Das Projekt "Entwicklung von geeigneten Methoden, um das Potential von aktiven mobilisierbaren organischen Stoffen, Schwermetallen und Naehrstoffen in verschiedenen Boeden einzuschaetzen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Agrikulturchemie und Umwelthygiene durchgeführt. Total content of pollutant, carbon and nutrients allowed very limited ecological prediction.There exist significant differences in the ecological relevant portion of the pollutant, carbon and nutrients and their total content according to type of soil, type of plant, type of pollutant. The ecological relevant in soil are either short term mobile or long term mobilizable. It is known that large part of most of the pollutant and nutrients are bound to organic carbon. The organic carbon is decoposed through enhanced microorganisms activities due to climate change and thus nutrients and pollutants are released in to the soil solution (mobilized). The main objective of this project is to work out suitable biochemical determination method with the help of laboratoy and field experiments to find out active carbon fraction which would be mobilized (decomposed) during a period of few years. Leading Questions: 1. Which biochemical method is able to assess active carbon fraction which could be mobilized in few years time? Losses of carbon at short intervals are measured. A minimum period of 3 months was used for incubation. The losses are measured with the help of respiration measurements. The Carbon, N, and heavy metals concentrations in different extracts are measured. Changes in the concentration of C in these extracts would be compared to the carbon loss during incubation. The carbon loss in a particular extract would be correlated with the carbon losses in incubation experiments. Mobile or mobilizable=f(C-total, C-extracts, pH, clay content, etc.). This model would be tested in pot and field experiments. Chemical methods are standardizesd with help of incubation (biological) methods. Thus amount of mobile or mobilizable C, N and metals can be efficiently assessed as compared to biological methods. Chemical method or methods are efficient and can be carried out in very short period. 2. Are selected methods suitable to assess mobilizable active carbon for field conditions? Yes, some of the chemical extractants would be able to assess efficiently the mibile and mobilize fraction of carbon in field conditions. 3. What are the ecological influences of active carbon fraction? Due to temperature increase (climatic changes), the decomposition process of soil organic matter is accelerated. This would result in release of nitrogen and heavy metal into soil solution. Loss of carbon induce destruction of clay-humus complex. As a result of this, the soil structure is deteriorated. There is an excessive increase in nitrogen content in soil solution. This increase is lost either into ground water or into atmosphere or absorbed lavishly by crop plants. In all cases the ecosystems are being adversely affected.
Das Projekt "Optimierung der Quecksilberabscheidung in einer Klärschlammverbrennungsanlage" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Apparate- und Umwelttechnik, Professur für Umweltschutztechnik durchgeführt. In Pilot-Untersuchungen ist eine günstige Verfahrenstechnik zur adsorptiven Minderung der Quecksilberemissionen einer Klärschlamm-Verbrennungsanlage zu entwickeln. Schwerpunkt der Arbeiten ist das Flugstromverfahren mit den Einflußgrößen: Art des Adsorbens, Betriebstemperatur, Verteilung des Adsorbens im Abgasstrom, Abscheidung der Quecksilberspezies, Einfluß des SO3- und Staub-Gehaltes des zu reinigenden Abgases, Abscheidung im vorhandenen Elektrofilter, Abstimmung der Quecksilberabscheidung von Flugstromverfahren und nachgeschaltetem Wäscher.