Das Projekt "Bewertung der Schadschoepfung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Carbotech - Umweltanalytik, Beratung und interdisziplinäre Projekte durchgeführt. Leading Questions: Which aspects must be included in ecological valuations? How depends the result and the accuracy from system boundaries, examined aspects and so on? Abstract: The purpose of this project is to show the possible application fields of the fuzzy set theory in ecological valuations (LCA). This application fields are to be demonstrated in the coordinated project 'LCA of the Feldschloesschen-brewery'. Our work focuses on two topics of ecological modeling: a) Threshold values (TV) are used in LCA methods as weighting parameters to put emissions of different harmful substances in one single 'scale of harm'. The purpose of TV, to protect the whole nature, is defined linguistically by the law. Fuzzy Sets are a much better representation of linguistic definitions than crisp numbers. The modeling of specifical fuzzy-TVs, their synthesis to one TV and the extraction of a crisply defined TV has shown that the fuzzy set theory can be used as a flexible tool for modeling of the meaning of an TV. b) Complex systems in LCAs are sometimes difficult to define. The problems are the inclusion of qualitative data and the lack of exact knowledge about nature. With knowledge-based systems it is possible to 'build' intuitive models based on expert knowledge and to use qualitative data and estimations together with exact data. It is also possible to include synergetic effects which are known only qualitatively. Such a fuzzy model has been constructed for an LCA of Swiss agriculture. Complementary information: Development of a new valuation method on the basis of Fuzzy logic. This mathematical concept allows a better representation of the real world.
Das Projekt "LAMODATE: Lakustrische Ablagerungen als Monitoren von Dynamik im Grenzbereich Atmosphaere-Erdoberflaeche - 1. Projektphase: Kalibration chemisch-physikalischer Tracer, Testgebietstudien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Geologisches Institut durchgeführt. Leading Questions: Variations in the stable-isotope composition of Alpine and peri-Alpine surface waters are expected to ultimately reflect the different origins of the air masses (Atlantic vs. Mediterranean) - with superimposed factors such as seasonality- and altitude effects. Questions: - Is it possible, through calibration of the recent isotope patterns (and their extensions into the past via lacustrine proxy data) to reconstruct past changes in atmospheric circulation? - Is it possible through the calibration of annual varve deposits (thickness and grain-size parameters) to quantify local drainage characteristics (precipitation and ice-melt) and to follow them back beyond measured meteorological and hydrological records? Abstract: The project consists of two parts: I. Mittelland-lake sediments: their geochemical signal of climate change Oxygen isotope signatures in lake sediments provide information on past rainfall and atmospheric circulation pattern. Oxygen isotope curves from Baldeggersee and from Greifensee record distinct changes in precipitation since the end of the Little Ice Age. II. Alpine-lake sediments: their clastic response to climate change Sediments from the Engadine lakes store the Holocene erosion history of an alpine valley and the clastic sediment record documents the impact of glacial erosional activity on the alpine landscape evolution. Low sedimentation rates offer the opportunity to trace the erosional history throughout the Holocene. Complementary information: Water cycle processes leave characteristic signals in lacustrine sediments. However, more detailed information on the present natural variability is needed to obtain quantitative interpretations of climatic variations in the past. The scope of this project is to calibrate proxy-data in the present and to apply them to the interpretation of past climate changes. In the first phase of this project we will sample surface waters (rivers and lakes) and measure oxygen- and hydrogen isotopic compositions in order to obtain an insight into integration processes and patterns for the different climatic regions of Switzerland. We will also collect short sediment cores from selected lakes in order link modern proxy data to their environmental controls and to follow the most recent evolutionary trends. This calibration should then enable the objective interpretation of stable-isotope records preserved in sedimented lacustrine carbonates in terms of past climatic conditions. Clastic varves from lakes in the Engadine test-region will be used to determine variations of catchment runoff rates caused by changes in precipitation and/or temperature.
Das Projekt "NOIRAIGUE - Teilprojekt A: Beschreibung und Quantifizierung des Oberflaechen- und Grundwassersystems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Institut de Geologie, Centre d'Hydrogeologie durchgeführt. Colloids and particles are recognize as a major vector of pollutant transport. In this project, we focus on the influence of the water cycle on colloids and particles dynamic in a karstic aquifer covered by peat and agricultural land. We want to determine the hydro geological situations which deliver the most important fluxes of colloids. On one hand, we presently study the basin by field exploration and geophysical techniques to describe the major pass ways of water from atmosphere to spring. This should allow the delimitation of areas generating the most colloids. On the other hand we follow the particle distribution (PSD, from 0.05 to 60 mym) in water at different levels of the Noiraigue basin using many methods. The PSD is highly influenced by discharge both in the Bied brook and in the Noiraigue spring. More results should allow the description of the physical factors governing the movement of each size fraction of colloids. Complementary information: Noiraigue: Subproject A: 'Characterisation and quantification of the surface and groundwater system': Colloids and particles are recognized as a major vector of pollutant transport. In this project, we focus on the influence of the water cycle on colloids and particles dynamic in a karstic aquifer covered by peat and agricultural land. We want to determine the hydro geological situations which deliver the most important fluxes of colloids. On one hand, we presently study the basin by field exploration and geophysical techniques to describe the major pass ways of water from atmosphere to spring. This should allow the delimination of areas generating the most colloids. On the other hand, we follow the particle distribution (PSD, from 0.05 to 60 Nanometers) in water at different levels of the Noiraigue basin using many methods. The PSD is highly influenced by discharge both in the Bied brook and in the Noiraigue spring. More results should allow the description of the physical factors governing the moment of each size fraction of colloids. Noiraigue: Subproject B (B. Kubler): 'Organic and mineral colloidal particles in water from swamp soils to spring in karst system': Colloids and particles are recognized as a major vector of pollutant transport. This project aims to characterize these colloids in soil, groundwater and rivers of the Noiraigue spring basin. We determine the particle size distribution in water using many different methods (filtration, ultra centrifugation, laser sizer, chromatography, electronic microscopy) in order to perfect a methodology applicable to field.
Das Projekt "NOIRAIGUE - Teilprojekt C: Rolle, Transport und Wecheselwirkungen von Mikroorganismen mit biotischen und abiotischen Partikeln und Kolloiden (ROTIMIC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Neuchatel, Faculte des Sciences, Institut de Botanique, Laboratoire de Microbiologie durchgeführt. Future research will be undertaken mainly in two domains: A) Bacteriology domain: Our research on bacterial particles have the following goals: - To study the distribution of the different bacterial communities at different sampling points: in the Bied and in the Noiraigue spring. - To study the transport of bacteria in the karstic system, according to different metabolisms and physical characteristics. - To study the influence of selected colloidal particles on the metabolism and the protection of bacterial cell. B) Virology domain: The second goal of this project is to study the behavior (transport and survival) of different bacterial viruses (bacteriophages) in the Bied river and in the karstic system. All the observation and enumeration methods involved in this second part have been adapted and developed in our previous work. Complementary information: Microorganisms are implied in the formation, transport, transformation and destruction of biotic and a biotic particles and colloids. They are particles by themselves. Model microorganisms will be chosen to study the behavior of similar cells and particles in a complex system, comprising soils, surface water, inorganic and organic porous aquifers and karstic aquifers. Two type of bio-particles will be studied: bacteriophages (bacterial viruses, order of 0,1 micrometer in size) and bacterial cells (order of 1 micrometer in size). The relationships of the bioparticles with the liquid and solid phases of the ecosystems considered (survival, adsorption, transport) will be studied in the laboratory. Column and field tracing experiments will complete this approach.
Das Projekt "Entwicklung einer schweizerischen Struktur zur multidisziplinaeren Zusammenarbeit im Bereich biogeochemischer Zyklen - erster Teil" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Geneve, Departement de la Chimie Minerale, Analytique et Appliquee durchgeführt. Ce projet, appele ci apres 'programme', est soumis par l'ensemble du module 2 du PP-Environnement. Les moyens financiers seront utilises pour des besoins communs au module. Le programme a pour but (i) la mise sur pied d'une structure de cooperation Suisse multidisciplinaire, entre les differents groupes de recherche actifs dans les cycles biogeochimiques, (ii) en catalysant cette cooperation au moyen d'un projet experimental commun. Pour jouer pleinement son role de catalyseur, ce projet doit etre accepte par la majorite des groupes et permettre la participation d'un maximum d'entre eux. Pour cette raison le programme comprendra les phases suivantes: - rassemblement et synthese des informations sur les differents groupes: competences, appareillage disponible, projets en cours, etc.. - organisation de workshops pour definir la structure de cooperation optimum, et la nature du projet experimental commun. Evaluation de la faisabilite du programme; - realisation du projet commun avec workshops de coordination et discussion des resultats; renforcement de la structure de coordination; - synthese des resultats experimentaux; evaluation concernant le developpement de la structure de cooperation; preparation de la deuxieme etape du PPE. La nature precise du projet commun sera discutee par l'ensemble des participants, lors de workshops. Ce projet respectera les grandes lignes definies dans le plan d'execution du PPE en mettant l'accent autant que possible sur l'etude des flux de composes chimiques dans un ecosysteme complet, les relations entre micro- et macro processus et le developpement de technologies nouvelles specifiques (mesures in situ, modelisation..). On envisage d'etudier, par les differents groupes participant au projet commun, un certain nombre de processus complementaires pour comprendre la circulation de composes chimiques dans un seul ecosysteme (sol, lac, sediment, riviere, etc.). (FRA)
Das Projekt "CONCERT: Kollooidpartikel, Naehrstoffe und Toxine im Lago Ceresio (Lugano-See) - eine biochemische Teamarbeit" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Istituto Cantonale Tecnico-Sperimentale, Laboratorio di Fisica Terrestre durchgeführt. The project examines the influence of colloidal particles on biochemical cycles of nutrients, radionucleides and heavy metals with the aid of models and tracer experiments. The joint object of research is Lago Ceresio (Lugano). The results will be used to elaborate clean-up measures.
Das Projekt "Rueckstandsbehandlung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Institut für Geotechnik durchgeführt. Eine mengenmaessige Reduktion der als Reststoffe zu deponierenden Rauchgasreinigungsrueckstaende (RGRR) und Schlacken (KVS) aus den Kehrichtverbrennungsanlagen der Schweiz ist wuenschenswert. Dies soll erreicht werden durch eine weitergehendere Aufbereitung der RGRR und Schlacke, als dies heute moeglich ist. Durch diese Aufbereitungen sollen einerseits schwermetallfreie oder mit akzeptablen Mengen an Schwermetallen belastete Baustoffe im weiteren Sinne erhalten werden. Andererseits wird aus dieser weitergehenden Aufbereitung ein mit Schwermetallen angereicherter zu deponierender Rest resultieren. Dieser Rest soll so weit immobilisiert werden, dass er als Reststoff im Sinne der TVA deponiert werden kann. Ausgangspunkt des Projektes des Instituts fuer Geotechnik (IGT) ist die mineralogische Charakterisierung der Schlacke (oder von Schlacken, falls es verschieden zusammengesetzte Schlacken gibt). Fuer einige RGRR aus dem Kanton Zuerich ist dies bereits erfolgt. Fuer die weitere Aufbereitung ist es notwendig zu wissen, in welcher Form die Schwermetalle in den Materialien vorliegen. Ebenfalls werden in Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Sulzer und der EMPA Zuerich die aus der Aufbereitung (Sulzer) resultierenden Materialien chemisch (EMPA) und mineralogisch (IGT) charakterisiert. Die Immobilisierung der RGRR mit Ton wird weiter verfolgt. Es geht hier vor allem um die Langzeitstabilitaet der Immobilisierung. Das gleiche gilt fuer die aus der weitergehenden Aufbereitung von RGRR und Schlacke resultierenden, schwermetallhaltigen Reste. Die aus der Aufbereitung erhaltenen Baustoffe im weiteren Sinne werden auf ihre bautechnische Eignung hin untersucht. Weitere Untersuchungen in Richtung oekologische Kriterien (EMPA St. Gallen), biologische Vertraeglichkeit (Dr. Brandl, Universitaet Zuerich), humanbiologische Vertraeglichkeit (Dr. Wintermantel, ETHZ-IKW) erfolgen in Zusammenarbeit mit den entsprechenden Modulteilnehmern.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 7 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 7 |
License | Count |
offen | 7 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 7 |
Englisch | 7 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 7 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 7 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 7 |
Luft | 7 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 7 |
Wasser | 7 |
Weitere | 7 |