Am 26. Januar 2017 wurde das Forschungslabor für Turbulenz und Windenergiesysteme (WindLab) der Universität Oldenburg eingeweiht. Herzstück des Neubaus mit 2.300 Quadratmetern Nutzfläche ist ein turbulenter Windkanal, mit dessen Hilfe das Zusammenspiel von atmosphärischen Strömungen mit Windparks, Windenergieanlagen und ihren Komponenten untersucht werden soll. Ziel sind exakte Daten über das Betriebsverhalten von Windenergieanlagen und großen Offshore-Windparks. Das vierstöckige WindLab bietet Platz für Physiker, Meteorologen, Ozeanographen und Ingenieurswissenschaftler. Im Vergleich zu Windkanälen, wie sie beispielsweise in der Luftfahrt genutzt werden, lassen sich in dem turbulenten Oldenburger Windkanal Windfelder simulieren, wie sie in der Natur vorkommen. Die Untersuchungen sollen dazu beitragen, die Effizienz von Windparks zu steigern und technische wie finanzielle Risiken zu vermeiden.
Das Projekt "Ozone soundings as a tool for detecting ozone change" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung - Institut AWI - Forschungsstelle Potsdam durchgeführt. Objective: 1. To measure the rate and extent of ozone loss both inside the Arctic vortex and at middle latitudes during the winters of 1995-96, 96-97 and 97-98. 2. To follow the ozone destruction as it develops during an individual winter and from one winter to the next. 3. To investigate the structure and duration of laminae episodes. 4. To extend the important record of ozonesonde data obtained during the last four winters. 5. To build a data base of quality controlled ozonesonde data collected since 1988. 6. To provide this and other projects with meteorological analyses and forecasts from ECMWF. General Information: The work programme consists of five work packages: 1. Purchase and distribution of sondes and sonde operation 2. Match campaign and analysis If ozone loss occurs it will be detected by launching sondes from different stations into the same air mass a few days apart. This is achieved by using forecast trajectories. A large number of such matching pairs is needed in order to get a good statistics. It is the aim to investigate the ozone loss both inside the polar vortex and at middle latitudes. Sondes launched in Canada will be used as primary sondes, and the same air mass will be measured by the European stations. 3. Ozone laminae, climatology and trends 3.1 Mean ozone field 3.2 Ozone versus potential vorticity (PV) The effects of dynamics will be isolated from chemical effects by considering the relative evolution of ozone and PV. 3.3 Extension to subtropical latitudes This activity will address changes in the ozone distribution caused by dynamical changes, which can then be linked to the effects seen at middle latitudes. 3.4 Ozone trends on isentropic levels The temporal evolution of the ozone mixing ratio at isentropic surfaces will be studied. Diabatic descent will be accounted for. Data will be sorted according to the PV values at the sounding site. 3.5 Measurement of ozone laminae A newly improved ozone lidar will measure ozone from 4 to 18 km. It will be used to measure the passage of ozone laminae over Aberystwyth, in order to determine the typical along-flow scales of these features. 4. Quality control and homogeneous ozonesonde data base Ozonesonde data will be subject to daily quality control. A comparison of how the different stations convert raw data to geophysical data will be carried out before winter 1996-97. Common sounding instructions will be distributed to the stations. After the campaign the post mission quality control will verify the correctness of the final data in close collaboration with the station PIs. An archive of quality controlled data from 1988-1998 will be made and disseminated on CD-ROM. 5. Data centre and ECMWF data Ozonesonde data will be collected from the sounding stations in near real time. Data from ECMWF will be collected for use by OSDOC and some other projects. Prime Contractor: Norwegian Institute for Air Research; Kjeller; Norway.
Das Projekt "Almeria solar powered reverse osmosis plant" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate, that small scale PV powered water desalination plants can be constructed in a compact and cost efficient way. This type of plant is urgently needed in Southern Europe and Developing Countries. Intensive publicity is intended and good commercialisation is expected (100 systems potential market in Spain only). General Information: On the site of the ALMERIA university, brackish water is pumped from a well of 60m. Drinking water (about 8000 cbm per year) obtained by a reverse osmosis plant is stored for consumption. A 23.5 kWp PV generator supplies the required energy. Number of subsystems: 1 Power of subsystems: 23.5 kWp Total power: 23.5 kWp Module description: 612 AEG type PQ 10/20/01;(Typ I) + 306 AEG type PQ 10/40/01;(T.II) (I): 20 10x10cm poly crist. cells, 6 V,16.5 W (II): 40 10x10cm poly crist. cells, 12 V,38.4 W Very high resistance glass; UV stabilized PVB; 6.7 kg; 0.25 or 0.5 sqm. Connections: type 20: 36 series, 17 parall.: type 40: 18 series, 17 parall. Support: on racks Max. power tracker: included in inverter Charge controller: charge/discharge regulator: special design, microprocessor controlled. Battery: Spanish TUDOR, 110 cells Battery Volt.: 220 V; Battery capacity: 2240 Ah.(at 100 h). (1650 Ah (10h); type C 10 Battery capacity: 493 kWh.(at 100 h). Inverter: (for well water pump only): AEG, Solarverter, type SV3 sinusoidal, transistor-pulse type, 3 kHz. Input nominal: 130 to 300 V DC in; max 16 A Dc; Output nominal: 3.3 kVA; 13 to 127 V out; 3 phases; to 50/60 Hz. Load description: PLEUGER submersible pump NE612 for raw water pumping. (three phase, AC motor, hence inverter necessary). 4.2 cbm/h, header 30 m. Rated power 2.2 kW. ROCHEM (Hamburg) reverse osmosis, type RORO 1535-B 709165; presses raw water through membrane. Input: 92 cbm/day at 7000 ppm; Output: 60 cbm/day at smaller than 500 ppm. New type of PLATE MODULE system, with turbulent flow on the feed water side and hence less membrane scaling and fouling which leads to less maintenance. The pressure pump of the RO system works with 220 V DC motor, 6750 W, avoiding inverters. Monitoring: Weather station; Reading every 10 seconds six relevant plant data, averaging over ten minutes, storing on floppy. (DAM 800 data acquisition system by TELEFUNKEN). Stored data: (1) Insolation, array plane. (2) amb. temp. (3) module temp. (4) array output energy. (5) energy to and from battery. (6) inverter dc energy. Achievements: While the pv generator and the batteries worked without problem the water pumps, the reverse osmosis plant, the inverter and the monitoring system had several, partly major, failures. The Final Report on System Monitoring (5 June 95) analyses 32 month of operation and puts in evidence: the system is well designed for its task; however the frequent failures of some components decrease its effective utilisation. The plant will continue to operate after the end of the project with some improvements (new pumps, new membranes, etc.)...
Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 2 (Modul B)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung, Institut für Meereskunde (IfM) durchgeführt. Das Ziel dieses Vorhabens ist die Entwicklung von Verfahren (Parameterisierungen), mit denen sich die turbulenten Transporte von Energie und Impuls über dem polaren Meereis in Klima- und Wettervorhersagemodellen (MiKlip Modelle) präziser als bisher berechnen lassen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Berücksichtigung der komplexen Vorgänge in der oberflächennahen Atmosphäre im Bereich von Eisrinnen. Die potentiellen Auswirkungen auf die Energietransporte einer sich im nächsten Jahrhundert ändernden Meereisbedeckung sollen schließlich quantifiziert werden. Das Projekt ist in 3 Arbeitspakete gegliedert (siehe Vorhabenbeschreibung im Anhang), die im Wesentlichen beim AWI bearbeitet werden. Zu diesen Arbeitspaketen werden von der Uni Hamburg Fernerkundungsdaten aufbereitet und bereitgestellt.
Das Projekt "MTD - Micro Turbine Drilling" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Energieinfrastruktur und Geothermie IEG, Standort Aachen durchgeführt. Das Fündigkeitsrisiko für Geothermiebohrungen ist hoch, da häufig nicht die erwünschten Schüttungsraten erzielt werden. Aus der Öl- und Gasindustrie sind Verfahren bekannt, die zur Steigerung der Durchlässigkeit eines Reservoirs eingesetzt werden können. Dazu gehören druckwasserbasierte Verfahren (Radial Jet Drilling - RJD), mit denen Ablenkbohrungen von der Hauptbohrung aus hergestellt werden. Diese Verfahren bieten Lösungsansätze für weiche Speichergesteine. Diese für Öl- und Gaslagestätten typischen Bedingungen lassen sich nicht auf die Geothermie übertragen. Hierbei handelt es sich häufig um Hartgestein, bei dem die beim RJD-Verfahren eingesetzte Wasserstrahltechnik zu geringe Bohrleistungen aufweist. Im Vorhaben MTD soll ein Verfahren entwickelt werden, mit dem die Durchlässigkeit auch in sehr harten Förderhorizonten gesteigert werden kann. Die Lösungsidee baut auf dem Prinzip des RJD auf. Es wird jedoch kein Düsenkopf verwendet, der den Gesteinsabtrag durch einen Fluidstrahl generiert. Stattdessen wird eine Mikro- Bohrturbine eingesetzt, um einen Bohrmeißel anzutreiben, mit dem der Gesteinsabtrag mechanisch generiert wird. Voruntersuchungen bestätigen die Funktionsfähigkeit der Technologie. Das Ergebnis dieses Vorhabens soll ein neues Bohrverfahren sein, mit dem es möglich ist kostengünstige, 50 m lange Ablenkbohrungen von einer bis zu 5 km tiefen, verrohrten Bohrung aus in bis zu 200 Grad Celsius heiße Formationen aus Hartgestein herzustellen. Der Zielmarkt des neuen Bohrverfahrens ist der Fluidbergbau. Dabei steht insbesondere die Geothermie im Fokus, aber auch die Öl- und Gasindustrie stellen einen potentiellen Abnehmer dar.
Das Projekt "Ocean margin exchange II - Phase II" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, GEOMAR Forschungszentrum fur marine Geowissenschaften, Abteilung Marine Umweltgeologie durchgeführt. General Information: The main objectives of OMEX II-II are the construction and understanding of the carbon cycle and its associated elements along the Iberian coast. This area is dominated by wind driven up welling events during the summer and by ria inputs and down welling during the winter. Coastal up welling areas are among the most productive biological systems in the ocean and therefore of particular economical interest. They are also characterized by large fluxes of organic carbon, nutrients and other trace elements which may be exported to the open ocean or rapidly deposited and buried at geological time scales. They are thus playing an essential role in the marine biogeochemical cycle of many elements. The study of the physical processes should provide knowledge of the local factors (wind and topography) affecting horizontal and vertical transport in relation to the general circulation. Special attention will be devoted to the role of filaments and eddies in the exchange of material between the coastal zone and the open ocean. Short time scale measurements of flows of carbon and nutrients through the food web will be performed during up welling events and occasionally in the winter during periods of down welling. On the other hand, spatial and seasonal variations of the inventories and fluxes of the carbon and associated elements will be investigated to obtain mass balances and to develop models of dynamic processes occurring in the water column. Since a large part of the primary production in the coastal up welling zones is rapidly deposited, a special attention will be paid to the understanding, quantification and modelling of the benthic processes related to biological activity and early diagenesis. A better knowledge of the carbon fluxes and budgets will improve our evaluation of the role of up welling in organic carbon production and fate in the marine system. This study may refine our understanding of the effect of coastal up welling on the global climate control and vice versa of potential effects of global warming on the up welling processes. Prime Contractor: Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Faculte des Sciences Appliquees, Chimie de l'Environnement; Bruxelles; Belgium.
Das Projekt "SLAT NOISE" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Hochschule Aachen, Lehrstuhl für Strömungslehre und Aerodynamisches Institut durchgeführt. Das Vorhaben ist Teil des Verbundes FREQUENZ. Grundlegendes Ziel des beantragten Vorhabens ist die anwendungsbasierte Validierung eines numerischen Verfahrens, mit dem bezüglich des Slatlärms der Mechanismus der Lärmentstehung analysiert und die Schallabstrahlung vorhergesagt werden kann. Dabei wird ein hybrider Ansatz verwendet, in dem das strömungsmechanische und das akustische Feld separat voneinander berechnet werden, um die deutlichen Unterschiede in den jeweiligen charakteristischen Längenskalen in der Gitterauflösung berücksichtigen zu können Das LES/CAA Verfahren wird zur Untersuchung der Geräuschemission von Slatgeometrien verwendet, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Analyse des direkten Slatlärms liegen wird, der durch die Wechselwirkung zwischen Turbulenz, Hinterkante und Spaltströmung hervorgerufen wird. Darüber hinaus soll der Lärmmechanismus, der einerseits durch aus dem Cove-Bereich abfließende Wirbel und andererseits variierende Wirbelgeometrien bedingt ist, analysiert werden. Das langfristige Ziel liegt in der Anwendung der numerischen Methode zur Geräuschanalyse von Umströmungslärmkonfigurationen, um die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in einen Design-to-Low-Noise Entwurf einfließen lassen zu können.
Das Projekt "Clean Sky Technology Eco Design (Clean Sky ECO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH durchgeführt. The Eco-Design ITD (ED-ITD) gathers and structures from one side activities concerned specifically with development of new material and process technologies and demonstration on airframe and rotorcraft related parts stressing the ecolonomic aspects of such new technologies; from the other side, activities related to the All Electrical Aircraft concept related to small aircraft. ED-ITD is directly focused on the last ACARE goal: 'To make substantial progress in reducing the environmental impact of the manufacture, maintenance and disposal of aircraft and related products'. Reduction of environmental impacts during out of operation phases of the aircraft lifecycle can be estimated to around 20 % reduction of the total amount of the CO2 emitted by all the processes (direct emissions and indirect emissions i.e. produced when producing the energy) and 15 % of the total amount of the energy used by all the processes. In addition, expected benefit brought by the All Electric Aircraft concept to be highlighted through the conceptual aircraft defined in the vehicle ITDs is estimated to around 2% fuel consumption reduction due to mass benefits and better energy management. The status of the global fleet in the year 2000 constitutes the baseline against which achievements will be assessed. Progress toward these goals will result not only from ED internal activities but also from the collaboration with the relevant cross-cutting activities in GRA , GRC, SFWA (business jet platform) and SGO (electrical systems).
Das Projekt "Windturbine fuer die Produktion von Elektrizitaet (MON 30)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm durchgeführt. Objective: MBB will construct and demonstrate one bladed 30 m diameter, 200 kW wind turbine MON 30 which will be an enlarged version of the FLAIR -8. Innovations consist of the flexible design, hubless single blade rotor, mechanical function of control and safety devices. The wind generator will produce electrical energy at the wind power plant at Wilhelmshaven. The estimated annual yield is 300 MWh. General Information: An enlarged version of FLAIR-8 but with many innovations was constructed and installed by MBB at Wilhelmshaven in FRG. The new MON 30 is a flexible design of a single bladed wind turbine with a diameter of 30 m and nominal power 200 KW. Hubless design with speed and power regulation as well as mechanical safety devices. The components of the wind turbines don t have to take up the full strain resulting from the turbulent wind but it will be compensated by the system flexibility. Even the tower is flexible being separated into a rigid and an inclined part with the turbine at the top and the counterweight at the bottom. The blade has freedom to move in flap and lead-lag direction and controls its pitch angle passively. The electrical energy production, was backed-up into the grid. The cost per KWh is estimated at 0. 21 DM while the conventional cost is 0. 28 DM. The demonstration phase will last one year and results are expected with special interest as it is a totally new design based on the soft theory design concept. It is a cooperative project of MBB and RIVA CALZONI.Objective: To install an aircraft-derivative gas turbine of 35 MW in the contractor's power plant with the necessary alterations and to operate the system continuously and at full load under industrial conditions. General Information: The energy requirement of the chemical industry is changing towards more electricity and less steam, a balance which for conventional power plants is difficult to achieve in an energy-efficient manner. This project will demonstrate that the use of aircraft-derivative gas turbines in a conventional power plant can improve the electricity output by 30 per cent while reducing the steam production. The system comprises first a gas generator which consists of 2 compressors of increasing power built in-line, a combustor and 2 turbines of decreasing power equally built in-line. This is linked to a 3-stage power turbine which drives the electricity generator. The exhaust gases of the power turbine are ducted into a heat recovery boiler for steam production. The gas generator is the critical part as the turbine. In contrast to industrial turbines, aircraft turbines are normally not used in continuous operation and at full-load during aircraft take-off. This new aircraft-derivative gas turbine will be installed in place of an existing industrial gas turbine in the power station of Dow Chemical GmbH in Stade. The financial EEC participation of 2,330,000.-DM is limited to the innovative part of the project i.e. the construction of the...
Das Projekt "Two blade propeller turbine suspended under a barge using kinetic energy of river flows" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bodan-Werft Metallbau durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate how a two bladed propellor turbine suspended under a barge can exploit the kinetic energy of a river to produce electricity. General Information: The barge will be moored in the river and the kinetic energy of the river used to drive the propellor turbine, thus eliminating the need for expensive civil works. It is expected that the main application would be to supply local communities not connected to the national grid system, particularly in developing countries. A further advantage of the scheme is that, unlike conventional hydro systems, it can be very easily replicated. Initially a suction tube to concentrate water flow was envisaged, but this has now been omitted as it became apparent that it was only of advantage in very deep rivers. Suitable control mechanisms are being investigated to match the requirement for constant generator speed to variable river flow rates. Head 0 metres River velocity 2-3 m/second Turbine propellor (1. 44 metres diameter) Turbine power 40 kW Generator synchronous End-use isolated system Achievements: The apparatus proved very successful concerning manufacture, transport, sea-going quality (local velocity of current up to 4 m/s were tested). stability with propeller swung up. Propeller support with lifting device and foundations for gears and generator. The two-bladed propeller could cope well with stripping off driftage. The chain (L approx. 2,8 m) is extremely suitable for the transmission of the high torque and can be adapted to suit power output. Fluctuations during the turning moment probably caused by vibrations of the chain can be reduced by baffle rods. Presumably turbulences around the 'suction pipe' contribute to the fluctuations. These turbulences could possibly be avoided or at least reduced by the profiling of the 'suction pipe' on the descending current side. By means of the demonstration model it can be proved that, in principle, the system functions. In case of a series production the control system must be improved appropriately. The turning moments left of the optimum of the moment curves, plotted against the rotations per minute, could not be determined, as the propeller dragged in the optimum area and either came to a stand-still or operated right of the optimum. Operation costs were estimated at approx. 7,5 per cent of the investment expenses, whereby it was assumed that paint work would have to be done every 3-4 years. The operation expenses could be brought down under good water conditions. The efficiency of the propeller could be maintained by regular cleaning. (Slight roughness caused by marine fouling causes a loss of up to 20 per cent). Whereas the entire floating body and the main parts of the machinery and the transmission have been developed for quantity production, the control system must still be further developed in this respect. The presumable service life is estimated to be approx. 15 years. The power output depends very strongly upon the flow...
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Bund | 889 |
Type | Count |
Ereignis | 1 |
Förderprogramm | 888 |
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offen | 889 |
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Deutsch | 889 |
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