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BUND gewinnt Rechtsstreit gegen Bayer

Der BUND gewann einen Rechtsstreit gegen die Bayer CropScience Deutschland GmbH, eine Tochter der Bayer AG. Nach dem am 11. März 2015 verkündeten Urteil des Landgerichts Düsseldorf darf der BUND wieder ohne Einschränkung sagen, dass zwei von Bayer hergestellte Pestizidprodukte für Bienen gefährlich sind und es sich bei dem darauf abgebildeten Logo mit dem Aufdruck "nicht bienengefährlich" um eine Irreführung von Verbrauchern handelt. Der Pestizidhersteller Bayer Cropscience hatte eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen den BUND erwirkt. Der Grund: Der BUND veröffentlichte Anfang Dezember 2014 einen Einkaufscheck zum Verkauf von Pestiziden in Bau- und Gartenmärkten. Darin kritisierte er unter anderem zwei Produkte von Bayer Cropscience, die den Wirkstoff Thiacloprid enthalten.

Messstelle oh Wehr Ornbau, Fließgewässer Altmühl

Die Messstelle oh Wehr Ornbau (Messstellen-Nr: 194191) befindet sich im Gewässer Altmühl. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des chemischen Zustands.

Messstelle Zulauf Rothsee Wegbr, Fließgewässer Roth

Die Messstelle Zulauf Rothsee Wegbr (Messstellen-Nr: 128847) befindet sich im Gewässer Roth. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des chemischen Zustands.

Messstelle Stadtmühle_Donauwörth, Fließgewässer Wörnitz

Die Messstelle Stadtmühle_Donauwörth (Messstellen-Nr: 110232) befindet sich im Gewässer Wörnitz. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des chemischen Zustands.

Linking landscape composition and biological factors with exposure levels of rodenticides and agrochemicals in avian apex predators from Germany

Intensification of agricultural practices has resulted in a substantial decline of Europe's farmland bird populations. Together with increasing urbanisation, chemical pollution arising from these land uses is a recognised threat to wildlife. Raptors are known to be particularly sensitive to pollutants that biomagnify and are thus frequently used sentinels for pollution in food webs. The current study focussed on anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) but also considered selected medicinal products (MPs) and frequently used plant protection products (PPPs). We analysed livers of raptor species from agricultural and urban habitats in Germany, namely red kites (MIML; Milvus milvus), northern goshawks (ACGE; Accipiter gentilis) and Eurasian sparrowhawks (ACNI; Accipiter nisus) as well as white-tailed sea eagles (HAAL; Haliaeetus albicilla) and ospreys (PAHA; Pandion haliaetus) to account for potential aquatic exposures. Landscape composition was quantified using geographic information systems. The highest detection of ARs occurred in ACGE (81.3%; n = 48), closely followed by MIML (80.5%; n = 41), HAAL (38.3%; n = 60) and ACNI (13%; n = 23), whereas no ARs were found in PAHA (n = 13). Generalized linear models demonstrated (1) an increased probability for adults to be exposed to ARs with increasing urbanisation, and (2) that species-specific traits were responsible for the extent of exposure. For MPs, we found ibuprofen in 14.9% and fluoroquinolones in 2.3% in individuals that were found dead. Among 30 investigated PPPs, dimethoate (and its metabolite omethoate) and thiacloprid were detected in two MIML each. We assumed that the levels of dimethoate were a consequence of deliberate poisoning. AR and insecticide poisoning were considered to represent a threat to red kites and may ultimately contribute to reported decreased survival rates. Overall, our study suggests that urban raptors are at greatest risk for AR exposure and that exposures may not be limited to terrestrial food webs. © 2020 The Authors

Polystyrene Microplastics modulate the toxicity of the hydrophilic insecticide Thiacloprid for Chironomid Larvae and also influence their burrowing behavior

As there is still little knowledge of interactions between microplastics (MP) and hydrophilic compounds, we propose ways the toxicity of hydrophilic pesticides can be modulated by MP, when sorption can be excluded. Larvae of Chironomus riparius were exposed to thiacloprid (TH, 1 mikrog/L) and polystyrene microplastic particles (PS; <50 mikrom; 150,000 and 1,000,000 particles/L) for 96 h, solely or in co-exposure. Burrowing behavior and mortality were observed. Larvae in treatments containing PS established themselves quicker in the sediment and kept the ability to rebury for a longer time compared to control and TH, respectively. While TH elevated the mortality, exposure to PS alone did not affect the survival of the larvae. In co-exposure of TH and PS, a concentration of 150,000 particles/L significantly reduced the toxicity of 1 mikrog/L TH after 96 h, an effect that was not observed at 1,000,000 particles/L. Therefore, we hypothesize that this modulation of the toxicity of TH eventually may have resulted from a combination of a "protective MP layer" in the gut and a higher retention time of particles in larvae exposed to 150,000 particles/L than in those exposed to 1,000,000 particles/L due to the lower number of ingestible particles in the former. © 2022 by the authors

Chemische Sondermessstelle Seegraben, uh. L526 zw. Erpolzheim u. Birken (Messstellen-Nr: 2391592400)

An der Messstelle Seegraben, uh. L526 zw. Erpolzheim u. Birken werden Zeitreihen abiotischer Parameter gemessen.

Chemische operative Messstelle Kyll, Mündung (HW 2021) (Messstellen-Nr: 2669510100)

An der Messstelle Kyll, Mündung (HW 2021) werden Zeitreihen abiotischer Parameter gemessen.

Chemische Überblicksmessstelle Sauer, Mündung (RLP und LUX) (Messstellen-Nr: 2629532500)

An der Messstelle Sauer, Mündung (RLP und LUX) werden Zeitreihen abiotischer Parameter gemessen.

Chemische operative Messstelle Pfrimm, Pegel vor Monsheim (Messstellen-Nr: 2392512600)

An der Messstelle Pfrimm, Pegel vor Monsheim werden Zeitreihen abiotischer Parameter gemessen.

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