Das Projekt "Esposure and risk assessment for fine and ultrafine in ambient air" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH - Institut für Epidemiologie durchgeführt. Objective: 1. Compare available particle counters to measure continuously concentrations and size distributions of fine and ultra fine particles in the urban atmosphere. 2. Assess the size distribution and elemental composition of respirable particles in different urban atmospheres in Germany, the Netherlands and Finland. General Information/Expected achievements: The project is expected to produce significant improvements in our understanding on size distributions, intercorrelations, and behaviour of fine and ultra fine particles in urban air in Europe and how to best measure them. This will also enable future studies to address the question, which characteristics (size, number, elemental composition) of respirable particles in ambient air determine their health effects. Methods Particle counters. The German Mobile Aerosol Spectrometer (MAS) consists of two different sensors covering different size ranges. Particles in the size range from 0.01 5m to 0.1 5m are measured using a differential mobility analyzer (DMA, TSI model 3071) in combination with a condensation nucleus counter (CNC, TSI model 3760). Particles in the size range from 0.1 5m up to 3 5m are classified by a laser aerosol spectrometer (LAS, PMS model LAS-X). In the Netherlands, similar equipment as in Germany will be used. Electric Aerosol Spectrometer (EAS) used in Finland is based on the electric measurement principal similar to the principle of EAA model 3030 of TSI, but significantly modified taking into account the needs of atmospheric aerosol studies in urban and rural environment. EAS has an enlarged measurement range from 0.010 5m to 10 5m divided into fractions. All fractions are measured in parallel and simultaneously. Other Measurements In addition to the particle counters, the following measurements will be done: CPC (TSI 3022A), 24-hour samples of PM10 and PM2.5 with impactors, metal composition of PM2.5 filters and continuous monitoring of gaseous pollutants and weather. Comparisons between different particle counters. The particle counters will be compared mainly running them side-by-side in ambient air conditions. Measuring campaign of ambient aerosols During the winter 1996-97, levels, gradients, and elemental composition of fine particles in urban sites in Germany, the Netherlands, and Finland will be determined. In each location, ambient air quality will be monitored at one site representing background urban levels of air pollution. Prime Contractor: National Public Health Institute, Unit of Environmental Epidemiology; Helsinki; Finland.