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Found 160 results.

Sub project: Tree species effects on the release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from decomposing logs

Das Projekt "Sub project: Tree species effects on the release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen from decomposing logs" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bayreuth, Fachgruppe Geowissenschaften, Bayreuther Zentrum für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (BayCEER), Lehrstuhl für Bodenökologie durchgeführt. The release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from decomposing logs might be a significant contribution to their mass loss and an important C input to the soil underneath the logs. Here we will contribute to the BeLongDead initiative by investigating concentrations, properties and fluxes of DOM as influenced by tree species, forest management, climatic conditions and time of log exposure. Furthermore we will follow the fluxes of mineral N and establish DOM and N budgets of the logs by comparing throughfall fluxes and fluxes with runoff from the logs. The runoff water from the logs will be collected periodically at selected sites using small gutters placed underneath the logs. In total, runoff water from 120 logs will be sampled. All 13 tree species will be studied in the Hainich sites, while at Schorfheide and Schwäbische Alb sites only beech, spruce and oak logs are compared. The elemental composition of DOM (C, N), its spectroscopic properties and 13C signatures will be determined. In addition, the mineralization of DOM to CO2 by soil organisms is investigated in laboratory incubations. In cooperation with the other members of we will be able to achieve ground braking progress on the processes driving the decomposition of logs, the related DOM release and N turnover as influenced by tree species, wood properties, climate, insect and fungi invasion.

AIR4EU: Air Quality Assessment for Europe - from Local to Continental Scale

Das Projekt "AIR4EU: Air Quality Assessment for Europe - from Local to Continental Scale" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. AIR4EU addresses the needs for policy-orientated research on integrated air quality (AQ) assessment by monitoring methods and modelling at different temporal and spatial scales for regulated components in Europe: PM10 (and PM2.5), NO2, CO, SO2, O3 and benzene. Policy support on AQ assessment has been recognised a priority issue within the 'Clean Air for Europe-CAFE' programme. There are a wide variety of AQ assessment methods based upon monitoring and modelling, but these methods depend on the spatial and temporal scales, and are often not or only partially compatible. Consequently, there is a need for scientific sound and practical recommendations on how to integrate monitoring and modelling methods into internally consistent, comprehensive and cost-effective assessment methods. The aim of AIR4EU is to provide recommendations on AQ assessment for different temporal and spatial scales: ranging from hourly to annual and from 'hotspot'/street to continental scale. Case studies are implemented with partners in Paris, Berlin, Prague, London, Athens, Rotterdam and Oslo, to test and further develop the recommendations. AIR4EU will also prepare AQ maps at different scales in Europe based upon available data sets (monitoring, meteorology and emissions) and the recommended methods. The cooperation of European top-scientists from six member states representing four universities, two research institutes and eight user-partners will support the establishment of the European Research Area. AIR4EU will co-operate with on-going relevant projects (e.g. ENV-e-CITY; OSCAR; CLEAR; MERLIN) and networks (e.g. INTEGAIRE, CITY-Delta; POLIS), and specific liaison will be established with the CAFE programme. AIR4EU will disseminate its results by a Website and through Newsletters and Workshops to the scientific community, environmental authorities, policy makers and other stakeholders in AQ in Europe. Prime Contractor: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek - TNO; Delft; Netherlands.

Sub project: 231Pa/230Th profiles from highly accumulating Atlantic sediment cores - a proxy for deep water circulation over the past 30,000 years

Das Projekt "Sub project: 231Pa/230Th profiles from highly accumulating Atlantic sediment cores - a proxy for deep water circulation over the past 30,000 years" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. In the Atlantic Ocean sedimentary 231Pa/230Th below the production ratio of 0.093 are believed to mirror the advective export of 231Pa to the Southern Ocean due to the meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Times of shifted 231Pa/230Th related with prominent events of cooling and warming support the conclusion that variations in the MOC may incite climate changes. However, the impact of boundary scavenging on the 231Pa/230Th in the glacial Atlantic is a great matter of discussion.The goal of this project is to better understand the behaviour of 231Pa/230Th in Holocene and Glacial sediments both, in the open Ocean and in the upwelling areas in the East Atlantic. The ability to quantify possible boundary scavenging effects will substantially improve our understanding and the interpretation of sedimentary 231Pa/230Th-records as a proxy for the strength of MOC. To approach this goal sedimentary 231Pa/230Th profiles from two high-productivity cores off the coast of Namibia and one off West-Africa are compared with those from the North-, West-, and South- Atlantic Ocean. For the first time 231Pa/230Th from high productivity sediment cores from the African margin at adequate accuracy are being measured by AMS and ICP-MS. The analysis is focused on the last 30 kyr. The high accumulation rates of the selected sediment cores allow a very good time resolution. Therefore, it will be possible to examine the response of the sedimentary 231Pa/230Th to several short-term climate events (e.g. Heinrich Events).

Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European Region (TRANSFER)

Das Projekt "Tsunami Risk ANd Strategies For the European Region (TRANSFER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. The project main goal is to contribute to our understanding of tsunami processes in the Euro-Mediterranean region, to the tsunami hazard and risk assessment and to identifying the best strategies for reduction of tsunami risk. Focus will be posed on the gaps and needs for the implementation of an efficient tsunami early warning system (TEWS) in the Euro- Mediterranean area, which is a high-priority task in consideration that no tsunami early warning system is today in place in the Euro-Mediterranean countries. The main items addressed by the project may be summarised as follows. The present Europe tsunami catalogue will be improved and updated, and integrated into a world-wide catalogue (WP1). A systematic attempt will be made to identify and to characterise the tsunamigenic seismic (WP2) and non-seismic (WP3) sources throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region. An analysis of the present-day earth observing and monitoring (seismic, geodetic and marine) systems and data processing methods will be carried out in order to identify possible adjustments required for the development of a TEWS, with focus on new algorithms suited for real-time detection of tsunami sources and tsunamis (WP4). The numerical models currently used for tsunami simulations will be improved mainly to better handle the generation process and the tsunami impact at the coast (WP5). The project Consortium has selected ten test areas in different countries. Here innovative probabilistic and statistical approaches for tsunami hazard assessment (WP6), up-to-date and new methods to compute inundation maps (WP7) will be applied. Here tsunami scenario approaches will be envisaged; vulnerability and risk will be assessed; prevention and mitigation measures will be defined also by the advise of end users that are organised in an End User Group (WP8). Dissemination of data, techniques and products will be a priority of the project (WP9). Prime Contractor: Alma Mater Studiorum-Universita di Bologna; Bologna, Italy.

Integrated Observations from Near Shore Sources of Tsunamis: Towards an Early Warning System (NEAREST)

Das Projekt "Integrated Observations from Near Shore Sources of Tsunamis: Towards an Early Warning System (NEAREST)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung e.V. in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (AWI) durchgeführt. NEAREST is addressed to the identification and characterisation of large potential tsunami sources located near shore in the Gulf of Cadiz; the improvement of near real-time detection of signals by a multiparameter seafloor observatory for the characterisation of potential tsunamigenic sources to be used in the development of an Early Warning System (EWS) Prototype; the improvement of integrated numerical models enabling more accurate scenarios of tsunami impact and the production of accurate inundation maps in selected areas of the Algarve (SW Portugal), highly hit by the 1755 tsunamis. In this area, highly populated and prone to devastating earthquakes and tsunamis, excellent geological/geophysical knowledge has already been acquired in the last decade. The methodological approach will be based on the cross-checking of multiparameter time series acquired on land by seismic and tide gauge stations, on the seafloor and in the water column by broad band Ocean Bottom Seismometers and a multiparameter deep-sea platform this latter equipped with real-time communication to an onshore warning centre. Land and sea data will be integrated to be used in a prototype of EWS. NEAREST will search for sedimentological evidences of tsunamis records to improve or knowledge on the recurrence time for extreme events and will try to measure the key parameters for the comprehension of the tsunami generation mechanisms. The proposed method can be extended to other near-shore potential tsunamigenic sources, as for instance the Central Mediterranean (Western Ionian Sea), Aegean Arc and Marmara Sea. Prime Contractor: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR; Roma; Italy.

Development of macro and sectoral economic models aiming to evaluate the role of public health externalities on society (DROPS)

Das Projekt "Development of macro and sectoral economic models aiming to evaluate the role of public health externalities on society (DROPS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. The project aims to provide a full-chain analysis related to impact of health protection measures related to priority pollutants as identified by the Environment and Health Action Plan (EHAP), to support the development of cost effective policy measures against pollution related diseases and their wider impacts. The project will achieve this through extending and further developing existing methodologies, models and data to provide an impact-pathway-based model for evaluation of the role of public health externalities on society. The model will be made operational for the selected compounds. Specifically, the objectives are related to the following pollutants: ozone, heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, lead), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and indoor air pollution. Since a number of these compounds is carried on particles, PM may be used for some analyses. Main deliverables from the project will include evaluation of a number of emission scenarios using a cost-benefit analysis and incorporating macro-economic modelling. A coherent set of methodologies covering the indicated priority pollutants will be developed and applied in this evolution. The project objectives will be achieved in 7 work packages. WP 1 will extend current policy-relevant emission scenarios to cover all the targeted pollutants or pollution situations, and will provide data on costs of measures. WPs 2 and 3 will review latest research and incorporate information on dose/exposure/concentration - response relationships for health and non-health benefit endpoints of the targeted pollutants. They will also provide monetary valuation data. Based on WPs 1-3 and on macroeconomic analyses done in WP6, WP 4 will develop an integrated tool for the cost benefit assessment, which will be implemented in WP5. WP5 will also expand datasets created in WPs 1-3 and 6 with environmental information, to provide coherent input into the modelling. Prime Contractor: Norsk institutt for Luftforskning; Kjeller; Norway.

Fate of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in the Aqueous Environment and the Associated Effects on Organisms

Das Projekt "Fate of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in the Aqueous Environment and the Associated Effects on Organisms" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von RWTH Aachen University, Institut für Umweltforschung, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Ökosystemanalyse (ESA) durchgeführt. At present, a lot of research has been done concerning the effects of endocrine disrupting compounds after exposure of organisms via the surrounding water. However, there is limited data available on their environmental behaviour and fate. As the most potent xenoestrogens, such as 17a-ethinylestradiol (EE2), nonylphenol (NP) and Bisphenol A (BPA), are hydrophobic organic chemicals, they tend to concentrate in biota and bind to solid phases. Therefore further research should take into account the bioavailability of these substances, the possible exposure of and hazards for benthic biota and the possibility for food web transfer, bioaccumulation and mixture toxicity. This project intends to examine the distribution pattern of two different test substances in a sediment-water system that functions as a habitat for several organisms related to one another in a food chain. The chemicals, selected for this research, are p-NP and EE2, because of their known steroid hormone mimicking potencies, industrial relevance and relatively wide distribution in natural waters. In a first phase, larvae of the midge Chironomus riparius, that are sediment-dwelling organisms, will be exposed to the 14C-labelled isotopes of the test compounds, by different routes: through spiking the different compartments of the sediment-water system in all possible combinations and/or by feeding them spiked algae. The possible toxic effects of EE2 and p-NP on C. riparius, associated with the different exposure conditions, will be compared by means of chronic tests, based on the OECD Guidelines 218 and 219. Different endpoints will be considered: among others emergence, sex ratio and fecundity. Afterwards zebrafish (Danio rerio) will be involved to study among others food web transfer and the effectiveness of different exposure routes to stimulate e.g. vitellogenin induction. The results of the different parts of this research will be coupled and compared to the output of good theoretical models. In this way, a lot of information should be delivered concerning the path of the tested compounds, covered from the external environment, via the water and/or through the food chain, to be metabolised in biota or distributed to the target organ(s) of (an) organism(s) for exhibiting toxic effects or to bind to solid phases like the sediment or organic matter.

Description of the Nature of the Accidental Misuse of Chemicals and chemical products (DeNaMiC)

Das Projekt "Description of the Nature of the Accidental Misuse of Chemicals and chemical products (DeNaMiC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung durchgeführt. The overall objective of this project is to provide an overview of the nature and extent of injury from chemicals and chemical products in the European region and detail information on the circumstances of how these exposures occur. The outcomes of this research will improve understanding of accidental poisoning and exposure to chemicals in household consumer products. The aim is to identify what data are available to characterise the nature and extent of injury from chemicals in household consumer chemicals and chemical products within Europe, and to find out what conclusions can be drawn from these data sources. It also aims to explore the feasibility of extracting information from poison centres databases for the same purpose, both retrospectively and prospectively. It is envisaged that the project findings will be used to evaluate and improve risk assessment and risk management measures to reduce the incidence and severity of poisoning exposures. To address the specific objectives of the project the work has been divided into five subcomponents as outlined below. 1. Undertake a literature review of published statistical data on the nature and frequency of incidents and events related to accidental exposures to household chemical products to provide an overview of what information is currently available1. 2. Review the data collected by two poisons centres on the circumstances of exposure to consumer chemical products by undertaking a retrospective analysis of enquiries made to two key European poisons centres over a three year period. 3. Evaluate the information collected through the retrospective study to determine how useful these data are for risk assessment purposes and to what extent such data can be collected on a European-wide basis. 4. Undertake a review of risk management measures currently used to reduce risk of poisoning from chemical consumer products. This will include an assessment of the alerting mechanisms used by poisons centres and lessons learned from toxicovigilance activities (e.g. monitoring toxicity of commercial products or identifying products causing significant morbidity or mortality). 5. Design and execute a prospective feasibility study to investigate in more detail the circumstances of exposure to a defined set of consumer chemical poisoning incidents. The design of the study will take into account the results and recommendations of the other subcomponents. The study will involve four poisons centres (Lille, London, Göttingen and Prague) and will be conducted over a six month period. Selected cases reported during this time will be analysed to assess the effectiveness of controls and barriers. This will include information on the circumstances of exposure and severity of poisoning and an assessment of possible preventative measures.

Fate of 17-ethinylestradiol in the aqueous environment and the associated effects on organisms

Das Projekt "Fate of 17-ethinylestradiol in the aqueous environment and the associated effects on organisms" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von RWTH Aachen University, Institut für Umweltforschung, Biologie V, Lehrstuhl für Umweltbiologie und -chemodynamik durchgeführt. Introduction: In aquatic systems, the bioavailability of a compound is dependent on numerous factors such as partitioning between water, different organisms and solids, biotransformation and food web transfer. This project dealt with the fate of an important environmental xeno-estrogen, 17-ethinylestradiol (EE2), in the aquatic environment. Therefore, the kinetics of EE2 in indicator species representing the different trophic levels of an ecosystem were assessed. As primary producers, green algae (Desmodesmus suspicatus) were selected. The water flea Daphnia magna and larvae of the midge Chironomus riparius were introduced as primary consumers of the water phase and the sediment, respectively. Finally, water as well as dietary uptake of EE2 were investigated in a target species and secondary consumer: zebrafish (Danio rerio). Methodology: In a first series of experiments, uptake of 14C-labelled EE2 (14C-EE2) from the water phase and elimination by the different organisms were investigated over time. In a second test series, both primary consumers were fed 14C-EE2 spiked algae in order to study bioaccumulation. Uptake of 14C-EE2 by chironomid larvae after water and sediment spiking was compared, including sediments of different composition. In a third series of experiments, male fish were short term (48 h) exposed to 14C-EE2 through different routes: by water exposure (WE) and by dietary exposure (DE) via both contaminated daphnids and chironomid larvae. Distribution of 14C-EE2 in the fish was studied by measuring the amount of radioactivity (RA) in the different fish tissues. Additionally, the effect of EE2 on the vitellogenin (Vtg) induction in male fish was compared after WE and DE in a long term (14 d) experiment. The RA in liquid samples was quantified by means of liquid scintillation counting (LSC). Solid samples were subjected to combustion in a biological oxidiser, trapping (14)CO2, measured with LSC. Water and organism extracts were analysed by means of HPLC with a radiodetector, except for algae extracts that were subjected to TLC. Metabolites were identified with GC-MS, high resolution LC-MS and enzymatic hydrolysis followed by HPLC with radiodetection. Metabolites, detected in the water phase, were tested for estrogenic activity by means of YES and ER-CALUX assays. Results: Accumulation and effects: Of the four organisms mentioned above, bioconcentration of 14C-EE2 was highest in the algae. Whereas the growth rate of D. subspicatus was significantly affected at high EE2 concentrations compared to unexposed algae, EE2 had no acute effects on D. magna and C. riparius. Daphnids showed a higher bioaccumulation potential after exposure via spiked algae. For chironomids, water exposure was the predominant uptake route. The presence of sediment lowered the bioavailability of 14C-EE2 to the larvae after both water and sediment spiking. Nevertheless, uptake was higher when the nutritional quality of the sediment was better. Etc.

Ausgestaltung von NDCs

Das Projekt "Ausgestaltung von NDCs" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von NewClimate - Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability gGmbH durchgeführt. Unter dem Übereinkommen von Paris sind alle Länder verpflichtet, ihre nationalen Beiträge (Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs) alle fünf Jahre zu aktualisieren und zu verbessern und dadurch ihre Ambitionen mit jedem Zyklus zu steigern. Die ersten NDCs wurde ab 2015 als beabsichtigte nationale Beiträge eingereicht. Für den aktuellen Zyklus haben viele Länder ihre Aktualisierungen 2020/2021 eingereicht, andere sind noch im Aktualisierungsprozess. Ziel dieses Projekts war es, eine Methode zur systematischen Bewertung der Ausgestaltung von NDCs zu entwickeln und diese auf 20 NDCs anzuwenden. Es gibt zwar mehrere Instrumente zur Analyse von NDCs, aber nicht alle sind gleichermaßen umfassend, prägnant, replizierbar und vergleichbar. Unsere Methode zielt darauf ab, die Lücke zu schließen, indem sie diese Kriterien berücksichtigt und neue Erkenntnisse zur Ausgestaltung der NDCs liefert. Wir untersuchen die NDCs entlang von Schlüsselelementen, die für den Erfolg des NDC-Ambitionszyklus entscheidend sind: 1. erhöhtes Minderungsziel, 2. umfassende Darstellung, 3. Plan für die Umsetzung und 4. Transparenz. Diese Methode wurde auf 20 NDCs angewandt, wobei eine Vielfalt an geografischen Kontexten sowie NDCs mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten, Zieltypen und Minderungsansätzen berücksichtigt wurden.

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