This case study examined the structural change in the Ruhr area caused by the low international competitiveness of German hard coal mining over the period from the late 1950s to 2015. It analysed the structural change process and the structural policies implemented as a reaction to this process with the objective to make this knowledge available for future structural change processes in other (coal) regions by deploying various qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social and economic research. A discourse analysis helped to recognise who supported which structural policy approaches and why – and thus gives indications of the possible relevance of experiences for other regions. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 30/2021.
This case study examined the structural change in Lusatia caused by the system change from a centrally planned economy to a market economy in the period 1990-2015. It analysed the structural change process and the structural policies implemented as a reaction to this process with the objective to make this knowledge available for future structural change processes in other (coal) regions by deploying various qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social and economic research. A discourse analysis helped to recognise who supported which structural policy approaches and why – and thus gives indications of the possible relevance of experiences for other regions. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 32/2021.
In 2007 the German supreme federal authorities the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment ( BfR ) and the Federal Environment Agency ( UBA ) issued a joint research strategy known as ”Nanotechnology: Health and Environmental Risks of Nanomaterials”, lead-managed by BAuA. The paper defines the strategic objectives of research activities, identifies nanospecific research fields related to environment and health, and points to areas where research is urgently needed to protect workers, users and the environment. In 2013 the above mentioned federal authorities together with the National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) and the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) issued a review reporting on the status and important results of 85 research projects which were launched or monitored under the joint research strategy. It reflects the multidimensionality of the issues but also allows an initial outline of areas of risk. Future research should aim to prevent elaborate testing of many individual nanomaterials while making it possible to derive reliable information about how to protect workers, consumers and the environment.
More than ten years after the recommendation of the updated CLRTAP critical levels for ammonia, new findings on the effects of ammonia on vegetation have been discussed in a workshop in Dessau Scientists dealing with research on effects of ammonia on vegetation and ecosystems and those involved in the monitoring of ammonia in the environment were asked to present their recent research. In total 19 presentations from presenters from nine countries were dealing with a current review, models and future trends of NH3 across Europe in the first session, different ammonia monitoring networks in the second session and with vegetation effects (recent research on different scales) in the third session. The report contains a thematic literature review which was presented as a background document to the workshop and summaries of the talks. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 31/2023.
Thema des vorliegenden Textes sind Wandlungsprozesse, die – so die Annahme – Voraussetzung sind, um eine ressourcenleichte Gesellschaft zu realisieren. Für den Fall, dass kleine Veränderungen oder Eingriffe nicht ausreichen, sondern vielmehr radikale Veränderungen im systemischen Gefüge erforderlich sind, entwickelt dieser Band das Konzept des „Systemsprungs“ und dessen Rolle bei der Realisierung einer Ressourcenleichten Gesellschaft. Als Zugang zur Konzeption des Begriffs dienen bereits existierende Ansätze aus unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen. Es erfolgt dann mit der Untersuchung der Transformationsforschung die Bezugnahme auf einen Forschungsansatz, welcher den Übergang zu einer nachhaltigeren Lebensweise bzw. Gesellschaft zu erforschen und – als transformative Forschung – zu gestalten sucht. Kapitel 3 setzt die Diskussion aus dem Blickwinkel der Zukunftsforschung fort und analysiert verschiedene Konzepte von Auslösern radikaler Prozesse des Systemwandels. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 88/2018.
With this strategic research agenda, UBA identifies future research priorities for the development of urban areas which are based on environmental quality goals. Interfaces between disciplines and knowledge gaps in environmentally-oriented, socially responsible and health-promoting urban development are identified. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.
In the future, more and more people will probably no longer work in the office at the company's location or public institution, but from home, on business trips or in co-working spaces. What will the mobile working world look like in the future? What will happen to traditional office spaces? How will private spaces change? Where will people settle in the future? Which consumer products and services will be available where? This brochure from the "Foresight for climate protection" series examines the trends that will change mobile working in the future, how this may affect climate protection and what options there are for shaping climate protection policy. "Mobile Work in the Future" is a result of the project "Strategic Horizon Scanning of developments relevant to climate protection" with which the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, together with the German Environment Agency, is implementing measure of the Climate Action Programme 2030 adopted in 2019. Quelle:
Children are particularly vulnerable to environmental factors including indoor and outdoor air pollution. In order to present the state-of-the-art knowledge for the health effects for children related to outdoor and indoor air pollution, scoping reviews followed by umbrella reviews is conducted. Thereby, intervention studies are included as a special case of evidence generation as they may directly point to solutions to improve the situation. Prioritization of topics among numerous potential health risks and pollutants is based on available evidence, potential health impact on population level, potential individual health risks for exposed children, possibility to conduct interventions and specificity of the topic for children in Europe. For ambient air pollution there is strong evidence for effects on mortality, respiratory endpoints such as development of asthma, decreased lung function and lung function development, and respiratory infections. Similarly strong evidence exists for the development of asthma and severe asthma attacks in relation to secondhand smoke exposure. Further, studies provide reliable evidence for children exposed to mould to be at risk for a number of health outcomes of the respiratory tract including development of asthma, exacerbation of asthma, allergic rhinitis and wheeze. For numerous other outcomes there are indications of health effects, although uncertainty remains about causality. These health effects amount to substantial burden of disease in Europe. Unfortunately data on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce exposure levels and/or health risks in children are scarce. There is thus an urgent need for a better understanding of which interventions are most useful to prevent environmental health problems in European children. In future reports health effects in children from other research areas such as noise, climate change and chemicals will be dealt with. © European Topic Centre on Human Health and the Environment
Künftig werden wohl immer mehr Menschen nicht mehr im Büro am Standort des Unternehmens oder der öffentlichen Einrichtung, sondern im Homeoffice, auf Dienstreisen oder in Coworking-Räumen arbeiten. Wie sieht die Mobile Arbeitswelt in der Zukunft aus? Was geschieht mit den klassischen Büroräumen? Wie verändern sich die privaten Räume? Wo siedeln sich künftig die Menschen an? Welche Konsumangebote und Dienstleistungen wird es wo geben?. Die vorliegende Broschüre aus der Reihe "Vorausschau für den Klimaschutz" untersucht, welche Trends die Mobile Arbeit in Zukunft verändern werden, wie sich das auf den Klimaschutz auswirken kann und welche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten sich für die Klimaschutzpolitik ergeben. "Mobile Arbeit in der Zukunft" ist ein Ergebnis des Vorhabens "Strategische Früherkennung (Horizon Scanning) klimaschutzrelevanter Entwicklungen" mit dem das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz zusammen mit dem Umweltbundesamt die Maßnahme des 2019 beschlossenen Klimaschutzprogramms 2030 umsetzt. Quelle:
In the second horizon scanning process of the environment department, the following ten emerging future topics have been identified and elaborated that could be of high environmental relevance: - Quantum computing - Cryptocurrencies - Technological innovations on the way to climate-friendly air transport - New regionalism - Resilience as the basis of a sustainable society - Mobile work - Growing through crises: The EU's changing scope for action - World (dis)order - Shaping opinions in the digital age - The future of inner cities The future issues presented in this report have been identified in the context of the Corona pandemic and Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine. The report thus includes entirely new future topics as well as already known future topics that have been influenced by the pandemic and the war of aggression, but have acquired a new environmentally relevant quality. Quelle:
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