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Clean Sky Technology Eco Design (Clean Sky ECO)

Das Projekt "Clean Sky Technology Eco Design (Clean Sky ECO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH durchgeführt. The Eco-Design ITD (ED-ITD) gathers and structures from one side activities concerned specifically with development of new material and process technologies and demonstration on airframe and rotorcraft related parts stressing the ecolonomic aspects of such new technologies; from the other side, activities related to the All Electrical Aircraft concept related to small aircraft. ED-ITD is directly focused on the last ACARE goal: 'To make substantial progress in reducing the environmental impact of the manufacture, maintenance and disposal of aircraft and related products'. Reduction of environmental impacts during out of operation phases of the aircraft lifecycle can be estimated to around 20 % reduction of the total amount of the CO2 emitted by all the processes (direct emissions and indirect emissions i.e. produced when producing the energy) and 15 % of the total amount of the energy used by all the processes. In addition, expected benefit brought by the All Electric Aircraft concept to be highlighted through the conceptual aircraft defined in the vehicle ITDs is estimated to around 2% fuel consumption reduction due to mass benefits and better energy management. The status of the global fleet in the year 2000 constitutes the baseline against which achievements will be assessed. Progress toward these goals will result not only from ED internal activities but also from the collaboration with the relevant cross-cutting activities in GRA , GRC, SFWA (business jet platform) and SGO (electrical systems).

Fuel-Switch Project in the North-West of Russia

Das Projekt "Fuel-Switch Project in the North-West of Russia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The objective of the JI project was to replace the outdated and inefficient municipal heating installations running on coal by modern wood-fired boilers. Replacement has been done for the 43 MW capacity required for the heat supply to a town. As the wood fuel comes from sustainably managed forests GHG emissions from coal firing are avoided. Additionally, methane emissions from landfills are prevented. GFA ENVEST developed the Joint Implementation Project according to the UNFCCC modalities, covering the renewable energy component and the methane emission reduction component.The Onega JI project was the second Russian JI project that passed the JI validation process. Services provided: Identification of Project Location. Biomass Supply Assessment: Location analysis/forest resource analysis; Standing forest stock; Review of available waste wood stocks in the region; Economic and Financial Feasibility: Analysis of carbon and biomass benefits; Analysis of switching fuel systems in the identified location. Baseline Study Package for the Fuel-Switch Project: Environmental Assessment; Social Assessment; Review of the legislation to facilitate the switching of fuel source for heating purposes; Review current legislation and regulation of the energy, forestry, and environmental sectors as well as all regulations and laws affecting budgetary process and use by government of additional revenues; Intergrated stakeholder consultations. Baseline Study (BLS): Monitoring plan; Emission Reduction and Sequestration Study (ERSS); projections of the ERs that can reasonably be expected to be generated by the Project; Support for permissions, approvals and registration of the Joint Implementation project by relevant national and international authorities; Support to the project investor on monitoring and verification of emission reductions; accompanying Designated Operational Entity during the verification process; Marketing of Emission Reduction Units and Voluntary Emission Reductions on behalf of project investor; Assistance to the project investor during Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement negotiations.

Non-exchangeable NH4-N in the subsoil:Significance for the N nutrition of plants (NitroNex)

Das Projekt "Non-exchangeable NH4-N in the subsoil:Significance for the N nutrition of plants (NitroNex)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz - Pflanzenernährung (Prof. Werner) durchgeführt. The project is dealing with the contribution of non-exchangeable NH4-N in the subsoil for the N nutrition of plants. It is divided into two main parts: In part 1 the content of nonexchangeable NH4-N in the subsoil of the Central field experiment (CeFiT) under different crops and influencing factors will be investigated. Special consideration will be given to the drilosphere, where easily mineralizable organic material is translocated into deeper soil layers and NH4+-ions, formed after mineralization may be specifically bound in interlayers of 2:1 clay minerals in the vicinity of biopores. Furthermore attention will be given to the reduction of NO3-, translocated into the subsoil, to NH4+ as a source for NH4+-fixation. In part 2 the amounts of non-exchangeable NH4-N released from subsoils throughout the growing season will be quantified. Special attention will be given to the influence of the root system on the mobilization of NH4+-ions from the interlayers of clay minerals. Partially interlayers of clay minerals will be labelled with 15NH4+. Under field conditions, in the Central microcosm experiment (CeMiX) as well as in model experiments with special containers, that allow to take soil samples from defined distances from the root system, depletion curves of nonexchangeable NH4-N will be created.

Effect of plant diversity on ecosystem functions in grassland: the role of roots

Das Projekt "Effect of plant diversity on ecosystem functions in grassland: the role of roots" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Berlin (Humboldt-Univ.), Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerische Fakultät, Institut für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Pflanzenernährung durchgeführt. Human activities have led to strong reduction in plant diversity. There is an intensive debate on the consequences of diversity loss on ecosystem functions such as productivity, and cycling of carbon and mineral nutrients, as well as on the plant traits responsible for these ecosystem functions. In this subproject it is tried to assess the effects of plant diversity in experimentally established grassland plots on (a) biomass and nutrient accumulation in roots, (b) acquisition of soil resources by living roots and (c) release of organic carbon and nutrients into the soil by decaying roots. The experimental design allows to differentiate between effects of plant species number per se, and effects of functional attributes associated with specific plant groups on root characteristics. It is expected that the results will improve our knowledge about the processes involved in diversity effects on ecosystem functions, and finally may help to develop recommendations of agricultural measures for sustainable grassland management

Mt. Cameroon - REDD+ Feasibility Study

Das Projekt "Mt. Cameroon - REDD+ Feasibility Study" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GFA Envest GmbH durchgeführt. The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility a REDD+ project aiming at a reduction / avoidance of the currently ongoing deforestation in the Mt. Cameroon area. The ecologically valuable region is under serious threat of deforestation, caused by local villagers through the establishment of cash crops, mainly for cocoa-plantations. Deforestation shall be avoided by the development and implementation of a REDD+ project. This project shall be inherently conected to the newly established Mt. Cameroon National Park. The REDD+ project shall finance both the administration of the National Park as well as compensation measures in the surrounding villages. This compensation measures shall not only ensure the interest of local population in the participation in the REDD+ project, it shall also cover the REDD+ projects need for leakage management activities ensuring that the project impact (in terms of carbon conservation) is not compensated by deforestation activities outside the park area. This shall ensure the REDD+ projects overall success. The study evaluated the threat of permanent deforestation in the Mt. Cameroon region, identified drivers of deforesation, screened appropriate mitigation strategies and developed a baseline scenario. In May 2009, GFA ENVEST visited the project site, investigated the legal project structure and discussed project setup with the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife and the Ministry for Environment and Nature Protection. As the national park was established in spring 2010, the REDD+ project development is envisaged to start in autumn 2010. Services provided: GFA ENVEST provides the following services: Assessment of carbon stocks of intact forests for the main forest strata; Assessment of carbon stocks of degraded forests sites (i.e. cocoa plantations) for the main forest strata; Evaluation of forest protection measures and related abatement costs; Assessment of leakage management and leakage monitoring options and related costs; Design of a monitoring system based on remote sensing. This system shall allow for the verification of the overall success of forest protection measures. Calculation of the projects emission reductions under the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) considering VCS security buffer approach for non-permanence; Assessment of carbon revenues and the overall financial feasibility of REDD+ measures; Evaluation of carbon rights ownership and an appropriate REDD+ project structure managing carbon funds and project costs.

Biomass fluidised bed gasification with in situ hot gas cleaning (AER-GAS II)

Das Projekt "Biomass fluidised bed gasification with in situ hot gas cleaning (AER-GAS II)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg durchgeführt. Objective: The project aim is a low-cost gasification process with integrated in-situ gas cleaning for the conversion of biomass into a product gas with high hydrogen concentration, high heating value and low tar/alkali/sulphur concentration in one process step for s ubsequent power production. The proposed process uses in-situ CO2 capture (AER, Absorption Enhanced Reforming). It is more efficient than conventional gasification due to (i) the in-situ integration of the reaction heat of CO2 absorption and water-gas shif t reaction heat (both exothermic) into the gasification and (ii) the internal reforming of primary and secondary tars, which cuts off the formation of higher tars. Thus, the chemical energy of tars remains in the product gas. The product gas after dust rem oval can directly be used in a gas engine for electricity generation. Due to the low operation temperature (up to 700 C) and due to CaO-containing bed materials, the proposed process allows the use of problematic feedstocks such as biomass with high minera l and high moisture content, e.g. straw, sewage sludge, etc., leading to an increased market potential for biomass gasification processes. Screening/development of absorbent materials with high attrition stability and tar cracking properties will be carrie d out. Analysis of tar formation/decomposition process will be studied in a lab-scale fixed bed reactor and a 100 kWth circulating fluidised bed reactor (continuous mode). With the acquired data, the 8 MWth biomass plant at Guessing, Austria, will be opera ted with absorbent bed material in order to prove the feasibility of a scale-up and to assess the economical aspects of the process. In order to point out the market potential, the cost reduction of the AER technology will be quantified in comparison with the conventional gasification power plant. Expected results will be: (i) a broad knowledge of the proposed process and (ii) a low-cost technology for biomass gasification with subsequent power production.

High density power electronics for FC- and ICE-Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrains (HOPE)

Das Projekt "High density power electronics for FC- and ICE-Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrains (HOPE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siemens AG durchgeführt. Objective: The project HOPE is addressing power electronics. It is based on previous EU research projects like the recently finished FW5 HIMRATE (high-temperature power modules), FW5 PROCURE (high-temperature passive components), and MEDEA+ HOTCAR (high-temperature control electronics) and other EU and national research projects. The general objectives of HOPE are: Cost reduction; meet reliability requirements; reduction of volume and weight. This is a necessity to bring the FC- and ICE-hybrid vehicles to success. WP1 defines specifications common to OEM for FC- and ICE-hybrid vehicle drive systems; Identification of common key parameters (power, voltage, size) that allows consequent standardisation; developing a scalability matrix for power electronic building blocks PEBBs. The power ranges will be much higher than those of e.g. HIMRATE and will go beyond 100 kW electric power. WP2 works out one reference mission profile, which will be taken as the basis for the very extensive reliability tests planned. WP3 is investigating key technologies for PEBBs in every respect: materials, components (active Si- and SiC switches, passive devices, sensors), new solders and alternative joinings, cooling, and EMI shielding. In WP4 three PEBBs will be developed: HDPM (high density power module) which is based on double side liquid cooling of the power semiconductor devices; IML (power mechatronics module), which is based on a lead-frame technology; and SiC-PEBB inverter (silicon carbide semiconductor JFET devices instead of Si devices). WP5 develops a control unit for high-temperature control electronics for the SiC-PEBBs. Finally WP6 works on integrating the new technologies invented in HOPE into powertrain systems and carries out a benchmark tests. All the results achieved in HOPE will be discussed intensively with the proposed Integrated Project HYSIS where the integration work will take place. It is clear from the start that many innovations are necessary to meet the overall goal.

DE-LIGHT Transport

Das Projekt "DE-LIGHT Transport" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Center of Maritime Technologies e.V. durchgeführt. DE-LIGHT Transport is a multi-national initiative supported by the European Commission's Framework 6 programme that is investigating the design and manufacturing of lightweight sandwich structures in the marine, rail and freight container industries. Sandwich materials, consisting of two thin facings separated by a low density core, can be used to produce structures that are both light and stiff. They also offer opportunities for parts reduction through design integration, improved surface finish and lower assembly and outfitting costs. DE-LIGHT Transport aims to further promote the use of sandwich materials by developing key technologies that will support the practical realisation of robust sandwich designs. Specifically, this will include: - A multi-material sandwich design tool. Previous work has often focussed on a particular type of sandwich construction (e.g. laser-welded steel or composite). This has tended to yield niche results with limited applicability. DE-LIGHT Transport will implement a more generic design approach that will allow the evaluation and optimisation of a wide range of material and structural mixes according to the requirements of a given application. - Strategies for joining, assembly and outfitting ? the bringing together and integration of separate sandwich panels and/or sub-components to produce finished structures. In particular, modular approaches for the off-line production of sandwich assemblies to exploit economies of scale will be developed. Testing and validation procedures ? to provide accurate and reliable methods of determining fitness for purpose. The above technologies will be demonstrated within the project through the design and manufacturing of six prototype structures. These will include deck and deckhouse structures for ships, a rail vehicle cab, and a freight container. Risk-based design principals will be applied throughout to ensure that the new designs comply with existing regulatory frameworks. It is anticipated that DE-LIGHT Transport will provide designers of vehicles and vessels with practical approaches to the implementation of sandwich solutions as an alternative to traditional stiffened-plate designs. In this way, the benefits of sandwich construction will be unlocked for a wider range of applications.

Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions (MAGPI)

Das Projekt "Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions (MAGPI)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. In a modern aero engine, up to 20Prozent of the main annulus flow is bled off to perform cooling and sealing functions. The vicinity of these bleed ports and flow sinks is characterised by complex unsteady swirling flows, which are not fully understood. Even the most up-to-date numerical tools have difficulties predicting the behaviour of the secondary flow system when interacting with the main annulus. The project addresses interactions between main gas path and secondary flow systems in commercial gas turbines in response to Research Activity AERO-2005- Concepts and technologies for improving engine thermal efficiency and reducing secondary air losses. Experiments are planned on turbine disc rim and compressor manifold cavity heat transfer, hot gas ingestion, and spoiling effects of cooling air flow and their impact on turbine and compressor performance, as well as a reduction of secondary air losses. The experimental data will be used for better understanding of the complex flow phenomena and improvements of platform and cavity design. Furthermore, the industrial partners will validate their design tools with these test data and improve their prediction capability of secondary flow systems when interacting with the main gas path. The expected results are a reduction of cooling and sealing airflow rates, improvements of the turbine and compressor efficiency and increase of the safety margin of the engine components by better cooling. Expected technical results are: - Knowledge of the interaction phenomena and its effect on cavity heat transfer, spoiling and performance, - Experimental results for validation of improved numerical tools for secondary flow systems, - Optimised design methods and CFD best practice guidelines. The targeted outcome will contribute to the ACARE goal of reduced CO2 emissions via reduced fuel burn of 2Prozent to improve the environment and strengthening the competitiveness of European gas turbine manufacturers.

Upwind: Development of Improved Wind Turbine Noise Prediction Tools for Low Noise Airfoil Design

Das Projekt "Upwind: Development of Improved Wind Turbine Noise Prediction Tools for Low Noise Airfoil Design" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik durchgeführt. The noise regulations of various countries urge wind turbine manufacturers to reduce the aerodynamical noise emission of their turbines. To reduce the greenhouse gas emission, wind energy has been put in a very front position. EWEA estimates 12percent of worlds energy may come from wind turbines by the year 2020 (approx. 1,260,000 MW). This means wider deployment of wind turbines, at lower wind speed sites i.e. close to people & transmission lines. To reduce the transmission cost between production site and customer, onshore installations are still a cheaper solution. One of the biggest barriers for developing onshore turbines is the noise which has a negative impact on people's daily life. Thus, the goal of developing onshore wind turbines is to design silent wind turbines and silent wind farms and at the same time have a good aerodynamic efficiency. Noise emitted from an operating wind turbine can be divided into two parts, mechanical noise and flow induced noise. Mechanical noise can sufficiently be reduced by conventional engineering approaches but flow-induced noise is more complex and need more focus. The noise mechanisms associated with flow-induced noise emission have different sources. These are, inflow turbulence noise, tip noise, laminar boundary layer separation noise, blunt trailing-edge noise (BTE) and for turbulent boundary-layer trailing-edge interaction noise (TBL-TE). Acoustic field measurements within the European research project SIROCCO showed that the TBL-TE noise is the most dominant noise mechanism for modern wind turbines. Thus, accurate prediction and reduction of the TBL-TE noise is the main focus of the acoustics airfoil design methods for wind turbine rotor blade. For developing 'silent' airfoils, a routinely design fast, less expensive and accurate prediction methodology is desired. In this respect, simplified theoretical model would be the first candidate, and therefore the main goal is development of an accurate and efficient noise prediction model for the low noise wind turbine blade design.

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