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Web Feature Service (WFS) zum Thema Sozialräumliche Integrationsnetzwerke (SIN) in Hamburg. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.
Rund um die Unterkünfte für Geflüchtete wurden sozialräumlich ausgerichtete Angebote entwickelt, die die Integration der Familien in die Wohnquartiere verbessern und Teilhabe am sozialen Leben ermöglichen sollen. Die Bezirksämter haben in diesem Rahmen unterschiedlichste familienzentrierte Unterstützungsangebote entwickelt, die der Stärkung der vorhandenen Infrastruktur dienen, Zugänge zu den bestehenden Regelangeboten schaffen und bei Bedarf den Weg in spezialisierte Beratungsstellen ebnen.
Das Projekt "Peripheral Access: Mobil und umweltfreundlich - auch in ländlichen Regionen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutscher Verband für Wohnungswesen, Städtebau und Raumordnung e.V. durchgeführt. Umweltfreundlich und ohne eigenes Auto mobil zu sein: das ist in ländlichen Räumen oftmals besonders schwierig. Die Gründe dafür liegen im demographischen Wandel, in knappen öffentlichen Kassen und in einer unzureichenden Zusammenarbeit relevanter Institutionen. Das Interreg-Projekt Peripheral Access - 'Transnational cooperation and partnership for better public transport in peripheral and cross-border regions' - will daher die Mobilität in ländlichen Räumen, im Hinterland von Ballungsräumen und in Grenzregionen verbessern. Es sollen mehr Menschen davon überzeugt werden, ihr Auto stehen zu lassen und den öffentlichen Nahverkehr zu nutzen. Um das zu erreichen, setzt das Projekt auf neue Mobilitätsstrategien. So zum Beispiel auf Busse, die auch Fahrräder befördern, oder auf Rufbusse, die die Passagiere per Smartphone bestellen können.
Das Projekt "Soil aeration - the key factor of oak decline in Southwest Germany?" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften, Professur für Bodenökologie durchgeführt. Many research efforts to identify the key factors of oak decline in Europe conclude that it is a 'complex disease'. This result can hardly be falsified because of its fuzziness. A significant contribution of pathogene fungi is not without controversy, because the primary pathogenicity is not proven (Johnsson, 2004). Our starting point is the resarch of Gaertig et al. (2002) who found that on a spatial integration level of 28 oak stands in Baden-Wuerttemberg the symptoms of oak health are significantly correlated with soil aeration. Large-scale changes of soil structure in oak stands during the last decades can be attributed to the mechanization of logging (Vossbrink and Horn, 2004) as well as to a decrease of earthworm activity in acidified soils. In the proposed project we want to establish a relationship between roots and aeration-relevant parameters in a three-dimensional space. This laborious procedure is necessary because the soil-air access is highly heterogeneous and by this way forms a three-dimensional pattern. This makes one-dimensional models unefficient. By modelling the soil air access in a three-dimensional space we want to test the aeration hypothesis. Important indicators of rooting are clustering of fine roots, necrosis, or space discrimination. By assessing simultaneously soil-chemical and soil-physical parameters in the same spatial resolution, alternative hypotheses can be tested. As modelling tools point statistics, non parametric regression (GAM), and a three dimensional solution of the instationary gas-diffusion equation will be used.
Das Projekt "B 4.1: Land vulnerability and land suitability analysis in Northern Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre durchgeführt. As populations are steadily increasing in VN, farming land becomes scarce and new areas are opened up for cultivation, mainly in mountainous regions. On the fragile steep slopes deforestation and soil erosion are the well-known consequences. Land use in Yen Chau District, the study area in Son La, has significantly changed in the last decades. Until now, mainly soil degradation is reported on upland fields, but also soil erosion is increasing, both decreasing crop yields. In this project a database for topography, land use and soil properties within two subcatchments in Yen Chau will be created. The main goal of the project will be to carry out land suitability analysis and land vulnerability analysis, based on the data stored in the database, to provide tools for future sustainable land use planning. For this, a broad approach is intended by assessing land suitability for various crops, fruit trees and livestock production as well as to work out land vulnerability of the research area based on soil characteristics and topographic situation. The land suitability and vulnerability analysis will be carried out with the adopted SOTER (Soil and Terrain) approach. Normally used for a 1:500000 scale the SOTER technology will be developed for a 1:50.000 scale for two subcatchments. This is especially necessary because the closely cooperating projects C4.1 (Land use modelling), B5.1 (Water quality analysis) and G1.2 (Sustainability strategies) will rely on the spatial data of this scale. A totally new objective will be attempted by breaking down the SOTER technology to a scale of 1:5.000 for a village area in one of the selected subcatchments to regard the typical small-scale land use mosaic of a village area. Only with this scale the typical small scale land use mosaic of a village area can relatively precisely be mapped taking settlement areas, fish ponds, homegardens, fields, pastures, forests and scrubland as well as streams and creeks into account. With this approach it will be the first time possible to evaluate agricultural production on a village level using the SOTER technology. The SOTER database will be used with algorithms and soil transfer functions in order to derive soil suitability and soil vulnerability of certain areas. For the suitability analysis of different crops mainly the static approach for water regime, nutrient regime and potential root zone will be generated. As an important tool for decision making the erosion hazards due to water and especially gravity has to be visualized. As participatory soil mapping provides valuable additional information for land use evaluation and potential planning, this approach will be integrated on both the subcatchment and the village level in joint cooperation with A1.3 (Participatory Research). Finally, land use scenarios regarding different factors, e.g. change of cropping patterns, introduction of fruit trees, intensification of fish production or changes in market access, will be modelled.
Das Projekt "E 1.2: Multi-layer drying models for optimising high value crop drying in small scale food industries" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrartechnik, Fachgebiet Agrartechnik in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. Fruit tree cultivation is a suitable option for erosion control in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. However, seasonal overproduction and insufficient access to markets can cause economic losses. The possibility of processing fruits locally could contribute considerably to increase and stabilize farm income. Currently, fruit drying methods in these areas are yielding products of inferior quality. Pre-treatments such as sulphurizing are commonly used, but can make the product undesirable for international markets. In addition, high energy requirements increase production costs significantly. Therefore, the objective of subproject E1.2 is to optimize the drying process of small-scale fruit processing industries in terms of dryer capacity, energy consumption and efficiency and end product quality. During SFB-phase II in E1.1, drying fundamentals for the key fruits mango, litchi and longan were established. In laboratory experiments, impacts of drying parameters on quality were investigated and numerical single-layer models for simulation of drying kinetics have been designed. In SFB-phase III this knowledge will be expanded with the aim of optimizing practical drying processes. Therefore, the single-layer models will be extended to multi-layer models for simulating bulk-drying conditions. The Finite Element Method (FEM) will be adapted to calculate heat and mass transfer processes. Thermodynamic behavior of batch and tray dryers will be simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Drying facilities will be optimized by systematic parameter variation. For reduction of energy costs, the potential of solar energy and biomass will be investigated in particular. Further research approaches are resulting from cooperation with other subprojects. A mechanic-enzymatic peeling method will be jointly used with E2.3 for studying the drying behavior of peeled litchi and longan fruits. Furthermore, a fruit maturity sensor based on Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (ARS) will be developed in cooperation with E2.3 and B3.2. Finally, an internet platform will be built for exchange of farmer-processor information about harvest time and quantities to increase utilization of the processing facilities.
Das Projekt "Tropical High Altitude Clouds and their Impact on Stratospheric Humidity" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Clouds play a key role in the Earth's climate system by regulation of the incoming and outgoing radiation, chemical and dynamical processes. Ice clouds at high altitudes in the tropics, the so called tropical tropopause layer, are particularly important since this is the main region where air ascends slowly from the troposphere into the dry stratosphere. Thus, these ice clouds affect the stratospheric water vapour content which in itself is a main driver of radiative and chemical processes, e.g. ozone depletion, there. These clouds can either be of convective nature, or occur in convective overshooting cloud turrets, or they form in situ by large scale upwelling and cooling as subvisible cirrus. Although the latter occur frequently, little is known about the exact microphysical formation mechanisms and how they can be maintained. Previous modelling efforts using various different mechanisms, however, have failed to agree with the observed properties. This project aims to improve our knowledge of the impact clouds in the tropical tropopause layer have on stratospheric humidity, by studying their formation, maintenance, and occurrence frequencies.A set of state-of-the-art numerical models will be used to simulate the clouds in the tropical tropopause layer, taking advantage of their particular strengths. These models are the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model, the GLObal Model of Aerosol Processes (GLOMAP), and the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator (ACCESS). First, the questions related to the formation and maintenance of subvisible cirrus will be addressed. In a second step the impact of subvisible cirrus and overshooting convection on the stratospheric humidity will be assessed. Both the direct effects (e.g. injection of ice particles into the stratosphere) and indirect effects (e.g. change in dynamical processes) will be studied. In order to estimate the net effect, occurrence frequencies of both cloud types will be derived from a complementary set of ground based remote sensing observations from the Darwin site and satellite observation from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project. The data of airborne in situ measurements which I analyzed during my PhD will help to constrain and test the model simulations. A better understanding of the complex processes related to the clouds in the tropical tropopause layer will improve their representation in numerical models and thus, enhance the quality of model predictions. This will improve our ability to constrain climate predictions due to highly uncertain ice cloud processes. Additionally, knowing the impact of these clouds on stratospheric humidity will enable an improved quantification of their climate impact.
Das Projekt "Climate Impact Expert System (CIES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Today, plenty of data is available on the climate, agriculture or forestry which is neither integrated nor easily consumable by individuals or companies. However, climate data alone and integrated with other data sources is valuable information for economically relevant sectors such as agriculture, forestry, hydrology and (bio)energy production. The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), IT partner (wetteronline GmbH) and Bayer AG (specifically Bayer CropScience) are among the leading entities in their areas of expertise worldwide. The proposed work combines their expertise in the following fields: PIK: Climate research IT partner: Information systems Bayer: Plant protection The goal is in a first step to develop a consultant software product for agricultural problems (including hydrology and forestry) influenced by weather and climate. This product will achieve new levels of sophistication, with potential applications to various regions and areas of the economy (energy, water availability, forestry, health, stakeholder consultations etc.). Key innovations are as follows: - PIK is well stocked with different models for the computation of climate scenarios, hydrology and water resources, vegetation dynamics (including forestry and agriculture) which are to be coupled into a tool. There is no such model chain in the shape of an integrative tool so far. - The project aims at developing a client-server based system, which integrates climate and climate scenario from PIK, open data available in the internet, as well as knowledge about crops from our partner Bayer AG CropSciences. Access will be provided via a variety of web-enabled devices. - Although some institutions supply climate data and climate scenario data, the resulting effects on economically relevant sectors such as hydrology, agriculture or energy production are lacking. Within this pilot study, such scenarios integrating both climate and sectors will be provided for Germany to start with. - In turn, the scenario data compiled by the model system will be the foundation and data basis for a user tool that will enable future users to apply the data according to their specific demands in a very user-friendly format. - The aim is to deploy this information for as many regions and users as possible worldwide. Germany and selected regions from other climatic zones such as China and Africa will serve as pilot regions.
Das Projekt "Climate indicators on the local scale for past, present and future and platform data management" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Philipps-Universität Marburg, Fachgebiet Klimageographie und Umweltmodellierung durchgeführt. Predicting future climate change is in itself already difficult, especially in such complex ecosystems as the Andean mountain rain and dry forest as well as the Paramo. The common tools to simulate global climate change are global circulation models (GCM). Because of their coarse resolution they are not able to capture atmospheric processes affecting the local climate. For this reason a dynamical downscaling approach will be used to develop a highly resolved spatial and temporal Climatic Indicator System (hrCIS) to derive ecologically relevant climate change indicators affecting the ecosystems of South Ecuador. A local-limited area model (LAM) will be used to (i) generate a highly resolved gridded climatology for present day (hrCISpr) based on reanalysis data and (ii) to generate a highly resolved gridded climatology for projected future (hrCISpf) based on the new Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenario data. The output of the LAM for present day will be validated with in-situ measurement data and satellite-derived products to ensure the accuracy of the model for the simulations of the projected future. On the basis of statistical analysis of both climatologies changes in climate indicators such as air temperature and precipitation regime will be described. The proper storage, curation and accessibility of environmental data is of crucial importance for global change research particularly for monitoring purposes. This proposal will offer an adequate data management system for the Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring and Research. This will be archived by extending the web-based information management system FOR816DW (a data warehouse for collaborative ecological research units) with features like automatic upload interfaces, a workbench for integrative analysis and an user defined alert system, which will facilitate environmental monitoring for scientist as well as stakeholders. Beside the development of these innovations a main objective is the transfer of knowledge and information (know how, source code, and collection data) to our partners in Ecuador. For this, and to bring together the existing data sources, we cooperate with university and non-university parties in the joint establishment of a Data access platform for environmental data of the region. This will include considerations on long-term accessibility, which is envisaged by a data transfer to the planned German national data infrastructure GFBio.