Dieser Datenbestand dient der Analyse atmosphärischer Zirkulationsbedingungen (Wetterlagen, NAO) im nordatlantisch-mitteleuropäischen Sektor wie sie von Reanalyse- und globalen Klimamodellen (Status: 2010) simuliert werden. Ausgewählt wurden solche Klimamodelläufe, die für Mitteleuropa oder Deutschland regionalisiert wurden. Mit dem Datenbestand kann einerseits die Eignung der verschiedenen Modelle zur Reproduktion der beobachteten Zirkulationsverhälnisse (1950-2000) geprüft werden. Andererseits können simulierte Änderungen (2001-2100) ausgewertet werden. Zusätzlich werden Temperatur -und Niederschlagsdaten bereitgestellt, mit denen die Wetterwirksamkeit der Wetterlagen je GCM bewertet werden kann.
Das Projekt "Teilprojekt: Rekonstruktion der Atlantischen Zirkulation zurück bis zum letzten Interglazial durch eine kombinierte Proxy-Anwendung an Sediment von ODP Leg 172 Site 1063" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation holds a key role in the climatic system of our planet, due to the transport of global heat and carbon. It is crucial to reconstruct the past distribution of water masses in order to estimate or model the future evolution. 231Pa/230Th and epsilonNd from deep sea sediments are promising proxies to derive the past paleoceanography, however, both are subject to specific limitations. In preceding projects the high accumulating sediment core ODP Leg 172 Site 1063 has been proved as an appropriate location for the application of both proxies. Therefore, by a combination of 231Pa/230Th and epsilonNd the past strength of ocean circulation will be examined in high temporal resolution back to the last Interglacial (Eemian). It is assumed, that temperatures during the Eemian were partly higher than during the Holocene. Thus, in regard to a recent global warming, the reconstruction of the past Ocean circulation may serve to anticipate future developments.
Das Projekt "E 2.2: Contributions of expanded raw material availability and waste utilization to sustainable fruit processing in the tropics and subtropics" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Lebensmittelwissenschaft und Biotechnologie, Fachgebiet Lebensmittel pflanzlicher Herkunft (150d) durchgeführt. Since the beginning of the Uplands Program in 2000, subproject E2 has been aimed at adjusted strategies for the utilization of mangoes, lychees and longans. The whole processing chain from fruit production through fruit processing to marketing has been studied in an interdisciplinary approach together with subprojects D1.1 (Fruit production) and E3.1 (Market potential) in Thailand. Various levels, such as raw material quality as well as technological and economic evaluation of fruit processing, have been investigated. In fruit processing, technological focus has been on fluid mango products. Continuation of E2 in phase 2 of the Uplands Program aims at sustainable food processing on two levels. Regarding quality profiles of raw fruits for fresh marketing or processing, quality and food safety aspects of fruits produced out of season is in the center of attention, since increased capacity utilization is expected due to increase or extension of harvesting periods per year, which should be based on ecologically compatible fruit production. Continuing research on mango processing, material circulation in food processing is intended by utilization of waste from fruit processing to recover by-products, especially pectins as gelling and stabilizing agents or bioactive fiber, prior to the use of residual waste as feed, thus reducing disposal problems and increasing added value by processing of the whole raw material into high-value main and by-products. Investigating the long-term effects of present and new off-season fruit production techniques applied by D1.1-2 (Alternate bearing) on fruit yield and quality in terms of appearance, basic components such as soluble solids, titratable acidity, vitamins and selected secondary plant metabolites (polyphenols), E2.2 is involved in the interdisciplinary research on the potential of off-season fruit production. Present public discussion on food safety, which is caused by increasing export problems due to exessive use of agrochemicals in Thailand, requires to test the effect of long-term application of paclobutrazol (PBZ) and KClO3. Both agrochemicals are presently used in root treatment of mango and longan trees, respectively, to induce flowering and off-season fruit production. Quantitative residue analyses in fruits will be performed by E2.2 applying GC-MS and HPLC. Conflicting reports on PBZ mobility in the plant support the need to prove the absence of non-tolerable PBZ residues in off-season mango fruits, thus strengthening the objective of D1.2 (Alternate bearing) in replacement of PBZ. Together with B2.2 (Agrochemical transport), residue analysis in the soil will be performed for the highly persistent triazolic plant growth regulator PBZ to monitor the impact of long-term application of PBZ on environmental risks in present off-season fruit production techniques over the period of phase 2. (abridged text)
Das Projekt "Entwicklung eines Brunnensystems zur In-situ-Grundwassersanierung mit auf- und abwaerts gerichteten Zirkulationsstroemungen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Institut für Hydromechanik durchgeführt. Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens ist es, die Wirkungsweise von Grundwasserzirkulationsstroemungen um mehrfach verfilterte Brunnen hinsichtlich ihres Sanierungsvermoegens in einem moeglichst realen Schadensfall unter Laborbedingungen in Grossbehaeltern der Versuchsanlagen von VEGAS zu messen und zu analysieren. In praktischen Sanierungsfaellen werden Adsorptions-, Stroemungs- und Transportparameter mit Hilfe von Laborversuchen an punktuell genommenen Bodenproben bestimmt. Versuche auf verschiedenen Massstabsebenen sollten Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der Bemessung von Sanierungsanlagen mit Zirkulationsverfahren auf Grundlage solcher Laborversuche aufzeigen. Das Forschungsvorhaben soll ein verbessertes wissenschaftliches Verstaendnis der Stroemungs- und Transportvorgaenge bei Grundwasserzirkulationsbrunnen in der Praxis liefern und eine Weiterentwicklung der Bemessungsverfahren fuer einen optimierten Sanierungsbetrieb umfassen.
Das Projekt "Modellierung des biogeochemischen Kohlenstoff-Zyklus" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bern, Physikalisches Institut, Abteilung für Klima- und Umweltphysik durchgeführt. Parallel to the glacial-interglacial climatic variations, the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide changed. Via the greenhouse effect, CO2 and other trace gases habe played an important role as climate forcing factors. The large changes in the climate-CO2 system connected with the ice-age cycles are one of the most fascinating and challenging problems of current climate research. The CO2 variations are probably linked to rearrangements of the large-scale ocean circulation, but the details of the mechanisms involved are not clear. We propose to develop a carbon cycle model of intermediate complexity between simple box models and 3-dimensional ocean circulation models. This shall be accomplished in the following steps: 1) Inclusion of the biogeochemical cycle of carbon and associated elements (nutrients, oxygen) into the 2-D dynamical ocean model, developed at the Institut d'Astronomie et de Geophysique at Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. 2) Validation of the 2-D ocean model by comparing calculated with observed distributions. 3) Study the sensitivity of the concentration and isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 to changes in marine biology, ocean circulation, temperature etc. 4) Identification of the causes of glacial-interglacial CO2 variations by comparing model results with paleo-observations from deep-sea sediments and polar ice cores.
Das Projekt "WOCE IV: Tracer" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Meereskunde, Abteilung Regionale Ozeanographie durchgeführt. During the past several decades, the atmosphere and the upper ocean have been tagged with Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs, components CFC-11, CFC-12) that had previously not existed in the environment. The CFCs are introduced into the deep ocean in regions of deep convection (reaching well below l000 m depth) like the Labrador Sea, the Greenland Sea, and the Western Mediterranean. Another mechanism is the sinking of CFC-rich water after overflowing a sill, for instance at the Denmark Strait between Greenland and Iceland. Since die CFC concentrations in atmosphere and upper ocean increased with time, one expects to find a temporal increase in die deep water as well. Studying the temporal evolution of die CFC distribution provides a means to estimate: - production rates of deep water, - the spreading paths of deep water, - the time scales of spreding, - the variability of water masses.
Das Projekt "Nutzung von Abwaerme fuer die Beheizung von Gewaechshaeusern" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Marion Gartenbau Handelsgesellschaft durchgeführt. Objective: To recover the waste heat available from a coal power plant to warm a greenhouse by treating it in such a way that it becomes possible to collect the thermal energy contained in the hot ashes gathered in the boiler combustion chambers. Forecasted annual energy saving is +- 1500 TOE. General Information: Waste water of the two electric generating sets of 120 and 300 MW in the Ensdorf coal power plant is to be used for the project. Low temperature waste water flow rate is 460 m3/h and the greenhouse, warmed by recovered heat, is located 3 Km from the plant. This is comprised of three systems, for, as follows: - energy recovery - delivery to and from the greenhouse - thermal devices for heating and temperature control. The energy recovery system involves the mixing of water and ash into 4 mm dia. granules; a basin to catch discharged water; a circulating pump to forward water to a heat exchanger, and a flow rate and temperature control system. Water is conveyed to and from the greenhouse via a 300 mm dia. pipe. The 25000 m2 greenhouse surface area is served by a pipe system and by a heat integrating system formed by an independent closed circuit. This is fed by an additional boiler, circulation pump and circuit. Service water is fed at 60 degree. C and the temperature difference between greenhouse and exterior is fixed at 30 degree. C for design purposes.
Das Projekt "Ocean margin exchange II - Phase II" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, GEOMAR Forschungszentrum fur marine Geowissenschaften, Abteilung Marine Umweltgeologie durchgeführt. General Information: The main objectives of OMEX II-II are the construction and understanding of the carbon cycle and its associated elements along the Iberian coast. This area is dominated by wind driven up welling events during the summer and by ria inputs and down welling during the winter. Coastal up welling areas are among the most productive biological systems in the ocean and therefore of particular economical interest. They are also characterized by large fluxes of organic carbon, nutrients and other trace elements which may be exported to the open ocean or rapidly deposited and buried at geological time scales. They are thus playing an essential role in the marine biogeochemical cycle of many elements. The study of the physical processes should provide knowledge of the local factors (wind and topography) affecting horizontal and vertical transport in relation to the general circulation. Special attention will be devoted to the role of filaments and eddies in the exchange of material between the coastal zone and the open ocean. Short time scale measurements of flows of carbon and nutrients through the food web will be performed during up welling events and occasionally in the winter during periods of down welling. On the other hand, spatial and seasonal variations of the inventories and fluxes of the carbon and associated elements will be investigated to obtain mass balances and to develop models of dynamic processes occurring in the water column. Since a large part of the primary production in the coastal up welling zones is rapidly deposited, a special attention will be paid to the understanding, quantification and modelling of the benthic processes related to biological activity and early diagenesis. A better knowledge of the carbon fluxes and budgets will improve our evaluation of the role of up welling in organic carbon production and fate in the marine system. This study may refine our understanding of the effect of coastal up welling on the global climate control and vice versa of potential effects of global warming on the up welling processes. Prime Contractor: Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Faculte des Sciences Appliquees, Chimie de l'Environnement; Bruxelles; Belgium.
Das Projekt "Housing project constructed from standardised solar house modules" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siedlungsgesellschaft Freiburg durchgeführt. General Information: The chosen plot of land is situated in one of Freiburg's subsurbs in Munzenweiler, south west of the main city. A total of 45 houses are included in the project. The project is organised and financed by the building owned by the municipality. The houses will be sold on the market. The houses are designed in a modular way enabling the owners to vary considerably the use of the building. The terrace-style houses will allow a relatively dense construction of houses and courtyards with one main and one adjacent building. They offer various possibilities for living, working and having the older generation on the same area. The energy savings are various: - By the combination and the adequate use of the rooms, living and working areas, the total needed building volume is reduced as well as the site of the development area. - By minimising thermal insulation above the German standard, special windows etc. - Ventilation system with forced circulation and heat recovery. - Passive use of solar energy by direct gain through large openings directed to the south and attached greenhouses. - Active solar domestic hot water systems. - Adequate household equipment like dish washers and washing machines linked to the hot water connect distribution. - Photovoltaic power generator feeding into the public grid.
Das Projekt "Gas-enrichment installation to upgrade coal-mine gas for the use in the Oberhausen gas distribution network" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ruhrkohle AG durchgeführt. Objective: To build a compressor and a gas-enrichment installation (pressure-change-adsorption system) to bring the coal-mine exhaust gas of the Sterkrade mines to a fuel value equivalent to that of natural gas and feed this gas into the gas network of Oberhausen. The nominal output of the installation is 3500 Nm3/h of upgraded gas. The reuse of the mine exhaust gas currently flared is estimated to save 9,152 TOE/year. In the FRG there are 22 coal-mines where this technology could be applied with similar benefits leading to a total saving of 1 per cent of the gas imported in the FTG (62.9 billion m3) equivalent to 192,890 TOE/year. General Information: The Sterkrade pit has 3 gas suction devices whose function is to eliminate the methane gas from the coal-mine. Some 20 per cent of the mine gas can be reused in the central boiler of the mine, but 80 per cent finds no application and is flared. This project intends to upgrade this gas to a quality suitable for distribution in the natural gas network of the town. The mine gas contains a methane portion varying from 26 to 44 per cent and must be enriched to 87 per cent. This is achievable by using a 'pressure-change-adsorption' installation (DWA-Anlage) which consists of separation-columns and a buffer storage tank containing molecular sieves. The mine gas passes through the separation-columns where the methane is adsorbed leaving a methane-free exhaust which is then partly recirculated into another column where it re-collects the previously adsorbed methane until the necessary concentration. The upgraded gas is then compressed and fed +/- 80 per cent into the network, and the remaining 20 per cent is used for covering the requirements of the mine. The total cost of the project amounts to DM 10,619,590.-. The 'DWA' equipment will be installed by Berghau AG Niederrhein (BAN), a 100 per cent subsidiary of the contractor. A contract covers the subcontracting by Ruhrkohle to BAN. Patent coverage exists.