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Entsiegelungspotenziale (Umweltatlas)

Ausweisung von Flächen, auf denen die Möglichkeit für Entsiegelungen im Rahmen naturschutz- oder baurechtlicher Kompensationsmaßnamen besteht, mit genaueren Beschreibungen der einzelnen Flächen. Bearbeitungsstand Dezember 2023.

Improving Energy Efficiency in Peruvian Boilers with the CDM. Feasibility Study for a Bundled CDM Project.

Das Projekt "Improving Energy Efficiency in Peruvian Boilers with the CDM. Feasibility Study for a Bundled CDM Project." wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Öko-Institut. Institut für angewandte Ökologie e.V. durchgeführt. This study aims at assessing the feasibility of a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project to improve energy efficiency in Peruvian industrial boilers. As part of this study, current emissions from boilers in Peru are estimated, and the potential and mitigation costs for energy efficiency improvements as a CDM project are assessed, including a detailed analysis of different baseline options and an initial monitoring plan. A key element is also the development of the institutional set-up of the project, which includes bundling many small boilers into one CDM project.

Phase 1: Earth and Space Based Power Generation Systems

Das Projekt "Phase 1: Earth and Space Based Power Generation Systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Systemanalyse und Technikbewertung durchgeführt. This study has to be understood in the frame of the global Energy Policy. A great part of world energy production is currently based on non-renewable sources: oil, gas and coal. Global warming and restricted fossil energy sources force a strong demand for another climate compatible energy supply. Therefore, fossil energy sources will nearly disappear until the end of this century. The question is to find a viable replacement. By using viable' it is meant a low-cost and environmental friendly energy. In other words, the question is to find an alternative to nuclear energy among all proposed but still not mature renewable energies. One of the solutions proposed is solar energy. Yet, two major concerns slow down its development as an alternative: first, it lacks of technological maturity and secondly it suffers from alternating supply during days and nights, winters and summers. The idea proposed by Glaser in the sixties to bypass this inconvenient is to take the energy at the source (or at least, as near as possible): in other words, to put a solar station on orbit that captures the energy without problems of climatic conditions and to redirect it through a beam to the ground. That is the concept of Solar Power Satellites. Its principal feasibility was shown by DOE / NASA in 1970 years studies (5 GW SPS in GEO). Project objectives: This phase 1 study activity is to be seen as the initial step of a series of investigations on the viability of power generation in space facing towards an European strategy on renewable, CO2 free energy generation, including a technology development roadmap pacing the way to establish in a step-wise approach on energy generation capabilities in space. The entire activity has to be embedded in an international network of competent, experienced partners. As part of this, an interrelationship to and incorporation of activities targeting the aims of the EU 6th FP ESSPERANS should be maintained. In particular, the activities related to following objectives are described: The generation of scientifically sound and objective results on terrestrial CO2 emission free power generation solutions in comparison with state-of-the-art space based solar power solutions The detailed comparison and trades between the terrestrial and the space based solutions in terms of cost, reliability and risk The identification of possible synergies between ground and space based power generation solutions The assessment on terrestrial energy storage needs by combining ground based with space based energy generation solutions The investigation of the viability of concepts in terms of energy balance of the complete systems and payback times.

Biomass fluidised bed gasification with in situ hot gas cleaning (AER-GAS II)

Das Projekt "Biomass fluidised bed gasification with in situ hot gas cleaning (AER-GAS II)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt. Objective: The project aim is a low-cost gasification process with integrated in-situ gas cleaning for the conversion of biomass into a product gas with high hydrogen concentration, high heating value and low tar/alkali/sulphur concentration in one process step for s ubsequent power production. The proposed process uses in-situ CO2 capture (AER, Absorption Enhanced Reforming). It is more efficient than conventional gasification due to (i) the in-situ integration of the reaction heat of CO2 absorption and water-gas shif t reaction heat (both exothermic) into the gasification and (ii) the internal reforming of primary and secondary tars, which cuts off the formation of higher tars. Thus, the chemical energy of tars remains in the product gas. The product gas after dust rem oval can directly be used in a gas engine for electricity generation. Due to the low operation temperature (up to 700 C) and due to CaO-containing bed materials, the proposed process allows the use of problematic feedstocks such as biomass with high minera l and high moisture content, e.g. straw, sewage sludge, etc., leading to an increased market potential for biomass gasification processes. Screening/development of absorbent materials with high attrition stability and tar cracking properties will be carrie d out. Analysis of tar formation/decomposition process will be studied in a lab-scale fixed bed reactor and a 100 kWth circulating fluidised bed reactor (continuous mode). With the acquired data, the 8 MWth biomass plant at Guessing, Austria, will be opera ted with absorbent bed material in order to prove the feasibility of a scale-up and to assess the economical aspects of the process. In order to point out the market potential, the cost reduction of the AER technology will be quantified in comparison with the conventional gasification power plant. Expected results will be: (i) a broad knowledge of the proposed process and (ii) a low-cost technology for biomass gasification with subsequent power production.

Description of the Nature of the Accidental Misuse of Chemicals and chemical products (DeNaMiC)

Das Projekt "Description of the Nature of the Accidental Misuse of Chemicals and chemical products (DeNaMiC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung durchgeführt. The overall objective of this project is to provide an overview of the nature and extent of injury from chemicals and chemical products in the European region and detail information on the circumstances of how these exposures occur. The outcomes of this research will improve understanding of accidental poisoning and exposure to chemicals in household consumer products. The aim is to identify what data are available to characterise the nature and extent of injury from chemicals in household consumer chemicals and chemical products within Europe, and to find out what conclusions can be drawn from these data sources. It also aims to explore the feasibility of extracting information from poison centres databases for the same purpose, both retrospectively and prospectively. It is envisaged that the project findings will be used to evaluate and improve risk assessment and risk management measures to reduce the incidence and severity of poisoning exposures. To address the specific objectives of the project the work has been divided into five subcomponents as outlined below. 1. Undertake a literature review of published statistical data on the nature and frequency of incidents and events related to accidental exposures to household chemical products to provide an overview of what information is currently available1. 2. Review the data collected by two poisons centres on the circumstances of exposure to consumer chemical products by undertaking a retrospective analysis of enquiries made to two key European poisons centres over a three year period. 3. Evaluate the information collected through the retrospective study to determine how useful these data are for risk assessment purposes and to what extent such data can be collected on a European-wide basis. 4. Undertake a review of risk management measures currently used to reduce risk of poisoning from chemical consumer products. This will include an assessment of the alerting mechanisms used by poisons centres and lessons learned from toxicovigilance activities (e.g. monitoring toxicity of commercial products or identifying products causing significant morbidity or mortality). 5. Design and execute a prospective feasibility study to investigate in more detail the circumstances of exposure to a defined set of consumer chemical poisoning incidents. The design of the study will take into account the results and recommendations of the other subcomponents. The study will involve four poisons centres (Lille, London, Göttingen and Prague) and will be conducted over a six month period. Selected cases reported during this time will be analysed to assess the effectiveness of controls and barriers. This will include information on the circumstances of exposure and severity of poisoning and an assessment of possible preventative measures.

Integrated small scale solar heating and cooling systems for a sustainable air-conditioning of buildings (SOLERA)

Das Projekt "Integrated small scale solar heating and cooling systems for a sustainable air-conditioning of buildings (SOLERA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme durchgeführt. Objective: The project aims to develop highly integrated solar heating and cooling systems for small and medium capacity applications which are easily installed and economically and socially sustainable. The envisioned applications are residential houses, small office buildings and hotels. The goal is to use the excess solar heat in summer to power a thermally driven cooling process in order to provide cooling for air-conditioning. In the heating season the solar system is used to provide direct heating. The proposed project therefore aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility, reliability and cost effectiveness of these systems, specially conceived as integrated systems to be offered on the market as complete packages which will make better use of the available solar radiation as present systems.

CEWAG: Clean Energy and Water for Gambia (CEWAG) Phase I - Feasibility and Network Development

Das Projekt "CEWAG: Clean Energy and Water for Gambia (CEWAG) Phase I - Feasibility and Network Development" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik durchgeführt. Das Ziel des Projektes CEWAG ist die Voraussetzungen zum Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien in Gambia zu erkunden und in einer Konzeptphase zwei vielversprechenden Pilot-/Forschungsprojekten vorzubereiten. Das erste Konzeptprojekt befasst sich mit der Erforschung selbstreinigender Oberflächen, die angepasst an die klimatischen Bedingungen in Gambia die Energieerzeugungsverluste der Photovoltaik durch Verschmutzung der Solarmoduloberflächen reduzieren sollen. Das zweite Konzeptprojekt wird die geographische und technische Voraussetzung für dezentrale mit Photovoltaik betriebener Wasserreinigungsanlagen in Gambia klären. Darüber hinaus soll die Ausbildung im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien an der Universität Gambia unterstützt werden.

SULAMA - Participatory research to support sustainable land management on the Mahaflay Plateau in south-western Madagascar

Das Projekt "SULAMA - Participatory research to support sustainable land management on the Mahaflay Plateau in south-western Madagascar" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. SULAMA is a participatory research project to support sustainable land management on the Mahafaly Plateau in south-western Madagascar. The focus of the first project-phase is set on the investigation of the present land-management to deduce the interdependencies and interactions between the local population and the ecosystematic conditions. Results of the first phase are used for stakeholder-based solutions to replace non-sustainable practices under the scenario of a growing human population, climate change, and prospective land transformation programs. In this project the Institute for World Forestry analyses the composition of the forest, the utilization of timber and non-wood goods and services (NWGS), and carbon stock changes in order to quantify the impact on the forest to provide ecosystem services and functions. In addition the potential of natural regeneration or enrichment planting in degraded or formerly forested sites will be assessed. For this purpose forest ecosystem indicator species are identified and changes in biomass over time are monitored. Thus, options for sustainable timber production and use of NWGS, carbon sequestration taking into account possible benefits from marketable CO2 certificates and the feasibility of enrichment plantings are derived. Together with local stakeholders tree nursieries will be developed and implemented. This is supported by the analyses of the forest and land-use development over time for different future climate change scenarios, facilitating the calculation of opportunity costs for the usage of wood and NWGS and the demonstration of alternative options for sustainable land-use management.

Establishment of Environmental Health Information System Supporting Policy Making

Das Projekt "Establishment of Environmental Health Information System Supporting Policy Making" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von World Health Organization, European Centre for Environment and Health, Bonn Office durchgeführt. Goals: Identify policy relevant information on exposure to environmental hazards, its determinants and health effects, as well as information for policy evaluation. Update the core set of environmental health indicators including those relevant for children's health allowing monitoring of CEHAPE and E EH strategy. Develop and apply methods allowing the use information from existing national and international data bases, and surveys assuring streamlining of data processing. Test the developed methods by the partner countries collecting information and preparing international assessment reports on selected issues. Develop and test in participating cities methods for health impact assessment of indoor air quality and noise. Develop and test data-exchange software including data-control and analysis. Prepare and test methodology for analysis and reporting of current EH situation and policy-effectiveness assuring effective dissemination of EH information and risk community.; Approaches: Both theoretical and practical issues must be resolved to achieve the project objectives. Experts, selected according to their scientific and technical proficiency, will make initial proposals for the project outputs based on the review of available scientific and practical evidence. After an evaluation by the project participants, the proposed methods will be tested for feasibility by the network of national collaborators according to the uniform protocol. The experiences from the tests will be collected and compared at a Project Meeting, involving both the experts and network members. Based on the expert's opinions and practical experiences from the testing, the final methods will be proposed for implementation on the basis of consensus reached by the project participants. The main risk in this approach is a possibility that the approaches proposed by experts on theoretical grounds will be not feasible. Intensive interaction between experts and practitioners should reduce this risk. ; Results: Comparable information on environment and health in the pan-European Region. Information on environment and health is often scattered across many institutions and gathered in non-standardized format. The ENHIS site (www.enhis.org) hosts comparable data and information on priority environment and health issues, selected on the basis of international policy frameworks on environment and health. Its content includes: - a core set of indicators, selected on the basis of relevance and availability of data, describing environmental exposures, health effects and policy measures for these issues. These indicators are also meant to help monitoring and evaluating progress made towards national and international commitments taken by countries; - a series of indicator-based assessments ('fact sheets'), providing an analysis of core issues across the Region; - country information for the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region; - an overview of policies on core issues, at both natio

Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung und Validierung einer Testmethode zur Identifizierung endokriner Substanzen

Das Projekt "Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung und Validierung einer Testmethode zur Identifizierung endokriner Substanzen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie durchgeführt. There is concern, that certain anthropogenic substances may modify the normal functioning of human and wildlife endocrine system. The endocrine system consists of glands and the hormones they produce guiding the development, growth, reproduction and behaviour of human beings and animals. Potential adverse effects of endocrine disrupters on humans and wildlife are controversially discussed among scientists, politicians and the public. Although there are associations between endocrine disrupting chemicals, so far investigated, and human health disturbances, a causative role of these chemicals in diseases and abnormalities possibly related to an endocrine disturbance has not been verified (CSTEE 1999). Concerning wildlife, there is strong evidence obtained from laboratory studies showing the potential of several environmental chemicals to cause endocrine disruption at environmentally realistic exposure levels. For investigating effects on wildlife, especially aquatic species, a number of bio-markers and screening tests are being developed, but so far, the ecological significance of the used endpoints for reproduction and population dynamics is not proven. This also applies for the relevance of environmental concentrations for compounds of concern. The aim of this project is to contribute to the development of testing strategies for endocrine disrupters. Due to the complexity of the endocrine system, the work focused on estrogen-receptor mediated processes being the mechanism of action of a large number of environmental chemicals. Within the scope of this project estrogen-receptor mediated reactions had been investigated at different levels from in-vitro systems up to the population level of fish (a) in intact cells, (b) in whole organisms, (c) on reproductive performance of a population and their usefulness for a tiered testing scheme had been discussed. With regard to the selection of in-vivo tests, it was not the intention to develop new tests but to proof the feasibility to enhance or refine, respectively, current test protocols, as agreed by several expert groups (OECD-EDTA, EPA-EDSTAC, CSTEE, EMSG). Deduced from these various levels of complexity following tests had been selected: 1. Transactivation assay in-vitro. Transactivation assays with recombinant receptor and recombinant reporter genes in yeast and mammalian cells were selected for testing the relative potencies of compounds to activate estrogen receptor mediated processes. 2. Assays towards the understanding of molecular mechanisms in intact cells. The expression of estrogen responsive genes, were investigated in a rat endometrium derived adenocarcinoma cell line (RUCA-I). These cells express relative high levels of estrogen receptor and exhibit estrogen inducible gene expression. usw.

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