Das Projekt "Teilvorhaben: Evaluierung und Validierung des optimierten Analyseverfahrens zur Bestimmung von Zearalenon in Öl" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung durchgeführt. Das Ziel des Verbundprojektes ist die Entwicklung, Optimierung und Validierung eines normungsfähigen HPLC-Fluoreszenz-Verfahrens zur quantitativen Analyse von Zearalenon (ZEN) in pflanzlichen Ölen. Das wissenschaftlich-technische Arbeitsziel des Teilvorhabens besteht in der Ermittlung der verfahrensrelevanten Kenndaten zur internen analytischen Qualitätssicherung wie z.B. Arbeitsbereich, Nachweis-, Bestimmungsgrenze, Wiederfindung, Laborpräzision (unter Wiederhol- und Vergleichsbedingungen), Beladungskapazität und Reproduzierbarkeit unter Realbedingungen. Die in der sich anschließenden Methodenvalidierungsstudie zwischen verschiedenen Laboratorien zu bestimmenden Kenndaten umfassen die Bestimmung der Präzision unter Vergleich- und Wiederholbedingungen, der Wiederfindungsrate und die Ermittlung des Anwendungsbereichs. Das BfR mit dem nationalen Referenzlabor für Mykotoxine in Lebensmitteln und Futtermitteln verfügen über ausgewiesene Expertisen auf dem Gebiet der Mykotoxin-Analytik. Das Verbundprojekt besteht aus insgesamt 6 Arbeitspaketen. Zur Erreichung der Ziele des Teilvorhabens sind 2 Arbeitspakete vorgesehen. Innerhalb des Arbeitspakets 4 soll die Evaluierung der im Teilvorhaben des BAM entwickelten und optimierten HF-SPE erfolgen. Hierbei soll das Analyseverfahren durch Screening an verschiedenen Realproben getestet werden. Nach erfolgter interner Verfahrensvalidierung soll das vollständige Analyseverfahren im Rahmen eines nationalen bzw. internationalen Ringversuch im Rahmen des Arbeitspaketes 5 validiert werden. Für die Überwachung des aktuellen ZEN-Grenzwertes in Speiseöl ist derzeit kein genormtes Analyseverfahren verfügbar, so dass die Laboratorien auf die Anwendung (validierter) Hausverfahren angewiesen sind. Das neu zu entwickelnde Hydrazinharz-basierte HPLC-FLD- Verfahren kann zudem maßgeblich zur Reduzierung der Analysenkosten als auch des Zeitaufwandes beitragen.
Das Projekt "Heat recovery from corrosive dryer exhaust air" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Süd-Chemie AG durchgeführt. Objective: To save energy by recovering the heat contained in the acidic fumes at temperatures below their dew-point and emanating from the drying operation of a bleaching powder plant. The air heated by the recovered heat will be fed back into the drying oven, saving an estimated 327 TOE/yr of primary energy. The novelty in this process consists in the use of ''Teflon'' as a corrosion-resistant coated on the heat exchanger. A 3 years payback is to be expected at project level. General Information: In the Moosburg plant, bleaching powder is produced by treating aluminium ore with hot HCl (hydrochloric acid). The hydrochloric residues are then air-dried in ovens, from which air exists at a rate of 200,000 m3/hr and at a temperature of 110 degree C, close to the dew-point. Part of this chlorine-containing (60,000 m3/hr or 48,000 kg/hr with 21 per cent of steam) is fed into a heat-exchanger built of glass-tubes in stainless steel casings (tubes and plates), coated internally with PTFE (Teflon). The air tightness between the tubes and plates will be provided by metallic gaskets coated with PFA, a highly thermal and chemical resistant material. The two airflows will move in counter-current, with the air to be preheated flowing inside the tubes. The primary air, cooled to 70 degree C, will flow to a humidifier for washing and then be released in the atmosphere. For a 38,000 kg/hr flow of air preheated from 20 degree C to 76 degree C during an annual 6,500 hours operation, a saving of 13 970GJ/year of natural gas can be achieved. From this, the electricity to operate two additional fans i.e. 130,000 Kwh/year must be substracted, leaving a net saving of 13 500 GJ/year, equivalent to 327 TOE/year. The heat recovery will be measured in 12 monthly recordings of temperature and flow. The pressures, dew-points and water consumptions will be equally monitored by the 30st June 1987. Achievements: During the preliminary start-up, several deficiencies were found in connection to the PFTE lining of the heat exchanger, the optimum function of the mist eliminator and the increased discharges of drips from the chimney due to condensate formation in the chimney waste-gas-stack. To avoid these defects, several actions were taken including repairs, coupling of dust eliminator and modification leading a partial quantity of the produced warm air into the waste-gas-stack. These modifications caused a 29 per cent cost increased and a 25 per cent decrease in actual energy economy measured. The equipment reliability is still to be proved during the measurement campaign.
Das Projekt "18 Reihenhaeuser 'Am Lindenwaelde' in Freiburg" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siedlungsgesellschaft Freiburg durchgeführt. Objective: To demonstrate that the energy consumption of a single family house can be reduced by 40 per cent in comparison to conventional built terrace houses without increasing the building cost. General Information: The 18 houses are constructed in three fan shaped terraces, designed so that the south facade is wider than the north facade. There are unheated buffer sheds to the north side to reduce heat losses and provide shelter. A double glaced sunspace is attached to the south elevation. The living rooms are orientated to the south with large windows. The passive solar features are increased solar penetration into the interior by split floor levels and an open staircase to allow the warm air to rise into the building and the cooler air into the sunspace. To make the passive solar system function, the doors to the sunspace and to the stair case have to be opened. The houses have 200 mm thick fairfaced on-site casted concrete party walls which are unplastered but painted. The rest of the house is of lightweight construction. The wooden floor joist, which are of untreated timber, are supported on wall plates fixed to the party walls. The external walls are clad with timber and insulated with100 mm rockwool between batterns to give an average U-value of 0.38 W/m2k. The global calculated heat loss coefficient is 347 W/k for a middle house and 406 W/k for a corner house. The concrete pary walls and the stone floor in the living area serve as a heat buffer. The gas boiler for the conventional heating system is installed in the gable to avoid a chimney and to facilitate the later installation of a solar domestic hot water system. The heating system includes a storage tank of 300 l to avoid frequent switching of the gas boiler. The costs of the houses are 30 per cent less than those for a conventionally designed and built terrace house. Achievements: Monitoring was from July 1985 to June 1987 with two of the houses being extensively monitored. The individual total energy demand varied in 17 of the 18 houses from 13,000 kWh/yr to 22,000 kWh. The remaining house had an extremely high consumption of 41,000 kWh/yr, as the inhabitants like room temperatures above 23 C. The averages of the 17 normal houses was approximately: total :15,000 kWh/yr; electricity: 4 4,000 KWh/yr; domestic hot water: 3,000 to 4,000 kWh/yr; space heating: 8,000 to 9,000 kWh/yr. The specific values are: 50 to 60 kWh/m2 heated floor area or 15 to 16 kWh/m3 heated volume. The solar contribution to space heating was approximately 15 per cent. The savings due to improved design and insulation is estimated to be 45 per cent in comparison with a conventional built terrace house. In 1986 the bill for electricity was higher than for gas. Further energy savings would be only possible with forced ventilation systems combined with heat recovery from the exhaust air. The users respond was mixed. All the owners enjoy the lightness and warmth of the houses and the sunspace which is used ...
Das Projekt "Geraet fuer die Feststellung von Quecksilber bei der kontinuierlichen Ueberwachung von Emissionen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von VEREWA Mess- und Regeltechnik durchgeführt. Objective: The project is to develop, manufacture, and test a sampling and measuring device for the continuous determination of mercury and its compounds in the flue gas of incineration plants. In addition, the sampling device will be capable of collecting other heavy metals, such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, copper, manganese, and nickel. Mercury will be determined photo metrically. The detection limit for Hg is approximately 2 mug/m3. The tests will take place in the industrial environment of a municipal waste incineration plant. The basic principle of the device has been patented. General Information: Mercury (Hg) and its compounds are highly toxic chemicals; emissions from plants, such as waste incinerators, should be prevented as far as possible. Typically, filters are used in order to remove the remaining emissions; for new municipal refuse incineration plants, the EC Directive 89/369 limits Hg emissions after the filters to 200 mug/m3. A device for the continuous control of Hg has been recently developed by the Essen-based VEREWA MESS- UND REGELTECHNIK GMBH. The EC Commission assisted the development and testing of an industrial-environment measuring device at 50 per cent of the project costs. The Hg measuring device consists of a sampling and the measuring part proper. The isokinetic sampling device is capable of sampling not only Hg but other heavy metals as well, such as Cu, Ni, Zn, Sn, Sb, Ba, Pb, Mn. The average Hg retrieval statistics is approximately 93 per cent. The measuring device proper determines the Hg concentration in the dried flue gas by UV AA photometry, the detection limit is approximately 2 mug/m3. The measuring device may be calibrated at any time, allowing for the check of the zero and reference points and of the linearity of the device. Idle time between each taking is in the range of ms; the measured values are shown on the monitor every 2 seconds; the measuring protocols may average the values to convenience. Overall standard deviations are approximately 5 per cent; thus, the device can be used for process control. Further extensions of the measuring device are possible to allow for the determination of heavy metals other than Hg as well. The device has been successfully tested and optimized for several months in the heavy-duty industrial environment of the flue gas stack of a municipal waste incineration plant. Working entirely automatically, the device meets the need for a reference device for the control of emissions from refuse incinerators, as stipulated by the EC Directive 89/369. Achievements: A device for the continuous control mercury has been recently developed. The measuring device consists of a sampling part and the measuring part proper. The isokinetic sampling device is capable of sampling not only mercury but other heavy metals as well, such as copper, nickel, zinc, tin, antimony, barium, lead and manganese. The average mercury retrieval is approximately 93 per cent...
Das Projekt "Erzeugung von Energie aus Biomasse und organischen Abfaellen durch schnelle Pyrolyse" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bio-Energy GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The conversion of biomass and organic waste into high value energy products. Expected energy production is 1 220 TOE/y. General Information: Biomass and organic waste (waste wood, sawdust, bark, straw etc.) is crushed into scraps of 2-3 cm length and 1 cm width, and dried to +/- 15 per cent moisture content by the process gas. The dried crushed waste is then pyrolysed at 500-600 C in a vertical reactor: charcoal is continuously extracted from the bottom of the reactor then cooled, crushed and pressed into briquets. Gases escape from the upper part of the reactor, undergo dust extraction in a cyclone and are then cooled to 80 C in a spray tower by adding water. This temperature lies above the dew point; therefore, no condensate is produced. After leaving the spray tower the oil, in the form of an aerosol, is enlarged in a radial fan. The oil droplets are then removed in a separator. Non-condensable gases are burned and the flue gases are used mainly for drying of charcoal briquets and waste raw materials. Achievements: Several modifications were carried out on the plant in 1986. A pneumatic knocker was installed to avoid bridge building of material in the converter, the converter air inlet pipes were modified, the briquet elevator was replaced by an inclined belt conveyor, and the char outlet flap was improved to avoid clogging and to ensure the converter was air tight. During initial trials the outlet flap was not air tight and uncontrolled combustion was taking place in the converter. Following the above modifications charcoal output of about 25 per cent was achieved. Pyrolytic oil recovery ranged from 4. 6-7. 1 per cent, of biomass dry matter, lower that the 10 per cent forecast. Recent tests have shown that the pyrolytic oil can be contaminated with solid particles and fuel filtration is therefore needed. Use of the oil as a commercial engine fuel has yet to be demonstrated, though some success has been achieved with newly designed engines. The plant is not currently operational as some further modifications are required on the converter and funds to carry out this work are not available.
Das Projekt "Rueckgewinnung von Konvertergas in der Stahlproduktion nach dem KMS-Verfahren" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Maximillianshuette durchgeführt. Objective: In converter steel plants operating in accordance with the KMS process (Kloeckner-Maximilianshütte-Stahl), the production of steel from hot metal and scrap results in waste gases with high CO contents, which have been flared through stacks to date. Three converter plants of the Maximilianshütte are to be equipped with a controlled gas suction and gas recovery system to permit the application of the usable converter gas for the production of process heat and steam by way of intermediate storage. It is to be expected that the annual energy saving at project level will be 6.500 TOE for the production of raw steel, as proposed in this project. General Information: The project is part of an extensive programme for the conservation of energy in the Sulzbach-Rosenberg works. The Maximilianshütte operates a KMS-steelworks there equipped with three converters, each having a capacity of 60 t. The converters are equipped with cleaning systems based on a wet cleaning process. These operate with the assistance of two Venturi stages. A controlled gas collection system is used for suction at the mouth of the converter to prevent combustion of the waste gases containing CO above the mouth. The most important components of this gas suction system, e.g. A controlled skirt which can be moved upwards and downwards, were installed during the construction of the steelworks. Within the scope of this project, the actual gas recovery and gas storage facility is to be developed, erected and tested. Gas recovery requires switch-over stations as well as diverse closed-loop control and control systems, which permit switch-over to gas recovery during the blowing process depending on the CO content of the converter gas (switch-over point at a CO content of about 40 per cent). Pneumatic drives are provided for all switch-over elements. The gas will probably be stored in a low pressure telescopic gasometer equipped with a special shell sealing. Gas storage serves to equalize the irregular gas production. In the first phase of the project, a measuring programme will be implemented following the installation of diverse measuring instruments. Its purpose is to determine the data on the temporal decrease in the amount of gas, the composition of the converter gas and the gas curves occurring behind the cleaning facility in the course of one heat. Such data are required to dimension and design the necessary facilities. These results will be used to determine the process course for the recovery of gas and to design and plan the facilities. Following the erection, the overall facility will be tested in the course of an 8 month demonstration period and final evaluation will be effected. Achievements: The 3 gas analysis systems were commissioned on march 3RD 1985. After this, measurements were carried out on the 3 converter plants during the month of July 1985. A description of the gas analysis system follows; the converter gas is taken via 2 gas sample probes which are ...
Das Projekt "Development of an automatic system for controlling the process of metal recovery from slags" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Cytec Datensysteme GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: The objective is better recovery of nickel from slags through better process control in order to raise productivity and save energy in ferronickel production. General Information: An automatic process control system will be developed for the recovery of mechanical nickel losses in slag arising from the production of ferronickel in the electric reduction furnace of LARCO at the Larymna plant. Methodological development will help applicability to other comparable processes. The project will be in the following stages. Construction and setup of a dedicated induction furnace with a graphite susceptor and a refractory crucible and with the possibilities of temperature control and gas injection from the top or from the side of the crucible. The development of a laser based system for assessing and monitoring the metal content of the slag is proposed. The proposed system, laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), will speed up the analysis of the recovery of metal, provide more efficient process control and enable further optimization. The basic steps in LIBS are: atomization of the sample; excitation of the resulting atoms; and detection of the emitted radiation from the atoms. Both atomization and excitation can be achieved by focusing a neodymium, yttrium aluminium garnet(YAG) laser on the molten slag free surface, resulting in the creation of a microplasma. The emitted radiation will be spectrally resolved by means of a monochromator coupled with an optical multichannel analyzer (OMA III). The work parts to be done are: preliminary measurements on solid slag containing nickel and ferronickel in order to be used as reference standards; online monitoring with data acquisition and sensor system integration for the actual molten systems; testing and validation; and metallurgical support during the experiments. The control system stage will involve: metal concentration values given by the LIBS system modelled to obtain the actual metal content in the slag; thermal control linked with the process computer; control of the gas (or gas mixtures) flow rates to be injected into the slag melt linked with the process computer. The information processing stage will involve: observed values continuously stored in an appropriate database in order to be compared to the simulated values; special, easy to solve, mathematical model of ordinary differential equations developed to simulate the recovery process; and a simulation programme developed in advanced continuous simulation language (ACSL) to allow online simulation. The final stage is system integration. Achievements: Research was carried out in order to develop an automatic process control system for the recovery of metal from slags and therefore contribute with better process control to better recovery of the mechanical metal losses from the ERF slags in the ferronickel production. The combination of metallurgical experiments with the high technology of laser based analysis was the first ...
Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 5" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zweckverband Landeswasserversorgung, Betriebs- und Forschungslabor durchgeführt. In der Gesamtvorhabensbeschreibung sind die Punkte Gesamtziel, Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik, gemeinsamer Arbeits-, Zeit- und Ressourcenplan sowie Zuordnung der Zuständigkeiten und übergeordnete Verwertungsstrategie für den Verbund beschrieben. AP 5.1: Methodenentwicklung (0,3 wiss. Mitarbeiter, 0,4 CTA x) - Basierend auf der bisherigen WBA/TLC-Methode mit AChE-Detektion soll durch Modifikation der TLC-Platte die Empfindlichkeit auf kleiner als 100 ng/L gesteigert werden. - Zur Verbesserung der Trennleistung der HPTLC soll eine zweidimensionale WBA/TLC entwickelt werden. - Weiterentwicklung und Erprobung des bestehenden Auswerteverfahrens sowie Durchführung der Validierung von WBA mit TLC. - Entwicklung einer Methode zum Nachweis von Substanzen, die erst nach metabolischer Aktivierung die AChE hemmen. - Optimierung der Kopplung mit der LC-HRMS anhand der Wiederfindungsrate und Minimierung des Blindwertes. AP 5.2: Monitoring (0,2 wiss. Mitarbeiter, 0,4 CTA x) - Monitoring von verschiedenen Wässern aus dem Wasserkreislauf. - Untersuchung auf Transformationsprodukte von bekannten AChE-Inhibitoren durch technische Prozesse der Trinkwassergewinnung. AP 5.3: Korrelation TLC-AChE mit TP 6 (0,5 wiss. Mitarbeiter x) - Korrelation mit den Ergebnissen aus dem TP 6 Monitoring-2 zum Einsatz in der WBA im Hinblick darauf, ob mit beiden Untersuchungsmethoden der Teilprojekte 5 und 6 vergleichbare Aussagen zur AChE-Aktivität getroffen werden können. AP 5.4: Qualitätskontrolle Referenzmaterial (0,2 CTA x) - Referenzmaterialien von Projektpartner sollen anhand ihrer AChE-Hemmung auf ihre Reinheit geprüft werden. M1: Vorliegen einer validierten Methode als Standardarbeitsvorschrift M2: Vorliegen der Ergebnisse des Monitorings M3: Vergleichendes Bewertungskonzept der Ergebnisse TP 5 und TP 6 M4: Vorliegen der Ergebnisse der Reinheitsüberprüfung der Standards (x Anteil der jeweiligen Gesamtpersonenmonate).
Das Projekt "Testing Monitoring Systems for Risk Assessment of Harmful Introductions by Ships to European Waters" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Meereskunde, Abteilung Fischereibiologie durchgeführt. General Information: The purpose of the Concerted Action is to involve European scientists working on ballast water problems in a joint effort to develop reliable and intercalibrated methodologies for monitoring (intercontinentally and regionally) the continuous and changing rate of transmission of harmful alien species via ships' traffic, thereby providing a tool for risk assessment and environmental management. The intensity of shipping and the structure of the fleet have undergone major changes over the past decade, possibly leading to increased opportunity for survival of exotic species. Risk assessment must consider criteria for quantifying survival probabilities to define appropriate management strategies to minimize risk of introductions. The major problem in transmission of harmful exotics resides with the continued transfer of ballast water in m0dern shipping, in particular bulk carriers and container ships of different design and dimension. The overall objective of the Concerted Action will include the following aspects: - evaluation of the various sampling methods presently used for ballast water studies in selected EU member countries - validation of the reliability of sampling methodologies (through intercalibration workshops, also onboard ocean-going ships) to assess in-transit survival capabilities - development of intercalibrated monitoring systems for use by EU countries and by intergovernmental bodies such as ICES, BMB (Baltic Marine Biologists), IOC and IMO. Additionally, the Concerted Action will consider case histories (e.i. inventories of various types of transmissions) and their major pathways in order to assist in understanding the requirements for the development of adequate mitigation (treatment) techniques. Experts from EU countries will be brought together through a series of workshops held at sites of relevance to the subject. Various methods will be studied how qualitatively and quantitatively the fate of exotic species in ballast water may be examined. The CA will focus on: - Studying and comparing case histories - Develop a Standard Sampling Methodology for collecting and analysing ballast water from ships for Monitoring purposes - Develop a Methodology to study in-transit survival of organisms. - Assessing control measures to reduce risks arising from ballast water releases - Developing a joint research programme on methods of distributional mapping - Create Public awareness on ballast water issues - Consider European waters as donor area. - Document European studies on introduced species in the past. Deliverables to be produced will - among other documents - include: - A working manual will be produced to cover species accounts ... Prime Contractor: Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel, Institut für Meereskunde, Fischereibiologische Abteilung; Kiel; Germany.
Das Projekt "Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Pflanzenschutzmassnahmen im (Winter)Raps auf das Auftreten bzw. die Hoehe von Rueckstaenden im Honig, im Wachs und an/in Honigbienen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Pflanzenschutzamt Schleswig-Holstein durchgeführt. ...Waehrend der Bluetezeit des Rapses besteht jedoch auch die Notwendigkeit, Schadinsekten und Schadpilze zur Vermeidung wirtschaftlich bedeutsamer Verluste mit chemischen Mitteln zu bekaempfen... Ermittlung der durchschnittlichen Belastung von Rapshonig auf der Handelsstufe mit Rueckstaenden von zugelassenen Pflanzenbehandlungsmitteln, die an bluehendem Winterraps angewendet werden (landesweite Statuserhebung); Ermittlung des Einflusses der Praeparat-Aufwandmenge auf die Hoehe der Rueckstaende im Honig; Ermittlung des Einflusses der Ausbringungstechnik (Bodengeraet; Hubschrauber) auf die Hoehe der Rueckstaende im Honig; Ermittlung der Direktkontamination von Flugbienen mit Wirkstoffanteilen; Versuche, diese Direktkontamination durch Unterbindung des Flug-betrie-bes waehrend der Ausbringung und bis mind. 2 h danach zu vermeiden/verringern; Einfluss der Sammelzeitdauer auf die Rueckstandshoehe bei Veraenderung des Abstandes zwischen Ausbringungs- und Schleuder-zeitpunkt; Untersuchung von Bienenwachs desselben Programms auf PSM-Rueckstaende; Zusaetzliche Ermittlung von Tierarzneimittel-Rueckstaenden nach Behandlung von parasitaerer Bienenkrankheiten im Stock (Var-roatose) (Brompropylat, 4,4 -Dibrombenzophenon (Pyrolyseprodukt)) in Bienenwachs; Erarbeitung der erforderlichen Rueckstandsanalysenmethoden (Kapillar-Gaschromatographie; Bestaetigung der Befunde (Massenspektrometrie)). Lebensmittelrechtliche und hygienisch-toxikologische Bewertung der Rueckstaende...Anwendungsempfehlungen... Ergebnisse: In 4 Proben (von 56) der Ernte 1984 wurden keine Rueckstaende ermittelt; in 10 Proben konnte ein Wirkstoff nachgewiesen werden, waehrend in 32 Proben zwei, in 9 Proben drei und in einer Probe vier Wirkstoffe detektiert wurden. In 52 Proben wurden die Wirkstoffe... Vinclozolin, Dialifos, Methoxychlor, Endosulfan und Procymidon festgestellt. Brompropylat und 4,4 -Dibrombenzophenon, Phosalon und Endo-sulfan-sulfat konnten in keiner Probe nachgewiesen werden...In demselben Programm wurden auch 60 Bienenwachsproben gezogen und nach Erarbeitung einer geeigneten gaschromatographischen Methode rueckstandsanalytisch untersucht (Wiederfindungsraten 47 - 70 Prozent; zugesetzte Wirkstoffgehalte zwischen 0,1 und 1,0 mg/kg). Ergebnisse: Neun Proben waren rueckstands-frei. In 47 Proben konnte ein Wirkstoff nachgewiesen werden; waehrend in zwei Proben zwei bzw. drei Verbin-dungen gefunden werden. In 51 Proben wurden die Wirkstoffe... Vinclozolin, Brompropylat, 4.4-Dibrombenzophenon, Procymidon festgestellt... Angesichts der ausgepraegten Lipophilie einiger der untersuchten Verbindungen, der mehr-fachen Wiederverwendung kontaminierter Wachs-Chargen in der Imkerei und der Bedeutung von Bienen-wachs fuer die kosmetische und pharmazeutische Industrie muss bei der Verwendung dieser Stoffe beson-ders sorgfaeltig umgegangen werden.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 55 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 55 |
License | Count |
offen | 55 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 55 |
Englisch | 31 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 51 |
Webseite | 4 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 41 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 48 |
Luft | 39 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 55 |
Wasser | 39 |
Weitere | 55 |