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TERENO (Eifel-Rur), SoilNet Rollesbroich, Germany

TERENO Eifel-Rur Observatory. TERENO (TERrestrial ENvironmental Observatories) spans an Earth observation network across Germany that extends from the North German lowlands to the Bavarian Alps. This unique large-scale project aims to catalogue the longterm ecological, social and economic impact of global change at regional level. The central monitoring site of the TERENO Eifel/Lower Rhine Valley Observatory is the catchment area of the River Rur. It covers a total area of 2354 km² and exhibits a distinct land use gradient: The lowland region in the northern part is characterised by urbanisation and intensive agriculture whereas the low mountain range in the southern part is sparsely populated and includes several drinking water reservoirs. Furthermore, the Eifel National Park is situated in the southern part of the Rur catchment serving as a reference site. Intensive test sites are placed along a transect across the Rur catchments in representative land cover, soil, and geologic settings. The Rollesbroich site is located in the low mountain range “Eifel” near the German-Belgium border and covers the area of the small Kieselbach catchment (40 ha) with altitudes ranging from 474 to 518 m.a.s.l.. The climate is temperate maritime with a mean annual air temperature and precipitation of 7.7 °C and 1033 mm, respectively, for the period from 1981 to 2001. The study site is highly instrumented. All components of the water balance (e.g. precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, soil water content) are continuously monitored using state-of-the-art instrumentation, including weighable lysimeters, runoff gauges, cosmic-ray soil moisture sensors, a wireless sensor network that monitors soil temperature, and soil moisture at 189 locations in different depths (5, 20 and 50 cm) throughout the study site. Periodically also different chamber measurements were made to access soil or plant gas exchange. Soil water content was determined using the wireless sensor network SoilNet (Bogena et al., 2010) in 15 minute intervals at 87 locations within the southern part of catchment. The SPADE soil water content sensors (Hübner et al., 2009; Qu et al., 2013) were installed at 5 cm, 20 cm and 50 cm depth along a vertical profile. In order to increase the measurement volume and to allow examination of inconsistencies in sensor output (e.g. due to imperfect contact of sensors with the soil matrix), two sensors were installed in parallel at each depth with a distance of ~8 cm. Soil water content measurements outside the physical plausibility range (0.05 to 0.85 cm3cm-3) caused by temporary sensor failure or reduced current supply were identified and flagged. The same was done for soil temperature (-5 and 30 °C). Unreliable measurements were identified and flagged based on the continuity of the time series data. For this, the first derivative of the soil water content time series was used. If the increase in soil water content at a particular time step was larger than two times the standard deviations of the soil water content measurements in the preceding 24 hours, the soil water content measurement was identified and flagged as an unreliable measurement. All the data from the wireless sensor network were visualized to identify the performance of this automatic flagging method. Literature Bogena, H.R., M. Herbst, J.A. Huisman, U. Rosenbaum, A. Weuthen and H. Vereecken (2010): Potential of wireless sensor networks for measuring soil water content variability. Vadose Zone J., 9 (4): 1002-1013, doi:10.2136/vzj2009.0173. Hübner, C., Cardell-Oliver, R., Becker, R., Spohrer, K., Jotter, K., and Wagenknecht, T., 2009, Wireless soil moisture sensor networks for environmental monitoring and vineyard irrigation: Helsinki University of Technology, no. 1, p. 408-415. Qu, W., Bogena, H. R., Huisman, J. A., and Vereecken, H., 2013, Calibration of a novel low-cost soil water content sensor based on a ring oscillator: Vadose Zone Journal, v. 12, no. 2., doi: 10.2136/vzj2012.0139.

Documents published on Asse internet platform

Announcement - Asse II mine 12 September 2017: Documents published on Asse internet platform Article 57b Para. 8. Atomic Law (AtG) provides for the publication of significant documents that relate to the Asse II shaft mine. The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE) has published further significant documents: Measurement results and analyses: Site monitoring • Report investigation of minimum volume flows (Date: 29.03.2017) • Radiological monitoring of the firedamp in the Asse II shaft mine. Reporting period January - December 2016 (Date: 23.03.2017) Studies and reports • Geotechnical, geophysical monitoring programme and construction material investigations. Annual Report 2016 from the site monitoring subsection (Date: 21.04.2017) • Concept planning for a further shaft. Geoscientific assessment of the investigative findings of the Remlingen 15 boreholes (Date: 12.04.2017) • Preparation of a geological 3D model in the Asse II shaft mine area (Date: 31.01.2017) Recommendations and statement of opinion • Expert assessment of the AGO options for retrieval (Date: 14.12.2016) Final repository monitoring correspondence • BfE notes on the fulfilment of Requirement 21 of the notice of approval 1/2011 for the year 2015 (Date: 18.11.2016) Links on the topic Overview of all significant documents Overview of all reports and press releases from the BGE

Unterlage: „Publikationen 2006 des Fachbereiches Sicherheit nuklearer Entsorgung“ (PDF, nicht barrierefrei)

Publikationen 2006 des Fachbereiches Sicherheit nuklearer Entsorgung 1 von 2 Beckmerhagen, I.; Brennecke, P.; Steyer, S. & Bandt, G. (2006):Issues and Experiences on Radioactive Waste Quality Control/ Quality Assurance with Regard to Future Disposal. – In: Waste Management Symposium 2006 Proceedings, February 26-March 2, 2006, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Boetsch, W.; Gruendler, D. & Thiel, J. (2006):Identification of Release Rates as a Consequence of Thermal Impact on Radwaste. – In: Waste Management Symposium 2006 Proceedings, February 26 – March 2 2006, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Borrmann, F.; Brennecke, P.; Koch, W.; Kugel, K.; Rehs, B.; Steyer, S. & Warnecke, E. (2006):Management of Decommissioning Waste in Germany – Contribution to the IAEA CRP on "Disposal Aspects of Low and Intermediate Level Decommissioning Waste" (T2.40.06). - BfS-SCHR-39/06, Salzgitter, Dezember 2006. Borrmann, F.; Brennecke, P.; Kugel, K.; Koch, W. & Steyer, S. (2006):Management of Decommissioning Waste in Germany. – 3rd RCM „Disposal Aspects of Low and Intermediate Level Decommissioning Waste”, 20.-24. Februar 2006, Wien, Österreich. Börst, F.-M.; Reiche, I. & Thiele, H. (2006):Comparison of dose rate calculations with measurements at CASTOR HAW 20/28 CG cask. – Packaging, Transport, Storage & Security of Radioactive Material, Volume 17, Number 1, pp. 51-56. Brennecke, P. (2006):Stand der Anforderungen an endzulagernden radioaktive Abfälle mit vernachlässigbarer Wärmeentwicklung. – In: TÜV NORD EnSys Hannover GmbH & Co. KG / TÜV NORD Akademie, Seminar „Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle – Vorbereitung auf Konrad?“, Hannover, 13./14.09.2006, 14 S., TÜV NORD, Hannover. Brennecke, P.; Beckmerhagen, I.; Steyer, S. & Bandt, G. (2006):Radioactive Waste Package Quality Control within the Scope of BfS Quality Management. – In: Proceedings of WM06 'Waste Manage- ment 2006 Symposium', Tucson, Arizona, 26.02. – 02.03.2006. Fasten, C. & Nitsche, F. (2006):Some views on 2 year review/revision cycle of IAEA regulations for safe transport of radioactive material. – Packaging, Transport, Storage & Security of Radioactive Material, Volume 17, Number 1, pp.7-9 (2006). Feinhals, J.; Kelch, A. & Kunze, V. (2006):Release – Contamination Control – Removal. – In: 4th International Symposium „Release of Radioactive Material from Regulatory Control“, TÜV Nord Akademie, Hamburg, 20.-22. März 2006, Paper A-4. Fischle, W.; Manthee, F.; Rathke, C.; Teichmann, L. & Mauke, R. (2006):Spannungsmessungen in situ. – Fachseminar Messen in der Geotechnik 2006, Braunschweig, 23.02.–24.02.2006. Gutsch, A.-W.; Hennig, J.; Seifried, A.; Preuss, J. & Mauke, R. (2006):Salt Concrete Structures without Reinforcement in a Repository for Radioactive Waste in a Salt Mine. – NUCPERF 2006: OECD/NEA Workshop on „Corrosion and Long Term Performance of Reinforced Concrete in Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Facilities“ 27-30 march 2006; Cadarache, France. Kunze, V. (2006)Lessons Learned from Hearings in Germany – Limits and Problems with Stakeholder Involvement. In: 10th European ALARA Network Workshop “Experience and New Developments in Implementing ALARA in Occupational, Public and Patient Exposures”, Paper 2.4, Prague, Czech Republic, September 12-15, 2006. Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Oktober 2009 Publikationen 2006 des Fachbereiches Sicherheit nuklearer Entsorgung 2 von 2 Nitsche, F. (2006):Development of a European Applicant’s Guide. - In: IAEA Seminar on Complex Technical Issues-Safety of Transport of Radioactive Material, 11.-12. Januar 2006, IAEA, Wien, Österreich. Reiche, I.; Börst, F.-M.& Krietsch, T. (2006):Aspects of Safety Assessment for Package Designs with Additional Equipment Components. – Packaging, Transport, Storage & Security of Radioactive Material, Volume 17, Number 3, pp. 179-180. Steyer, S. & Bandt, G. (2006):Issues and Experiences on Radioactive Waste Quality Control/Quantity Assurance with Regard to Future Disposal. In: Proceedings of the International Waste Management Conference 2006 (WM ’06), Tucson, Arizona, February 26 – March 2, 2006, (CD- ROM). Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Oktober 2009

Unterlage: „Publikationen 2010 des Fachbereiches Sicherheit nuklearer Entsorgung“ (PDF, nicht barrierefrei)

Publikationen 2010 des Fachbereiches Sicherheit nuklearer Entsorgung Brennecke, P. 1 von 3 Vorbereitung der Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle in Konrad in: TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH/TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH, '7. Expertentreffen Strahlenschutz - Internationale Entwicklungen, Abfallmanagement, Herausforderungen an den Strahlenschutz bei älter werdenden Anlagen', Lindau, 03.- 05.03.2010 -Tagungsband, Vortrag 9, 12 S., TÜV SÜD, München (2010) -CD-ROM, Vortrag 9, 12 S., TÜV SÜD, München (2010) Kugel, K., Steyer, S., Brennecke, Control of Materials Harmful to Water in the German KONRAD P., Gründler, D., Boetsch. W., Repository in: American Society of Mechanical Haider, C. Engineers/Institution of Mechanical Engineers/Nuclear Institute, 'ICEM '09/DECOM '09', Proceedings of 'The 12th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management', Liverpool, 11.-15.10.2009, CD-ROM, Paper 16125, 8 S., ASME, New York (2010) Brennecke, P., Kugel, K., Steyer, Implementation of Requirements on Non-Radioactive Waste S., Boetsch, W. ,Gründler, D., Package Constituents in: WM Symposia, 'WM 2010 - Improving Haider, C. the Future by Dealing with the Past', Final Proceedings of the Symposium on Waste Management, Phoenix, 07.-11.03.2010, CD-ROM, Paper 10449 rev., 10 S., WM Symposia, Tempe (2010) Brennecke, P.:Perspectives of Radioactive Waste Disposal in Germany in: WM Symposia, 'WM 2010 - Improving the Future by Dealing with the Past', Final Proceedings of the Symposium on Waste Management, Phoenix, 07.-11.03.2010, CD-ROM, Paper 10448 rev., 10 S., WM Symposia, Tempe (2010) Brennecke, P., Steyer, S., Margraf, S., Hackel, W., Bandt, G., Kröger, H.Optimized Planning of the Disposal of radioactive Waste Packages exceeding the German Waste Acceptance Criteria Limits for Fissile Material Content and for Heat Generation in: WM Symposia, 'WM 2010 - Improving the Future by Dealing with the Past', Final Proceedings of the Symposium on Waste Management, Phoenix, 07.-11.03.2010, CD-ROM, Paper 10450, 7 S., WM Symposia, Tempe (2010) Kaffka, E., Brennecke, P., Gründler, D., Gaschler, R., Haider, C.Description of Non-radioactive Substances in Radioactive Wastes Brennecke, P.Stand Endlager Konrad - Endlagerungsbedingungen in: WM Symposia, 'WM 2010 - Improving the Future by Dealing with the Past', Final Proceedings of the Symposium on Waste Management, Phoenix, 07.-11.03.2010, CD-ROM, Paper 10406, 9 S., WM Symposia, Tempe (2010) in: TÜV NORD EnSys Hannover GmbH & Co. KG/TÜV NORD Akademie GmbH & Co. KG, Tagungsband '4. Symposium Stilllegung und Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen/6. Symposium Lagerung und Transport radioaktiver Stoffe', Hannover, 02.- 03.11.2010, Vortrag 3, 11 S., TÜV NORD, Hannover (2010) Brennecke, P., Kunze, V. Die Errichtung des Endlagers Konrad in: Strahlenschutzpraxis 16 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 12-17 Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Juli 2011 Publikationen 2010 des Fachbereiches Sicherheit nuklearer Entsorgung 2 von 3 Bandt, G., Brennecke, P., Spicher, G., Steyer, S.Dokumentation radioaktiver Abfälle für das Endlager Konrad in: Schröpfer, T., Polster, M., Eilers, G., Möller, S.Gebirgsmechanische Auslegungsberechnung eines Streckenkreuzes mit großem Querschnitt in der Schachtanlage Konrad Strahlenschutzpraxis 16 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 18-20 In: 39. Geomechanik-Kolloquium, Veröffentlichungen des Institutes für Geotechnik der TU Bergakademie Freiberg Heft 2010-1 Resele, G., Niemeyer, M., Wilhelm, S., Heimer, S., Mohlfeld, M., Eilers, G., Preuss, J., Wollrath, J.Safety and performance indicators for a geological repository in clay, Nantes 2010; Clays in natural & engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement, 4th International meeting, March 29th – April 1st, 2010 Kronemann, H.Sachstand und Planungen für die Stilllegung des Endlagers Morsleben, in: Tagung des TÜV SÜD "Neue Entwicklungen im Strahlenschutz und ihre Anwendung in der Praxis" , 24. - 25. Juni 2010 Niemeyer, M., Wilhelm, S., Degradation of concret-cased barriers by Mg-containing brines: Hagemann, S., Xie, M., Wollrath, From laboratory experiments via reactive transport modelling to J., Preuss, J. overall safety analysis in repository scale. In: Geophysical research abstracts Vol. 12 EGU2010-5093, 2010, EGU General Assembly, Vienna 2-7 May 2010 Wollrath, J. Modellierung der Grundwasserbewegung in der Umgebung eines Salzstocks – Arbeiten des BfS in: Flügge, J., Rübel, A. (Hrsg.) Grundsatzfragen Hydrogeologie, Workshop der GRS in Zusammenarbeit mit dem PTKA-WTE, Braunschweig, 05.- 06.November 2009. Bericht GRS-264, Köln: Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit , 2010, S. 229-248, ISBN 978-3- 939355-39-7 Mauke, R., Wollrath, J., Müller- Overview of recent and future work on material development and Hoeppe, N., Becker, D., Noseck, usage of cementitious materials in salt repositories. In: Integration U. group for the safety case (IGSC) - cementitious materials in safety cases for geological repositories for radioactive waste: Role, evolution and interactions, workshop proceedings, Brussels, 17 – 20 November 2009. Report NEA/RWM/IGSC (2010)5, Paris: OECD/NEA, 2010, pp. 143 - 154 Mauke, R., Mohlfeld, M. Das Verschlusskonzept für das Endlager Morsleben (ERAM) In: Fachgespräch „Verschlusssysteme für untertägige Entsorgungseinrichtungen“, Freiberg, 20-21. Oktober 2009 – Materialienband, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Projektträger Karlsruhe – Wassertechnologie und Entsorgung (PTKA-WTE), Januar 2010, pp. 27-53 Gutsch, A., Preuss, J., Mauke, R. Experimental results on salt concrete for barrier elements made of salt concrete in a repository for radioactive waste in a salt mine, in: Integration group for the safety case (IGSC) - cementitious materials in safety cases for geological repositories for radioactive waste: Role, evolution and interactions, workshop proceedings, Brussels, 17 – 20 November 2009. Report NEA/RWM/IGSC (2010)5, Paris: OECD/NEA, 2010, pp. 181 - 185 Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Juli 2011 Publikationen 2010 des Fachbereiches Sicherheit nuklearer Entsorgung 3 von 3 Mauke, R.. Mohlfeld, M.In-situ-Versuch für ein Abdichtbauwerk im Steinsalz – Zielstellung, Versuchsprogramm, geotechnische Instrumentierung, in: Fachseminar: „Messen in der Geotechnik 2010“, Braunschweig, 18. und 19. Februar 2010, Mitteilung des Institutes für Grundbau und Bodenmechanik TU Braunschweig, Heft Nr. 92, S. 33 – 43 Köster, R.Das Verschlusskonzept für das Endlager Konrad, in: Fachgespräch „Verschlusssysteme für untertägige Entsorgungseinrichtungen“, Freiberg, 20. - 21. Oktober 2009 – Materialienband, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Projektträger Karlsruhe – Wassertechnologie und Entsorgung (PTKA-WTE), Januar 2010, pp. 431-472 Manthee, F., Fischle, W., Paeghe, W., Kupfer, K., Trinks, E., Müller, B., Mauke, R.Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des TDR-Kabelsensors beim Einsatz in salinarer Umgebung, in: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Moisture Measurement – Aquametry 2010, Weimar, Germany, October 5 – 7, 2010, pp 192-198 Rimpler, A., Börst, M., Seifarth, D.Neutron measurements around a TN85-type storage cask with high-active waste, Radiation Measurements, Volume 45, Issue 10, December 2010, Elsevier Ltd. (2010) Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, Juli 2011

Sub project: Coupling and competitiveness of iron-, sulfate-, and CO2-reduction along gradients

Das Projekt "Sub project: Coupling and competitiveness of iron-, sulfate-, and CO2-reduction along gradients" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bayreuth, Fachgruppe Geowissenschaften, Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (BayCEER), Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie durchgeführt. The relevance of biogeochemical gradients for turnover of organic matter and contaminants is yet poorly understood. This study aims at the identification and quantification of the interaction of different redox processes along gradients. The interaction of iron-, and sulfate reduction and methanogenesis will be studied in controlled batch and column experiments. Factors constraining the accessibility and the energy yield from the use of these electron acceptors will be evaluated, such as passivation of iron oxides, re-oxidation of hydrogen sulfide on iron oxides. The impact of these constraints on the competitiveness of the particular process will then be described. Special focus will be put on the evolution of methanogenic conditions in systems formerly characterized by iron and sulfate reducing condition. As methanogenic conditions mostly evolve from micro-niches, methods to study the existence, evolution and stability of such micro-niches will be established. To this end, a combination of Gibb's free energy calculations, isotope fractionation and tracer measurements, and mass balances of metabolic intermediates (small pool sizes) and end products (large pool sizes) will be used. Measurements of these parameters on different scales using microelectrodes (mm scale), micro sampling devices for solutes and gases (cm scale) and mass flow balancing (column/reactor scale) will be compared to characterize unit volumes for organic matter degradation pathways and electron flow. Of particular interest will be the impact of redox active humic substances on the competitiveness of involved terminal electron accepting processes, either acting as electron shuttles or directly providing electron accepting capacity. This will be studied using fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) of the gained spectra. We expect that the results will provide a basis for improving reactive transport models of anaerobic processes in aquifers and sediments.

Phaenomene der Wechselwirkung zwischen Tropfen und Wand, die fuer Benzinmotoren mit Direkteinspritzung von Bedeutung sind

Das Projekt "Phaenomene der Wechselwirkung zwischen Tropfen und Wand, die fuer Benzinmotoren mit Direkteinspritzung von Bedeutung sind" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Robert Bosch GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: Direct Injection Spark Ignited (DISI) engines are superior to other SI engines in terms of fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions. The topic of DISI engine hydrocarbon requires a new consideration of the problem of droplet wall interaction. Wall films and pools of unburnt fuel formed by spray or droplet wall impingement is a major source of hydrocarbon emissions. To allow the effective design of DISI engines with respect to mixture formation, CFD tools are indispensable. These CFD codes commonly make use of Eulerian-Lagrangian methods for spray simulation and require appropriate droplet wall interaction models. It is the goal of this project to derive a general droplet wall interaction model applicable to the entire range of conditions present during operation of DISI engines. Description of the Work: Eulerian-Lagrangian methods track individual droplets along their trajectory until the droplets either evaporate, leave the simulation domain or impinge on a wall boundary. In the latter case correlations are required that link the pre and post-impingement conditions of a droplet and secondary droplets respectively. The special conditions in a DISI engine cylinder, i.e. small droplets, high temperatures and a wide range of pressures, do not allow for simple extrapolation of the results of numerous earlier investigations. Since a complete set of information is required for CFD simulations simultaneous measurements of droplet number, size, velocity vector and temperature in the hemisphere above the impact location, plus the resulting wall heat flux, are necessary. The project covers single droplet impacts, droplet chains, monosized sprays and finally polydisperse sprays and considers in particular the relevance of wall temperature and gas phase pressure. This measurement task will be distributed between several project partners according to the appropriateness of their test facilities. With the correlations evolving from these measurements a general droplet wall interaction model for single droplet impact is derived and then extended to encompass high droplet impact frequencies and number densities. Finally the developed interaction model is tested on real polydisperse spray applications under DISI conditions and validated with experimental measurements on injections into a constant volume chamber or optical DISI engine. Expected Results and Exploitation Plans: Besides a significant increase in understanding of the physical processes present in droplet wall impingement, a broad and consistent data base is collected. With this data a general statistical model of droplet wall interactions for single and multiple droplet wall interaction can be constructed, accounting for all major influencing parameters. The development of theoretical models will also be supported by this information. DWDIE results enhance the capability and precision of CFD codes to serve as design tools in the development of efficient and clean DISI engines.

Ein Laser-Doppler-Anemometer fuer die Messung der Windgeschwindigkeiten und sein Einsatz bei Windstromerzeugern

Das Projekt "Ein Laser-Doppler-Anemometer fuer die Messung der Windgeschwindigkeiten und sein Einsatz bei Windstromerzeugern" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik durchgeführt. Objective: The present report summarizes the work carried out in this project during the year 1988. The aim in this period was to complete the wind measuring system. The main work has concentrated on two points. First to finish the mounting of the optical system. Laser-Doppler anemometer for wind velocity measurements is nearly completed. The second point of interest was to refine the signal processing in order to get an effective technique for wind velocity measurements. General Information: The technique employed requires photon detection of the scattered light from small naturally available particles. Instead of the variation of an analogue voltage at the output of the photomultiplier, the Doppler frequency is coded as a changing density of photon events. The resulting pulse train is amplitude normalized and fed into a digital correlator (Malvern K7026) which yields its temporal autocorrelation function. Due to the long measurement distance the intensity of the scattered light is much smaller as compared to that of the daylight. In order to differentiate these two light sources, an option has been provided to specify a clip level. All photon counts below the clip level are then suppressed. This has the effect that the autocorrelation function is evaluated only for those time intervals in which a sufficiently large particle giving a slightly higher than average intensity crosses the measurement volume. In this manner the autocorrelation function of the pulse train is continuously accumulated in the buffer of the correlator. The contents of this buffer are periodically transmitted to a microcomputer via the fast Access/DMA port and the correlator-buffer is reset. During the time the data gets accumulated for building up a new correlogram in the correlator the evaluation of velocity for the previous set of data is carried out by the microcomputer. A built-in hardware-FFT-card performs a fast fourier transform on the data to evaluate the spectrum of the autocorrelation function, which generally has a sharp peak at the main frequency. To estimate the signal quality, a signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) is calculated by dividing the height of the main peak by the average level of the other frequency-components. If this value exceeds a certain preassigned number, the autocorrelation function, together with the corresponding parameters like time, position of the measurement volume, velocity, overall light intensity, etc , is stored on the disk. Thereafter the computer is ready to receive the next correlogram and the whole process is repeated. The stored values of the various parameters may be used later to apply more sophisticated but time-consuming frequency evaluation methods.

Sub project: Spatial Variations of the Phaseshift between Ocean Surface Warming, Evaporation and Changes oft Continental Ice Volume at Terminations I and II (P.O.E.T)

Das Projekt "Sub project: Spatial Variations of the Phaseshift between Ocean Surface Warming, Evaporation and Changes oft Continental Ice Volume at Terminations I and II (P.O.E.T)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR) durchgeführt. The proposed study will examine the timing and phasing of the warming of the ocean surface during the beginning of interglacial Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1 and 5. The primary goal is to verify the hypothesis whether the tropical ocean or the Northern North Atlantic is pacing climate change at the glacial/interglacial transitions. The change in sea-surface temperature (SST) in relation to sea-surface salinity (SSS) and global ice volume change will be deciphered by using a hitherto unique approach, namely the measurement of combined ?44/40Ca, Mg/Ca and ?18O in the same planktonic foraminiferal species in comparison to alkenone-based temperatures. The high-resolution multi-proxy data series will be gathered from tropical to high northern latitude ocean areas in the Atlantic Ocean, roughly following the pathway of ocean heat and moisture via the Gulf Stream system, and hence, covering areas with different evaporation/precipitation ratios. We will reconstruct these oceanic parameters for the surface ocean by using shallow-dwelling and by using deep-dwellers foraminifers for the subsurface ocean.

Lightweight in-situ tracer experiment in the stratosphere

Das Projekt "Lightweight in-situ tracer experiment in the stratosphere" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Frankfurt, Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik durchgeführt. Objective: The main objective of the project is the development of a balloon borne Lightweight In-situ Tracer Experiment in the Stratosphere (LITES) for simultaneous profile observations of ozone and the long-lived trace gases sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and the chlorofluorocarbon CFC 12 (CF2Cl2) in the stratosphere. The LITES - package is designed to make measurements up to altitudes of about 30 km ( deeper than 10 hPa) if launched on small research balloons with volumes of 10000 m3 or less. The instruments are fully automated. Measurements of the mixing ratios of CFC-12 and SF6 will be made at least every 2 minutes. For data transmission a digital lightweight telemetry system will be developed that is based on standard ozone sonde components that are presently used for routine operations at various radiosonde and ozonesonde stations. The chlorofluorocarbon CFC-12 is a long-lived trace gas, that represents the most abundant source gas of total reactive chlorine, Cly, in the stratosphere and is a good tracer for dynamic transport processes. SF6, is an inert tracer, that provides information about the age of the stratospheric air. In combination with the digital ozonesonde these instruments form a lightweight balloon payload to study the vertical distribution of total reactive chlorine in the stratosphere and quantitatively investigate the corresponding ozone depletion potential in the probed airmass. General Information: Two lightweight automated in-situ gas-chromatographs will be developed for the measurement of the long-lived trace gases CFC-12 and SF6 with a time resolution of 1 to 2 minutes onboard stratospheric research balloons. Both instruments will use electron capture detectors (ECD) for identification of the measured species. The radio transmitter of the standard Vaisala radiosonde will be modified for use as a telemetry system to transmit the data provided by the gas chromatographs together with the ozone data that will be simultaneously measured by means of commercially available ozone sondes, e.g. Science Pump ECC or EN-SCI ECC sensors. Two telemetry channels will be used, one for the meteorological and ozone data (PTU and O3) and another one for the CFC and SF6 concentration data plus related housekeeping information. The following tangible results are expected from the project: -Two lightweight in-situ gas chromatographs for the measurement of SF6 and CFC-12, respectively, in the lower and middle stratosphere with a time resolution of 1 - 2 minutes. -An improved electrochemical ozonesonde with a two channel radio transmitter that is fully compatible with the standard Vaisala radiosonde link (400 MHz). -A new modulator that allows transmission of data provided by the serial interface of the internal control computers of the digital gas chromatographs at a rate of 1200 baud employing one of the telemetry channels of the new Vaisala transmitter. -A set of vertical profile measurements of O3, SF6 and CFC-12 performed during a test fligh

Messung der raeumlichen Verteilung von Schadstoffen auf Betonflaechen und der Akkumulation von Staeuben zur Verbesserung von Materialfreisetzungsszenarien

Das Projekt "Messung der raeumlichen Verteilung von Schadstoffen auf Betonflaechen und der Akkumulation von Staeuben zur Verbesserung von Materialfreisetzungsszenarien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technischer Überwachungsverein Bayern Sachsen durchgeführt. Zielstellungen: The objective of the supplementary research work is the development of a high resolution in-situ gamma spectrometer with a collimied 'field of view'. For reasons of the collimied geometry and the expectable limited horizontal extension of contaminations, advanced calibration and analysis techniques must be developed to calculate the radioactive inventory of a deeply contaminated surface. On the one hand, the research builds up on the existing or just finished contracts (FI2D-0031, -0033, -0039, -0044 and -0055); on the other hand, it necessitates the knowledge acquired in, and active support of, these contracts for verification purposes. Allgemeine Informationen: At contaminated areas, conventional methods (eg taking samples, measuring the exposure rate) will be compared with the in-situ technique. The statistical significance of a collective of samples will be examined with the results of the 'full-scale' in-situ measurements. Some selected higher contaminated samples will be analyzed for difficult-to-measured pure beta emitters (eg Ni-63). The economical sensible minimum detection limits for important nuclides of the in-situ system will be determined and compared with the different national release criteria. Measurements and calculations with can improve the existing decontamination strategies in terms of reducing occupational doses or minimizing the volume of nuclear waste will be performed. These results will be used for recommendations for optimized decontamination strategies. The effects of the measurement results on radiological models and scenarios will be determined. The testing of the prototype of a collimied in-situ spectrometer and the various measurements on building structures will be carried out in facilities which are being decommissioned (such as Gundremmingen KRB-A, Brennilis EL4 or Marcoule G2/G3).

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