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Found 119 results.

Use of a new type of anthracite curner and boiler in a power station

Das Projekt "Use of a new type of anthracite curner and boiler in a power station" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sophia-Jacoba GmbH, Steinkohlenbergwerk durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate the use of an innovative, low pollutant burner of low volability anthracite, in a power station, in combination with a boiler system linked to a coal mine, thus solving the problems of mineral oil substitutes, use of low volability coal, SO2 separation, nitrogen removal, adjustability and economy. General Information: The burner design, divided into pre-burner and main burner, means that the ignition and burning of the coal dust can be maintained without brick-lined burner walls and heated combustion air. Due to the type of air passage and course of combustion, the combusted ash is drawn off dry; the boiler can be dimensioned without the need to take waste gas loading into account. The direction of the air and combustion allows 'the cold' combustion with low NOx concentrations. By the addition of lime dust, waste gases are desulphurised in the burner. After grinding to dust, fine coal is passed from storage silos to 7 burners then passed for pre-burning where it is ignited using propane gas; this is gradually decreased (after warming the pre -burner) as the coal dust passes in. This, then, continues to burn by recirculation of hot exhaust gases and continuous glowing coal-dust residue at the end of the pre -burner/start of the main burner. Air supply is via nozzles at the end of the burner which allows combustion control, termination and separation of air particles for easy disposal. To reduce SO2, lime dust is added in the main burner. Waste gas is filtered prior to emission to the atmosphere. The advantage of low-volability coals are: - easier storage (fewer volatile components); - easier transport by road, without need for special measures; - no danger from explosion since anthracite dust is not self -igniting, and there is no risk to groundwater. It is comparable to gas or oil-fired systems from the viewpoint of handling, storage and burning. Achievements: The burners were able to ignite and burn low volatile coal in the combustion chambers of this unit, however, an operation of the boiler was not possible. Reasons were the temperature level, flow behaviour, heat expansion and instabilities of the feed water flow. Thus the project failed. The calculation of expected and actual simple payback was originally based on a comparison with oil burning installations. Based on today's oil price a re-evaluation does not turn out favourable for coal. Furthermore, a realistic comparison cannot be conducted due to the defective boiler.

Two stage gas generator for industrial wastes

Das Projekt "Two stage gas generator for industrial wastes" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eisenmann Maschinenbau KG durchgeführt. Objective: Thermic utilization of industrial residual system resp. production residues in a two stage incineration system under production conditions. The tests contain as well pre-trials for determination of the optimal system parameter as also permanent trial runs, for establishing of material and energy balances and for judgement of the operation reaction through a longer time period. By the work with this process the advantages shall be shown: - Profitability also with small residual material amount of 200-1000 kg/h - complete energetic utilization of the material - easy integrating in available heating systems, for example preswitching of an available boiler system - universal usability of energy - utilization of the product residues in the own factory for heating, process heat and evtl. electric current generation - reduction of the removal costs. General Information: The demonstration system, built in the smallest production scale, had been erected in the technical science department of the Company EISENMANN. The process principle is based on a mechanical pre-treatment, with which the material will be communited with a slitting rollers appliance and afterwards will be transported into a storage silo. From the silo the filling system continuously pushes in the waste material in the fluidized bed reactor, which has a quadratic free cross section of 500 x 500 mm and is provided with a 400 mm thick fireproof lining. A 1 m high piling up of quartz sand with a grain size of 0,4-1,6 mm serves as heat bearer medium. The piling up will be fluidized by the injection of hot flue gases. The advantages of a fluidized bed as pyrolytic stages are the following: - The fluidizing of the sand causes a uniform distribution of temperature - an intensive heat transition between sand and residual material is given - by the fluidizing a mechanical comminution of the material simultaneously takes place, with that the lump forming of the used material will be avoided - by a low oxygen, preheated fluidized gas a pyrolisation with under stoichiometric incineration takes place so, that a max. reaction temperature of approx. 600 degree of Celsius up to 700 degree of Celsius arises, with which still no slag forming appears. The following thermic processes proceed: The hot flue gases (approx. 650 degree of Celsius) contain 6-8 per cent oxygen. They hold the sand bed on approx. 550 degree of Celsius. The supplied residual material combustes in these conditions under stoichiometric. Through a short insulated connection line the pyrolitic gases reach in a vertical arranged combustion chamber. Here they will be burned with the help of a support burner by injection of fresh air with approx. 1100 degree of Celsius. Following the combustion chamber the flue gases will be diverted horizontally, before they give away again in a vertical heat exchanger their energy to a hot water circulation. After the heat exchanger the flue gases are still approx. 250 degree of Celsius...

Reduction of NOx emissions from coal fired boilers using low temperature catalysts (Test Phase)

Das Projekt "Reduction of NOx emissions from coal fired boilers using low temperature catalysts (Test Phase)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Energie-Versorgung Schwaben AG durchgeführt. Objective: The use of an innovative, catalytically operative process to reduce NOx in exhaust gases from coal-fired steam boilers. The advantage of the DENOX unit is that it may be built on to existing plants, without major modification, thus saving time, money and avoiding shutdowns. General Information: This contract relates only to the fourth phase of the project construction and demonstration. The demonstration plant is constructed at the Heilbronn Power Station and will remove the nitrogen from exhaust gases in Blocks 3-6. Rather than use the DENOX unit as it is used in Japan, between the boiler outflow and air preheater (prior to the desulphurisation unit, crude gas system) it is installed after the desulphurisation unit. Dust will be filtered out by electric filter and sulphur removed by the use of limestone as absorbent, with plaster as the end product. The nitrogen in exhaust gases will be selectively reduced by catalyst, with the addition of ammonia to break down the NOx into nitrogen and water vapour. The exhaust gases emerging from desulphurisation, at +/- 50 degree of Celsius, are heated to required reaction temperature prior to passing into the DENOX-reactor. Since the process causes no major heat loss in the reactor, the heat content of the clean exhaust gases can largely be recovered before the gases are passed into the chimney, by using the gas preheater. In constant operation, the gases only have to be heated by the temperature difference corresponding to the levels of the heat exchanger system. For this task a natural gas burner is used. Before entry into the DENOX reactor, ammonia, in the firm of an air/ammonia mixture, is added to the exhaust gas in proportion to the quantity on NOx contained. In the reactor, nitrogen oxide is reduced, producing water vapour and N2 as end products. After passing through the DENOX reactor, the exhaust gases are passed through the heat recovery system and cooled to the chimney temperature before being passed through and removed.

Reduction of NOx emissions from coal fired boilers using low temperature catalysts - Demonstration Phase -

Das Projekt "Reduction of NOx emissions from coal fired boilers using low temperature catalysts - Demonstration Phase -" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Energie-Versorgung Schwaben AG durchgeführt. Objective: The use of an innovative, catalytically operative process to reduce NOx in exhaust gases from coal-fired steam boilers. The advantage of the DENOX unit is that it may be built on to existing plants, without major modification, thus saving time, money and avoiding shutdowns. General Information: This constract relates only to the fifth phase of the project (completion of the plant, commissioning and demonstration). The demonstration plant is constructed at the Heilbronn Power Station and removes the nitrogen from exhaust gases in the units 3 -6. Rather than use the DENOX unit as it is used in Japan, between the boiler outflow and air preheater (prior to the electric precipitator and the desulphurisation unit) it is installed after the desulphyrisation unit. Dust is filtered out by electric as the end product. The nitrogen in exhaust gases is selectively reduced by catalysts, with the addition of ammonia to break down the NOx into nitrogen and water vapour. The exhaust gases emerging from desulphyurisation, at about 50 deg. C, are heated to required reaction temperature prior to passing into the DENOX-reactor. Since the process causes no major heat loss in the reactor, the heat content of the clean exhaust gases can largely be recovered before the gases are passed into the chimney, by using the gas preheater. In constant operation, the gases only have to be heated by the temperature difference corresponding to the hot side temperature approach of the heat exchanger system. For this task a natural gas burner is used. Before entry into the DENOX reactor, ammonia, in the firm of an air/ammonia mixture, is added to the exhaust gas in proportion to the quantity on NOx contained. In the reactor, nitrogen oxide is reduced, producing water vapour and N2 as end products. After passing through the DENOX reactor, the exhaust gases are passed through the heat recovery system and cooled to the chimney temperature before being passed through and removed. Achievements: The plant has operated in at load conditions according to the legal requirements and the suppliers quaranteed data. The NOx-emission is smaller than 200 mg/m3, the NH3-slip smaller than 0. 1 mg/m3. The pressure drop of the reactor is 9 mbar, of the total plant 24 mbar. The hot side temperature approach of the GAVO is lower than 30 deg. C. To compensate this temperature approach the consumption of natural gas is about 1400 m3/h at 100 per cent load. It takes around 7 hours to heat up the DENOX plant after a longer stoppage (cold start up). After a week-end shut down it lasts around 2. 5 - 3 hours and after a night-shut down 1 hour to set the plant into operation. First tests of the catalysts in a laboratory after a operation time of 3700 h showed no activity loss.

Municipal wood energy center Rottweil

Das Projekt "Municipal wood energy center Rottweil" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stadtwerke Rottweil durchgeführt. Objective: Electricity production by gasification of 6350 tonnes per year of fuel wood from forestry waste, communal wood waste and energy plantations in a three stage gas generator in the district of Rottweil. 100 ha of short rotation forestry (poplar and other species) will be planted in a first step. The power output amounts to 990 kWe and additional use of waste heat and gas for heating purpose is foreseen. The production amounts to 7,130,000 kWh. A particular attention will be given to the fuel wood logistics and notably to a 3 months capacity fuel wood storage. The payback time is estimated at 15 years. General Information: The 600 m3 silos, gasifier modules, cogeneration and control room are installed underground. This minimizes noise and also enables the trucks to drive over the silos for direct unloading. The woodchips are dried to approx. 25 per cent moisture content in a vertical rotating conical dryer by means of the available heat from the gas plant. The pre-dried woodchips enter the 3 stage EASIMOD 3500 kWh gasifier. The first stage is an underfeed co-current primary reactor producing primary gas with flying charcoal at about 650 deg. C. Gas is then reformed at approx. 900 deg. C in a separate Venturi burner with secondary air inlet and charcoal/activated carbon extraction. Tars and phenols are cracked. The third step is a separate glowing coke reactor which acts as a safety for tars and phenols cracking and as a gas heating value booster. Gas cleaning consists of dry dedusting in multicyclones, followed by a two-step scrubbing (impingement scrubber plus packed scrubber). The gas is cooled down to approx. 20 deg. C and the heat obtained is then used for predrying the fuel in the woodchips dryer. Ammonia washed out in the scrubbing water is stripped in a packed bed stripper. A waste water treatment plant is foreseen. The dryer, gasifier and gas scrubber are conceived as separate frame-mounted modules. The whole plant runs automatically. The electricity produced will be fed into the medium 20 KV voltage municipal grid. The heat recovered simultaneously will be used in a following step for the heating of a nearby village.

Cullet preheating

Das Projekt "Cullet preheating" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sorg durchgeführt. Objective: To achieve considerable energy savings through use of preheated cullet in the glass melt. The waste gases, which up until now have been lost to the atmosphere, are taken as heating medium from the waste gas channel of the melting end. The procedure requires a considerably lower use of combustibles. For a 200 t/day production rate, an energy saving of 67 TOE/year is expected at project level (12 per cent of the total energy consumption). Payback time is estimated at 4 years. General Information: Principally glass is melted out of a composition of different raw materials, e.g. silica sand, lime, soda and glass cullet. Oil, gas or electrical energy can be used as heating media. The individual raw materials are mixed in the processing installation and are fed to a storage silo situated in front of the melting process by means of batch chargers. The initial temperature of the batch is 20 deg. C, whereas the melting temperature ranges between 1400-1500 deg. C. The waste gases are primarily fed again into the melting process by means of heat exchangers (regenerators) or recuperator, thus reducing the waste gas temperature to approx. 500 deg. C by preheating the combustion air. The novelty of this project consists in preheating the glass cullet prior to the mixing with other raw materials, by covering the waste gases energy at a level of approx. 500 deg. C. The glass cullet is firstly led to a preheating aggregate. The humidity of the cullet can be reduced by this preheating, which results in improved conditions for the melting process. The main characteristic of this system is the direct contact between cullet and waste gases. Up until now the gases from the melting durnace have been cooled down to approx. 400-500 deg. C in recuperators or regenerator heat exchangers, and then released into the atmosphere, in most cases without any further waste gas treatment. With the new system the residual heat content of the waste gas is used to pre-heat the cullet. If the system is correctly designed, then not only is the cullet heated, but the dust content of the waste gas is reduced by approximately 30-40 per cent. The cullet is contained by louvred segments. The openings for the waste gases are designed so that the gas velocities are very low, which helps to reduce the dust emission. The waste gases, which must have a maximum temperature of no more than 550 deg. C, move in cross counter flow up through the cullet. In this way a large amount of the heat content of the waste gases is transferred to the cullet as it flows slowly from the top to the bottom. The cullet stream moves continuously, so the contact area is continuously renewed, which guarantees a very good heat exchange. The cullet is heated to a maximum of 450 deg. C, whilst the waste gas leaves the system with a temperature of 250-300 deg. C. In addition to the energy savings, the project will also achieve improved glass qualitites, and reduced reject rates due to the better furnace...

Energy savings by improvement of combustion air preheating by means of an upstream heat exchanger

Das Projekt "Energy savings by improvement of combustion air preheating by means of an upstream heat exchanger" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ThyssenKrupp Stahl AG durchgeführt. Objective: Use of low temperature waste heat for additional preheating of the combustion air and for prevention of low temperature corrosion. This technique yields an increase of the plant availability and a longer life of the recuperator by preventing the temperature from falling below the dew point to prevent corrosion. Innovative aspects: concept first realization. Long testing and measurement period to assess energy saving and efficiency and payback time. General Information: In industrial furnaces a part of the heat from the flue gas is used to pre-heat the combustion air. When intensive use is made of the heat from the flue gas, there is frequently a great drop in temperature to below the dew point. When the fuel gases are loaded with aggressive materials, the passing of the dew point causes low temperature corrosion on heat exchanger components. As a result of this, the heat exchanger is increasingly destroyed which entails constant worsening of efficiency very rare (once to twice per year) with some plants, i.e. reheating furnaces in the steel industry, so that more fuel is consumed over a long period because of defective air pre-heating insulation and the environment is thus burdened more than is required with an intact installation. A heat exchanger for a thermal capacity of 1.0 MW is to be erected upstream of the reheating furnace of a rolling mill fired by sulphur bearing coke oven gas. The energy for a pre-heating is taken from the skid rail cooling circuit which has a temperature level of maximum 90 deg. C

Teilprojekt 1: Bau und Erprobung des Vorwärm-Moduls

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 1: Bau und Erprobung des Vorwärm-Moduls" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von UAS Meßtechnik GmbH durchgeführt. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Untersuchung und Integration einer kombinierten Oxy-Fuel-Vorwärmung an einer Bestandsanlage. Weiterhin soll die Regelungsstrecke neu konzipiert und für das integrierte Vorwärmsystem eingestellt werden, um lokale Hot-Spots, ungleichmäßige Wärmeverteilung aufs Glasbad, Beeinflussung der Glasqualität (z. B. durch Schaumbildung), Auswirkungen auf Schadstoffemissionen (z. B. NOx, SOx) und thermische Belastungen am Feuerfestmaterial zu minimieren. Dadurch soll der spezifische Energieverbrauch weiter gesenkt werden. Hierfür hat die Firma UAS ein System entwickelt und am GWI getestet, mit welchem der gasförmige Brennstoff vor Eintritt in den Verbrennungsraum auf Temperaturen bis 400°C vorgewärmt wird. Zusätzlich wird der als Oxidator verwendete Sauerstoff ebenfalls auf dieses Temperaturniveau vorgewärmt, was den Effekt auf die Energieeinsparung nochmals deutlich steigert.

Recovery of process heat from the combustion of oxygen-containing solvents in package lacquer driers

Das Projekt "Recovery of process heat from the combustion of oxygen-containing solvents in package lacquer driers" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Heinrich Neitz GmbH Industrieöfen durchgeführt. Objective: Reduction of energy costs in drying of packing varnishes through a recovery of process heat from the combustion of recovered solvents and its utilization for heating the drier plant. The calculated energy savings are assumed to amount to approx. 4500000 kW/year. General Information: The innovative technology consists of a combination of individual technological solutions. These include the condensation of solvents, the drying of packing varnish, thermal post-combustion of the exhaust air from the plant (which is rich in carbohydrates), heating of this port-combustion system by using the solvent condensate as fuel, and the utilization of the resulting energy (i.e., pure exhaust air exhibiting a very high temperature) as process heat for drying of packing varnish. Overall plant structure: Evaporation section with heat exchanger and vacuum extraction system; Measuring device for monitoring the solvent concentration; Condensation system for recovery of incoming solvents; Preheating zone with heat exchanger and extraction system; Daking section with heat exchanger and extraction system; Post-combustion system for generating process heat through combustion of the recovered solvents; Cooling section; Air recirculation system between the different sections. This combination of system components causes the exhaust air volume (and hence, the total carbohydrate release rate) to be drastically reduced. The investment cost of this combine plant is about twice as high as that of a conventional system. On the other hand, the total annual energy generating cost for a conventional plant exceeds that of the combined plant by a factor of 1.5. This means that the combined system achieves cost savings between DM 150000 and DM 180000 per year. Assuming that the proceeds from a conventional systems and the combination plant are the same, the capital recovery from a plant of the type envisaged in the project is markedly higher (due to the lower total cost), which considerably shortens the period of amortization. Achievements: The technical and chemical feasibility of the project described in the application could be demonstrated with the conclusion of the design phase. A number of aspects have arisen, however, which may turn the project into a financial failure on the current level of information. One of these facors is the draft of the Accident Prevention Rules for Lacquer Driers (VBG 24) of March 1988, which calls for a considerable reduction in admissible solvent concentrations compared to the older version of these Accident Prevention Rules. With these new, reduced solvent concentrations, the recovery of solvents through condensation is no longer an economically viable proposal. Moreover, the Ministry of the Environment expects the packaging industry to make increasing use of low-solvent lacquers. Renowned packaging manufacturers are already using low-solvent or water soluble varnishes. Plants designed for such applications have already been...

Modelling of the mass and energy balances of SOFC modules

Das Projekt "Modelling of the mass and energy balances of SOFC modules" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dornier Luftfahrt durchgeführt. Objective: Mass and energy balance, especially with respect to the transport of waste heat out of the system, represent a central question for the development of advanced sofc module concepts. The theoretical-numerical tools which will be developed within the project allow the assessment of the feasibility of different designs with respect to these problems of thermal controllability and of eventual limitations for scale-up. Additionally a basis for further more complex and detailed investigations of complete sofc plants will be established. General information: the generation of electrical energy by ceramic sofc modules is accompanied by the production of considerable amounts of heat which has to be taken out of the modules (mainly by the air flow acting as a coolant) in order to prevent superheating of the units. This seems to be of great importance, especially for highly integrated high power concepts discussed meanwhile for sofc application. By means of a theoretical-numerical modelling the mass and energy balance of typical module configurations will be determined. As far as possible values which were already realized in the laboratory, they will be used as input parameters (e g for electrical conductivities or polarization properties). Special emphasis will be laid upon the investigation of the mechanisms of heat transfer from the module constituents to each other and to the gases involved in the process by conduction abd especially radiation which is important due to the high temperature. Parameter variations will yield indications for preferable configurations and for adequate solutions for the cooling of the sofc-modules. Achievements: Modelling was performed in the following stages: the establishment of the analytical mass and energy balances for a local element in a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) (micromodel); the enlargement and adaption of the balance equations (macromodel) according to the cell and module geometry under consideration (both cross flow monolithic design and tubular design); the writing of a computer code and optimisation of the code with respect to convergence. Calculations were carried out for the following cases: cross flow monolithic design with hydrogen as a fuel; cross flow monolithic design with internally reformed methane; tubular design with hydrogen as a fuel. The main conclusions which can be drawn from the results are: the temperatures of the gases involved coincide to within a few degrees with the temperatures of the cell components; reasonable fuel utilisations and efficiencies can be achieved with both designs; in the tubular design investigated (Westinghouse type) there are inherently large temperature gradients; temperature distributions of cross flow monolithic designs are significantly flatter than those of tubes; the kinetics of the steam reforming reaction occurring in cell operation with internal reforming of methane (natural gas) strongly affects the temperature distribution within a module.

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