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Clean Sky Technology Eco Design (Clean Sky ECO)

Das Projekt "Clean Sky Technology Eco Design (Clean Sky ECO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH durchgeführt. The Eco-Design ITD (ED-ITD) gathers and structures from one side activities concerned specifically with development of new material and process technologies and demonstration on airframe and rotorcraft related parts stressing the ecolonomic aspects of such new technologies; from the other side, activities related to the All Electrical Aircraft concept related to small aircraft. ED-ITD is directly focused on the last ACARE goal: 'To make substantial progress in reducing the environmental impact of the manufacture, maintenance and disposal of aircraft and related products'. Reduction of environmental impacts during out of operation phases of the aircraft lifecycle can be estimated to around 20 % reduction of the total amount of the CO2 emitted by all the processes (direct emissions and indirect emissions i.e. produced when producing the energy) and 15 % of the total amount of the energy used by all the processes. In addition, expected benefit brought by the All Electric Aircraft concept to be highlighted through the conceptual aircraft defined in the vehicle ITDs is estimated to around 2% fuel consumption reduction due to mass benefits and better energy management. The status of the global fleet in the year 2000 constitutes the baseline against which achievements will be assessed. Progress toward these goals will result not only from ED internal activities but also from the collaboration with the relevant cross-cutting activities in GRA , GRC, SFWA (business jet platform) and SGO (electrical systems).

ABS in der Praxis - Benefits zur Erhöhung der weltweiten Mittel im Biodiversitätsschutz

Das Projekt "ABS in der Praxis - Benefits zur Erhöhung der weltweiten Mittel im Biodiversitätsschutz" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Geo Media GmbH durchgeführt. Das Vorhaben zielt auf die Erstellung eines Kompendiums ab. Inhalt des Kompendiums sollen 10 Fälle von ABS sein, die zur Erreichung der SDGs beigetragen haben. Grundlage für das Kompendium ist eine Studie, die 20 solcher Fälle aufbereitet. Das Kompendium und die Studie werden vom Auftraggeber recherchiert, erstellt und aufbereitet, sodass ersteres anschließend auf internationalen Veranstaltungen im Vorfeld zur COP und während der COP im Oktober 2020 in Kunming präsentiert werden kann.

Teilprojekt A

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt A" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Gießen, Institut für Angewandte Mikrobiologie, Professur für Allgemeine und Bodenmikrobiologie durchgeführt. Wheat and barley production will be optimized under low energy input in organic farming at two experimental field stations of University Giessen and University Hohenheim. Effects of root densities (row distance), two nutrients fertilization regimes and seed inoculation of the plant growth promoting bacterium Hartmannibacter diazotrophicus will be analyzed in wheat as an important winter crop and in the summer crop barley. Quality parameters of produced grains differ for the two crops. For baking wheat protein quality and quantity is important while for malting barley high starch content is required. These parameter of the grains will be related to their root system and rhizosphere microbiome under the different treatments. The seed, root and rhizosphere bacterial and fungal microbiome will be analysed and it is expected to be specific for the two crop plants and less affected by the two soil types and locations. We aim to analyze the implication of root competition, nutrient limitation and seed inoculation on the microbiome under field conditions. Root competition will be analyzed using two different row distances under a low and optimal nitrogen fertilization regime. The plant root system might further profit from the inoculum and benefits would be derived from a more efficient root system that could capture N from fertiliser-soil sources more effectively, as well as more efficient N cycling might occur. Root architecture and biomass will be linked to microbiome analysis and grain quality and quantity. Before seeding and after harvest soil samples are analyzed for parameter estimating the sustainability of crop production. Such parameter include bacterial and fungal diversity, microbial respiration rate, soil N concentrations, protease and nitrification activity, phosphate concentration and phosphatase activity. Our results will be used for identification of optimal parameter for sustainable wheat and barley production and will lead to a bioeconomic evaluation.

Teilprojekt B

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt B" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340), Fachgebiet Qualität pflanzlicher Erzeugnisse (340e) durchgeführt. Wheat and barley production will be optimized under low energy input in organic farming at two experimental field stations of University Giessen and University Hohenheim. Effects of root densities (row distance), two nutrients fertilization regimes and seed inoculation of the plant growth promoting bacterium Hartmannibacter diazotrophicus will be analyzed in wheat as an important winter crop and in the summer crop barley. Quality parameters of produced grains differ for the two crops. For baking wheat protein quality and quantity is important while for malting barley high starch content is required. These parameter of the grains will be related to their root system and rhizosphere microbiome under the different treatments. The seed, root and rhizosphere bacterial and fungal microbiome will be analysed and it is expected to be specific for the two crop plants and less affected by the two soil types and locations. We aim to analyze the implication of root competition, nutrient limitation and seed inoculation on the microbiome under field conditions. Root competition will be analyzed using two different row distances under a low and optimal nitrogen fertilization regime. The plant root system might further profit from the inoculum and benefits would be derived from a more efficient root system that could capture N from fertiliser-soil sources more effectively, as well as more efficient N cycling might occur. Root architecture and biomass will be linked to microbiome analysis and grain quality and quantity. Before seeding and after harvest soil samples are analyzed for parameter estimating the sustainability of crop production. Such parameter include bacterial and fungal diversity, microbial respiration rate, soil N concentrations, protease and nitrification activity, phosphate concentration and phosphatase activity. Our results will be used for identification of optimal parameter for sustainable wheat and barley production and will lead to a bioeconomic evaluation.

Tropical High Altitude Clouds and their Impact on Stratospheric Humidity

Das Projekt "Tropical High Altitude Clouds and their Impact on Stratospheric Humidity" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Clouds play a key role in the Earth's climate system by regulation of the incoming and outgoing radiation, chemical and dynamical processes. Ice clouds at high altitudes in the tropics, the so called tropical tropopause layer, are particularly important since this is the main region where air ascends slowly from the troposphere into the dry stratosphere. Thus, these ice clouds affect the stratospheric water vapour content which in itself is a main driver of radiative and chemical processes, e.g. ozone depletion, there. These clouds can either be of convective nature, or occur in convective overshooting cloud turrets, or they form in situ by large scale upwelling and cooling as subvisible cirrus. Although the latter occur frequently, little is known about the exact microphysical formation mechanisms and how they can be maintained. Previous modelling efforts using various different mechanisms, however, have failed to agree with the observed properties. This project aims to improve our knowledge of the impact clouds in the tropical tropopause layer have on stratospheric humidity, by studying their formation, maintenance, and occurrence frequencies.A set of state-of-the-art numerical models will be used to simulate the clouds in the tropical tropopause layer, taking advantage of their particular strengths. These models are the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, the GLObal Model of Aerosol Processes (GLOMAP), and the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS). First, the questions related to the formation and maintenance of subvisible cirrus will be addressed. In a second step the impact of subvisible cirrus and overshooting convection on the stratospheric humidity will be assessed. Both the direct effects (e.g. injection of ice particles into the stratosphere) and indirect effects (e.g. change in dynamical processes) will be studied. In order to estimate the net effect, occurrence frequencies of both cloud types will be derived from a complementary set of ground based remote sensing observations from the Darwin site and satellite observation from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project. The data of airborne in situ measurements which I analyzed during my PhD will help to constrain and test the model simulations. A better understanding of the complex processes related to the clouds in the tropical tropopause layer will improve their representation in numerical models and thus, enhance the quality of model predictions. This will improve our ability to constrain climate predictions due to highly uncertain ice cloud processes. Additionally, knowing the impact of these clouds on stratospheric humidity will enable an improved quantification of their climate impact.

SP 1.4 Evaluation of nutrient and pollutant cycles of livestock production systems and manure management systems in the North China Plain

Das Projekt "SP 1.4 Evaluation of nutrient and pollutant cycles of livestock production systems and manure management systems in the North China Plain" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrartechnik, Fachgebiet Verfahrenstechnik der Tierhaltungssysteme (440b) durchgeführt. The increasing specialization and intensification of the agricultural food production in the North China Plain is leading to restrictions in nutrients and production cycles at farm and regional levels. As a result, livestock production in the North China Plain is entailing serious environmental negative impacts related to manure surpluses and recycling of nutrients, mainly leading to problems associated with water, soil and air pollution. On the other side higher nutrient demands in the local crops is leading to the purchase of chemical or mineral fertilizers when local or on-farm nutrients are not available. Therefore, the efficient use of organic fertilizers not only depends on their availability in the farms, but also on their nutritional composition. Likewise, soil nutrient requirements and plant physiological needs have to be taken into consideration. Indeed, the closer the nutrient cycles and the lower the environmental negative impacts and farm losses are, the greater the chances for a more sustainable resource use in the North China Plain. In the context of the IRTG, aspects of livestock farming in production systems in terms of widely closed nutrients cycles will be integrated. The material flows in different animal husbandry systems will be analysed and the environmental impacts dependent on livestock farming techniques, farms operability and their respective management will be investigated. The applicability and effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures for the reduction of material losses and, the environmental burdens caused by livestock and manure mismanagement in the North China Plain will be reviewed. The benefits and profits for the local cropping systems as result of the application of organic fertilizers originated from livestock farming will be both, ecologically and economically, evaluated as an alternative to replace the use of mineral fertilizers.

E 4.1: Quality and food safety issues in markets for high-value products in Thailand and Vietnam

Das Projekt "E 4.1: Quality and food safety issues in markets for high-value products in Thailand and Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrar- und Sozialökonomie in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. The production and marketing of high-value agricultural commodities - such as fruits, vegetables, and livestock products - has been an important source of cash income for small-scale farmers in the northern mountainous regions of Thailand and Vietnam. However, against the background of recent free trade agreements and market liberalization, there is increasing national and international competition, partly leading to significant price decreases. Given structural disadvantages of farmers in northern Thailand and Vietnam, it will be very difficult for them to achieve and maintain a competitive position in markets for undifferentiated high-value products. Therefore, product differentiation - in terms of health attributes (e.g., low-pesticide residues, free from diseases and pathogens), taste (e.g., indigenous livestock breeds), time (e.g., off-season production), or processing characteristics (e.g., packaging, drying, canning) - could be a promising alternative. Quality and safety attributes play an increasing role in domestic and international food trade. The additional value generated could lead to sustainable income growth in the small farm sector, but this potential will only materialize when appropriate institutional mechanisms help reduce transaction costs and allow a fair distribution of benefits. This subproject seeks to analyze how the production and marketing of high-value agricultural products with quality and safety attributes can contribute to pro-poor development in northern Thailand and Vietnam. Quality and safety attributes can only generate value when they directly respond to consumer demand. Furthermore, since they are often credence attributes, the product identity has to be preserved from farm to fork. Therefore, the analysis will cover the whole supply chain, from agricultural production to final household consumption. Interview-based surveys of farmers, intermediate agents, and consumers will be carried out in Thailand, and to a limited extent also in Vietnam. The data will be analyzed econometrically with regard to the structure of high-value markets, trends and their determinants, and efficiency and equity implications of different institutional arrangements (e.g., contract agriculture, supermarket procurement). Since in northern Vietnam, the marketing of high-value products is a relatively recent activity, markets for more traditional crops will be analyzed as well, to better understand the linkages between different cash-earning activities in the semi-subsistent farm households. Apart from their direct policy relevance, the results will contribute to the broader research direction of the economics of high-value agricultural markets in developing countries. Moreover, they will generate useful information for other subprojects of the Uplands Program.

Co-estimation of the Earth main magnetic field and the ionospheric variation field

Das Projekt "Co-estimation of the Earth main magnetic field and the ionospheric variation field" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Potsdam, Institut für Mathematik durchgeführt. The aim of this project is to co-estimate models of the core and ionosphere magnetic fields, with the longer-term view of building a 'comprehensive' model of the Earths magnetic field. In this first step we would like to take advantage of the progresses made in the understanding of the ionosphere by global M-I-T modelling to better separate the core and ionospheric signals in satellite data. The magnetic signal generated in the ionosphere is particularly difficult to handle because satellite data provide only information on a very narrow local time window at a time. To get around this difficulty, we would like to apply a technique derived from assimilation methods and that has been already successfully applied in outer-core flow studies. The technique relies on a theoretical model of the ionosphere such as the Upper Atmosphere Model (UAM), where statistics on the deviations from a simple background model are estimated. The derived statistics provided in a covariance matrix format can then be use directly in the magnetic data inversion process to obtain the expected core and ionospheric models. We plan to apply the technique on the German CHAMP satellite data selected for magnetically quiet times. As an output we should obtain a model of the ionospheric magnetic variation field tailored for the selected data and a core-lithosphere field model where possible leakage from ionospheric signals are avoided or at least reduced. The technique can in theory be easily extended to handle the large-scale field generated in the magnetosphere.

Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases for Carbon Cycle Modelling

Das Projekt "Remote Sensing of Greenhouse Gases for Carbon Cycle Modelling" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. The proposed research aims at contributing to an improved understanding of the biogeochemical processes that control the abundances of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in the Earth's atmosphere. Mitigation of adverse effects of climate change crucially depends on modelling of these processes. Such modelling, however, is hindered by the sparseness of accurate observational constraints. The goal is to overcome this limitation by remote sensing of the atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations, and thereby providing observational constraints that are highly accurate and consistent among the employed retrieval, validation, and modelling methods. The proposed research group will focus on three main research topics. First, we will exploit remote sensing measurements from space-based platforms such as the Greenhouse Gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT). We will develop and evaluate methods that are able to accurately retrieve atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from solar backscatter measurements in the shortwave-infrared (SWIR) spectral range. Second, we will develop a ground-based grating spectrometer that is sufficiently versatile and robust to reliably measure atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations under harsh conditions. Thereby, we aim at validating our satellite measurements at the optimal geolocation, providing additional constraints on sources and sinks, and proving the concept for ground-based monitoring networks and on mobile platforms. Third, we will use a carbon cycle model to assess the benefit of our remote sensing measurements for simultaneously constraining sources and sinks of CO2 and CH4. Our comprehensive approach is designed to cover observation, validation, and data interpretation for prototype case studies.

D 1.2: Reducing alternation and production of off-season fruits in Lychee, Longan and Mango

Das Projekt "D 1.2: Reducing alternation and production of off-season fruits in Lychee, Longan and Mango" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften (340), Fachgebiet Düngung und Bodenstoffhaushalt (340i) durchgeführt. The aim and vision of sub-project D1.2 was and is to encourage hillside farmers to plant erosion resistant fruit trees instead of erosion susceptible annual plants. For that reason, experiments to overcome the irregular bearing behaviour of the three most common fruit tree species in Northern Thailand (Litchi, Longan and Mango) from the first SFB period will be continued in order to make their planting more attractive to the farmers. Considerable progress has been made in D1 during the past 3 years to induce flowers and fruit in Longan trees by the application of KClO3 . With this technique, it was not only possible to induce year around flowers and fruit (off season fruit) but also to overcome the generally rather irregular fruiting behaviour of these trees. A similar technique is now being developed for Mango by using an inhibitor of the bio-synthesis of the plant hormone gibberellin. Only Litchi still resist this kind of manipulation by an 'off season technique' (OST). Great effort will therefore be devoted establishing a similar system for this species as well. Reliably, this can only be done by gaining a much better knowledge of the - most certainly hormonal - regulatory system that governs flower induction in trees. Investigations into the hormonal changes taking place during natural and induced flower induction is, therefore, one of the central objectives in this sub-project, with the goal to better understand the process of flower induction. Until now most of the progress in this area is entirely empirical in nature and a more specific manipulation therefore difficult. While the ability to produce off season fruit all year around and under various weather conditions has brought about a great number of new possibilities, new challenges will still be faced with regard to these methods. These circumstances will affect the whole production chain from the orchard to the market and consumer. In order to better investigate and understand these new situations, a large model experiment with Mango will be set up and problems like tree pruning, water and nutrient demand, phytopathological problems, demand on work force, fruit processing and drying etc. will be investigated by the interdisciplinary co-operation of 8 sub-projects within the SFB. The results obtained during these investigations will be shared with hillside farmers enabling them to take advantage of these new possibilities, which will provide for more reliable yields and allow them to market fruit year around. In general, these new opportunities should encourage farmers to plant more trees and thus reduce erosion. However, to make this system not only reliable and economic but also ecologically and socially beneficial to the society all potential benefits as well as risks have to be evaluated carefully from all different aspects.

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