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Messstelle 200m uh. Waldsee (bei Inn km 174,4), Fließgewässer Hammerbach

Die Messstelle 200m uh. Waldsee (bei Inn km 174,4) (Messstellen-Nr: 204866) befindet sich im Gewässer Hammerbach. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands.

3D/4D Architektur von chromosomalen Bruchpunktregionen im Zellkern nach Bestrahlung von Normalzellen und Tumorzellen - Vorhaben 3610S30015

Eine Herausforderung in der medizinischen Strahlenbiologie stellt die Entwicklung von effektiven Analysemethoden zur korrekten Beschreibung der Entstehung onkogener, chromosomaler Aberrationen (z.B. Translokationen) dar, um somit präventive Behandlungsmethoden zu entwickeln. Die ersten Ereignisse in der Bildung verschiedener strahleninduzierter Aberrationen stehen im Zusammenhang mit charakteristischen Veränderungen der räumlichen Chromosomenorganisation und deren 3D-Struktur in Kernen somatischer Zellen. Daher ist es das Ziel des Projektes, die strukturellen und biologischen Mechanismen, die hinter diesen charakteristischen Veränderungen liegen, besser zu verstehen. Entsprechende Kenntnisse dienen auch der Entwicklung von zusätzlichen diagnostischen Verfahren, wie zum Beispiel der Bestimmung der Strahlensenempfindlichkeit. Somit kann durch die Berücksichtigung von Parametern wie der Organisation und Struktur von Chromosomen eine optimierte Strahlentherapiekontrolle entwickelt werden. Die Genomarchitektur liefert einen übergeordneten strukturellen Kontext zum Verständnis molekularer Krankheitsursachen. Anordnung, Position und Morphologie von Chromosomenterritorien (CT) sind in der Interphase nicht zufällig, sondern vielmehr von prinzipieller Bedeutung für das Ergebnis chromosomaler Instabilitäten. Obwohl verschiedene Untersuchungen die räumliche Nähe kanonischer Translokationspartner auf der Ebene ganzer Chromosomen bestätigen, war es aufgrund der beschränkten optischen Auflösung mit 3D Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopieverfahren nicht möglich, Substrukturen zu analysieren. In diesem Verbundprojekt sollen daher neue Verfahren der hochauflösenden optischen Mikroskopie, insbesondere Lokalisationsmikroskopie, angewendet werden, um die 3D Detektion einzelner Moleküle und Molekülkomplexe zu ermöglichen. Mit Hilfe dieser Neuentwicklung sollen Konformationsänderungen von Chromatin im Auflösungsbereich von wenigen 10 nm nachgewiesen werden.

Messstelle Transekt 35, See Chiemsee

Die Messstelle Transekt 35 (Messstellen-Nr: 108388) befindet sich im Gewässer Chiemsee. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands.

Messstelle Transekt 31, See Chiemsee

Die Messstelle Transekt 31 (Messstellen-Nr: 108368) befindet sich im Gewässer Chiemsee. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands.

Messstelle Transekt 24, See Chiemsee

Die Messstelle Transekt 24 (Messstellen-Nr: 108334) befindet sich im Gewässer Chiemsee. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands.

Messstelle Transekt 4, See Großer Ostersee

Die Messstelle Transekt 4 (Messstellen-Nr: 121321) befindet sich im Gewässer Großer Ostersee. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands.

Messstelle Br. Waldrand Kochheim, Fließgewässer Schornreuter Kanal

Die Messstelle Br. Waldrand Kochheim (Messstellen-Nr: 96513) befindet sich im Gewässer Schornreuter Kanal. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands, des chemischen Zustands.

Effects of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on model systems of the intestinal barrier

Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NP) are often used in the food sector, among others, because of their advantageous properties. As part of the human food chain, they are inevitably taken up orally. The debate on the toxicity of orally ingested ZnO NP continues due to incomplete data. Therefore, the aim of our study was to examine the effects of two differently sized ZnO NP (<50 nm and <100 nm primary particle size; 123â€Ì614 mikromol/L) on two model systems of the intestinal barrier. Differentiated Caco-2 enterocytes were grown on Transwell inserts in monoculture and also in coculture with the mucus-producing goblet cell line HT29-MTX. Although no comprehensive mucus layer was detectable in the coculture, cellular zinc uptake was clearly lower after a 24-h treatment with ZnO NP than in monocultured cells. ZnO NP showed no influence on the permeability, metabolic activity, cytoskeleton and cell nuclei. The transepithelial electrical resistance was significantly increased in the coculture model after treatment with _307 _mol/L ZnO NP. Only small zinc amounts (0.07â€Ì0.65 mikrog/mL) reached the basolateral area. Our results reveal that the cells of an intact intestinal barrier interact with ZnO NP but do not suffer serious damage. Quelle: Artikel

Radioactive waste in the Asse II mine

From 1967 to 1978, around 47,000 cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste were emplaced in the mine according to information from the former operator, the Association for Radiation Research (now known as Helmholtz Zentrum München, HMGU). Almost all low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste from the Federal Republic of Germany was disposed of in the Asse II mine. Some 67% of the waste volume originated from facilities belonging to power companies. Typical waste included: filters, scrap metal, paper, laboratory waste, building rubble, wood, slurries and mixed waste. Other waste was delivered by research institutes, the nuclear industry and other waste producers (from the medical industry, for example). Records allow the determination of how many drums are stored in the Asse mine, but there is some uncertainty as to whether these documents give a correct radionuclide and substance inventory for the emplaced radioactive waste. The waste declaration at the time does not meet today’s standards and is partially incomplete and incorrect. The BGE’s plans for retrieval assume that incorrectly declared waste was also emplaced in the Asse II mine. Since the facility came under the purview of nuclear law, considerable efforts have been made to eliminate uncertainties regarding the waste documentation. Even following very extensive inspections, there is no evidence that high-level radioactive waste is stored in the Asse mine. Emplacement areas and methods The radioactive waste was emplaced in a total of 13 former mining chambers from 1967 to 1978. Two chambers are located in the central section and 10 in the southern flank of the mine at depths of 725 and 750 metres. A further chamber is located at the 511-metre level. At the start of emplacement, the waste containers were stacked in an upright position. In order to make better use of the hollow space, the former operator subsequently began stacking them on their sides. The necessary individual handling of waste containers resulted in higher radiation exposure for staff and higher emplacement costs. From 1971 onwards, the waste was primarily dumped using a wheel loader. The simultaneous handling of multiple drums led to lower costs and lower radiation exposure for staff. It is with the use of this method, if not sooner, that it becomes clear that the waste was intended to remain in the Asse II mine. There were no plans for retrieval, and possible damage to the waste containers was disregarded. The surrounding rock salt was intended to provide long-term protection. An electric crane was used to lower intermediate-level radioactive waste into emplacement chamber 8a at the 511-metre level, where it was emplaced using the dipping technique. This method was used because, as a result of the significantly higher radiation exposure relative to the low-level radioactive waste, there was a need not only for a greater distance from the waste container but also for additional screening. Legal appraisal According to current laws and the state of the art of science and technology, the final disposal of radioactive waste in the manner employed at the Asse II mine would not be eligible for a licence. However, irrespective of the present-day assessment of emplacement operations at the Asse II mine, no laws were broken based on the legislation in force at the time. Radioactivity of emplaced waste Waste with a radioactivity of around 1 • 1016 becquerels (10 thousand trillion decays of atomic nuclei per second; as at 1 January 1980) was stored in the Asse II mine. Due to radioactive decay, the radioactivity had fallen to 2.2 • 1015 becquerels (2.2 thousand trillion decays of atomic nuclei per second) by 1 January 2019. The radioactivity currently corresponds to around a 200th of the radioactive content of a Castor container (type V/19 – 96 design containing a typical load). The estimation of the repository’s hazard potential depends not only on the emplaced radioactivity of the waste, but also on the substances that are emplaced and the harmful effects they could have on living organisms. If the radioactive waste were to remain in the Asse II mine, it would not be possible to demonstrate that the legal safety objectives would be met for the required periods of time. The waste is therefore to be retrieved from the mine. For further information on retrieval, please refer to the main topic on retrieval (German only) .

History of the Konrad repository

History of the Konrad repository The Konrad mine is a disused iron-ore mine in Salzgitter, Lower Saxony. The process of obtaining a licence for its use as a repository for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste began in 1982 and was completed in 2007. Since then, work has been underway on converting the mine into a repository for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste. Once this work is completed, the Konrad repository will be used to store a total of up to 303,000 cubic metres of radioactive waste with a maximum radioactivity of 5 x 10 18 becquerels (5 quintillion decays of atomic nuclei per second). Iron-ore extraction at the Konrad mine The ore deposits at the Konrad mine were discovered in 1933 at a depth of more than 800 metres during the search for oil. Although exploration of the deposits began in the 1940s, it was interrupted by World War II and was not completed until the 1950s. After just under two and a half years of construction work, Konrad Shaft 1 reached its final depth of 1,232 metres at the start of 1960. The construction of Konrad Shaft 2 then began around 1.8 kilometres to the south-east, on the site of the Salzgitter steelworks (now Salzgitter AG). Ore extraction began even before the underground connection between the two shafts was in place. The actual ore mining began in early 1964 and ended in 1976, when it was discontinued because the mining activities were no longer economically viable. Licensing procedure for the Konrad repository Given its favourable geology, the mine was assessed from 1976 to 1982 in order to determine its suitability as a potential repository for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste (according to the licence: radioactive waste with negligible heat generation). After the results of the survey indicated the site’s suitability, planning work on the repository began. In 1982, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) initiated the licensing procedure. Expert opinions were requested from over 70 authorities and environmental protection associations. The planning documents were completed by 1989 and were then submitted to the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment (NMU) as the competent licensing authority. The application documents were made available for public inspection for a period of two months, during which time the NMU recorded around 290,000 objections. The public hearing began in Salzgitter-Lebenstedt in September 1992 and ended in March 1993 after 75 days. Following a complete review of all documents, and taking into account objections and other requirements, the licensing authority granted the licence for Konrad in May 2002. Municipalities, districts, churches and private individuals filed eight complaints against the decision. In March 2006, the Higher Administrative Court in Lüneburg dismissed the complaints without granting leave to appeal. The ruling was confirmed by the Federal Administrative Court in March 2007. Conversion to a repository On its founding in 1989, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) became the operator of the Konrad repository. After the ruling was delivered in 2007, the BfS began working on implementation plans for the construction of the repository. The latest licensing requirements must be implemented during construction of the repository on an ongoing basis. Planning documents, some of which were already over 20 years old, must be updated, and around 500 ancillary provisions of the licence must be implemented. In April 2017, the BGE took over operating responsibility from the BfS as part of the restructuring of final disposal activities. Links to the topic Brief information on the Konrad repository

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