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Genehmigungsbedürftige Anlagen nach BImSchG im Freistaat Sachsen (ohne Windkraft, Biogas und Tierhaltung)

Daten zu genehmigungsbedürftigen Anlagen nach 4. BImSchV ohne Windkraft-, Biogas- und Tierhaltungsanlagen. Unterschieden wird u. a. nach Kategorien 1-10 der 4. BImSchV sowie danach, ob die Anlagen von der Richtlinie 2010/75/EU betroffen sind oder nicht.

Tierhaltungsanlagen im Freistaat Sachsen

Daten zu Tierhaltungsanlagen im Freistaat Sachsen nach 4. BImSchV, Kategorie 7 (Nahrungs-, Genuss- und Futtermittel, landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse). Unterschieden wird u. a. nach Art (v. a. Rinder, Schweine, Geflügel) und danach, ob die Anlagen zusätzlich von Richtlinie 2010/75/EU betroffen sind.

Tierhaltungsanlagen nach BImSchG im Land Brandenburg

Der Datenbestand beinhaltet die Punktdaten zu den betriebenen Tierhaltungsanlagen aus dem Anlageninformationssystem LIS-A. Die Angaben zu den Anlagen enthalten jeweils den Standort und die genehmigte Leistung.

INSPIRE SN Landwirtschaftliche Anlagen und Aquakulturanlagen

Der Datensatz beinhaltet Informationen zu Landwirtschaftlichen Anlagen im Freistaat Sachsen. Dargestellt werden Daten zu Tierhaltungsanlagen.

Interoperabler INSPIRE View-Service: Agricultural And Aquaculture Facilities / Tierhaltungsanlagen nach BImSchG in Brandenburg - Interoperabler INSPIRE View-Service (WMS-AF-TIERE)

Der interoprable INSPIRE-Viewdienst (WMS) Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities gibt einen Überblick über die Tierhaltungs- und Aufzuchtanlagen im Land Brandenburg. Der Datensatz umfasst Geflügel, Rinder, Kälber, Schweine und gemischte Bestände. Die Datenquelle ist das Anlageninformationssystem LIS-A. Gemäß der INSPIRE-Datenspezifikation Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities (D2.8.III.9_v3.0) liegen die Inhalte INSPIRE-konform vor. Der WMS beinhaltet 2 Layer: AgriculturalHolding und Sites. Der Holding-Layer wird gem. INSPIRE-Vorgaben nach Wirstschaftszweigen (NACE-Kategorie "A") untergliedert in: - AF.GrowingOfPerennialCrops: Anbau mehrjähriger Pflanzen (NACE-Kategorie "A.01.2") - AF.AnimalProduction: Tierhaltung (NACE-Kategorie "A.01.4") - AF.MixedFarming: Gemischte Landwirtschaft (NACE-Kategorie "A.01.5")

Interoperabler INSPIRE Download-Service: Agricultural And Aquaculture Facilities / Tierhaltungsanlagen nach BImSchG in Brandenburg (WFS-AF-TIERE)

Der interoperable INSPIRE-Downloaddienst (WFS) Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities gibt einen Überblick über die Tierhaltungs- und Aufzuchtanlagen im Land Brandenburg. Der Datensatz umfasst Geflügel, Rinder, Kälber, Schweine und gemischte Bestände. Die Datenquelle ist das Anlageninformationssystem LIS-A. Gemäß der INSPIRE-Datenspezifikation Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities (D2.8.III.9_v3.0) liegen die Inhalte INSPIRE-konform vor. Der WFS beinhaltet die FeatureTypes Holding und Site.

Agricultural And Aquaculture Facilities / Tierhaltungs- und Aufzuchtanlagen in Brandenburg

Der Datensatz Agricultural And Aquaculture Facilities / Tierhaltungs- und Aufzuchtanlagen in Brandenburg ist die Datengrundlage der interoperablen INSPIRE-Darstellungs- (WMS) und Downloaddienste (WFS): Tierhaltungsanlagen nach BImSchG in Brandenburg - Interoperabler INSPIRE View-Service (WMS-AF-TIERE) Tierhaltungsanlagen nach BImSchG in Brandenburg - Interoperabler INSPIRE Download-Service (WFS-AF-TIERE) Der Datenbestand beinhaltet die Punktdaten zu den betriebenen Tierhaltungsanlagen aus dem Anlageninformationssystem LIS-A. Die Angaben zu den Anlagen enthalten jeweils den Standort und die genehmigte Leistung. Dabei erfolgte eine sog. Schematransformation und Belegung der INSPIRE-relevanten Attribute. Der Datensatz Agricultural And Aquaculture Facilities / Tierhaltungs- und Aufzuchtanlagen in Brandenburg ist die Datengrundlage der interoperablen INSPIRE-Darstellungs- (WMS) und Downloaddienste (WFS): Tierhaltungsanlagen nach BImSchG in Brandenburg - Interoperabler INSPIRE View-Service (WMS-AF-TIERE) Tierhaltungsanlagen nach BImSchG in Brandenburg - Interoperabler INSPIRE Download-Service (WFS-AF-TIERE) Der Datenbestand beinhaltet die Punktdaten zu den betriebenen Tierhaltungsanlagen aus dem Anlageninformationssystem LIS-A. Die Angaben zu den Anlagen enthalten jeweils den Standort und die genehmigte Leistung. Dabei erfolgte eine sog. Schematransformation und Belegung der INSPIRE-relevanten Attribute.

Cruise EMB276 - Fine scale nutrient, oxygen and elemental associations across the redox boundary in the central Baltic Sea

Working Area was the central Baltic Sea from Farö Deep to the Southern Gotland Basin encirceled by the south bound latitude 54.188, west bound longitude of 12.081, north bound latitude of 58.001 and in the east bound by longitude 20.652. The distribution and cycling of manganese (Mn) species across the redox boundary in the central Baltic Sea was studied by a team of researchers from the IOW and WHOI with the aim to interrogate possible links between Mn and the nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), and iodine (I) cycles, taking into account the role of Mn(III)-ligand complexes and reactive Mn oxide particles. The role of reactive Mn species in controlling the redox state of stratified waters, using novel in situ instrumentation, high resolution water sampling, and targeted solid-phase characterization was done by normal CTD and pump CTD casts. Profiles of reactive oxygen species (ROS), showed slight variation throughout the day tentatively suggesting other sources than light as a reason. Seven pump CTD casts (EMB_2 to EMB_8) were the first measured in the Baltic Sea. About the Data: The upper pycnocline coincided with a temperature drop of approx. 10 °C from near 15 °C to around 5 °C. The temperature was stable until the second pycnocline from where it rose to approx. 7 °C and stayed stable to close to the seafloor Oxygen profiles resemble each other even though the concentrations are different below the first pycnocline. At stations go27, TF271, go23 and TF260 the concentration decreased to either the detection limit (stations TF271 and go23) or around 20 μmol L- 1 (stations go and TF260). Below the pycnocline several oxygen peaks occurred with concentrations up to 40 μmol L- 1 and an oxygen saturation reaching 10 % at stations. From a depth of 113 m- Oxygen was no longer detectable at any of the stations. Nutrient data from the upper layer are lacking because they were not interesting for redox processes. Ammonium only increased below 100m depth, nitrate was extremely variable between 50m and 140m experiencing maxima of 6µmol L-1. Finally nitrite had up to 0.4 µmol L-1 around 50m depth and many tiny peaks throughout the redoxzone. The detailed structure visible in the data is unique and will generate a much better understanding of microbial processes and trace metal concentrations.

Processed seismic data of Cruise ME53 1980

In the period from February 13th to March 2nd 1980 4,037 km of magnetic, gravity and bathymetric lines and 1,195 km of digital reflection seismic lines were recovered on the 2nd leg of METEOR cruise no. 53. Heat flow measurements have been performed on 13 stations; on two stations sonobuoy refraction measurements and dredging have been carried out. From a preliminary interpretation of the seismic monitor records the Mazagan Plateau is part of the Moroccan Meseta. Seawards of this stable swell lies the 75 km wide, downfaulted rift graben characterized by salt diapirs. A submarine body, 150 square kilometres large, lying at the foot of the Mazagan Escarpment in water depths of 3000 m - 3800 m beneath sea level, from which western flank few granitic fragments were retrieved, is interpreted as a subsided and tilted block of the Mazagan Plateau. The north-trending magnetic anomalies, discovered during METEOR cruise no. 46 within the Essaouira continental margin segment have also been recognized within the Tafelney Plateau segment, situated between latitudes 30°45'N and 31°30'N off Morocco. Two neo-volcanic zones were found west of the Conception Bank and west of the Betancuria Massif/Fuerteventura Is. The Mesozoic and Tertiary depositional sequences are highly deformed by small piercement structures interpreted as dykes within these zones.

Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR04 ARGURU 2004

From 19th November to 19th December 2004 BGR conducted a marine geophysical cruise between 34°S and 36°S off Uruguay and between 46°S and 50°S off Argentine. The main research objective was to contribute to a better understanding of the initial breakup and the early opening of the South Atlantic. In continuation of our former work on the South Atlantic continental margins off Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Namibia and South Africa marine geophysical research (multi-channel seismics, refraction-/wide-angle reflection seismics, magnetics and gravity) was performed in close cooperation with the Argentine and Uruguayan authorities Comisión Nacional del Límite Exterior de la Plataforma Continental (COPLA) of Argentina and Servicio de Oceanograficia, Hidrograficia y Meteorologia de la Armada (SOHMA) of Uruguay. Multi-channel seismic lines with a total length of 3,754 km and additional 3540 km with the other geophysical methods were acquired . Along two lines refraction-/wide-angle reflection seismic work was carried out. The preliminary analyses of the new seismic data show different images of the crustal structures between Uruguay and southern Argentine with regard to the distribution and volume of offshore volcanic rocks (seaward dipping reflector sequences, SDRS) along the South American Atlantic margin. On the northern profiles between 34°S and 36°S one single well developed wedge of SDRS is present. Although the landward termination (‘feather edge’) on most of the lines is masked by multiples the average total width of the wedge across the margin seems to be 90 – 100 km and is very constant for this margin segment. This is strong contrast to the results from former cruises (BGR87, SO85 and BGR98) which covered the area between 38°S and 45°S. There, the SDRS showed distinct multiple wedges which in some places extend over 120 km across the continental slope. The investigation of the sedimentary section yielded that in the area off Uruguay widespread bottom simulating reflectors (BSR) are present. This indications for stable gas hydrates cover a total area of 7000 km2. One major aim of the cruise was to cover the transition between a volcanic passive margin and a non-volcanic passive resp. sheared margin. This was accomplished in the southern part of the investigated area. Two EW-trending profiles across the Argentine shelf into the Argentine Basin still show indications for SDRS but these structures are only 25 – 30 km wide. The profiles which extend from the NE to the SW crossing the Agulhas-Falkland Fracture Zone (AFFZ) onto the Falkland Plateau show the typical trend of a sheared margin. At the northern rim of the Falkland Plateau a set of small pre-rift half grabens were found indicating pre-rift extensional tectonic phases. The magnetic data in the area off Uruguay show lineations which are preliminary interpreted as chrons M0 to M3. This might indicate that the first (oldest) oceanic crust was created at a time around the magnetic polarity reversal between the normal interval M4 and the reversed interval M3 (126-127 Ma). Together with existing data from previous cruises this indicates that the breakup of the South Atlantic started further South because there magnetic chrons back to M9 (130 Ma) were identified. In the southernmost part of the margin at 47°S only the magnetic lineations M0 to M4 were identified in the oceanic domain Nevertheless, it is likely that between M4 and the assumed position of the continent ocean boundary/transition (COB/COT) older oceanic crust exists that for some reasons does not show correlatable lineations. The the free-air gravity map is dominated by the main topographic and structural features in the survey area. Rifted continental margins are characterized by prominent free-air gravity anomalies elongated parallel to the ocean-continent transition. The continental slope is considerably steeper in the North off Uruguay than in the South and thus the gravity high is much more pronounced in the North than in the South. The simple Bouguer anomaly map also shows the difference between the more gentle and wider continental slope in the South and the steeper slope in the North. The lowest Bouguer gravity values are found in the area of the basins on the continental shelf. Especially the Salado Basin in the prolongation of the Rio de la Plata and the Colorado Basin at about 40°S are indicated by Bouguer gravity anomaly highs. The interpretation by forward density modelling shows, however, the presence of SDRS units in the North of relative high density in the area of the continental slope. Whereas the modelling shows no indications for such volcanic bodies in the South. Although the MCS data indicate a small SDRS wedge but this body may be too small to cause an anomaly.From 17th April to 6th June 2003 BGR conducted a marine geophysical cruise between 30°S and 38°S off the Atlantic coast of South Africa. The main research objective was to contribute to a better understanding of the initial breakup and the early opening of the South Atlantic. In continuation of our former work on the South Atlantic continental margins off Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Namibia marine geophysical research (multi-channel seismics, wide-angle refraction seismics, magnetics and gravity) was performed in cooperation with the Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA). Multi-channel lines with a total lenght of 3,260 km, and additional 1,365km, with the other geophysical methods were acquired. Combined onshore/offshore refraction seismic work in cooperation with GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (Germany) and the Council for Geoscience (South Africa) was also part of the program.

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