses of forest and its management can be assessed - Assess indicators that permit inference of the status of a particular criterion and to formulate appropriate verifiers - Design and validate nature-based silvicultural tools to gear operations so as to improve local livelihoods and sustain forest resources - Integrate results into appropriate technology packages and disseminate to target-groups. Activities: Establishment of country-specific tandems of local and European institutions. Identification of locally applicable C&I for sustainable forest management and standardisation of research methods. Together with stakeholders, joint development of a framework in which C&I can be verified locally, based on prevailing information and complementary research. Participating NGOs to facilitate establishment of socio-economic context, research institutions to investigate status and dynamics of forests. In parallel, research will commence on silviculturally relevant ecosystem characteristics. Mid-project evaluation of descriptive-analytical 1st project phase so as to formulate the experimental, predictive 2nd phase of the study. Definition of research approaches to calibrate verifiers for indicators and to test silvicultural tools suited to guide the forest ecosystem into the desired direction or status. Research on the management of invasive species, natural establishment of desirable species and on stand improvement treatments. The continuous input and evaluation through an NGO moderator will help to fine-tune and ensure the client-orientated approach of the silvicultural research. A specific communication module serves to translate scientific findings into technological packages relevant to stakeholders. Expected Outcome: Regional framework to assess sustainability of forest management. Silvicultural tools for forest restoration and sustainable forest management. Research findings translated into formats appropriate to the target group, including extension, policy advice and management guidelines.

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