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Leitfaden zur umweltfreundlichen öffentlichen Beschaffung: System Stoffhandtuchrollen im Stoffhandtuchspender

Zum Abtrocknen und Nachreinigen der Hände nach der Handwäsche in öffentlichen Einrichtungen bieten sich bei Betrachtung der Hygiene, der Gebrauchstauglichkeit und unter Umweltgesichtspunkten Stoffhandtuchrollen an. Die Kriterien des Leitfadens zur umweltfreundlichen öffentlichen Beschaffung beziehen sich unter anderem auf eine lange Lebensdauer (80 bis 100 Umläufe), hygienische Eigenschaften und Weiterverwendung der Stoffhandtuchrollen (z. B. als Putztücher). Zudem werden hohe Anforderungen an das Reinigungsverfahren in Wäschereien gestellt. Der Leitfaden basiert auf den Kriterien des Umweltzeichens Blauer Engel für das System Stoffhandtuchrollen im Stoffhandtuchspender (DE-UZ 77, Ausgabe Januar 2021). Veröffentlicht in Leitfäden und Handbücher.

Verschenken statt Wegwerfen

Recyceln statt wegwerfen, dies gilt auch für die Weiternutzung von gut erhaltenern Gebrauchsgegenständen. Hier werden berlinweit Einrichtungen gelistet, die verschiedene noch gebrauchsfähige Güter entgegennehmen und an Bedürftige weiter vermitteln.

Verschenken statt Wegwerfen

Recyceln statt wegwerfen, dies gilt auch für die Weiternutzung von gut erhaltenern Gebrauchsgegenständen. Hier werden berlinweit Einrichtungen gelistet, die verschiedene noch gebrauchsfähige Güter entgegennehmen und an Bedürftige weiter vermitteln.

Infrasound records of Stromboli eruptions on July 3 and August 28 2019

Two strong eruptions of Stromboli Volcano (38.789°N 15.213°E, 920 m) occurred on July 3rd and August 28th 2019. This data set provides the infrasound records in terms of raw pressure data in Pascal of both eruptions available at BGR’s infrasound array I26DE in Germany as well as infrasound arrays OHP and CEA in France. The publication “Using dense seismo-acoustic network to provide timely warning of the 2019 paroxysmal Stromboli eruptions” (Le Pichon et al., 2021, Scientific Reports) provides further details on this data set and its scientific application. Data format: The data are provided as ASCII files (separate file for each infrasound sensor and hour of measurement, plus a README file).

Infrasonic Signatures of 1001 Rocket Launches for Space Missions

Rocket launches for space missions are well-defined ground-truth events generating strong infrasonic signatures. This data set covers ground-truth information for 1001 rocket launches from 27 global spaceports between 2009 and mid-2020. Infrasound signatures from up to 73% of the launches were identified at infrasound arrays of the International Monitoring System. The detection parameters were obtained using the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation (PMCC) algorithm. Propagation and quality parameters supplement the PMCC detection parameters in this dataset. The results are provided for further use as a ground-truth reference in geophysical and atmospheric research. The open-access publication “1001 Rocket Launches for Space Missions and their Infrasonic Signature” (Pilger et al., 2021, Geophys. Res. Letters, doi:10.1029/2020GL092262) provides further details on this data set. Data format: The data are provided both as ASCII files (separate lists of infrasound signatures and rocket launch events, plus README files) and as a comprehensive netCDF file.

Green Software

Although software products are immaterial goods, their use can bring about significant materials and energy flows. Software characteristics determine which hardware capacities are made available and how much electric energy is used by end-user devices, networks, and data centers. The connection between software characteristics and the demand for natural resources caused by the manufacture and use of ICT systems has been the object of little scientific study to date. The present study breaks new ground by exploring the effects of software on the indirect use of natural resources by hardware. The study identifies starting points in the realm of software that can contribute to conserving natural resources or at least to slowing further growth of their use by ICT systems. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 23/2015.

Aviation in the EU ETS and CORSIA in the ‘Fit for 55’ package

The European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council agreed on a series of legislative proposals as part of the 'Fit for 55' package, which are intended to align energy and climate policy instruments with the new climate target of reducing emissions by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels by 2030. This factsheet presents key aspects of the agreement on aviation in the framework of the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) under Directive 2003/87/EC and the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (⁠ CORSIA ⁠) of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in a condensed form. It further outlines interaction with other ‘Fit for 55’ elements for the use of sustainable fuels in aviation, the Energy Tax Directive and the Renewable Energy Directive. Veröffentlicht in Fact Sheet.

Carbon Pricing Potential in East and South Asia

A broad consensus exists that carbon pricing is key for cost-effective emission reductions and that it must play a major role in driving the transition to a climate-neutral economy. However, despite significant progress in wider climate policy uptake in recent years, the vast majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remain unpriced. Making a success of carbon pricing in individual jurisdictions requires a detailed and methodical understanding of their circumstances. Hence, the aim of the current report is to develop an analytical framework that contributes to such an understanding. This interim report is the first part of the project “Potentials of introducing carbon pricing, especially ⁠ CO2 ⁠ taxes and emission trading schemes in Asia”. Further work planned under the project will develop an empirical application of the analytical framework developed in this report in the context of emerging Asian jurisdictions. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 40/2021.

Mannheim zahlt Abwrackprämie für Fahrräder

Ab Mai zahlen die Stadt Mannheim und die Arbeitsförderungsbetriebe Mannheim BIOTOPIA für den Neukauf eines City-Fahrrads 50 Euro Abwrackprämie. Im Gegensatz zur Prämie für Kraftfahrzeuge werden die Alträder jedoch nicht verschrottet, sondern im repariert und unter sozialen und ökologischen Aspekten einer sinnvollen Weiternutzung zugeführt.

The need for soil protection legislation at EU level

The Position paper begins by discussing options on how to further develop EU soil protection law. Compared to the status-quo, strengthening the existing soil protection legislation at EU level would preserve transboundary ecosystem services of soils and also help to effectively implement the ‘land degradation neutrality’ objective. More specifically, the Position paper clarifies the advantages and disadvantages of the two possible regulatory approaches – the holistic/development concept comparable to the Water Framework Directive on the one hand and the sector-related/minimum requirement approach on the other hand. The Position paper further submits specific proposals for the development of EU Soil protection legislation especially with regard to contamination, land take/soil use as well as agriculture. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.

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