Das Projekt "DF-AMR.2: Übertragungswege auf karibischen Inseln: Eine Analyse im Rahmen des One Health Ansatzes (ACRAS-R) - Antibiotikaresistenzgenome und Resistenzgene" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Hydrobiologie, Professur für Limnologie (Gewässerökologie) durchgeführt. Ziel des ACRAS-R Projektes ist die Charakterisierung der AMR-Übertragungswege in einem Kontinuum von Klinik (Krankenhausabwässern) hin zur Umwelt (Meer und Tiere) auf der französischen Karibikinsel Guadeloupe. Wir werden sowohl einen globalen Ansatz mit Resistom- und Mikrobiomanalyse als auch einen spezifischen Ansatz mit der Analyse von nicht-resistenten und resistenten ESBL (Extended-Spectrum-Beta-Lactamase) E. coli Bakterien (WGS- und Plasmidomanalyse) durchführen. Dazu gehört die Analyse der Umweltbedingungen (Exposom durch Quantifizierung von Antibiotika, Bioziden, Schwermetallen, Schadstoffen) und der sozialen Bedingungen (Analyse von Resistom, Mikrobiom und E. coli in Flugzeugtoiletten). Ursprung von Resistenzen bleibt der Mensch, doch werden im Projekt zwei Wege zur Resistenz gegenübergestellt: Der Mensch, als Quelle von Wirk- und Schadstoffen in der Umwelt sowie der Mensch als soziales Wesen, das sich in stetigem Austausch befindet. Guadeloupe, eine französische Überseeinsel, eignet sich besonders gut für die ACRAS-R-Ziele, durch die Insellage, die geringe Bevölkerungszahl (395.700, hauptsächlich in der Karibik und in Europa), die geringe Fläche (1.436 km2) und statistischer Details zum Tourismus (735.200 Aufenthalte pro Jahr). Laut dem Human Development Index von 2013 (http://hdr.undp.org/) ist es ein Land mit sehr hohen Ressourcen, ähnlich dem französischen Festland (oder Deutschland), mit einem Gesundheitssystem von gleicher Qualität. Besonders interessant ist, dass das Universitätsklinikum von Guadeloupe (UHG) auf der Intensivstation (ICU) eine etwa fünfmal höhere Inzidenz von ESBL-Enterobacterales-Infektionen, als die für alle Intensivstationen auf dem französischen Festland gemeldete mittlere Inzidenz hatte.
Das Projekt "Glufosinat: Metabolismus in transgenen und nicht-transgenen Pflanzengeweben sowie Schicksal im Boden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von RWTH Aachen University, Institut für Umweltforschung, Biologie V, Lehrstuhl für Umweltbiologie und -chemodynamik durchgeführt. Glufosinat (oder Phosphinotricin) ist ein vergleichsweise modernes Herbizid, das seit etwa 25 Jahren in Gebrauch ist. Bei der Verbindung handelt es sich um eine Aminosäure; üblicherweise bezeichnet man das DL-Racemat als Glufosinat, das L-Enantiomer als Phosphinothricin. Die Verbindung ist Teilstruktur eines von den Pilzen Streptomyces viridochromogenes und Streptomyces hygroscopicus produzierten natürlichen Antibiotikums (Tripeptid: L-Alanin-L-Alanin-L-Phosphinothricin). Neben seiner antibakteriellen Wirkung zeigt Glufosinat eine nicht-selektive herbizide Wirkung. Der antibakterielle und herbizide Effekt geht nur vom L-Enantiomer aus; das D-Enantiomer ist inaktiv. Sowohl Glufosinat (Racemat) als auch das Tripeptid (Bialaphos oder Bilanaphos; mit L-Enantiomer) werden als Herbizide vermarktet. Die herbizide Wirkung von Phosphinothricin beruht auf einer Inhibition der Glutaminsynthetase. Glufosinat weist günstige ökotoxikologische Eigenschaften auf, z.B. bezüglich Versickerung, Abbau sowie Toxizität gegenüber Tier und Mensch. Auf Grund dieser Eigenschaften ist Glufosinat ein geeigneter Kandidat zur Herstellung gentechnisch modifizierter Herbizid-resistenter Pflanzen, um Glufosinat auch selektiv - im Nachauflauf - einsetzen zu können. Dazu wurden verschiedene Spezies, wie z.B. die Zuckerrübe, mit dem bar-Gen aus Streptomyces hygroscopicus transformiert. Das bar-Gen codiert für eine Phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase, die Phosphinothricin zum nicht herbizid-wirksamen, stabilen N-Acetylderivat umsetzt. Bei entsprechend hoher Expression des bar-Gens resultiert eine Glufosinat-resistente Pflanze. Ein Ziel unseres Forschungsvorhabens war es, den Metabolismus von Glufosinat und der einzelnen Enantiomere (L- und D-Phyosphinothricin) in transgenen und nicht transgenen Pflanzenzellkulturen zu untersuchen. Die transgenen Kulturen, die von der Zuckerrübe (Beta vulgaris) stammten, waren mit dem bar-Gen transformiert, exprimierten demnach die Phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase. Sie wurden aus entsprechenden Sprosskulturen initiiert. Daneben wurden nicht-transgene Kulturen von Zuckerrübe, Karotte (Daucus carota), Fingerhut (Digitalis purpurea) und Stechapfel (Datura stramonium) untersucht. In einer zweiten Versuchsserie wurden abgetrennte Sprosse und Blätter von 20 Wildpflanzen auf den Metabolismus von Glufosinat untersucht. Es sollte überprüft werden, ob qualitative und quantitative Unterschiede im Umsatz des Herbizids im Pflanzenreich vorkommen und möglicherweise eine natürliche (teilweise) Resistenz gegenüber Glufosinat existiert. Schließlich wurde das Schicksal des Herbizids im Boden (Abbau, Versickerung) nach Aufbringung des Wirksstoffs in einer handelsüblichen Formulierung auf ein bewachsenes Versuchsfeld im Freiland untersucht.
Das Projekt "Mycorrhizal response and nutrient uptake of old, new and organically bred winter wheat cultivars in low input systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau durchgeführt. The testing of crop cultivars on organic and conventional farms is often confounded by site heterogeneity. We compared the performance of a set of old, conventionally and organically bred winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars within the DOK long term trial in CH-Therwil in 2007. In the DOK trial organic and conventional farming systems are compared since 1978 in a split-split plot design with four replicates on a haplic luvisol. Yield (dry matter yield, thousand kernel weight, harvest index and nitrogen harvest index) and quality parameters (grain protein content, Hagberg falling number, Zeleny value, wet gluten content and gluten index) of ten cultivars were assessed in four systems: unfertilized control (NOFERT), bio-dynamic (BIODYN 1 and 2) and one conventional farming system (CONMIN) with different levels of total nitrogen inputs (0, 33, 66 and 140 kg ha-1, respectively). Effects of cultivars and systems on yield and quality parameters were statistically significant, genotype x system interactions were generally not detected. Grain yield increased from 2.7 (NOFERT), 3.7 (BIODYN 1), 4.2 (BIODYN 2) up to 6.8 t ha-1 for the conventional system CONMIN with an average protein content of 10.8, 9.4, 9.0 and 11.7%, respectively. No significant differences between cultivars were detected for yield in the organic system BIODYN 2, whereas in the conventional system CONMIN, cultivars bred under conventional conditions yielded significantly more than old cultivars. However, the protein content of old cultivars was significantly higher than that of modern cultivars. The results imply that breeding for yield was successful during the last century but only under high input conditions (7.6 kg ha-1 yr-1 in the conventional system CONMIN), where the development was accompanied by rising inputs of external resources (e.g. mineral fertilizers). Under organic conditions, yield increase with the year of release of cultivars was only 1.8 kg ha-1 yr-1 (in the organic system BIODYN 2) and modern cultivars could not outperform the old cultivars, irrespective of their selection environment. A redundancy analysis showed that yield was mainly determined by systems or the input of fertilizers, while the influence of cultivars was only minor. The redundancy analysis for baking quality parameters in contrast revealed that the influence of cultivars was higher than the influence of the systems. It is suggested, that long term system comparisons can ideally serve to test crop cultivars under identical soil and climatic conditions. Root colonization with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) was higher under organic than under conventional farming conditions but there was no evidence that breeding conditions were influencing AMF-root colonization of the different cultivars. We observed a positive correlation for AMF root colonization and shoot P at tillering and flowering under organic but not under conventional conditions. (abridged text)
Das Projekt "Clean Sky Technology Eco Design (Clean Sky ECO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH durchgeführt. The Eco-Design ITD (ED-ITD) gathers and structures from one side activities concerned specifically with development of new material and process technologies and demonstration on airframe and rotorcraft related parts stressing the ecolonomic aspects of such new technologies; from the other side, activities related to the All Electrical Aircraft concept related to small aircraft. ED-ITD is directly focused on the last ACARE goal: 'To make substantial progress in reducing the environmental impact of the manufacture, maintenance and disposal of aircraft and related products'. Reduction of environmental impacts during out of operation phases of the aircraft lifecycle can be estimated to around 20 % reduction of the total amount of the CO2 emitted by all the processes (direct emissions and indirect emissions i.e. produced when producing the energy) and 15 % of the total amount of the energy used by all the processes. In addition, expected benefit brought by the All Electric Aircraft concept to be highlighted through the conceptual aircraft defined in the vehicle ITDs is estimated to around 2% fuel consumption reduction due to mass benefits and better energy management. The status of the global fleet in the year 2000 constitutes the baseline against which achievements will be assessed. Progress toward these goals will result not only from ED internal activities but also from the collaboration with the relevant cross-cutting activities in GRA , GRC, SFWA (business jet platform) and SGO (electrical systems).
Das Projekt "How is the evolution of stratospheric ozone affected by climate change, and how strong is the feedback? (SHARP-OFC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. One major goal of this project is to analyse updated observational trace gas data together with stateof- the art models (CTMs and CCMs) in order to obtain a better understanding of the interaction between ozone and climate change and the underlying dynamical and chemical processes. The extended satellite, balloon and aircraft observations combined with improved model calculations (CTM and CCM) are used to further reduce the uncertainties in the bromine budget, in particular the contribution from VSLS (very short lived substances) and to further elucidate on the role of iodine in the stratosphere. Furthermore detailed studies on the long-term evolution (trends and variability) of observed stratospheric trace gases with foci on profiles of O3, NO2 and aerosols retrieved from SCIAMACHY are proposed. Future evolution of stratospheric ozone will be investigated using updated EMAC CCM model runs, some of them in combination with an interactive atmosphere-ocean feedback. In addition to issues on the climate feedback on future ozone, particular emphasis will be given to the increasing role of N2O and GHG emissions.
Das Projekt "Sustainable use of fruits of Bertholletia excelsa" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich für Weltforstwirtschaft und Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft des Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit durchgeführt. Objectives: Bertholletia excelsa Humb. and Bonpl. is one of the protected tree species of Amazonia in Brazil although classified as vulnerable acc. to IUCN. It is prohibited to fell trees and use their timber. However, the fruits, commonly known as Brazil nuts, can be harvested for local consumption and export. The objective of the project is to investigate a natural primary forest in Roraima, Brazil and assess the commercial potential for harvesting nuts, with special reference to international sustainability criteria. Although there has been no timber harvest in the forest in the past, nuts have been collected extensively by the local population - mainly for sale on the local markets. These activities were stopped in 2004. The research is closely connected to the natural forest management project. Results: Results are not yet available. However, preliminary data analyses reveal that - there is hardly any correlation between size of mother trees and available regeneration or available fruit mass located on the ground around those trees; - the amount of nuts per tree (approx. greater than 60 cm dbh) is very variable; - regeneration (seedlings and advanced growth) is sparse which makes long-term survival of the species questionable if collection of nuts in continued like in the past.
Das Projekt "Soil N dynamics as affected by different land use in Western and Southern China" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre durchgeführt. The aim of the research project is to quantify the stocks and turnover of soil nitrogen in Western and Southern China as dependent from soil structure and land use. Key soil characteristics are determined at representative sites with regional specific land use and degradation status. The investigations will follow a land use gradient of natural forests, arable and pasture soils, the latter ones considering different degradation and rehabilitation status. The actual and potential soil nitrogen turnover will be horizon-wise quantified and related to soil structure and land use impacts. Beside mineral nitrogen, also preliminary organic N compounds using physical and chemical extraction will be detected. Parameters for the investigations are, beside total C and N stocks and distribution, gross and net N mineralization, nitrification, microbial biomass C and N and microbial respiration and indicators for soil N turnover like active N pools and light fraction of organic matter. In the last phase the structure of the soil microbial microbial community will be determined and related to indicators of nitrogen status and efficiency. The research activities will be carried out in close co-operation with the Institute for Soil and Water Conservation/ Yangling University at loess soils and the Nanjing Institute for Soil Science/ Chinese Academy for Science in Nanjing at red soil sites.
Das Projekt "Grey water treatment in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Institut für Abwasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz B-2 durchgeführt. In ecological sanitation, the wastewater is considered not only as a pollutant, but also as a resource for fertiliser, water and energy and for closing water and nutrients cycles (Otterpohl et. al., 1999; Otterpohl et. al., 2003; Elmitwalli et al. 2005). The ecological sanitation based on separation between grey and black water (and even between faeces and urine), is considered a visible future solution for wastewater collection and treatment. Grey water, which symbolises the wastewater generated in the household excluding toilet wastewater (black water), represents the major volume of the domestic wastewater (60- 75 percent) with low content of nutrients and pathogens (Otterpohl et. al., 1999; Jefferson et al., 1999; Eriksson et al., 2002). Most of grey-water treatment plants include one or two-step septic-tank for pre-treatment (Otterpohl et al., 2003). The grey-water treatment needs both physical and biological processes for removal of particles, dissolved organic-matters and pathogens (Jefferson et al., 1999). Recently, many researchers have studied the grey-water treatment either by application of high-rate aerobic systems, like rotating biological contactor (Nolde, 1999), fluidised bed (Nolde, 1999), aerobic filter (Jefferson et al., 2000), membrane bioreactor (Jefferson et al., 2000), or by application of low-rate systems, like slow sand filter (Jefferson et al., 1999), vertical flow wetlands (Otterpohl et. al., 2003). Although high-rate anaerobic systems, which are low-cost systems, have both physical and biological removal, no research has been done until now on grey water in these systems. The grey water contains a significant amount (41 percent) of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the domestic wastewater (Otterpohl et al., 2003) and this amount can be removed by the highrate anaerobic systems. Although high-rate anaerobic systems have been successfully operated in tropical regions for domestic wastewater treatment, the process up till now is not applied in lowtemperature regions. The COD removal is limited for domestic wastewater treatment in high-rate anaerobic systems at low temperatures and, therefore, a long HRT is needed for providing sufficient hydrolysis of particulate organic (Zeeman and Lettinga, 1999; Elmitwalli et al. 2002). The grey water has a relatively higher temperature (18-38 degree C), as compared to the domestic wastewater (Eriksson et al. 2002), because the grey water originates from hot water sources, like shower (29 degree C), kitchen (27-38 degree C) and laundry (28-32 degree C). Therefore, high-rate anaerobic systems might run efficiently for on-site grey water treatment, even in low-temperature regions. The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor is the most applied system for anaerobic domestic waster treatment. Accordingly, the aim of this research is to study the feasibility of application of UASB reactor for the treatment of grey water at low and controlled (30 degree C) temperatures.
Das Projekt "Forest management and habitat structure - influences on the network of song birds, vectors and blood parasites" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Forstzoologisches Institut, Professur für Wildtierökologie und Wildtiermanagement durchgeführt. Forest structure is altered by humans for long times (Bramanti et al. 2009). The long lasting modification of forests pursuant to human demands modified the living conditions for birds as well as for many other animals. This included changes in resource availability (e.g., food, foraging, nesting sites) and changes of interspecific interactions, e.g., parasitism and predation (Knoke et al. 2009; Ellis et al. 2012). Also species compositions and the survivability of populations and even species are affected. The loss of foraging sites and suitable places for reproduction, the limitation of mobility due to fragmented habitats and the disturbances by humans itself may lead to more stressed individuals and less optimal living conditions. In certain cases species are not able to deal with the modified requirements and their populations will shrink and even vanish. Depending on the intensity of management and the remaining forest structure, biodiversity is more or less endangered. Especially in systems of two or more strongly connected taxa changing conditions that affect at least one part may subsequently affect the other, too. One system of interspecific communities that recently attracted the attention of biologists includes birds, blood parasites (haemosporidians) and their transmitting vectors. For instance, avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum) represents the reason for extreme declines in the avifauna of Hawaii since the introduction of respective vectors (e.g. Culicidae) during the 20th century (van Riper et al. 1986, Woodworth et al. 2005). With the current knowledge of this topic we are not able to predict if such incidences could also occur in Germany. All in all, different management strategies and intensity of forest management may influence the network of birds, vectors and blood parasites and change biodiversity. To elucidate this ecological complex, and to understand the interactions of the triad of songbirds as vertebrate hosts, dipteran vectors and haemosporidians within changing local conditions, I intend to collect data on the three taxa in differently managed forest areas, the given forest structure and the climatic conditions. I will try to explain the role of abiotic factors on infection dynamics, in detail the role of forest management intensity. Data acquisition takes place at three spatially divided locations: inside the Biodiversity Exploratory Schwäbische Alb, at the Mooswald in Freiburg, and inside the Schwarzwald.
Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 2: Akustik" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung e.V. in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (AWI) durchgeführt. Diel vertical migration and geographical distribution of our target organism krill (Euphausia superba, E. crystallorophias) but also other species e.g. myctophids, copepods (Calanus propinquus, Rhincalanus gigas), and other zooplankter (salps, pteropods, chaetognaths, amphipods) are detected by means of a four-split beam acoustic array (38, 72, 120, 200 kHz). Our major questions are: Do organisms migrate daily in relation to the light field, feeding conditions and/or to the predator field? Do populations of different species and/or different developmental stages of one species segregate in certain environmental conditions or different times of the year? How does the ocean current system influence the geographical distribution of zooplankton or krill populations? Is the geographical distribution of species subject to change and if so, what are the possible causes?
Origin | Count |
Bund | 449 |
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Förderprogramm | 449 |
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offen | 449 |
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Deutsch | 449 |
Englisch | 423 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 339 |
Webseite | 110 |
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Boden | 406 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 438 |
Luft | 357 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 449 |
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