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Processed seismic data and ERT inversion models used in the estimation of injected masses for the Ketzin CO2 pilot project for the years 2009 and 2012


P-wave traveltime tomography model derived from AlpArray Seismic Network data


3D-NEA: Three-dimensional lithospheric-scale structural model of the North East Atlantic


Acoustic technology for observing the interior of the Arctic Ocean (ACOBAR)

Das Projekt "Acoustic technology for observing the interior of the Arctic Ocean (ACOBAR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftelsen Nansen Senter for Fjernmaaling, G.C. Rieber Climate Institute durchgeführt. Objective: ACOBAR will develop an observing system for the interior of the Arctic Ocean based on underwater acoustic methods including tomography, data transmission and communication to/from underwater platforms, and navigation of gliders. ACOBAR offers alternative methods to the ARGO system, which cannot be used in ice-covered seas, based on platforms located under the sea ice. Data collection and transmission from the water column, the seafloor and the subseafloor will be possible in ice-covered seas. ACOBAR will contribute to filling gaps in the global ocean observing system and thereby support the development of GEOSS. ACOBAR will implement field experiments with acoustic sources and receivers in the Fram Strait and the Arctic Ocean. Acoustic tomography will be used to obtain integrated 3-D fields of temperature, transports and heat fluxes. Long-range acoustic navigation commands will be tested to operate gliders. Data transmission from fixed moorings via acoustic modems to the surface for downloading from ships or for satellite transmission will be implemented. The existing array of acoustic sources from ice-tethered platforms in the Arctic Ocean will be tested for tomographic measurements of water mass properties. Data from tomography arrays and other underwater platforms will be disseminated to users with near real-time capability, including assimilation in ocean models. ACOBAR will extend and improve methods for underwater data collection that are presently tested in DAMOCLES IP. The acoustic technologies in ACOBAR aim to be used for transmission of multidisciplinary data from underwater observatories under development in ESONET NoE. Transfer of technology and know-how from USA to Europe will take place, with exchange of scientists, workshops and meetings between scientists, engineers and students. The consortium consists of 9 partners, of which three are SMEs and six are research and educational institutions.